The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, September 23, 1920, Image 2

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1920 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK WILL HELP In a LHter to (ommiHsionw 4. 4. Brown PresUk-nt Welborn States Reserve Bank will function as Heretofore. That there will be no change in the policy of the Federal Reserve Rank for the Sixth District, in the matter of coton loans in connection with the 1920 crop, is the positive statement of Governor M. B. Welborn of that institution, in a letter to Commissioner of Agriculture, J. J. Brown. This means, us will be clear from Governor \Vilt>orn’s statement, that the Sixth Federal Reserve Rank will, for the present season, as in the past, rediscount merchants and shippers' IK) days papers and farmers’ six month's paper, secured by coton, on u basis of 80 per cent of market value. The assurance given by Governor Welborn in the following letter to Commissioner Brown, under the date of Sept. 17, 1020, will be very welcome to cotton producers and all interested in the holding of cotton for a fair price: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Sept. 10. In reply 1 wish to say we are advising our mem ber banks in reply to their inquiries, that they need have no fear that the Federal Reserve Bank will not func tion properly and accommodate its member banks in rediscounting their customers’ notes secured by cotton, for the orderly marketing of the cotton crop. We are following our custom of the past in accepting from member banks notes of merchants and cotton ship pers for !M days secured by cotton, up to 80 per cent of its market value, insured and properly stored, having a maturity within six months.” The foregoing letter signed by Gov ernor Welborn, was written in reply to a direct inquiry from Commissioner Brown, whose understanding was that cotton loans would be taken care of this year, the same as in the past. Commissioner Brown's letter of inquiry under date of September 10th, was as follows: “I am receiving many inquiries from citizens of Georgia as to the present policy of the Sixth Federal Reserve Bank, regarding fhe rediscounting of cotton paper. Will you be so kind as to write me if there is not any hesita tion on your bank's part, toward re discounting a farmer’s six months note, or a merchant's 3 months note, either of which is secured by a bonded cotton warehouse receipt. Your prompt reply to the foregoing questions will he ap preciated.” It will be interesting to note that Governor Welborn's reply is exactly in line with the Department’s prior information which was communicated to the public through the press of tlu* State. YOU AND 1 What we need is all of the clear headed, common-sense, every-day think ing that we can get. For centuries we have listened to over-wise philos ophers and sentimental theorists. We were busy about our own affairs and we let these men do our thinking for us. Their ideas were novel and interesting and as tlie chattel's for ever putting them in effect were re mote, we were not greatly concerned. Jlut in the last live years a lot of these theories have been put into prac tice, and most of them have proven cx pensive, Inefficient, ifnd breeders of trouble. The common sense of the common people —just what you and 1 think about tilings—is quite as apt to be right, and will cost us a lot less in taxes to put into operation. Let us listen to each other a little more, and a little less to professional theories and politicians.—Public Ser vice Monthly. CARD OF THANKS Wo cannot with words express our deep and heartfelt gratitude to our many friends for their noble and tender expressions of their love and sympa thy during the illnes and death of our dear son and brother. Also wish to thank his many friends fur their ten tier regards shown him in the beauti ful floral remembrance. We shall never be able to repay the generous service rendered, hut will keep the memory of it as an iuiperisli at>le possession. With appreciative hearts, we are, Mr. and Mrs. (}. W. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. (}. L. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wall FOR SALE I- - good Dodge; good shape. < >ne 1919 Ford, good as new. Both touring t . a rs. —Woodruff Hardware Cos. Winder News Want Ads, 5c a line. CITY POLITICS FOR MAYOR. To the Voters of Winder: 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Mayor of Windt-f subject to the action of the qualified voters at the primary to be held No vember 3, 1920. If elected I promise the taxpayers the best there is in me— a faithful, conscientious administra tion —fairness to all in the enforcement of the law and the administration of civic affairs. Respectfully, GEORGE THOMPSON. FOR COUNCILMAN SECOND H ARD To the Voters of Winder: I respectfully announce myself a can didate to success! myself as Council man from the Second Ward. If elected I will in the future, as I have done in the past, bring to the office the best service of which I am capable in tbe interest of tbe public weal. I will ap p red ate your support in my race. S. C. KINNEY. A Grateful letter. It is in trying conditions like that related below by Mrs. Geo. L. North of Naples, N. Y., that, proves the worth of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. “Two years ago last summer” she says, “our little boy had dysentery. At that time we were living in the country eight miles from a doctor. Our son was taken ill suddenly and was alsnit the sickest child I ever saw. He was in terrible pain all the time and passed from one convulsion into an other. I sent my husband for the doc tor and after he was gone thought of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the cupboard. I gave him some of it and he Iwgan to improve at once. By the time the doc tor arrived he was out of danger. Keep Well and Be Happy. If you would be happy you must keep your bowels regular. One or two of Chamberlain’s Tablets taken imme diately after supper will cause a gentle movement of ttie bowels on tbe follow ing morning. Try it. Tornado INSURANCE Your neighbor's home burned only a few days or months ago, and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man Insures his property in a reliable insurance compauj so that when calamity comes he can build agaiu. He owes the protsetiot that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radord & Smith Kill That Cold With CASCARA P QUININE FOR AN D Colds, Coughs "OM^ V La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dar.gerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days —Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head —Cascara is best Tonic Laxative —No Opiate in Hill’s. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT BUY THESE HERE TOILET SETS Beautifully designed and embracing every thing required in the modern home. TOILET SOAP Contains the healing qualities so desira ble for the hands and face. PERFUMERY dust the delicious scents dictated by re finement and good taste. STATIONERY i . Latest fancy styles, or of the plain and neat variety. Boxes or broken packages. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Best grades of pure tobacco and genuine favorites with the smokers. HOME REMEDIES For any ordinary ailment. A few cents will keep sickness away. PRESCRIPTIONS Care and accuracy is observed in the prep aration of all subscriptions. G. W. DE LA PERRIERE & SONS FOR HEADACHE, LIVERJROUBLE BUck-Draaffat Is Tbe Best Med* erne This Lady Ever Used. Says It Is Only Medicine Sbe Gives Her Children. Cherry Village, Ark.—ln telling oi her experience with Tbedford’s Black Draught, Mrs. Lottie Ellis, R. F. D. No. X, this place, said: "I used Black- Draught as a laxative, also for head ache, torpid liver and indigestion. It Is the best lfver medicine I have ever used and is the only medicine I give my children. “I feel like It has saved me a lot in doctors' bills, for .when the children complain of f&olTng bad or have a cold I Just give them a good dose Of Black- Draught and they soon get all right It certainly clears the liver and clears op the skin and they are soon out, well again. I wouldn’t be without it tor anything.” Seventy years of successful use ha( made Tbedford’s Black-Draught t standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, needs, at times, the benefit that Black-Draoghl gives in helping to cleanse the system and to prevent or relieve the troubles that come from constipation, indigea lion, and a lazy itver. To keep well, your stomach, ltvei and bowels mud be In good working order. To help keep them that way take occasional doees of Thedford’! Black-Draugnt. Thousands of homes are never without it. For sale by all druggists. Tbe genuine has the name, Thedford’s, cn the label. Insist on get ting what you ask for, &S Chronic Catarrh. Our manner of living makes us very susceptible to colds and a succession of colds causes chronic catarrh, a loath some disease with which it is estimated that ninety-five per cent of our adult population art* afflicted. If you would avoid chronic catarrh you must avoid clods, or having contracted a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is highly rec ommended as a cure for colds and can be depended upon. THE WINDER NEWS r /A& r ■ *1 ■ I THE SAMSON TRUCK THE FAMOUS TRUCK. BUILT IN TWO SIZES FOR BOTH LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING. THE SAMSON TRACTOR MORE PLOWING FOR YOUR MONEY. PULLS TWO DISC PLOWS DEEPER THAN EIGHT MULES CAN PULL THEM; NO GEARS; NO CHAINS, NO SPROCKETS EXPOSED TO GRIT. THE SAMSON TRUCK AND TARCTOR IS BUILT FOR THE FARM AND FOR FARM WORK. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY WOODRUFF HARDWARE CO. Fords orC TRADE MARK, Farm Tractor When Henry Ford set about building the Fordson tractor, lie had a thorough understanding of just what it should he and what it should do. His early life on the farm gave him a deep insight into the daily life of the farmer; his mechanical genius saw the type of tractor needed. And for more than twelve years he experimented over more than 7,000 acres of land in different kinds of soils, with different crops. So he built the Fordson. It is so simple that a school boy can operate it. It is low in first cost. It is lowest in operating cost and Fordson parts and Fordson service are always to be had promptly from the dealer. The Fordson is a profitable investment. It can he used in every working day of the year. It is an inexpensive power plant and it will lighten your work. Don’t delay ordering your Fordson tractor. The demand is greater than the supply. Made by Henry Ford & Son and sold by Flanigan & Flanigan AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR.