The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, January 23, 1919, Image 3

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LEGAL NOTICES PETITION FOK LET TERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA, Barrow County: To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Kathleen Hulme Smith and G. W. Smith have applied to me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of Homer C. Smith, late of said county deceased, ahd I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in February, 1919. Witness my hand and official 3eul this the 6th day of January, 1919. H. G. HILL, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORG,A, Barrow County: To all whom it may concern: Mrs Emma Tuggle has applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of J-is. H. Clack, late of said county deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in February, 1919. Witness my hand and official sea!, hh the 6ch day of January, 1919. H. G. HILL, Ordinary. A DMINI ST KAT OH’S SALE. GEORGIA, Barrow County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county granted at the January term, 1919, will be sold before the court house door of said county or. tiie tirst Tuesday in February, 1919, between the legai hours of sale the following property -O-wit: A certain house and lot sit uated on Wright street in the city of Winder, Ga., described as fob .ows: Adjoining lot of J. R. N. and running along line of J. it. hi. Baugh (200) two hundred teet e,o a corner, thence a westerly tourso (75) seventy-five feet along the line of Mrs. Mattie T. Hodges, thence a scuthernly course along tine of Mrs. Mattie T. Hodges (200) two uundred feet to Wright street, thence along Wright street (75) sev enty-five feet to beginning corner. Terms cash. JOHN W. BELL. Administrator, Mrs. J. A. C. Thomp son Estate. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Barrow County: On Tuesday, the 4th day of Febru ary, 1919, will be sold av the court House dobr in Barrow county, be tween the lawful hours of sale, to ■the highest bidder for cash, a portion of that property in the city of Win der, 243rd District, G. M„ formerly in Walton county, known as the Win der Ice & Mfg. Cos. property, the por tion to be offered for sale being de scribed as follows: Commencing at the southeastern corner of the prop erty of Barrow County Cotton Mid on Athens street, thence along Ath ens street for eighty feet in the southerly direction, thence in a line parallel with the line of said Barrow County Cotton Mill to the right-of way of the Seaboard Air Line Rail way, thence with said right-of-wa to the lower corner of lot of Barrow County Cotton Mill, thence follow- Ing said line of said Barrow County Cotton Mill back to the beginning corner. Said property being offered for sale to satisfy two certain tax 9 fas for state and countv taxes for the years 1917 and 1918, amounting to seventy-five dollars principal, be sides interest and costs. Said lot of land fronts on Athens street and Is bounded by Athens street, other land of said Ice Company, right-of-way of Seaboard Air Line Railway and land of Barrow County Cotton Mills, the frontage on Athens street being eighty feet. Said fi fas are against M. M. Croiier and said property. This the 7th day of J H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SA RE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary 01 Barrow county, •will be sold, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in February, 1919, at the court house door in said county, in the city of Winder, between the legal hours of sale, the following real estate, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land, located in the city of Winder, Ga., Barrow county, on the S. side of E Broad street known in the plat of the John D. Wright estate, as the Parnell Lot, bounded on the east by proposed McElroy street; south by lands of Nancy J. Wr.ght estate; west by H. J. Cox lot and on north Dy East Broad street; beginning on East Broad street, thence S. 40% E. 620 feet to corner; thence S. 67% W. 235 feet to a rock corner; thence N. 28% W. 615 feet to a rock cor ner on East Broad street; thence along East Broad street to the be ginning corner (which survey in cludes the proposed McElroy street). Containing (2%) two and one-half acres, more or less. Also those eight (8) lots of the Nancy J. Wright estate, and known in the survey of the same as Lots Nos. 66, 67, 49, 50, 51, 57, 58 and 59, as will appear from plat made by W. T. Appleby, February 13, 1906, with the exception of one eighth (1-8) of an acre cut off of Lot No. 6 6 for J. A. Suddath, the last eight described lots containing six (6) acres, more or less, making in all eight and one-half (8% ) acres more or less. The abov to b? m'.d together, and is known as the home place of James T. Morgan, lately de ceased. Also at the same time and place, the following described lot. adjoin ing the above, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land lying or being in the county of Barrow (formerly Jack eon), said state, in the city of Win der. and known in the plat of the Wright estate as Lot No. Five (5) of the city property and bounded as follows: On the north by East Broad street; south and east by Mrs. R P. Williams; and west by McElroy street designated on said plat. Con taining one-half acre, more or less. This lot to be sold separately. This is well-improved, well-situat ed property and very valuable as a home place. Sold for the puronse of distribu tion to the heirs. Terms cash. MRS. MARTHA F. MORGAN. Aministratrix of Jas. T. Morgan, de- W. H. QUARTERMAN, Attorney. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Barrow County: Will be sold at the court house door in said county on the first Tuesday in February, 1919, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: One bale and about 300 pounds of seed cotton, picked; also, about 22 acres of cot ton in the field, estimated to make four bales; also, about 1,200 bun dles of fodder; levied upon as the property of Joel Bell, to satisfy an execution issued on the 12th day of October, 1914, from the City Court of Monroe, Walton county, Georgia, in favor of J. E. Thompson, trans feree, against Joel Bell; also, to sat isfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of Barrow county, Georgia, on the Bth day of October, 1915, in favor of J. E. Thompson against Joel Bell. This the Bth day of January, 1919. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. SALE OF VALUABLE MANUFACTURING PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF WINDER V By virtue of the power and authority conferred in a conveyance executed and delivered by M. M. Crozier to i. 1). Buhner dated Mat 25th, 1910, and recorded June 2nd, 1910, in the clerk s office of the Superior Court of Barrow county in Book A, pages 020, 821, and in pursuance of the terms and conditions prescribed in said instrument of writing, there will he sold at public sale, during the legal hours of sale, on the tirst Tuesday in February, 1919, at the court house in Barrow county, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Winder, Barrow county, state of Georgia, fronting on Athens street and bounded by Williams street, Seaboard Air Line Kailway, lands of the Winder Cotton Mills, and by Athens street, or the old llog Mountain road; excluding the right-of-way of the Gainesville Mid land Railway. The said property having been lately known as the Winder Ice and Manufacturing Company plant and previously as the property of the Russell Manufacturing Company; together with ail the boilers, pumps, engines, shafting, ice making machinery and all the machinery of evegy kind and character, and all personal prop erty or apparatus which is now on said property, (except any bot tling machinery or material and ammonia drums) together with all aud singular the edifices, buildings, rights, members, heriditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining; and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever of said M. M. Crozier in or to the same, and the reversion and reversion, remainder and remainders thereof. Said sale will be held on the first Tuesday in February for the purpose of collecting the principal and interest on certain promissory notes, seventeen in number, bearing date the 25th day of May, A. D. 1916, given by the said M. M. Crozier, aggregating the sum of Fif teen Thousand Dollars and containing a stipulation that defaulting payment of either or any of said notes or of the interest thereon or ,of any part thereof shall forthwith mature all of the remaining and unpaid notes of said series, as well as for the purpose of collecting a certain note made and executed by the said M. M. Crozier for Five Thousand Dollars, which was given to T. D. Palmer arid by him sold, transferred and assigned in writing to E. E. Robinson. On the 27th day of February, 1917, T. D. Palmer sold, transferred and assigned to E. E. Robinson of Jacksonville, Duval county, Florida, the instru ment in writing whereby the property which is to be sold and here inbefore described was conveyed to him together with the notes here inbefore mentioned which the same had been given to secure and the said M. M. Crozier having made default in the payment of the first ten notes, the said E. E. Robinson as assignee, as aforesaid, has and hereby does exercise the option given and contained in the deed of conveyance afore- iid to declare all of said notes, whether of the -erics non 1 11 'id Dollars or the note for Five n notes aggregating Twenty nil a ta |) < lippnmp i The title to this prop* rn is perfect. It is one of the most acees-j sible and convenient manufacturing sites in Georgia. The property described in this advertisement will bo sold as a whole or subdivided to meet the wishes of prospective purchasers as may be determined on the day of sale to be to the best interest of all concerned. The original notes and deed of conveyance to T. D. Palmer as well as the deed of assignment from T. D. Palmer to E. E. Robinson may be seen by parties interested in purchasing at our office. E. E. ROBINSON. Assignee, By his Attorneys, Richard B. Russell and Richard B. Russell, Jr. INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago, and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US anl lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home ones. A WISE man Insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to ihs peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Steam Again6t Sails. Modern navnl development may be said to have begun with the rapid in crease in the size of ships which took place at the close of the fifteenth cen tury; and mediaeval history finally closed with the battle of Lepanto In 1571, the last great action in which rowing galleys played an important part. From this time the sall-pro pelled man-of-war was gradually Im proved until early in the nineteenth century, when sails began to give way to steaux. Appropriate Last Words. The Elizabethans nr" full of well chosen last words. Marlowe makes Tnmhnrlainc assume the sobriquet of Attlla with his lost breath: “For Tam burlnine, the Scourge of God, must die!” and tlm dnke of Guise exclaim as the nssasstn does his work: “Vive la messe! Perish Huguenots 1” ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE GEORGIA—Harrow County: By virtue of ou order of the Court of Ordinary of said County, granted at the Janu ary Term, 1919, will be sold on the premises of the Summerlin Buggy Cos., at the corner of Candler and Jackson Streets, in the City of Winder, Ga., on the 3d Day of February, 1919, within the legal hours of sale, the following property of the estate of W. L. Oiver, deceased, to-wit: One horse, one touring ear automobile, one stock, of mer- Needs Grow. Most of us who haven’t any, *•*** tn our pious way that all we wcvi . o.ey for is to he Independent, but we notice, says the Ohio State Journal, that ns soon as anyone begins to g,t a few dol lats uhend he discovers that .ie needs lots more Independence tbun he thought he did. Strange Street Names. What is the quaintest street name you know of In London, past or pres ent? It would probably be hard, re lates the London Chronicle, to beat Shalligonaked street, which, according to the late Sir Laurence Gomme’s evi dence before the local records com mittee, appears as the name of a street In Wapplng in a sewers rate book for 1748. In those days the naming of a street was not in the hands of a sedate public authority, hence the oddity of some of these old names. consisting of harness, sewing machines, leather, har ness hardware, tools and ma chinery, one lot of blacksmith tools and stock. Terms cash. This 4th day of January, 1919. LEE J. OLIVER, As Administrator of the Estate of \\\ L. Oliver, deceased. PETITION FOR DIVORCE In Barrow Superior Court — March Term, 1919. Mrs. Elmo Baxter Bray vs. Thomas Bray. To the defendant, Thomas Bray: The paint iff, Elmo Baxter Bray, having filed her petition for divorce against Thomas Bray in this Court, returnable to this term of the Court, and it being made to appear that Thomas Brav is not a resident of said county and also that he does not reside within the State, and an order having been made for service on him Thoms Bray, by publication, this, therefore, is to notify you Thomas Bray, to be and appear at the next term of the Barrow Superor Court to be held on the Fourth Monday in March, 1919, then and there to answer said complaint. Witness the Honorable An drew J. Cobb, Judge of the Su perior Court, this January 16th, 1919. GEO. N. BAGWELL, Clerk Superior Court, Barrow County. RICHARD B. RUSSELL, Petitiioner’s Attorney. Hw Cmimn4ttr Arrangement, la anew calendar the date* are car ried ra a aeel bo that 13 weeks aro vi*- tMe at a thne and the background wnu the tgarea for any week de- BM ta appear more prominently than the others. Paraguay Cattle Land-;. Paraguny contains some of the best cattle lands in the world, although these resources have not yet been ad equately developed. The republic now contains about 4,000,000 head of cattle. Who makes your Fertilizer? Is he a man who has spent his life at the job? If you would like the benefit of 33 years devoted to the improvement of Southern Crops and Soils, use ROYSTER’S FERTILIZER TRAOE MARK 4 REGISTERED. Order Early and Avoid Disappointment F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va., Richmond, Va., Tarboro, N. C., Charlotte, N. C., Washington, N. C., Columbia, S. C., Spartanburg, S. C., Atlanta, Ga., Macon, Ga., Columbus Ga., Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md., Toledo, 0., Both Were Satisfied. A Missouri livery stable keeper put his hand In a mule’s mouth to see how many teeth the mule had. The mule closed his mouth to see how maay fingers the man had, and the curiosity of both man and mule was satisfied. 1_ Abolish Wasteful Ways The Hoosier Saves Time, Energy, Foods MILLION of housewives now do their work the tloosier way—the way that makes kitchen work easy by saving miles of unnecessary steps and back breaking drudgery. Home keeping fatigue and dread ed tasks now give way to methods that are enjoyable and efficient. The Hoosier permits you to sit down restfully at your work. It places 400 articles within arm’s reach. It brings 40 exclusive labor-saving features. A cabi net more scientific and complete does not exist Fore most household efficiency engineers have aided in making it the supreme kitchen helper. See the splendid Hoosier models today. Learn how weary hours con be turned into hours of pleasure at small cost and on remarkably easy terms. Your Hoos ier awaits you at W. T. ROBINSON The Store of Quality and Satisfied Customers Pinch of Poverty. Next to the proletariat of India and China, the Russian peasant feels the pinch of poverty and hunger more keenly and more frequently than any other citizen on earth, says the Nation al Geographic Magazine. Make Labels Stay On. To fasten the name labels on cans and bottles containing foodstuffs, use a piece of adhesive plaster. This will stick to any surface and the annoy* nnce caused by labels faille? eft will be at an end.