The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, October 14, 1920, Image 2

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THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1920 THREE IN THIS FAMILY RESTORED TO HEALTH Oklahoma City Resident Tells How Tatilar Benefited Himself, Wife and Eldest Daughter. "I just needed a general all around building up and Tanlac lias done that very thing for me,” said A. W. Hedge, well-known proprietor of the Sanitary Cleaning Works at 215 Harrison Ave nue, Oklahoma City Okla. "About two years ago," continued Mr. Hedge, "I got in a mighty bad run down condition and had very little strength or energy. 1 lost my appetite so completely that I never seemed to 1m hungry, and what little I did eat didn't digest properly and failed to give me proper nourishment so that 1 became very weak. I was extremely nervous at times and got very little rest from my sleep. In the mornings 1 would get up feeling all tire.l out and unfit for anything. "Well, 1 decided to see what Tanlac would do for me, and I soon found that it was just the thing that I need ed. I began improving almost from the very start, and now my appetite is so tine that I enjoy eating just any thing. My digestion seems to lie per fect. for my stomach feels good all the fimt> and I'm just full of new strength and energy. My wife and "Mest daugh ter were in almost a similar condition to myself and Tanlac as built them up so that they are now enjoying perfect health, too. Tanlac is the best medi cine we ever ns-d at our house, and tve give it the credit for our present good health.” Tanlac is sold in every town by one good druggist. WANTED I want a one and one-half horse crop for another year, or large one-1 horse crop. Address Mrs. Charles Tan ner. care M. U. Lay, Wluder, <•.,, Route 1. How W e Care For Your Meat Cars When you see a Swift Refrig erator Car going by in a train, it seems a simple thing that it should be carrying fresh meat up and down the country. Like most of the packer activities which contribute to your welfare, you are so used to having this going on uninterruptedly, day in, day out. throughout the year, that you are likely to take it as a matter of course. But it is not a matter of course. Every car you see going by means long hours of minute, scientific, painstaking care in prep aration for what it is doing. Every time a car comes in it is washed out thoroughly with scalding water. If any taint, any foreign matter, were present, this would get rid of it. Even the meat hooks are taken down from the racks and scalded with water and live steam. When the car is thoroughly cleansed we put in 5,000 pounds of ice. But that is only preliminary. It only cools the car to the proper temperature. By the time the car is moved over to receive its load, this first ice is melted. More is then put in to keep the car cool. Then the meat is hung on the sterilised hooks and the load of food is ready for its journey. It arrives as it leaves, clean, fresh, wholesome, appetizing; and your meat supply goes on unaffected by seasons or weather. This is only a part of the service which Swift & Company furnishes, at a profit to itself so small—averaging a fraction of a cent per pound on all products over a period of years—that if the profit were handed on to the consumer, it would make a difference of less than a nickel a week in the meat bill of the average American family. Swift & Company, U. S. A. SAVED HIS HORSE Mr. R. L. Mclntyre, of Altoona, Ala., says: “Dr. L'Gear’s Antiseptic Heal ing Powder quickly healed some bad wire cuts on my horse. I defy any stranger to find the slightest scar on | him.” lir. LeGear’s Advice and Remedy saved this valuable animal. He warns you not to leave a wound, sore or cut exposed, but to dust oil Dr. Let 1 ear’s Antiseptic Healing Powder, which in stantly forms an antiseptic protection and promotes healthy healing. In his 28 years of Veterinary Prac tice and Expert Poultry Breeding, Dr. LeGear lias compounded a remedy for every curable ailment of stock or poul try. Whenever they require a remedy, it will pay you as it did Mr. Mclntyre, to purchase from your dealer ttie prop er Dr. LeGear Remedy, on a satisfact ion or money back guarantee.—Adv. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Services for Sunday: Sunday School 10:30; S. F. Maughon, Supt. Preaching 11 :30. “The Sword and Trowell.” .Junior 15. Y. P. C. 6:30; Nettie Bag well Pres. Senior 15. Y. I*. C. 6:30; Sylvestus Sauls. Prt s. Preaching 7:30. “The Ewe Lamb.” You are conlialy urged to be present. W. H. FAUST, Pastor. MR. FA IST AT CLAYTON Rev. W. 11. Faust is spending several days this: week at Clayton, when* he represents the Mission Board of the Ceorgia Baptist Convention at the Rabun County Association, which meets at Clayton for a two days’ session on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. It is a beautiful season in the moun tains and the Winder pastor will en joy the apples, scenery and meeting witli former fri nds. M - Ekv JmX-h PROGRAM THURSDAY -Ijj IN “WOMAN WIFE’’ • FRIDAY OCTOBER 15 . i ? ! W ■. .. : . .. ‘ DOROTHY GISII IX “NUGGET NELL" SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 EDDIE POLO ix THE VANISHING DAGGER' Episode Five MONDAY OCTOBER IS MAP.LE NORMAN ix “THE SLIM PRINCESS" TUESDAY OCTOBER 10 “THE LOST CITY" GEORGE WALSH ix “THE DEAD LINE" WEDNERDAY OCTOBER 20 MARY MILES MINTER ix “NURSE MARJORIE" THE WINDER NEWS * PROFESSIONAL CARDS * *********** DR. J. H. MOORE Veterinary Surgeon Office over City Pharmacy Office Phone: 62J—Res. Phone 69 WINDER, GA. Dlt. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. E. R. HARRIS, M. D. Winder National Bank Building Winder, Ga. Office Hours: Winder: 8:30 to 10 A. M.; 2 to SP. M. Bethlehem : 1 to 2 P. M. Phone: Office No. 154. Residence 174. IV. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty DR. It. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 G. D. ROSS Attorney at Law Winder National Bank Building. Winder, Ga. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 303-304 Winder Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Wav. C. S. WILLIAMS Dentist Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. All Work Done Satisfactorily. Phones —Office 81 Residence 234. LAMAR ANTHONY Plain aiul Re-enforced Concrete Work Cement, Tile, Stone and Terraza Walks, Drives, Curbs and Gutters Guaranteed Construction 113 E. 12th. St. Atlanta, Ga. W. L. MATHEWS Physician and Surgeon Suite 410 Winder National Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and Ito 4 P. M. Residence Phone 213. Office Phone No. 13. CITY POLITICS FOR MAYOR. To the Voters of Winder: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Mayor of Winder subject to the action of the qualified voters at the primary to be held No vember 3, 1920. If elected I promise the taxpayers the best there is in me— a faithful, conscientious administra tion —fairness to all in the enforcement of the law and the administration of civic affairs. Respectfully, GEORGE THOMPSON. FOR COUNCILMAN SECOND WARD To the Voters of Winder: I respectfully announce myself a can didate to succeed myself as Council man from the Second Ward. If elected I will in the future, as I have done in the past, bring to the office the best service of which I am capable in the interest of the public weal. I will ap preciate your support iu my race. S. C. KINNEY-. FOR COUNCILMAN AT LARGE To the Voters of Winder. At the solicitation of friends I here by announce myself as a candidate for City Councilman at Large If chosen for this position I shall always stand for the right and against the wrong; I will play no favorites and at all times I shall pull for every movement that in my humble judgment tends toward making Winder a bigger and better place in which to live. I will appre ciate your vote and influence. Respectfully. CLEM ROYAL. Grip. Grip usually starts just the same as a cold with a watery discharge from the nose. You are much more likely to contract the grip when you have a cold. For that reason when grip is prevalent you should go to bed as soon as you fCel that you are taking cold and stay in bed until fully recovered which should not be so long if you take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Three days in bod now is better than three weeks later on. We appreciate your trade, but we carry no ledger accounts. —City Phar macy. Just received a cur load of WELL SEWER PlPE—Smith Hardware Cos. Kill That Cold With CASCARA Ef QUININE FOR and Colds, Coughs La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dar.gerou3 Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy h indy- for the fir3t sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara 13 best Tonic Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT A SYSTEM-BUILDER People who have been sick, need a tonic to help them regain their strength. After severe illness, you know the tired, weak, no-account feeling that hangs on, after you get up and begin to go about. The sooner you get your strength back the better, and you should derive valuable assistance, in enriching your blood, renewing your appetite, helping you to digest your food, and to build up your system, by taking The Scientific Iron Tonic Mr. Ervin Hortcp, a prominent citizen of Horton, Ala., writes: “1 have been taking Ziron, and it is a wonderful medicine. It helped me mere than anything else, after I had the influenza. It is a great system builder. I appreciate what Ziron has done for me.” The merit of Ziron has been proved by the good results obtained by thousands of men and women who have taken it. You should try Ziron. Your money will be refunded if the first bottle of Ziron fails to help you. h Ask your druggist for Ziron. Accept no substitutes. ZJ. 2 ■ •M.V" VORTEX Stops. Chimney Waste IT IS a proven fact that with ordinary heating plants 60% to 80% of the heat units escape up the chimney.. The greater part of this heat is saved with the VORTEX Double Down Draft Healer Note the way the two fuel saving draft tubes* force the heat down and out through the quick, radiating steel body and bottom and prevent its escape up the chimney, oee this heater at our store. WILLIAMS-THOMPSON CO. . J No- _ SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR For Sale—Pigs and Shoats. Call 183 or see G. S. Millsaps, Winder. Ga. Great Britain supports more people per acre than any other island in the world