The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, October 26, 1916, Image 5

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117. A Nip of Frost Reminds Us If] / Ij; V * 1 \ That Winter Is On The Way .■ . • You must have SHOES--SHOES with BULL DOG wear. For foul weath er or fair you want shoes that will stay with you for the right kind of wear. We Have Shoes You Can Stand On t • / i • . \ They will carry you along the path of life with comfort, and all the style you are looking for. The best Shoes in the world are American made, and American made shoes are here. *\JDe taw Yi\ vw Shoes \xm. %Z. to §6. I Summerour Brothers IJI Athens Street Phone 277, Winder, Ga. / SHOES SHOES SHOES KILGORE-KELLYCO. \ • ■. “FITTERS OF FEET” Our stock of shoes for fall is brimming full of good values. We are selling All Leather Shoes at very reasonable prices, considering the high cost of leather. We sell good shoes only--shoes which we can recommend. Our stock is composed of the best values procurable. Shoes for men, women and children. For work shoes we can please you. If it’s dress shoes we can fit all the family. E. T. Wright’s fine shoes for men; Krippendorf Dittman dress shoes for women; The H. C. Godman shoes for women and children; Lion Brand work shoes for men and boys; other good makes of shoes for children. An especially large showing of t children’s and infants’ shoes. LARGE SHOWING of HOSIERY for ALL THE FAMILY KILGORE-KELLY CO. | “Fitters of Feet” —————————————— ———■————————l The Winder Newt, Thursday, October 2s, 1916 I Soci a l Ne ws Items By Ruth Hale Mrs. H. J. Garrison and Miss Lur leene Garrison spent Tuesday in Ath ens shopping. Mr. Roy Smith of Camp Harris spent the week-end with -home-folks here. The many friends of' Mrs. L. S. Iladford will be sorry to learn of her indisposition. Mrs. W. B. McCants has been confined to her room with a severe attack of tonsolitis. Mr. and Mrs. Jctf’n Russell of Ath ens are the guests of relatives here this week. Mrs. Jackson has returned to At lanta after spending a month here wittti Mrs. E. J. FV>y. Miss Sarah Joe Bagwell of Oak hurst Ga. is spending the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moore and little daughter Eivelyn are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brooksher and family. Mrs. J. M. Jackson, Mrs. Clyde Williamson, Mrs. W. E. Mathews and Mr. Guy Jackson motored to Macon Sunday. Mrs. Cook hag returned to hej home in Bishop after a lengthy visit to her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Maynard. Miss Julia Rogers who has been on an extended visit to her brother, Mr. R- L. Rogers has returned to her home in Dillon S. C. Mr. Junius Maynard and daughter Miss Mamie Maynard spent the past week-end in Athens with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Maynard and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dubose of Way cross are the guests of relatives here fcr a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dubose are thinking of making their horn? in Winder next spring. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Roberts, former re: id ,its of Monrce, have recently made Winder their Ihome and their many friends here are glad to have them as permanent residents. Mrs. J. M. Jackson Hostess The Woman’s Chrisllian Temper ance Union met with Mrs. J. M. Jack son on Tuesday afternoon from three thirty to five-thirty at her home on Center Street. An unusually interest ing and instructive program was car ried out. Mrs. S. T. Ross, who is superintendent of Red Letter Days, was in charge of the program. Its complete thoroughness In quality and merits gave splendid evidence of her strong efforts and a big advancement in this field of work. After the program and a brief bus iness meeting, a delightful social hour followed, during which Mrs. Jackson served dainty refreshments. The place of the next meeting will be announced later. The program was as fdllows: Crusade Hymn. Crusade Psalm 146 —Mrs. S. T- Ross. Song—Christ For the World, We Sing. Reading Our Work —Mrs. R. O. Ross. Noontide Hour of Prayer—Mrs. W J. Herrin. Song. Beautiful Isles —Mrs. A. A. Camp, Mrs. W. C. Horton and Miss Newton Swinney. Life Sketch of Laura Webb Hayes, Miss Newton Swinney. Report in full of State W. C. T. U. Convention held in Waynesboro—Mrs Paul Roberts. Mr. Jack Streatham spent Wednes day in Atlanta on business. Mrs. O. C. Wages and children, of Tignall spent the past week-end in Winder with relatives. Miss Eloise Telfair, of Augusta wil be the guest of friends here for a few days next week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Benson and Ut ile son Morgan spent a part of last week in Atlanta attending the fair. Mr. Vernon Foster, spent Sunday night in Lawrenceville as the guest of friends, returning Monday morning via Seaboard.