The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, February 10, 1921, Image 4

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921. REMEMBER DATE LOOK FOR THE B I G SIGN J. L. SAUL WHERE THEY CUT THE PRICE AND S ELL THE GOODS DON’T MISS THIS SALE READ OTHER SIDE THIS “STEAM ROLLER ’’SALE WE REFUND RAILROAD FARE OR GASOLENE Knocks all the profit and most of the cost out of this entire stock and you owe it to For a distance of fifty miles if you trade $25.00 or mme. lliis: noera o ea your family to come quick while assortments are complete. low prices ake this sale a blessing to the poor and a saung °Pl> > . > LADIES SILK AND SERGE DRESSES One small lot Ladies Silk and Serge Dresses $12.50 Quality and good styles; you can’t buy the material for this price. J. L. Saul orders them sold . 95 TL J CL 1 A 9 A. M. Rain or Shine, Sale l hursday, rcb. If) L as t s 15 D ays . Be Here When the Doors Swing Open. Bring Your Family LADIES’ SILK SERGE and TRICO FINE DRESSES Extra fine quality Ladies Silk Serge and Tricotine Dresses, all new styles; regular quality. J. L. Saul says THEY MUST GO $ () . 9 5 THE WINDER NEWS Men’s Clothing $75.00, $69.00, $55 Suits. You know the kind we carry, Schloss Bros, and Kruppen himer Clothes of finest quality and work man shi p $29.85 Here is a chance for you to save a Twenty Dollar Bill on your Suit; 3-piece suits in col lege styles, blue, brown, green and other mixtures, worth up to $50.00 All Prices “Steam Rollered” Down to the Level of the Working Mans’ Money. It Will Pay You to Quit Everything and Come io This Sale W. L. Douglas Shoes for Men The Premeir dress shoe, “Steam Rollered” down HALF PRICE. $12.50 W. L. Douglas Shoes $6.25 SIO.OO W. L. Douglas Shoes 55.00 $ 7.50 W. L. Dougles Shoes S3. 75 $ 5.00 W. L. Douglas Shoes $2.50 The price is stamped on the bottom of all W. L. Douglas Shoes. Nobody could fool you if they should try. These prices cheap er than 1914. W. L. Douglas Oxfords For Men and Boys included in this sale for HALF PRICE $14.00 W. L. Douglas Oxfords $7.00 $12.50 W. L. Douglas Oxfords . *^.25 SIO.OO W. L. Douglas Oxfords $5.00 $ 8.50 W. L. Douglas Oxfords $4.25 $ 7.50 W. L. Douglas Oxfords $3.75 Buy your Spring Oxfords and lay them away for they will cost you more next spring Ladies Coats and Suits Here is where we have forgotten all cost and they ust be sold regardless of cost. $75.00, $65.00, $50.00 Ladies fine Suits in Broadcloth and Tricotines, all Silk lined and some of them are spring styles. About 30 Suits in the lot ALL 10 GO FOR $24 75 $45.00, $35.00, $30.00 Ladies Suits. These Suits are all wool and Silk-lined in Serges and Tricotines. THEY MUST GO $lB- 75 PRICES THAT TALK VALUES THAT COUN 1 - savings that tell. READ ON READ ON QUICK Come watch us put the steam roller to prices: Bell Grade and Wimco OVERALLS, for men. — 95c Pair LADIES HOSE FOR 9c Formerly 25c a pair. Steam Roller Price 0C Pr. GOOD APRON GINGHAMS % \ While it lasts QIC CHILDREN’S HEAVY HOSE 35c Quality Children’s heavy HOSE Steam Roller Price |/|C >a * r EXTRA SPECIAL Best Grade Sheeting, Steam Roller Price JQC yard 40c QUALITY BEST GINGHAMS; FAST COLORS; 14c a yd. “fS T A. M. < * , MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S SHOES AND OXFORDS ARE BIG SEN SATIONS OF THIS SALE. BARGAIN TABLES WEIGHTED DOWN WITH SHOE GOODNESS ODDS AND ENDS LESS THAN FACTORY COST. aaswvhl vr *-*■ J U>IUL A lIM T V> piUVVU AIAJ V/lltll V/ O WVA. in the hands of George R. Embry and have given him or ders to put a price cn the entire stock and turn it into cash in the next 15 days and 1 oiler you my entire stock . at prices cheaper than today’s low wholesale cost. J. L. SAUL.