The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, February 05, 1914, Image 1

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Pianos, Organs, Buggies. VOL. XX.—B Pages PREACHERS GATHER TO TALK MISSIONS. Missionary Institute of Gainesville District in Session at Winder Methodist. The Gainesville District Mis sionary Institute of the Metho dist church, South, nxetf; at th , First Methodist church in this city Monday, the services contin uing thru last night. Presiding Elder Belk and Rjev. John S. Jenkins were the princi pal speakers of the institute. A large attendance of the pastors and laymen of the district were present. Dr. Belle preached a mast r llil i/rnion Monday night, on “Love, Giving Service, Sacrific ing,”. an:l called the 1 ove of C.hri s t the Missionary fundament al. , 1 Tuesday the discussions Web .. lead by Drs. Belk, Jenkins and Es/kes ol* the Christian Advo cate/ The subjects of Missions, Sunday* Schools and Evangelism and Revivals w ire discussed ably ,and forcibly by the ministers present. Fallowing) is a list of the delegates and their hosts during the Institute: Dr. IBelk, Dr. J. C. DeLa- Pegriere; *Wm. T. A. Maynard; M. j. Smith, W. B. MeCamts; W. P. King, W. C. ITor ton; Mr s . J. 11. Ross, T. Ross; Rev. Tumi in and wife, W. T. Robinson; Rev. A. W. Quillian and son, 11. P. Quilliani; Rev. J. W. Be)ntl u y, Dillard, Dr. G. iW. D LaPieriere; ReV’s. Marion Swilling and Sam Jones, H. J. Garrisofn; T. R. Kendra.ll, I). D. Kesler; Rev. J. M. Crow, C. T. Chandler, T. A. Robinson; J. ►?. J nkins, W. K. Lyle; ,W. P. Bell and wife, Airs. Mary Stanton ; Rev. Ethridge, *W. 11. Toole; M. M. Barn tt and Elrod, A. A. iCamp; Guy Pitman and wife; L. S. Radford; W. B'. Whitaker, •I. T. Strange; Bros. Mann and Lucky, W. E. Boyd; Rev. 0. T. Sorrells, Rev. W. 11. Faust; Rev. Fratnjk Fakes, Rtev. J. P. Yar brough; D. L. Patterson, Chas. Barron. Many out of town people at tended the Institute Tuesday, s)rf nding the “day, among them W. P. Bell and wife, of Monroe; Mr. Bflggett, of Bethlehem, and R v. A. C. Calhtr JJ. of Smyrna. * The pastors of Winder were present 1 and greatly enjoyed the s fvices along with others. At the morning: session Wed nesday the institute passed a i‘es ojut rfti hy a unaininious vote thank ing th people of Winder for tin* kindness and hospitality extended the visiting ministers and delegates. The ladies served dinner a t tbfo church!; l&eh day, and all the citi&eiy of fhe city who attended seemed to thoroughly enjoy th*. ;ml *etmg, and ware wonderfully blessed hy the sermons and ad dress s. Box Supper. 0 There will he a h o x s&ipp rat Lib jrty School Friday Feb ruary 13t"h. A short program will be rendered by pupils. The pjiblijr is cordially invited to be present. /A H ■ I r A H H H H > ■ I Tpß ~ jj| PEYTON L. WADE SUCCEEDS POTTLE. Distinguished Dublin Lawyer. Strongly Endorsed For. Court of Appeals. Atlanta, Feb. 3.—Peyton L. Wade, a prominent and well known lawyer of Dublin, was ap pointed successor to Judge J. R. Pottle as a member of the court otf appeals this afternoon. Jiudjge Pottle did not get to file his formal resignation with Governor Slaton until this morn ing, although it was generally known that lie expected to retire around tlie first of February. Immediately after bis resigna tion was tendered 1 Governor Sla ton decided to appoint Air. ‘Wade lasi the h w judfee of this court. The Dublin man had very strong 'indorsements from members of his own profession as well as pub lie men generally about the state. WTiilti not widely known in pub lic life, for be has never held po litical okfice Air. Wade is widely estem ed as an able lawyer. and his appointment wJiIH probably give general sat isfaction. MRS. J. H. L. WOODRUFF DIES MONDAY FEB. 2ND. After a. short illness Mrs. •J. H. L. Woodruff died at h e r home in Bold Springs settle ment late Monday afternoon, Feb. 2nd. Mrs. Woodruff prior to her marriage was Miss Edwards. She andj ottip of the best known and was a native of Waltoii county most prominent in the county. She wouldi have been fifty-seven years of age had she lived until liext Sunday. Sh(4 was the mother of seven teen children, twelve of whom are "living, all of them honor able and upright citizens. Be sides these children her husband, and aged mother survive her. The children are G. W. Woodruff, R. L. Woodruff, Albert Woodruff of the Woodruff Machinery and Manufacturing Cos. of this city; Mrs. Jhnet Still, J. T. Woodruff, Bfcicula; ißiev. W. A. Woodruff, pastor Ysutag l Harris circuit; G*. 1. Woodruff, of Logansville; Mrs. Mattie Bennett, Washington, Gw.; Miss Fla, Woodruff, teach er, Bold Springs; J. G. Wood ruff, professor of agriculture in the North Georgia Agricultural College at Dalilonoga, and Her bert, youlig sf son who lives at home. • 1 The funeral oceured Wednesday 'at 12 o’clock at Shiloh Baptist church. Rev. J. M. Rasnake con ducted the funeral services, and fight of the deceased sons acted as pall-bearers. . No womani who has lived and died in this section of the state has contributed more to the wel fare of the community and to 'society than lias the deceased. The nine sens who survive her ary monuments to her memory, all of them sober and industrious who have taken places of prom inence among their fellows.. Tb all of the bereaved, the devoted husband, manly sons aind noble daughters, w<* offer condolence in the loss of their best friend, wife ahd mother. Winder, Jackson County, Ga., Thursday, Februrary 5, 1914. BIG CROWD WELCOMES BROAD GAUGE TRAIN Big Mogul Supplants the Dinky and Handsome Cars Please Win der Folks. The Gainesville! Alidland is a broad gauge road. Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock the first train owr th (new rails reached the city with Engineer Bern Byrd at the throttle. The train was and r t,h|\ charge of Conductor R. L. Aliller, and among the passengers wf're M ssre. Bj jauprie, general man ager; Veazey and Sylfan, and the master mechanic Air. Disaker. A large crowd of entiz tns were present at the depot to give the tjrain! a|u)d the officials a wel com *, and it was a rousing w; J couie. The following telegram was sent, to President Baldwin, at Savannah, by Air. G. W. Wood ruff, Chairman of the committee from the Board of Trade: Winder, Ga., 2-3., 1914.—Air. |G| fo. J. Baldwin, pres. G. AI. Ry, Savannah, Ga., The entire citi zenship of Winder joins me in congratulating you and your as sociate on your succi festful arrival to-day at Winder with a broad guage train. We pledge you otar support and co-°peration.' G. W. Woodruff, Chairman Co-opera tive Committ ‘e. The regular schedule her<ito for i maintained will be continued by the big train to Belmont, the riant)w guage taking care of the 'traffic and freight business be t.vvi* n Winder and Monro e until the track can be broadened. Messrs. Flanigan ahd' Flanigan .wetv the first merchants to re ceive solid cars of merchandise, the first, train bringing in a ear tof buggies for this firm. The IXaekson County Fertilizer Cos. got a car of acids hy the same train. The first shippers were A. A. “Camp, the cotton broker, who sdut out a car of cotton, and the Winder Lumber Cos., who shipped a solid car of lumber and 'building mat; rial by the first train out of the city. M,r. D. E. Evans Dead. jMr. 1). F. Evans, for inatay years a citizyn of Gainesville, died at Lis home in Anniston, Ala.. Sunday night, from the ef fects of an operation. He was 68 years of age, and was the father of Mrs. C. B, Al mond and Mrs. A. I>. McCurry, tli is city. The funeral occur, <1 in Anni ston, Ala.., Tuesday. Finger Cut Off. Mr: Walter Fagan, ,ngia’br at the Winder Oil Mills, happened to a very painful accident .Mon day night resulting in the loss off! thle raiddb, fingn'r on his left ■hand by getting it caught in the dash pot on his engine. His haVid was so badly lacer ated that it was found necessary to ampucatc the middle finger, and to take off the forefinger at the first joint. Hon B. S Walker. Mr. Radford and Col. Clifford Walker, of fvlofnroe passed through Winder Tuesday en route to Jefferson on business. MASS MEETING CALLED. Democrats cf Jackstn Called to Assemble February 17th t° Discuss Date of County Primary. Chairman Bt sinett called the Jackson County Democratic Ex ecutive Committal together in the courthouse last Tuesday. While there is not a. candidate iki the (fi, id in Jackson so far as known, it. is said the bpe is buz zing around the head of several of the old county’s valiant sons, fend the commitiL/e decided to staK the ball rolling by calling the party tog filer to* set a nom inating dby and to t lect another committee for the ensuing two years. Tu; sday,February 17th, was 'the day selected for the mass m etiug. TO THE PATRONS OF WINDER! PUBLIC SCHOyLS. The Board of Education jjfis requested me to call th/ idrvii tion of the patrons of tli/ Dublin' schools to the fWv grave mistakes they are making. First ihi tin* failure' to see that their •eliUdren study at. home instead of playing base ball, tennis, etc. the entire afternoon and attend party or picture show at night. Seednd, is the failure to see that their children attend school regu larly instead* of giving them a frivilous exEuse to hand in alter ala absence of two or three days. Third, is the failure to aid the teachers in controli*ng their ehild instead of humoring them when they are corrected at the school. Fourth; is the failure to igijve more attention to report cards at. the end ol each quarter. These cards are sent to you by the children* to advise you as to the ‘Xact interest your .children Sine tajki’ng in their respective grades. Fifth, Neither shall you ajllow your children to loiter on tli streets after school hours. For you to neglect to do your art in the above five instances gives you bo right whatever to criticise the faculty and Board •of Education when your child fajlrf to pass or make creditable •marks ati the close of school. Very Respectfully, 1 T. A. Robinson, Chairman Boa.rd of Kducatioh. Starts Right. Mr. F. S. Perry, of Bethlehem, •was here Friday and says (hat he is making filings ready for a bumper harvest this year out <m his farm. Earnest is a progres sive young fellow, and certainly begsn tin* )n*w year right. VVhile here h*, said 1 l**r** is a dollar; f nd the News to me, I'll he too busy to keep up with Winder unless I get. your paper, and we shall want it sure.” Qu’ck Sale. It took M. J. Griffeth just three minutes to sell one of his farms n ar this city Wednesday. lie named the place, stated the price amid in three minutes the land changed hands. W. W. Patrick was the purchaser. Tk* farm contained 11J acres, and i ho consideration was six thous and dollars cash. Shingleman. 8 Pages.—No 43 TEN DOLLARS GIVEN FOR RECORED YIELD Winder Postmaster En courges the "Young Farmers to Raise More Corn. 1 Air. W. B. Ale Cants, Winder’s ' popular postmaster, luis handed, the Editor of The News his check for* ten dollars which, he desires exchanged for a ten-dollor gold piece and offered' as premium to •th, boy under eighteen years of age living! in a militia district touching the city of Winder for Thi; 1 best acre of corn raised in 1914. The districts are Cut-Off, ’Wal ton county; Ben Smith’s, Gwin nett countv, ami Houses, Jacks ol county. There a re no restrictions thrqwu around this offer save the kvna that the prize acre must he planted, cultivated.' and gather ed by the boy. Any lad under 18 years is eligible to enter itf Jite lives in either on of tl lie districts named. Three competent judges will he asked to award th,q premium in tine fall. / / Winder's po s tmaster believes in livinjg at home, and! is a strong believer in corn as a commerciaj commodity, and donates the ten dollars to stimulate the planting of this grain close to this market. Boys, start now on ypur acr e , 0)f course you all can’t win, but if you .fail you will have the pleasure ,of frying, and be wrJI repaid for your labor in increased production. Will some big hearted Winder man add to tin* fund, All who enter the contest must fik* their names with The News by May 15th. JACKSON SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION AT JEFFEJUBO-N. IJefferson, Ga., Feb. 4. Su perior court convened here Mon day morning. In a short but im pressive charge Judge Brand set the graUd jurors to work, and in a short time Solicitor Gamble bad everything in readiness to begin grinding out justice. Hon. H. I), Moore was select ed foreman of the grand jury and L. S. Radford cliaaen as clerk. I Thr cast, that is attracting th e great* st interest is Brandon vs D*jLa Ref Here. Fine 1* gal talent isj employedi o'n **ifh**r side and a bitter fight i.s in progress. The ciyse will in all probability go to th<* jury Tuesday. Benefit at Lyric, f Monday night Manager Sharp* tom rendered a fine program of moving pictures, the proceeds tiro in which were donated to a worthy family who are in needy circumstances. Mr. Sharp ton lxrf all tin* expenses of. the. show and gave the entire receipts to this cause .. • Quite a. neat sum was realized and Manager Sharp ton is being congratulated oh his readiness at all times to help a worthy cause. If you want a couple of hours of clean entertainment, visit. The Lyric. ; . .