The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, February 24, 1921, Image 9

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THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 3 LEGAL ADS r Letters of Administration. f rl; G. W. Malcom has applied for pel letters of administration on the estate of B. C. Langford, deceased, and same will be passed on by Ordina ry C. \Y. Parker on first Monday in March. s Application for Discharge. Dr. W. T. Randolph, guardian of Mary Lou Melton, has applied for dis charge from said guardianship and the same will be passed on by Ordinary O. W. Parker on first Monday in March. To Execute Titles, r * T. H. Herrick, Trustee, Co<# /coun ty, 111, is cited to appear at Court of Ordinary, March 7th, to show cause why he should not be required to make titles to a certain tract of land, de scribed in petition on file in ordinary's office to the heirs at law of K. P. Car penter, deceased, to-wit: Mrs. K. P. Carpenter, Marvin H. Carpenter, Kinch P. Karpenter and Philip Carpenter, in accordance with bond for titles held .by Jbeirs. Bankruptcy Proceedings. The creditors of Pirkle Jackson, du ly adjucated a bankrupt February 5, 1921, are notified that the first meeting of creditors will be the office of Referee at Lawrenceville, Ga., Feb. 18, 1921, at 10 o’clock A. M., wliefe credi tors can present and prove their claims and examine bankrupt.—N. L. Hutch ins,' Referee in Bankruptcy. Letters of Dismission. IV. T. Hutchins and IV. M. Maxey, ad ministrators of Jackson Hutchins, de ceased, have applied to Ordinary C. W. Parker for letters of dismission from said administration, having fully discharged said duties. Same will be passed on first Monday in March. Letters of Dismission. „W. W. Hosch, executor of the will of Mrs. Mary A. Smith, deceased, ap plies to Ordinary C. W. Parker for let ters of dismission from said executor ship, having fully discharged the duties of same. Will be passed on first Mon day in March. Notice of Debtors and Creditors. All person', Laving demands against the estate of H. J* Garrison, are re quested to render in their demands to Moss E. GarrisoD according to law and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. To Execute Titles. B. E. Patrick Jitee the administra tor and heirs and next of kin of H. J. Garrison, deceased, .to appear at Ordi nary’s Court first Monday in March, to show cause why they should not ex ecute titles to land to said application. Letters of Administration. Mrs. Lou E. Lapiiford. has applied for permanent letters of administra tion os the estate of B. C. Langford. . deceased. Same will be heard by Or dinner C. W. Parker on first Monday In March. Chamberlain’s Tablets For Indigestion and Constipation. “The nicest and pleasantest medicine I have used for indigestion and consti pation is Chamberlain’s Tablets,” writes Melard F. Craig, Middle Grove, N. Y. gripe or leave any unpleasant effect. They work like a charm and do not To abort a cold and prevent com plications take The purified and refined calomel tablets that are * nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. ' Price 35c. Are You in a Rundown Condition ? Does Your Headache ? Elgin, Tenn. —"I can say that Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and his 'Pleas "'Sk ant Pellets’ have yy.frbeen the means --$•&& of restoring my /wy health. I was H weak and run pi down, had sick c, i headaches, and H / my kidneys were V 1 all out of order. It waß a misery for me to walk ’’around. I began 11 ! PHXITW'”' taking Dr. Pierce’s medicine and they put me on the road to good health right away. I want to speak a good word for Dr Pierce’s remedies to all suf ferers.” HARRISON SHEPARD, R. F. D. 1, Box 18. ' Sold by druggists for fifty years. PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorneye-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts ' DR. J. H. MOORE Veterinary Surgeon Office over City Pharmacy Office Phone: 62J—Res. Phone 69 WINDER, GA. ■• " ■ DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 303-304 Winder Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. W. L. MATHEWS Suite 410 Winder National Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence Phone 213. Office Phone No. 13. E. R. HARRIS, M. D. Winder National Bank Building Winder, Ga. Office Hours: Winder: 8:30 to 10 A. M.; 2to SP. M. Bethlehem : 1 to 2 P. M. Phone: Office No. 154. Residence 174. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 Dr. C. S. Williams DENTIST offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234 —Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 49—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia Condemns High Priced Stock Food*. Prominent Hog Raiser Says Prices Charged Are Unwarranted— Makes His Own Hog Food, With Better Results. “That he is all through paying fancy prices for stock foods and hog reme dies and that he is raising some of the best hogs ever placed on the market” was the statement made recently by E. 11. Beckstead, well-known hog raiser and authority on live stock. Mr. Beckstead’s hogs are the envy of liis neighbors, and have “topped the market” for several years in lowa. He states that for yeurs he bought high-priced hog foods and hog remedies hut he is all through paying extrava gant prices for what he can make him self. He states that what the hogs need are minerals, and tells the secret of his wonderful success by explaining that he takes about five pounds of or dinary mineraline (which is pure con centrated minerals and cost only a couple of dollars) and mixes same with enough bran or filler to make a hun dred pounds. All hogs, and especially brood sows require minerals as they keep them free from worms, and in the pink of condition, and are essential to the hogs growth and a well balanced ration. This inexpensive mixture plac -1 in a sheltered box where the hogs can get it as they need it, will pro duce far better results than any high priced so-called stock foods. Send two dollars to The Mineraline Chemical Cos., 1638 North W ells Bt., Chicago, 111., and they will forward you by prepaid parcel post, enough min eraliDe to make a full hundred pounds. (Advt) 4t-4G Foot-Rule for Matrimony. The trouble with most marriages Is that a man always makes the mistake of marrying the woman who carries him off hts feet—lnstead of trying to find one who keeps him on them. —Los Angeles Express. THE GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY As was stated in The News last week the Gainesville Midland Railway has been placed i the hands of a receiver. The home office of the road has always been in Savannah, hence the suit was brought in that court. The receivers were instructed to take charge of the road and have done so. The receivers are W. B. Veazey and Gordon C. Car son. They have posted the following notice. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 15, 1921. “By order of the District Court of the United States for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia entered this day, the undersigned as Receivers have taken possession of all the property and assets of Gainesville Midland Railway. All persons In the employ of the corpora tion on February 15, 1921, are, until further notice, taken into the employ of the Receivers without change of du ties. Wages and salaries will be such as may be hereafter provided by the Court. “(Signed) GORDON C. CARSON, W. B. VEAZEY, Receivers.” It is very clear that unless the ex pense of the operation of the railroad such as cost of coal, cross ties, labor, etc., can be reduced so as to keep the expeuses within the income that the Court will undoubtedly order the road sold out and dismantled, for no road can operate at a loss of nearly a hun dred thousand dollars per year. Perteeo^t Mr. and Mrs. Will Clack and chil dren were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Sunday. Mr. Willie Lee Prlckett of Athens spent the week-end with homefolks. Misses Minnie Mae Wood and Norma Hardigree were guests of Mrs. Arthur Porter at Statham Friday night. Miss Annie Lou Mincey of Winder was the guest of home folks for the week-end. Miss Grace Prickett spent Thursday with Misses Pearlie and Zora Ham mond. The party given by Mr. and Mrs. Regar Steed Friday night was very much enjoyed by those present. LEXINGTON HAS FIRE SATURDAY Lexington, Ga., was visited by a big fire last Saturday night which damag ed buildings covering one entire block. The losses are estimated at S2<X),OOO. Those who lost in the fire were J. W. McElhannon, merchant; R. F. Brooks, Perry Bros., Farmers Supply Cos., J. A. Joore and the Bank of Lexington. The funds and papers in the hank were saved. Farmers to Fight The . Price of Fertilizers The farmers all over the state are hob|ing meetings protecting 'against the prices of fertilizers. They claim that at the present price of cotton they cannot pay the prices asked by the fer tilizer companies. NOTICE. Be it ordained by the Mayor of the City of Winder, and it is hereby ordain ed by the authority of the same, That any person or persons, who shall keep a hog or pig pen within the incorpor ate limits of tho City of Winder in a pen less than forty (40) feet square, or containing less than one hundred seventy five )175) square yards, or shall locate such peu within one hundred (100) feet of any dwelling or well from which water is used shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct, and upon conviction shall be punished as prescribed in section 20 of the char ter. Be it further ordained. That all or dinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with tills ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. CITY OF WINDER. GEO. N. BAGWELL, Mayor L. E. GRIFFETH, Cerk. February Bth, 1921. Million Packets Of Flower Seeds Free We believe in flowers around the homes of the South. Flowers brighten up the home surroundings and give pleasure and satisfaction to those who have them. We have filled more than a mUlten packets of seeds, of beautiful yet easily grown flowers to be given to our customers this spring for the beautifying of their homes. Wouldn’t you like to hare five packets of beautiful flowers free? YOU CAN GET THEM! Hastings 1921 catalog is a 116-page handsomely Illustrated seed book with twenty beautiful pages showing the finest va rieties In their true natural colors. It Is full of helpful garden, flower and farm information that is needed In every home, and, too, the catalog tells you how to get these flower seeds ab solutely free. Write for our 1981 catalog now. It is the finest, most valuable and beau tiful seed book ever published, and you will be mighty glad you’ve got it. There Is no obligation to buy any thing. Just ask for the catalog. H. 0. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, AT- J*ANTA, qa. THE WINDfeR NEWS Birds and Traps, Curiously enough, many birds. In stead of fearing traps, develop a,fond ness for thorn, probably because they find them a source of ample feed >viilch can be secured without danger to-themselves. While this trait occa sionally is something of a nuisance to the trapper, It often Is of great as sistance. It Is believed that birds, having learned to recognize traps, will be apt to go to them for feed In the course of their migrations, and so, when caught, will furnish material for ornithologists' reports. A WONDERFUL YEAR UNFOLDING A wonderful year is unfolding before us—a year of unlimited opportunities for those who are prepared to take advantage of them. We form new classes every Monday--you can start immediately to fit yourself for a splendid position in the bank or office with the assurance that your services will be in demand the moment you are ready. In the new competition which we are entering it becomes increasingly necessary to remove every ob stacle—to be qualified for most efficient work—to know thoroughly the branch of business in which you are en gaged. Our courses are practical and complete. Our grad uates are always in demand. A few months in school will increase your earnings immediately and insure a much more successful future in every way. Arrange your enrollment at once and be in our classes next Monday. ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE Athens, Georgia The Fertilizer That Makes You the Most Profit COMPLETE Fertilizers containing phosphoric acid, ammonia and potash make you the most profit. They must be evenly mixed and properly proportioned from carefully selected organic and chemical materials. This insures an even supply of plant food throughout the growing season. Swift & Company has everything necessary to make fertilizer right: trained chemists —agricultural experts —modern machinery. Buy Swift’s Red Steer Complete Fertilizers and make the most profit. Swift & Company (FERTILIZER WORKS) Atlanta, Ga. Charlotte, N. C. New Orleans, La. FOR SALE BY J. J. WILSON Winder, Georgia Protection for Antarctic Fauna. It la likely that the Australian commonwealth will, at the Instigation if Sir Douglas Mawson, the antarc tic explorer, preserve Macquarie Island nd the neighboring Islets as a sanc tuary for the subaniarctlc fauna. The island, which hap an area of nearly 400 Jegrees S., 900 miles from Tasmania ind nearly the same distance from Antarctica. If Is the home and breed ing ground of muny millions of pen guins of different species. Including the low rare king penguins, and of vast losts of sea-elephant* and seals. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A How’s Thisr We offer One Hundred i 'o'larts. Reward for any case o' Catarrh that cannot be cured by Kali’s Catarrh Cure. F. ,T. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. We, tlie undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the Ipst !5 years, and believe hhn perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry ut any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo. O. Hall's Ca-arrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the bicod end mu cous surfaces of thv system. Testimonials jent free. Price 75 -ents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Taka Hall a Fair'lv Pills for constipation-