The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, November 06, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. XX.--16 Pages Extra Special for Men. Friday, Saturday and Monday OUR OPENING DAYS We will GIVE AWAY a genu ine FUR or FELT $2.50 HAT with every $12.50 Suit or up Thousands of Dollars Worth of Seasonable Merchandise in Clothing, Dry Goods and Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Goods to be disposed of in the next Ten Days regardless of their former price and value at J.L. Saul’s. Sale Begins Friday November 7th, Lasting Ten Days. Look Here! 20 Dozen Boys’ Knee Pants, 75c and $1 qual ity; sizes 5 to 17; while they last at 48 Cents. . Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. * # I 4. W 1 # 58 Men’s all wool Suits, guaranteed to hold L.Ot INO. 1! color and shape; many blue serges *7nf in this lot; sold everywhere for sls, at T 4- M O* HO Neat, handsome Tailored Suits, in the LiOt ItO* Z l latest weaves, regular S2O qual- 6*l O Of ty; while they last.__ J 4- M Q. 92 hand-made Suits, in Serges and Novelty fLOI iNO* 5* shades; the very Suit you pay $ 1 *7 Cl A $25 for now at J> 1 / .OU OVERCOATS: St;" .T,', S'™ ," E i"ts3.9o OC Extra long Overcoats, heavy weight, in all col- &/? A& ors, the kind you pay $lO for; in this sale at • -i -l /> All wool CRAVANETTE Overcoats; guaranteed to hold 11U color forever; will turn rain and cold. They QA are sl2 50 everywhere; biggest bargain yet offered Black unfinished Worsted Cravanet Overcoats 6*o OA / sls quality; we are offering them in this sale BOYS’ KNEE SUITS: ‘iY/e less than $2, some more. Choice in this sale at____P A rtn All wool Knee Suits in very neat and nobby col-6* O Of yU ors; well made, worth up to $4. Choice now at'P^ - *^^ mH Boys’ Suits in Worsteds, Serges and Cheviots; sold at $3.25 and $4.75 ODD COATS and PANTS: X^fTiVSi Odd Coats and several dozen Odd Pants, and can now fit you in an all wool broken suit which is well worth $8 at $3.90, or an Odd Coat without the pants at sl-95, $2, $2.75 and $3.50. They are worth more than double the price. $3 Ladies’ All Wool Sweaters & at $1.85 * $1.50 All Wool Misses’ Sweaters at 98c Winder, Jackson County, Ga., Thursday, November 6, 1913. GREAT VALUES , . # Awaiting You on Account of Low Tariff. On account of the low tariff which has just passed the U. S. senate many New York manufacturers find themselves loaded with goods which they know they can make much cheaper next year. Two large concerns have shipped us several thousand dollars’ worth of merchandise with instructions to dispose of them regardless of their former cost or value and if you visit our store during the next ten days you will find that you can dress your entire family here at hah what it will cost elsewhere. There will be hundreds of other bargains offered to the public that space does not allow us to give here. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. We have engaged several extra ladies and gentlemen clerks to wait on you. We can dress your entire family during these Ten Days for half what it would cost elsewhere. J. L. SAUL 9 THE CLOTHIER WINDER, GA. BROAD STREET Ladies’ Coat Suits, Cloaks, Dresses, Shirt Waists and Sweaters. Coat Suits in Worsteds and good linings; a real oppor- Jpy tunity for every lady who wants a Coat Suit *7 Ef and can’t pay a big profit; they go in this sale at _ An all wool Coat Suit, well made, very stylish, sells d*Q Qf at sl4 or sls everywhere. You get them here for Ladies’ and Misses’ Cloaks: Cloaks $4.90 75 $lO Caracel Cloaks at $5.90 35 $6 long Black Cloaks $3.90 60 $lO Long Black or Fancy Tan and Gray Cloaks now at $6.90 •! I y /■>! 1 75 Bear Skin Cloaks, red, blue Cmkiren S vxIO3,KS White and black sizes 1 3to 7; $2.50 quality. We put the price in this sale at. A• 4 n /j* y 1 10 Dozen Black Fur and Caracel IVIISSCS LdOEIKS* Cloaks, formerly sold at $5. You can have your Choice in this sale now at 4 Dozen all wool Cloth Cloaks, made ar4 J O HfL very stylish, at ipZ.ZD ailO Z. / D Ql •■. An all wool $3 Serge Skirt at $1 98. An all wool 4.50 Serge, Worsted or Voile Skirt at 2.95. 75 Skirts of all wool imported goods at $3.25, $3.90 and $4.50. ONE-PIECE DRESSES: £ 3.85. 50 all wool Dresses well tailored 7.50 quality at 490 rvn V AOnQ* 56 inch Waterproof 50c quality 38c JL/IX I vJ'-'v/L/tJ. 50c quality Mohair 39c. All wool Blue Serges 75c quality 47 l-2c. Best 10c Outing manufac tured 8 l-2c. Simpson 12 l-2c flannelette at 9 l-2c. Simp son’s Prints, guaranteed fast colors sc; AAA Sheeting 6 l-2c; AA Sheeting regular 6 l-2c quality at 5 l-2c. 25 Bolts of new Suitings worth from 35c to 45c per yard at 19c to 24c; 35c Table Linen 24c yard; 75c Table Linen 48c; 75c Window Cur tains 48c pair; 1.50 Window Curtains 98c; 40c Shades 24c pair. 50c Window Shades at 39c. BIG BARGAINS in BLANKETS. 16 Pages.—No. 30 Extra Special for Ladies. ( Friday,.Saturday and Monday OUR OPENING DAYS We will GIVE AWAY to ev ery lady who purchases $12.50 'in Ready-to-Wear a genuine KABO CORSET. Look Here! 36 Dozen Men’s fleeced Underwear; 50c quality while they last at 37 1-2 Cents. $1.50 Black Satin Petticoats at 89c $3 Taffeta Silk Petticoats at $1.85