The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, September 30, 1920, Image 2

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1920. LAWRENCEYHLE HAS BOXING BOUT Want Winder Fans to Pick Middle weight Youngster to Taekle law renceville Boxer. Lawrenceville, Ga.— Boxing was in troduced to the sporting fans of Law rencoville Wednesday night when “Kayo” Hewatt of Lawrenceville and “Battling Red” Crawford, of Charles ton. middleweight, fought six rounds to a draw*. Several preliminaries aroused the in terest of a packed house and when the main event came off every one was anxious. Hewatt crawled through the ropes first and was given a loud ovation. Crawford crawled through several min utes later and was duly greeted. George Sullivan of Augusta refereed the bout. Mr. Kelley, the promoter of the bout announces that this was only one of the numerous bouts that he is expect ing to give to the fans in our little city. He further stated that lie would try to get bouts with boys of surround ing counties to take ou lighters from this county. Barrow county ought to have some one under 170 pounds to plats* against one of our boxers. lad them all come one at a time. We would like to arrange a bout between Lawrenceville and Winder, the proceeds to go to the benefit of the Baseball club. What say you, Winder? It. MARTIN, Sport writer. FUNDAMENTAL VULGARITIES From The Atlanta Georgian. Few people these days particularly desire to bo good. But everybody wants to be superior. We don't mind a little sin, but we are offended if you accuse us of vulgarity. Hence, Instead of the time-honored preachment on virtues and their oppo site vices, suppose The Georgian en larges today a hit on superiorities and their opposite vulgarities. To this end consider therefore the four fundamental vulgarities. That is. ihe four elements that are found tn all cads, bounders, had sports, quit ters, non-gentlemen and. as Potash and Perl mutter would say, “low-lifes’ gen erally. They are: 1. FFAU. The basis of genuine aris tocracy is courage. Bravery is the tirst quality that made one man superior to others. It created the first kings, though not conspicuous in recent lings. It is not only essential in a good sol dier, but also in a good friend, mother, clerk politician, engineer, president, student —everybody. The absence or ;t Is marked bv a yellow streak. o PHYSICAL l \PI LGEXUE This characterizes the mob of the unsuc cessful. It is that defect which makes drunk ards, loose women, loafers, spongers, bums and dead-beats. It destroys the personal appearance. It prevents mental power. It vitiates the tastes, it blinds and debases fin* spirit. It tins cut the throat of many a man in tin* nick of success. It is the explanation of incompetency. It causes more poverty, want and suf fering than all the seven sins. .*{. ENVY. Or Jealousy. This is the sure sign of the vulgar soul. To be angered at another's success is the worst and commonest form of pi ritual garbage. A common man can sympathize with misfortune or pain: it takes a gentle man to sympathize with good luck or happiness. Envy makes had sports, who are more dangerous than sinners. 1 It corrodes churches, lodges, labor unions, senates, families, every group ing of human beings as a cancer. 4 PREJUDICE. Another name for this class consciousness. It is appealed to by every blather skite. It is the chief relliance of the trouble makers. It makes partisans and sectarians, who destroy partiotism and religion. If perpetuates outgrown institutions, ami is the strength of ancient frauds. It befouls ideals, as a harpy. It is the chief foe to democracy, and the greatest stumbling block to reli gion. Examine yourself for traces of the four fundamental vulgarities. Keep Well and Ite Happy. If you would be happy >" mllst keep your bowels regular. One or two of Chamberlain's Tablets taken imme diately after supper will cause a gentle movement of the bowels on the follow ing morning. Try it. SANITY SEEMS NOW TO BE RETURNING When hoys we used to throw water up into the air from a cup and shout. “All that goes up must come down.” Last week Ford, Sears & Roebuck. Montgomery. Ward & Cos. and the Franklin Company cut prices from 15 to 90 per cent. The Atlanta dailies carry long lists of second hand autos for sale. Cotton is low and the crop is going to he much smaller than most folks think. Labor liere that costs ten dollars per day can be had in Germany and France at $1.50 to $2.00 and so on up or down the scale. Europe is going back to pre-war prices and competition is going to de mand that we follow suit. The supply of raw cotton, wool, leather, etc., is getting back to normal and we can feel the lowering of costs all along the line. The abnormal prices for labor paid by the government is a tiling of the past. We are fast coming back to sanity ami it is not going to seriously hurt business either. Man and Wife, All Run-Down from Farm Work, Were Greatly Helped by Ziron. WIFE and I, after a hard IVI spring on the farm, were tired and run-down,” says Mr. E. B. Mulkey, of Route 1, Acworth, Ga. ‘‘We neither felt well. I knew my blood was bad, as 1 had little bolls on the back of my neck. “We felt we needed a builder. We had heard of Ziron and thought it must be what we needed. It certainly was. We took it faithfully, and after a week or such a matter we began to feel tetter. My wife felt like cooking, “o INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned ouly a few days or months ago, and 1 cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance coinpam so tha-t when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the prousctlot that it gives, to his peace of and the care of his loved, ones. Kilgore, Radord & Smith Kill That Cold With quinine F °R AND Colds, Coughs La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic Laxative —No Opiate in Hill’s. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT BUY THESE HERE TOILET SETS Beautifully designed and embracing every thing required in the modern home. TOILET SOAP Contains the healing qualities so desira ble for the hands and face. PERFUMERY dust the delicious scents dictated by re finement and good taste. STATIONERY Latest fancy styles, or of the plain and neat variety. Boxes or broken packages. 'CIGARS ANI) TOBACCO Best grades of pure tobacco and genuine favorites with the smokers. HOME REMEDIES For any ordinary ailment. A few cents will keep sickness away. PRESCRIPTIONS Care and accuracy is observed in the prep aration of all subscriptions. G. W. DE LA PERRIERE & SONS “Felt Like Eating” Place your orders for Ford cars at once.—Flanigan & Flanigan. The Fordson Tractor solves the la bor problem. Place your order now. — Flanigan & Flanigan. To abort a cold and prevent com plications take v (alotaLs The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain* ed and improved. Sold only in seaied packages. Price 35c. and I sure felt like eating. ‘‘Ziron sure did us good. It made us both feel stronger and better for the fall work, which everyone knows is ‘some work' on a farm. My boils began to dry up, though just at first they seemed worse. “We are much better and can highly recommend Ziron, and gladly do so for it sure did us good.” Ziron is a safe, reliable, tonic medi cine, good for men, women and child ren, when an iron tonic is indicated. It is easy to take and contains no habit-forming drugs. Ask your druggist or dealer. THE WINDER HEWS SNAPSHOTS By W. H. Faust The writer had rather be a mocking bird bursting his throat with praise ful songs than to be a buzzard hunting carrion. Why is it that folks are so slow to give fat women a seat in a crowded street car? When a man uses a flivver in his business and bis wife uses a limozine in her social duties the gasoline bill is high. If some convict bosses get in hell, the proportionate treatment they give liere on earth—they will get some to be sure. The reason there are so many fools according to Barnum is because there is one born every minute. Mexico is as bad about revolutions In these days of rugs, highly polished floors are most essen tial, and inasmuch as they are subjected to constant wear, the greatest care should be exercised in finishing them. Hardwood floors properly varnished with Pee Gee Specification Floor Varnish resist heel marks, do not show scratches, will not crack and are not affected by hot or cold water. V With little care and expense, such floors are easily kept in splendid condition by using ' k ” iafelj * You need no experience—simply follow directions given on each can; and you will obtain a high, brilliant polish of great beauty and durability. Pee Gee Floor Wax can be successfully applied on all wood surfaces; furniture and linoleum. If cracks appear in the floor, due to shrinkage in the wood, Pee Gee Crack Filler should be used. It fills in and makes the floors level smooth. A Ask for Frae Booklet— u The Modem Method of Finishing Wood, ** also for set of wood panels finished with Pee Gee Specification Varnishes, or write direct to • • Peaslee-Qaulbert Cos., incorporated. Louisville, Ky. a L. SMITH HARDWARE CO. v Don’t Junk Your Car Let Us Remodel It Into a Good One CAR KNOWLEDGE AND CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP CAN DO WONDERS WITH YOUR DUCKING MACHINE. IT DOESN’T DUCK WITHOUT A CAUSE. OUR STRONG POINT IS IN LOCATING ALL CAUSES AND CORRECTING THEM. THE LONGER YOU LET IT DUCK THE NEARER IT GETS TO THE JUNK PILE. THIS IS AN ECONOMICAL PLACE TO BUY GAS, OILS. TIRES, TUDES AND ALL ACCESSORIES. Allen’s Garage ATHENS STREET Winder, Ga as a roller towel. The way to conserve properly is to set a hen on the bung hole of a barrel filled with eggs. It doesn’t give this preacher any gramatical trouble about whether a hen sits or sits, he is interested in knowing S when she cackles whether she is laying . or lying. If ome poets were as particular about ' their meter as gas titters are they | would receive higher prices for their ! poems. Some men are so foolish that they would help little boys watch the clothes of ladies who have gone in swimming. If occasionally one of these shots doesn't please you, please remember that some folks have saw dust instead 'of gray matter in their heads. | Usually the last woman who takes 1 off her hat in church is the woman THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1920 who has the least hair of her own. No use to worry over the world go ing to the bad. Every girl who smokes cigarettes at parties doubtless had a grandma who dipped snuff at quilting. The less light a fellow has in his brain the more he has on the end of a ci garette. Chronic Catarrh. Our manner of living makes us verf susceptible to colds and a succession colds causes chronic catarrh, a loath some disease with which it is estimated that ninety-five per cent of our adnlt population are afflicted. If you would avoid chronic catarrh you must avoid clods, or having contracted a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is highly rec ommended as a cure for colds and can be depended upon.