The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, July 31, 1913, Image 2

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H. E. PAT AT The Old Reliable Blacksmith Try him on the hard jobs. We make a specialty of scientific horse shoeing. We guarantee to stop any horse from interferring. High Grade Rubber Tire work. H. E. P A T A T Agent for Etna Blacksmith Coal. Cor. Park Ave. and Athens St., WINDER, GA. SHAVING PARLOR—HoteI Winder. -a- HOT AND COLD BATHS. CHASTAIN & ROSS, Proprietors. SCH EDTJTJE Gainesville Midland Railroad Effective Aug. 25, 1913. South Bound. (Daily Except Sunday.) No. 21— A. M Arrive Winder, 10:34 Leave Winder, 11:00 No. 23 P. M. Arrive Winder, 6:05 Leave Winder 6:20 (Sunday Only.) No. 25 A. M. Arrive Winder, 10:32 Leave Winder, 10:23 No. 27 P. M. Arrive Winder 6:08 Leave Winder, 6:09 Nos. 22 and 26 connect at Winder with Seaboard for Atlan ta, at Belmont for Gainesville and Athens. No. 24 with Sea board going North and South, at Belmont for Gainesville and Athens. advt LAUNDRY AGENCY. I represent the Athens Empire Laundry Cos , which is one of the oldest and best laun dries in the state. Everything in their place is kept clean and sanitary, and they turn out work of the highest quality. A trial will con vince you and make you a regular customer. My basket goes off every Wednesdayand is’re turned Saturday. Leave your laundry at Griffeth, Hill & Co.’s store for me. Work called for and delivered in the city. PAGE C. GREGORY. LANIER, ROSS & COMPANY. REAL. ESTATE. Farms and City property in South, Middle and North Georgia for sale. List your farms with us and let us find you a purchase. ----- ADDRESS J. L. LANIER, Manager Room 304 Winder Bank Bldg., Winder, Georgia. North Bound. (Daily Except Sunday ) No. 22 A. M Arrive Winder 6 :49 Leave Winder, 7:05 No. 24 P. M An ive Winder, 2:25 Leave Winder, 2:35 No. 26 (Sunday Only.) A. INI Arrive Winder, 7:19 Leave Winder, 7:20 No. 28— P. i Arrive Winder, 2:50 Leave Winder, 2:51 “P. C ” in the Heavens Means “Plow Corn.’’ i Vice-President Marshall. Aurora, 111., July 27. —“Too many persons who see she sign 'P. CP in the Heavens think it means ‘Preach Christ’ when it means ‘plow corn,’ said Vice President Thomas R. Marshall today in addressing 20,0<J0 persons who had gathered at Moose Heart, 111,, to attend the % laying of the cornerstone for a 50,000.000 industraial school and home for orphaned children and the aged. The institution is to be emot ed by the Loyal Order of the Moose. Dog Days Here. Atlanta, Ga., July 31 —Georgia has entered into the trying period of the dog-days, and the ill omened star is agrdn blazing in the sky. Swimming has ceased to be a very popular sport in the lakes around Atlanta, owing to the belief which has existed from time immemorial that dangerous vanors rise from even the purest streams during this pe riod of the year. According to the belief of negro “mammies” and others versed in southern folk-lore, the snakes go blind during this time, and are all the more dangerous because in a state of madness which causes them to strike blindly at anything that comes near them. In a locality like Georgia where the evil influence of the dog-days is generally believed in, it may be in teresting to note that the idea con necting the star Sirius with insup portable heat and prevalent disease has descended from remote an tiquity. Homer called it*‘the evil star,” and the Romans had the same idea. The “dies canicular,” which hs plain Latin for dog-days, were re garded as the unhealthiest time of the year in Rome and it was con sidered deadly to walk in the sun at that time of year. This belief has persisted to modern times in Italy, and there is today a proverb among the lower classes at Naples, that “only dogs and Englishmen walk in the sun.” It is related of Ovid that when he fell ill during the dog days, he sacrificed a deg to propitiate the wrath of the star, and was cured. Unsightly Face Spots. Are cured by Dr. Hobsons Ec zema Ointment, which, heals all skin eruptions. No matter how long you have been troubled by itching, burning, or scaly skin humors, .just put a little of that soothing antiseptic, Dr. Hobsons Eczem a Ointment, on the sores and the suffering stops instantly. Mr. Alleman, of Littletown, Pa., says: “Had eczema on forehead; Dr. Hobson’s Eczema Ointment cured it in two weeks.” Guaran teed to relieve or money refund ed. All druggist, or by mail. Price 50 cents. Pfeiffer Chemical Cos., Philadelphia and St. Louis. nOODHITUITLOUULIJ DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky.—ln an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: “I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but 1 was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and 1 gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can nc.v walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing my work/'. If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don’t give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman’s tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years of wonderful success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Ladies’ Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions on your case and 64-page book. "Home Treatment for Women,” sent in plain wrapper. E 66-3 FOR SALE, Four Small Farms in Wilkes County. On Georgia Railroad. Not South Georgia, but Middle Georgia; good red land, inost of it cleared. In high state of cultivation. Good ne w house on each place. School house on one place, located on two public roads, in sight of railroad station. 45 acres, 30 acres, 77 acres and 112 acres. See us and make your se lection. Can give you easy terms. Woodruff Hardware Cos., Winder, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS B. E. PATRICK. Watchmaker 1 Winder Banking Cos. Bldg. Second Floor. 1 G. A. JOHNS, Attorney at Law. 'Winder, Ga. Office over Smith & Carithers’ Bank. Practice in all the courts except City Court of Jefferson. W. H. QUARTERMAN. Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Practice in all the Courts Commercial law a specialty. SPURGEON WILLIAMS * Dentist, Winder, Georgia Office over Smith & Carithers hank. All work done satisfac torily, Phone 81. W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery. Winder, Georgia Fillings. Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific, and satis factory way. lUJNG DISEASE ‘•Alter four in our family had died of consumption I was taken with Ia frightful cough and lung trouble, I but my life was saved and I gained 8? pounds through using ! DR. KING’S NEW DISCOVERY W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. 5Cc ard $1 V? AT AIL CR'JSCISTS. SftjuiZSLOSl 'mmsSSammaSMWm: “That speech of y©*W hst night, old chap, filled me with enthusi asm. Who wiotc it fof you?” “Your wife is a splendid and a highly sensible woman; how in the world did ycu manage to win her?” “Come in, cld boy; we were just talking about you—and I’m mighty glad you didn’t hear what we were saying.” “W’henever I look at you, Mibbs, I can’t help wondering what there i3 about you that makes me have a sort of liking for you.” “I don’t believe you ever got drunk in your life, friend Swig ham; if you ever did, though, it was at somebody else’s expense.” BITS OF WORLDLY WISDOM j W 7 e all love peace, when things are coming our way. _ i Life is a grind, but it at least sharp ens a man’s wits. Look out for the fellow who is al ways looking out for himself. Lots of men tire themselves to death looking for an easy place. About the only things some seem able to keep are late hours. It's a poor plan to try to pull your self out of trouble with a corkscrew. We are most apt to realize that time is money when the interest comes due. Real wisdom seldom comes to a man till he is too old to take advantage of it. Especially where flirting is concern ed, a little learning is a dangerous thing. . , A / The one time man doesn’t mind put ting his foot in it is when he steps in to a fortune. About the only man in the world who is satisfied with his job is the self-made man. Many a man who would hesitate to make a wife of his cook will make a cook of his wife. It seems the irony of fate that while the grass widow is in clover, the real widow Should be in weeds. , Many a business man who claims he Wants only a fair profit must have in tnind a church fair profit. A letter of recommendation from a Sunday school superintendent doesn’t carry so much weight with a prospec tive employer, as one from a responsi ble person who knows the bearer the other six days in the week. NONSENSICAL OR OTHERWISE Some men are living refutations of the existence of a fool killer. The best way to stop a woman’s tears is to tell her they make her nose red. Some men are born great, and then they miss the pleasure of telling how they did it. Some people seem to get a lot of enjoyment in keeping others from en joying themselves. Charity covers a multitude of sins. But don’t let that worry you. A lot more will spring up. The things that don’t concern them are the very things that give some people the most concern. When girls are not busy picking husbands they are busy picking quar rels with those who are. The greatest drawback to the pur suit of wealth is that wealth always seems to get its second wind. The only, opportunities some people ever take advantage of are the oppor lunities to do the wrong thing. PHILOSOPHICAL When a contrary man agrees with you it’s a safe bet that you are in the wrong. We may sneer at mutual admiration clubs, but nearly all of us are on the waiting list. There would be no trouble about who had the last word were it not for the first. Every man is popular with some body, even though it may merely be with himself.