The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, May 01, 1913, Image 2

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mi in l 11 iu uiunui iuu ALL RECORDS BROKEN Large Attendance fit Chris tian Church Sunday Morn ing Last. Some three months ago,the Sun day school of Christian church placed a wooden clock on the front of the church with figures from 100 to 300 on it 's face •* indicate weekly attendance. The idea was to force the hands on the dock to 1 lie 300 mark hy the fourth Sunday in April. Hy personal work, the writ in of ess lys on “ffl’K CLOCK;" hy other methods, a great intercsr was soon noticahle in tin* Sun day school attendance. Th old and the young were determined to move the hands gradually for ward 'till the victory was won. The general average of atten dance for the past fourteen Sun days has been two hundred and four, hut the highfest mark reach el was last. Sunday when flu clock was to he taken down. In der the personal supervision of C <2MxmO C.*n>i. r m .>'* .*** w.HL-r e wnuTatjr> q *\. Fit st Christian Church, Pastor Reeves and Supt. Mayne, all forces rallied together last week with the one aim in mind, that being the reaching of the ‘.UK) mark before fh.e clock cane' down. To the pleasure and sur prise of all, the attendance on the last day passed the desired mark and went to four hundred and one amid considerable inter est and enthusiasm. One of the features of the day, was when tln> two oldest m-n present. Dr. Lanier and Dr. Saul, ders, two octogenariens, were asked to stand while the young est member of cradle roll, little Miss Dorris llardigree, the three months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Poster llardegree was pre sented to the Sunday school These and the members of the cradle roll present, were given the Chautauqua salute. Another factor worth men tioning in this school is the at tendance of sixteen officers and teachers sim-e the first Sunday in January. Only two have been absent or late. One teacher was absent one Sunday and one offi cer was tardy. An invitation was extended to Messrs. R. (). Ross and J. W. Car rington of the News force and Mayor (\ M. Feguson. These gen tlemen were on hand Sunday morning, and in short addresses expressed their delight at seeing so great a Sunday school and the interest manifested. Tile idea has now gone the rounds that five hundred shall he the goal in the future and but little interest is needed to push tin* mark beyond that num ber. The News learns that there were more than bOO attendants in the city Sunday schools Sunday. 500 DELEGATES Were J.n Attendance at the Georgia Sunday School As sociation at Elberton. (By a Delegate) A most enthusiastic meeting of ' the Georgia Sunday School Conven t.on was held in the First Metho dist church at Elberton, April 22, 23rd and 24th. Not less than To Eibertonians m t the train Tuesday with car riages and automobiles to escort the delegates to the homes and hotels to which they had been previously assigned hy Col. Z. B. Rogers, who met them in Atlanta and accompa -1 nied them to Elberton. The convention theme was “.Ser vice.'’ With this idea in mind -Service for Man, Church and God was the motive Urged in every phase of Sunday school work. The music of the convention, which is a most attractive feature, was conducted hy Prof. E. 0. Ex cell, of Chicago, Mrs. O. M. Pyron, of Cartersville, and Mrs. 11. P. Hunter, of Elberton. Many prominent speakers in Sun day school’work were on the pro gram, among whom were \V. C. Pierce, of Chicago, associate general secretary of the International Asso ciation of Sunday Schools; Joseph Joseph Broughton, of Atlanta, Jno. J. Eagan, Jno. I), Walker, Judge T. E. Patterson, Mrs. James D. Allen and Miss Flora Davis. One of the most interesting ad dresses was made by F. 1.. Mallory, <>f Macon, on “Soul Winning in the Sunday School.” A wave of ap plause greeted the remark: '*l would not allow a teacher in my Sunday school who attends theatres, plays cards or dances.” More than five thousand dollars was pledged the association for Sun day school work the coming year by Sunday schools and individuals. Ware and Henry were the ban ner counties in the state reaching the standard of organization in the past twelve months. This degree of perfection was largely achieved through the efforts of W. S. Booth, chairman of the W are county con vention, and J. T. Horton, chair man of the Henry county forces. Dr. Broughton, in speaking of the marvelous growth of the con vention stated that the lirst conven tion he"attended fourteen years ago opened with seven delegates, while this, tht 1 BMo convention, opened with nearly 400. Due of the most thrilling features of the convention, was the ten per anee address by Willie D. Upshaw, better known as “Georgia Cyclone’’. The next convention meets at Milledgeville, Ga. Rev. J. A. Wood, assisted by Kev. T. J. Morgan, is conducting a tent meeting in the mill district, and asks tlie co-operation of the • hurches. I V ■ y >. r,. m *■ BAPTIST NEWS. I First we want to congratulate our brethren of the Christian church on the great Bible school they had last Sunday. Of course we are some what envious of ‘heir numbers, hut we believe that now the time has come for them to follow suite with us in grading and otherwise making more efficient their school. Too we are glad to hear that the Methodists are contemplating similar progress in their Bible school. Let such continue until we have a thousand at least in our schools each Sabbath. In this connection we take pardon aide pride in stating that on next Sunday there will he presented to our school the A-1 Award of our Southern Baptist Convention’s Sun day School Board which signifies that relatively speaking ours is one of the very best in all the South in efficiency and accomplishment. We an- wanting at least 200 present next Sunday for that event. Then at the 11 :30 hour the pastor desires a full attendance of the deacons and men of the church to consult con cerning an all-important forward movement, on which hangs largely the church’s welfare. Too, on that occasion will he pre sented the advisability of organizing a Young Woman’s Auxiliary. Let us make it a great day. Wesleyan Methodist. Supt. W. E. Bray is very much encouraged over the steady increase in the Wesleyan Methodist Sunday school. Taking in consideration the small membership of this church compared with the other churches in the city no other school has a larger attendance. However, the officers are not satisfied with the re sults, and they are putting forth every effort to enroll many in that part of town who are not members of any Sunday school. This is the greatest field we know of in which to build up a school, and where much work needs to be done. The hour of the school is JUk) and Supt. Bray asks tin* other schools to co-operate with him and help to make the afternoon hour full of interest. * The school is putting forth efforts to make rapid strides and will an nounce the date of a rally soon. Christian Chapel. Rev. L. A. Winn, pastor of New Christian Chapel, will deliver his lecture “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” to the men of his congregation at the church next Sunday afternoon at 15 o’clock. This lecture was announced sev eral weeks ago in the News, hut on account of illness in Mr. Winn's family, he was prevented from fill ing the appointment. The meeting will l>e for men only, and all inter ested are invited. Rexall. Kidney Pills; 60 doses, ooc;your money hack if they fail. /)ea A Gmy:- JCaxiAa fiaA Leen ovrA £o see me £o £e££ me fieA £a oxil£eA. She'A foii £ha£ maid 6he had £ha£ waA Axich a iAfaiurf, 7low, i f Ahe'd £xxy £ino£exim for heA ki£ehen f£oor, a> a?'i/e Legged heA £o do, she u/oxt£dn' £ have *1 o mxieh £AoxiL£e keeping. he£p, <££ makes a ki£ehen or La£hAoom so mxieh eaAieA £o keep c £ean, and besides, i£ a£ways gives £hem a. mo/ic a ££Aae £ivc ap pe aAa nee. d've Lo\igh£ pAe££y new ma££mgs for my Led roomA £hi.A AximmeA. hey give £he rxigA a rfii, and aAe more January, ai-so, <?ome oi/f r and see £hem . foaLy flo hn deaA£y £oves £o p£ay in £he ki£ehen now. doxiA o£d ehxim, jCoxi. (P. S.-Isoxi wl££ find dandy £ ino£exnn A and ma££ingS Lf y oxi go down to W. T. ROBINSON Winder, Georgia. Dr. E. G. GRIFFIN’S Gate City Dental Rooms Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga^ Established Over 20 Years Come to Atlanta and have your dental work done by expert dentists. You save Money. Our office is equipped with most modern appliances for the painless practice of our profession. LOOK at these prices! Get the best work and best materials. Gold and Amalgam Fillings and all other work at reduced prices. All Work Guaranteed t th* 9 Ad with L Lf L L I you and get a tube jT\ JPj of tooth paste FREE Office Hours Bto 6. Sundays 9to 1. 24& Whitehall St. Over Brown & Allen’s Drug Store Bell Phone 1708-M TO FIRE INSURERS Can You Think in Millions? _ LOOK AT THIS Our total surplus is - $104,399,748.00 Our total capital is 28,160,619.00 Our total assets are - 257,631,708.00 Prompt attention given all business placed with us. We pay losses promptly and in full - F. W. BONDURANT & CO. WINDER, - - GEORGIA. Set of Teeth $5 Gold Crowns $4 Bridge Work $4