The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, July 10, 1913, Image 2

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By Miss Ida Lou Barron, (This excellent paper was read at. the cernmencunent exercises, Geor gia State Normal and Industrial College, Milledgeville, (it. It is good reading in this, the age of the poodle dog and the sufTrag ■tt*\) In this year of our Lord—to- day— and at the present moment, the most fundamentally vital and significant call which comes to us frolni the hills and fields and busy! city marts of our Empire State of Georgia, is the call for a; educated, trained motherhood. When we shall have answer ed this instinctive call which comes from the heart of our elov ed country; when we shall have given, to future generations of Georgia, that type of motherhood which shall nobly exemplify the God-given misson .of woman, then we shall have answered the weightiest problems that a wait solution. Then shall educational social, economic and political is sues be settled wisely and conclu sively because men—men whose lives are living examples of tri une development of man—shalj be given to us as a living testi monial of true motherhood. Why is the need for efficient motherhood the most significant necessity of the day? It is because motherhood is an intellectual and spiritual in fluence as well as a phys ical relation. t. si a univer sal truth that every individual mothers life radiates a powder which shall mean good or evil to her progeny. The poet who sub limely said, “Give us men,’” was only voicing the great desire of all peoples everywhere—“ Give us an educated trained mother hood.” I What evidence have we in our state today that her heart is cry ing for real mothers? First, a cas ual contemplation of the average Georgia youth of today will re veal the most unquestionable ev idence. Let us lift our eyes, not unto the far, blue hills, but unto the streets of any town in Geor gia, if we would realize the ineffi cieney of m >therhood today. Sec ond, the startling marital unrest which, permeates our social life and threatens the stability of the eonerstone of our beloved land : reveals the truth that America — yea, Georgia—girlhood has not received the training which en ables woman to fuliill her heart's desfy’e through the glorious sac rifice of motherhood. Thirdly, the dence everywhere that woman’s feminine unrest which is in evi coneeption of life has been mis leading because of unwise train ing. i * Study the nations of the world •—“search the pages of history” —and we shall find that those races who have preserved the pu rity and sanctity of the home as the cornerstone of the nation, have been those who have oh’er ished the loftiest conception of motherhood. Nor do we disparage, but rath er encourage the highest eul tural and vocational training for woman being firm in the faith that motherhood is that railing which demands the acme of a t hree-fold t raining —vocational, that happy, useful homes may he resultant; pedagogical, that a knowledge of child life may de vel p composite in inhoc and from the elements of undeveloped in stinct; cultural, that our land miv he made glad by “seers of visions an 1 dreamer-; of dreams Whence comes the answer tc this most urgent of Geor gia’s calls? ■' More 1 1 in a score of years ago the vision of a trained moth erhofd was given to cn l who her self was a moth< r. That vision has materialized in the institution of our state, which is of our peo ple, by our people and for our, people- for the training of true mothers and home-makers, name ly, the Georgia Norma] and In dufstfial college. Just what are we doing defi nitely in our three departments for tile training of mothers to that needed efficiency? Through the primitive mother, of true mo.herhood was stressed even in that ancient dawn when pedagogy and the classics were unknown. Th.ruout the ages this aspect of life has maintained its primal significance, and today three constituents of the compos ite, true motherhood are: The ability to clothe comfortably and beautifully our little children; the ability to prepare, scientific ally.nourishing and palatable foo< and the intelligence to create a home that shall reflect natural beauty of God’s out-of-doors, and the atmosphere of which shall be characterized by peace and love. The development of this domes tic efficiency goes band in hand with the development of culture; for there is, in itself, no study more cultural and at, the same time more utilitarian, than that of Domestic Science. The aims, then of our important domes tic department are to train young women for true motherhood, and to train them) to teach others the fundamentals of home making. And in the final analysis,.an intel ligent knowledge of Domestic Sci ence is a basic stone in the up building of the homes of Georgia. So, in recognition of this truth, the industrial course is a prom inent one in the Georgia Normal •anti Industrial college. Yet neither domestic efficiency nor ability to develop it in oth ers alone insures the happiness of homes. A pedagogical knowl edge of life—of the several com mon human instincts, as well as that insight into human nature which deals intelligently and sym pathetically with idiosyncras ies in both husband and children is an important el ement. in efficient moth erhood. Hence, the Normal De partment of the college with its beauty of theory—and yet the ac tual,practical experience with the precious lives of children. More over, a girl is brought in touch with various *eaehers and associ ates which afford valuable, peda gogical training. She loses self in? her desire to help others; her opportunities for the exercise of tact, resourcefulness, originality and self-reliance and sympathy are limitless. The domestic and Normal De partments are closely and har moniously correlated, each em bodying the basic aims of the others. The nicest analysis of °ur Normal Department is that all motherhood must need he ben efited and made transcendency beautiful, since it makes the true teaching spirit, one of its attri butes. The purpose of our Normal Department is to train the Ooach ei\s to find the way in o the hearts of the most incorrible lit tie waifs; to bring gladness to all lonely little souls and to decide what manner of man shall this he. We need ho h the domestic and normal training, for, if we recapitulate briefly, while either would train a woman to fit a child for living, is not tile her itage of oiir children to have life and life more abundant? I'he Great Teacher ,of Nazareth ;iti 1 of all the world taught wom an her mission through 11 is di vine exemplification of the truth, "I came not to be ministered un to, but to minister. ’’ And veri tably the acme and glorious eon summation of woman's work is reached when sin l ministers unto the spiritual need of the child ren of the wirld. All the world, vs a child, and all true women . -and Aluminum Cooking Ware SALE NOW ON AT Woodruff Hardware Co.’s New Store j We invite every lady in Winder and near Winder to visit our NEW STORE and inspect our large new stock of Enamel Cooking Ware Nickle Plated Copper Ware and Aluminum Cooking Ware. • We have everything in the cooking utensil line at very low prices, Berline Kettles, Tea Kettles, Coffee Pots, Berline Sauce Pans, Pie Pans, Milk Pans, Milk Cans and many other useful articles all to go at very low prices. The season for cooking fruit is here and you have an opportunity to select from a large new stock and we will appreciate a call from you. __ . _ . / Woodruff Hardware Cos. WINDER, - GEORGIA mothers —mothers to minister un to the world’s spiri'ual needs. Therefore, our college has per meated its atmosphere with a literary spirit. Our classical course is intended to give to the minds those cultured treasures, than which nothing is more practical. For, while we concede that there is fully as much beauty in radish roots and nasturtium stems as there is in the roots and stems of Latin variety, a knowledge of the latter proves an “open se same” to the world of untold beauty which casts |a halo of ap preciation about the world of prose. * 1 The sweet, far-tinkling music of harps Aeolean attunes the ear to music of the sewing machine, churn and broom; and' a journey over land and upon Pegasus inspires us to tread with renewed energy the little, humble path, of every day. The light from fair, shining castles in Spain is a ben ediction unto the house by the side of the road; “tile sweet in fluence of the Pleiades” is re flected in the (hearts of ordinary men. / A sojourner of the literary world comes away wi'h visions many and beautiful, which shall bring forth others, and, in the heart of a mother, they* make of her sons and daughters “ seers of visions and dreamers of dreams” There shall come to our youMi visions of golden age—socially, politically, morally and spiritual ly. ! And when the seeds from our trinity of educational fields fall upon the productive life of Geor gia girlhood to blossom into a beauteous womanhood, then are we elevating the home and its glorious mission; then shall we have given to our beloved Geor gia mothers who have taught their children to realize ideals by idealizing their real. Then ignorance and crime shall be no more because through thes- mothres we have taught our hoy and girl the beauty of life and the sacredness of its origin; and mothers shall ‘have whispered to baby souls things wonderfully sweet. Then shall the divorce evil flee, because mothers shall have taught sacredness of mar riage. Then shall the age of chiv alry return and knighthood flow er again. Then shall we rear a mighty race of men and women, who shall not he disobedient to the heavenly vision but who labor for God and home and narv land. We shall give unto our youth life —life more abundant. Wt shall produce a man “°f whom nature may stand up and say to the world, ‘This is a man.’ ” We shall answer the quest of the poet who said: “God give us men. The time de -1 mauds Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor, men who will not lie.” And we shall rear a heroic type of womanhood, the dimen sions of whose heart are exact ly 8,000 miles in diameter and 25,000 in circumference- —a wom an—not educated in a universi ty, perhaps but better far—edu cated in God’s own great uni verse, of which, it is our highest ideals to be a perfect epidome. Then shall the Amrican girl not he one of the perils of the Amer ican boy hut a noble and efficient helpmate whose future generation will rise up and call her blessed. And when the ranks of the great shall have gathered in some fair summerland of fields Flysan when many shall receive the ?o >d and faithful servant," it blessing of. Well done, thou shall be said to thee, little Geor gia mother who answers the call of today: “Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.” Rid Your Children of Worms. You can change fretful, ill-tem pered children into healthy, hap. py youngsters, by ridding them oi worms. Tossing, rolling, grinding of teeth, crying out while asleep, accompained with intense thirst, pains in the stomach and bowels, feverishness and bad breath, are symptons that indicate worms Kiekapoo Worm Killer, a pleas ant candy lozenge, expels the worms, regulates the bowels, re stores your children to health and happiness. Mrs. J. A. Brisbin, of Elgin, 111., asys: I have used Kick apoo Worm Killer for years, and entirely rid my children of worms. I would not do wthout it. Guaranteed. All druggist, ‘or by mail. Price 25 cents. Kicka poo Indian Medicine Cos. Phil adel ph-ia and St. Louis. Ko-Ko-Kas-Kets Powerful and effective For Constipation and Torpid L IV E R. 60 DOSES for 25 cents. Your money back if they fail. Guaranteed by Dr. J. T. Wages Drug Cos. —A nd— Red Cross Pharmacy. Both Phones 62. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable DR. PORTER S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL, a sur gical dressing that relieves tain and heals at the same time. Not a linime:.t. 25c. 50c. SI.OO.