The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, December 11, 1913, Image 1

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Pianos, Organs, Buggies. VOL. XX.—l6 Pages SCHOOLS WILL DEBATE T MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. Two Hunded and Fifty-Eight High School Teams to Take Part. It* the young people of file state do not get information about mu nicipal ownership of public util ities as a live question in tile next few mouths it will net be for lack of opportunity. The oppor tunity is afforded by the 258 de bates arranged for teams from 258 schools of the accredited high school list of the state. Triangular deflates are arrang ed for that many schools —each side ,*of the question and debating simultaneouly with some other school in the group of three. The question is, Resolved, that mu nicipalities in Georgia should own and operate plants- lor supplying light, water and transportation.” The Nrjnth D sriet High schools will line up as follows: Waleska, Young ilarrm. Hi wag see. Lawtrenceville, Auburn, Win der. Gainesville, Ninth A. and M., Clarkesville; Cornelia. Toccoa, Demurest, Riverside. Jeiferstn, Commerce., Mays v lie. Chattahoochee, AI urray ville,L i la. Jasper, Ellijay, Morgan ton. Blairsville, Sautee, Rabun (rap. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Rev, A. B. Reeves Will Talk to cf the Bell Weevil. Everybody interested in Geor gia 'and her material progress should come to the Christian church, next Sunday il ght and witness the illustrated lecture by hev. A. 15. Reeves on the 801 l Weevil. KBrother Ree V-es has gone to IlfiSHlei ;..}>!( personal expense t<> pt the slides! to show tin* direful effects of the boll weevil upon the cotton boll, and the 'havoc wrought 1a this enemy to Geor gia \s money crop. It will bp worth ycuj* time to be present. . Jt- costs you nothing, and it you art* interested n learn ing how to meet this menace to our prosperity, you should' he on hand. SPECIAL PROGRAM AT BUSH THEATRE. “Invincible Quartet” cf Athens and Local Talent Down for Numbers. Manager Ilayes GrilTeth of Hie Bush theatre has secured the -a r . vices of the Invincible Quartet of Athens to sing a t the Bush thea ter Tuesday night, Dec, 16th. tie has also arranged for 'some of Winder's minstrel talent to pull feff a show well worth seeing, ■these two specialties will be |P|[en in connection with three HleJifictures. These features, com Spd with the movies offer an Winpig's entertainment of mni Turd merit. The doors will open early and the show will continue late to ac commodate the crowd. Every body is coining—come along Brices 5 and 10c. adv ’Possums taken on subscription wjjc wimnpr ww, BUI ION GWINNETT ’S PORTRAIT FOUND. Likeness of Georgia Signer of Declaration cf Independence Discovered in Philadelphia. The Sunday American’s search for a portrait of Button Gwinnett one of Georgia’s three signers of the Declaration of Indepen dence, a search made that the State's representation in the na tional gallery of signers he not incomplete, has resulted in the lo eat on of the only known likeness of Gwinnett in a pr.vate collec tion in Philadelphia. h resulted, also, in uncovering by a unique coincidence, an his t:.r cal fact concerning the life and death, of* Button Gwinnett, the stalwart trader who was im mortalized by his signature. The coincidence came in the course of the local saercli. Every log cal source of information had been investigated in vain. r l hen somebody made a suggestion. Ask Miss Nina Hcrnaday,” In said. “If anylbody knows" about Georgia history, it n she.” Straighway to Miss Ilornaday’s No. 65 East Linden street, went the call. “Why yes, I know of Button Gwinnett,” she. said, nonchalant ly “my great grandfather killed him n a duel. Then she told of the duel be tween Colonel Gachian Mcintosh and the Georgia signer, which came as a result of a long politi cal and personal feud between the two men,and of how Gw nnett shot in the thigh, died within a few days. It was from another source, however that the information came that Gwinnett’s only known potrait is in possession of Hamp ton J,. ( 'arson,'a Philadelphia law yer. The portra t is desired for display in the rejuvenated old Independence Hall in Philadel phia, w here likenesses of all *>6 signers are to be hung. The his torical build ng has been complet ed in its old Semblance, except for the portraits of five of whom. Gwinnett is one- Hearst Sunday American. STATE NEEDS TAX MONEY TO MEET HEAVY DRAFTS. \ W. T. Appleby, tax collector ol Jackson county, s in receipt of an important letter from Comp troller General William A. Wright, and we publish it for the benefit of cur readers: “To the Tax Collectors of Geor gia G ntloiin n : 1 am advised by the Governor and State Treas urer that the State is in urgent need of funds with which to meet heavy drafts on the trea.snrv which will be made between now and the Ist of January. It wII therefore be necssary for you to pres, collections as rapidly a.s possible. The law requires that all taxes din* the State shall he paid by the 20th of December of each year. Explain 'tills to the tax-payers of your county.and urge them to make prompt settlement of their raxes, widen you will please re mit without waiting for the first .Monday in January, in order that the Treasurer may he able to meet all demands as they mature. . “Yours very truly, “William A. Wright, * ‘ C ompt roller-Gen era 1 Winder, Jackson County, Ga., Thursday, December 11, 1813. For Sale at Winder Banking Cos. THE CHRISTMAS LOVER. jrnis love that makes the stars revolve: J- ’Tis love that makes the world go round. This Christmas purpose I resolve On earth to make love more abound. On me. dear maid, thy love bestow And match my full heart’s overflow. -v , o t> jretns nor gear .to thee I bring, - ' Nor gauds nor merchandises rare. Love's offerings 1 may not sing. But love Itself I have to spare In boundless store, and all for thee. If but thv heat t responds to me. -Life. DEATH CF MRS. DUNBAR Wife of Former Pastor cf Meth edist Church Dies as Re mit of Burns. Tile many Winder friends of Air. ami Mrs. William DiuflLr, and family were shocked Thurs day afternoon when news of the serious burning of Mrs. Dunbar was received from Jefferson. And their hearts Were made still sadder Friday morning when the intelligence of her death was phoned to friends. Many of the former pastor’s friends went oyer to Jefferson Friday to personally extend sym pathy- and offer their serv ces to him iu his hour of grief. -Mis. Dunbar died about 11 o’clock Thunaday night . Til* paste) and his family bail just moved into the parsonage at Jefferson, and were busy Thurs day gett ng their belongings un packed. Mrs. Dunbar had been helping her husband to arrange his books in tin- library. The day was chil ly, and it is supposed that her dress caught from the open grate while she was warming. No one was in the room at the time. Fpon hearing her screams her husband and daughters rush ed to her but she wa.Sr fatally burned before her clothing could be extinguished. Mr. Dunbar and his daughter. M ss Carrie, were both painfully burned while trying to smoth er the flames. The body was carried to Atlan ta and interred in West view cem etery. SOME FARMER G. William Summsrour Has Good Year in Agricultural Field. Mr. G. William Surninerour one of this section's youngest far mers. dropped in to see us this week. William is cue of the most up to date t lleiv of the soil to he found in this territory. With four mules he made 52 hales of cotton, TOO bushels of corn and plenty of forage to do him for another year without hav rig to call upon the west for feedstuff's. The cotton, 52 bales, was produc ed on i>o aereg. The cotton seed used was Summerour’s Half and Half. __ Judge Brand has over-ruled a motion for anew trial in the case of Price, et ah, aga.nst the High. Shoals Manufacturing Com pany. ’ , i MEMBERS OF FIRST BAPTIST RAISE FUNDS’. Observe Wcrld Wide Day of Prayer end Liquidate Church Debt. At the Buptis; prayef-m mtir.g Wednesday evening special atten tion was called to the world w de day of prayer for the Judson Cen tennial Fund of one and a quar ti’e million dollars which is to bp raised commemorating th,> one hundredth anniversary of .hud son >. landing in India. Dr. W. A. Taliaferro is Geor gia’s representative to rasp this state's/ proportionate amount Feeling prayers were offered for this object. W. L. niasuigame led the prayer service. Next Sunday w 11 be observed all over the state, and an attempt will be made to rn se on that da„* $14,000 for the erection of anew building at Ilapoille for Geor gia’s orphans. . Oh the Fifth Sunday in Novem ber; at the close of the morning server, $1,270 was raised by the members, ami the church debt was liquidated. The dedication of the building will occur in the early part of next year, at which t is hoped to have present all the former pastors and mem biers. NORTH GEORGIA TRUST CO. TEMPORARILY ORGANIZED. Officials Elected and Bocks Open ed for the Subscription of Stock. The North Georgia Trust Com pany is taking shape. The men who are hell nd the proposition have had a meeting and elected officers. The trustees at present are till in number will probably he increased to fifteen. Application for a charter s being made. T. A. Maynard was elected chairman of the Board of l rus tei.s. W. 11. Toole was elected presidnt, J. T. Strange and A. A. Can ip elected vice presients and L. C. Russell attorney, fin- place of sec re i ary and treasurer was left open for the present. In addition to the forego ng of ficers the other trustees are G. W Woodruff, W. L DoLaperriere, J. Al. William's and R. L. Rogers. Thp stock subscription will lie started at once, in fact some ap plication:, are already coming in for stock. One of Air. Strange’s friends was here from Baltimore last week and heard about the trust company and gladly sub scribed to a nice block of stock. We hope the public will take this stock rapidly a.s a good Ive trust company will do more P> build uf) Winder and this section than any other single enterprise. Will Give Christmas Program. file children’s society of the Methodist church, under the dim tion ol Ai ss Ora Lee ('amp, will give a program at the church on t hristms Eve night. A fine program is being arranged 1 and a cordial invitation si extended to all to he present. Box Supper at Oak Grove Aliss Itenelle Dunagan announ ces that there will lie a box sup per at Oak Grove Saturday night, lcc. 23rd, 1913. Everybody is urged to come. —-the Shingleman. 16 Pages.—No. 35 WILLIAM J. HARRIS DIRECTOR OF CENSUS. Would Give Wider Publicity to Amount of Cotton Ginned and Consumed. The arrangements made by Wil liam J. Harris, of Georgia, Doc tor of the Census.- for the wider distribution of statistics collect ed by his office concerning the quantity of cotton ginned, the • inanity of cotton consumed monthly am], the stocks of cotton on hand at the end of each month has met with general approval thruout the cotton-growing States He has received numeroiv* sug gestions concerning a still wider distribution of thesje statistics uni lie has made arrange ments with the Postmaster Gen real to allow the postmasters in every postoffee in counties cotton is grown to pots! in a c.on spi< in Us place coj it sot the re ports containing statist cb of cot ton These copies will he printed on extra large cards, so th. fig ures can be easily 1 rea,dj ]\lr. Harris hopes that, in Hus manner In* will Ik* able to gve the farmers and all others access to the valuable statistics collect ed by this bureau. Heretofore the reports have been givn l>y the Bureau of* the Census to newspaper representa tives and to the different tele graph com pan es for distribu tion. “IVANHOE” To Be £een Next Friday Night at the Lyric. *‘ 1 vanhoc,” dramatized fr m Sir Walter ScJtt s novel,and done n film by the Imp Film Cos., will be seen n four reels ;it the Lyric next Friday night. king Maggot and Miss Leah Baird will be seen n the title roles. < In the days when the Christian knights wore fighling for the cross in the Holy Land, Prince Johp held the reins of govern ment. in England. John's greed was gr liter than his fraternal af fection; he sought, every means to support Id’s claims to the '■rown against the time his broth er, “Richard the L’mi Heart,’’the rightful !<ing. should reign . At Itotherwood there lived at the time a Bax,on nobleman, Ce- drie, who had at least in spirit, refused the yoke of the nvading •Normans. 11 is son, Wilfred, how ever, was kindly disposed toward them and had received from King Richard the manor “Ivanhoe.” He loved trie adopted s st< r, a beautiful S; son girl of the royal blood, though, his father was n t kindly disposed to the match on account of the son’s affiliation Ivanhoe subsequently joined Richard the Lon Heat in the Holy Land and the years passed on Without news oi him. Prince John bestowed Ivanhoe’s barony on Reginald I rout tie Boeuf, a l.centious Norman. Rowena 's sought l>y Athelstcne in marriage with the approval of Cedric. Nile refuses. i At me time the play opens Ivanhoe has returned and sguised as a holy man to test the feelings o; his father and former sweet heart. Now meet us at the Lyric and centime tin story.