The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, February 13, 1919, Image 2

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THRIFT— In purchasing means <jual ity as well as low prices. This list includes both. foV GAR 9Lbs - SI.OO EGGS Per Dozen uJI RED J. TOBACCO n (\ n Per Lb - iUC PORK and BEANS | l , Large Size \u2^ STEAK and SAU SAGE Per Lb GOLD DUST and * * Heliotrope flour bbl. IZi.ZfD CATSUP n . Per Bottle YLvj MATCHES / Per Box UC PEAS | A Per Bushel 4)0. 1 ! J CALIFORNIA c . no Black Peas Bushel -tpT.UU ORANGE CANE n/j SEED, Per Bushel jT.Uu GOOD HOME- C 1 jn Made Syrup, Gal. -3)1.1U WESSON COOK- a | ft n ING OIL, Per Gal. 3)1.711 KEROSENE OIL gr 5 Gallons for OvC GOOD PEABERRY COFFEE. Per Lb. ,)UC TOMATOES, THE n BEST, Per Can IdC CORN 1r Per Can it)C WHITE KARO SYRUP, Per Gallon..7UC PINK SALMON *n Per Can ZrllC FULL CREAM ja CHEESE, Per Lb 4UC DRIED APPLES r Per Lb IOC DRIED PEACHES t p Per Lb,.. lOC Permit SI.OO No. 1 IRISH PO- nn TATOES, Peck iUC Since the war is over, l am delivering goods inside the city. Phone No. 102. E. S. Bennett Market and Groceries Another Auto Device. An electric light that Is switched on to illuminate an automobile step as the door Is operns! has been patented by nu English Inventor. STRONG OLD MAN 75 YEARS YOUNG Says ZIRON Iron Tonic Mad3 Him Feel Better, Eat Better and Sleep Better. O. D. Blount. Tarrvtown, Ga., writes: “I am seventy-five years old, yet 1 have i been pretty strong until about a year ago. 1 did not leel so well, I had a worn, tired feeling, my body ached and I was not myself. 1 woula chill easily,—my blood seemed thin, my flesh flabby and skin not clear, i didn’t rest well and my ap petite was poor. 1 heard of Ziron. how it was helping others and it seemed to be what I needed, too. i soon saw after I began taking it that it was helping me. 1 felt better in every way. I ate better, t slept better. 1 took mree bottles ami it helped me. I am glad to recommend Ziron.” Ziron is indicated for anemia, pale com plexion, poor blood, general weakness, etc. When your blood needs iron, take Ziron. Remember, if the first bottle don’t benefit, you get your money back. Don’t wait. Begin taking Ziron today. At all druggists. ZN i \bur Blood Needs 21RON NAZARETH CHURCH. Preaching every fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock and the Saturday before. HARMONY GROVE CHURCH. Preaching every first Sunday at 11 o’clock and the Saturday be fore. Everybody welcome. T. M. LEE, Pastor. DORSEY NOT TO CALL OOOI) ItOADS SES SION. With no definite program mapped out as yet b.v the state highway commission and (In' budget commission, Governor Dorsey Wednesday expressed the opinion that nothing would b aim'd by (ailing ;.n extra session of the legislature to en act highway legislation. The joint committee are at the present time working out a tentative plan for a revision of the state tax system which will include proper highway legisla tion to be presented to the legis lature this gummer. A definite program, formula ted and agreed oil by these com mittees, submitted and passed by the incoming legislature, coul dtlien he submitted to the people in the fall at the next general election. Govrnor Dorsey is heartily in favor of pushing highway legis lation tit the regular session, as he regards the highway pro gram its one of utmost impor tance. Early-Day Buttons. The ancients lacked buttons —one wonders, indeed, how they got along without them, but evidently they pos sessed studs of modern pattern, such ns those with which we fasten our cuffs and collars. And, in truth, thej did even have a kind of button (though not sewn on), which fastened gar ments with a pin and hook exactly in the wty our brooches and clasp pins operate.—Exchange. ip ■ a.-- 'a ?£&sfe W£' A-- Up TOP DRESSING TALKS *! * ' ' ’ , For years past Southern farmers have known that top dressing pays. Truck crops and fall-sown crops, especially demand in the spring a top dressing containing quick acting nitrogen. Many of the most progressive farmers apply a top dressing to all crops, even cotton and corn, and it lias un questionably been a profitable investment. The best nitrogenous top dressing, and the only drillable one is ARCADIAN SULPHATE OF AMMONIA ARCADIAN Sulphate of Ammonia is the well-known stand ard article that has done you good service in your mixed fertil izers for years past. Especially kiln-dried and ground to put it in splendid mechanical condition. Ammonia 25',4/o guaianteed. Made in U. S. A. For ale by Empire State Chemical Company, Athens, Ga. F a :t f 7Z" The Company a n N. v™ (ion. write agricultural department Athens. Ga. Pressing Business I have opened up a complete and thoroughly up-to-date Pressing [Club in the basement of the W inder National Bank Building. All my machinery is absolutely new. and I have a first-class Hoffman steam presser. All kinds of Dyeing, Altering, Dry-cleaning, and Pressing done. All work guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered anywhere in side city limits. I solicit your trade. The New Winder Pressing Club PHONE 334 PAUL AUTRY Mgr. WORSE THAN WORLD WAR. Pestilence caused more deaths than w;ir during the year 191S, according to the annual report of the New York Life Insur ance Compny, made public here today. While the death losses by the company in 1918 exceeded those of the previous year by $5,000,000, it was stil ted that the actual number of deaths was 5 per cent less than l lie expected mortality. Best Persian Camels. The best Persian camels are thf powerful one-humped kind, which ar< hred in the province of Khorassan. This animal can carry a burden of 600 pounds at the rate of 20 miles a day. The ordinary Persian camel, however, will carry 400 pounds at the rate of 15 adles a day. TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL Starts your liver without making you sick and can not salivate. Every druggist in town—your druggist and everybody’s druggist has noticed a great falling-off in the sale of calomel. They all give tho same reason. Dodson’s Liver Tone is faking its place. “Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson’s Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults,” said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson’s Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or consti pated bowels. It doesn’t gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. LEGAL NOTICES application for letters OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA —Barrow County: G. W. McDonald and Ben Wall having made application to me to be appointed as permanent administra tors of the estate of T. N. Wall late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given to all conerned that said application will be heard at tu, regulai term oi toe Court oi Ordina ry for Barrow County to be held on tne first Monday in March, 1919. Witness my hand and official signa utre on this the 3d day of February, 1919. H. G. HILL, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA —Barrow County: Mrs. Mattie Fite and C. B. Cham bers having made apliepation to me to be appointed as permanent ad ministrators of the estate of W. M. Fite, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given to all con cerned that said application will be iieard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for Barrow Coun ty, to be held on the first Monday in March, 1919. Witness my hand and official signature on this the 3d day of February, 19 1 9'. H. G. PULL, Ordinary. PETITION FOR TITLES ON BOND FOR TITLES. GEORGIA —Barrow County: Mrs. Ella Threatt having made ap plication to me as the sole heir at law of T. L. Threatt, late of said county, deceased, to require title to be executed to her to certain lands described in a bond for titles from I. M. Parham ,of Madison County, Ga., to the said T. L. Threatt, the said application' alleging that the said lands so described in the said bond for titles made to T. L. Threat by tne said Parham, all par ties concerned are hereby notified that the said application will be heard before the Court of Ordinary for Barrow County on the first Mon day in March, 1919. Witness my hand and official signature on this the 3rd day of February, 1919. H. G. HILL. Ordinar,. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OK ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA —Barrow County: Mrs. Annie W. Carpenter having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent adminis trator upon the estate of K. P. Car penter, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that said ap plication will be heard at the regu lar term of the Court of Ordinary of Barrow County, to be held on the first Mondav in March, 1919. Wit ness my official signature, this the 3d day of February, 1919. H. G. HILL, Ordinary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All parties holding claims against the estate of Jas. T. Morgan, are re quested to present same for settle ment at r' 1 "" MRS. M. F. MORGAN, Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All parties holding claims against the estate of F. W. Bondurant, are requested to present same for settle ment at once. MRS. F. W. BONDURANT, Administratrix. A TIMIN'! ST 11 ATOR’H SAL E. GEORGIA —Barrow County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said County, granted at the January Term, 1919. will be sold on the premises of the Summer lin Buggy Cos., at the corner of Can dler and Jackson Street*, in the City of Winder, Ga., on the 18th day of February, 1919, within the legal hours of sale, the followin', property of the estate of W. J Oliver, de ceased, to-wit One horse. bile, one rchandise con sisting i owinc machines, leather, harness hardware, tools and machinery, one lot of blacksmith tools and stock. Terms cash. This 4th day of January, 1919. LEE J. OLIVER, As Administrator of the Estate o! W. J. Oliver, deceased. COUGHING SPELLS BREAK YOUR REST Put a stop to them with old reliable Dr. King’s New Discovery That raw, hoarse throat must be Boothed. That phlegm-loaded chest must be loosened. That cough must be checked so you can sleep. Dr. King's New Discovery has been relieving colds, and coughs for half a century without the least disagreeable after-c.lects. ... ... Your druggist has it because it is •well-known and in big demand. Try this for Constipation Keep the bowels on schedule time with Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the system freed "from poisonous wastes, the complextion clear, the stomach sweet, the tongue uncoated, the breath untainted. Mild yet positive in action. Famous Old English Castle. Warwick castle is said to have been huilt by the Saxons before the firs! William landed on Albion’s shores. One of its old towers has seen a thousand summers come and go, while the other portions of the structure belong to the fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries. It is one of the most romantic and picturesque edifices In England and Is associated with the memory of the great “kingmaker" of the wars of the roses. Count Guy and other heroes who have clanged in heavy armor through the spacious rooms and in the banquet hall drank the health of the beauteous ladies of their line- LETTER FROM FRANCE TO SISTER. France, Jan. 12, 1919. Mrs. Verner Bolton, Bethlehem, Ga. Dear Sister: Your kind letter received and was glad to hear from you. I am well and having a good time. This is the first letter I have had from you. I guess Verner is cutting wood and I would like to be at home and help him and father. 1 know father misses me, doesn’t he? ’i on can’t imagine how 1 miss you all. I have seen barbwire entangle ments and trenches and shell holes and dugouts until I never will forget this trip as long as I live. Sister, you all don’t real ize what kind of place it is over here. We live in a town now find it is better than it was in the woods and not so muddy. We stayed in the woods nine weeks before we moved. I hope I will get home in time to start a crop. I have 450 francs now and it is not long until payday again. It takes live francs to make one dollar. 1 like F. S. money better. Toll mother 1 sim feeling good and have not been sick since I have been in France and hope and pray to God 1 will stay well ’till I get home. I have a lot to tell you all when I get home. I will send you and Viola a present from here. God bless you all. Lovingly your brother, James Ernest Adams. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. ’Tis an adage old That will bear repeating: “The proof of the pudding Is in the eating.” IIEKE’S TIIE PROOF: The New York Life Insurance Company lias Paid over one-eighth of all death losses, More than one-sixth of the total assets, About one-seventh of the total liabilities, More than one-fourth of the total surplus, More than one-tenth of the total insurance in force, Paid over one-sixth of all dividends, and At on ONE-FOURTEENTH of all the total expense. This is why people prefer to carry their in surance in the New h ork Life, and why, al ter gettting the first policy, they apply again and again for further insurance for the pro tection of “Mary and the babies,” their bus iness interests, or their own old age. Our policies carry disability benefits from dis ease or accidents as well as double indemnity benefits. JOHN THOMAS LOCAL AGT. WINDER, GA. Age cannot wither nor custom stale our variety of Fresh Meats ■ Groceries Because our trade keeps them moving and so tliev must be constantly replenished. They are new, sanitary and fresh in every respect. Phone us your orders —Phone No. 55 Goods delivered anywhere in the city Moore’s Cash Market Clean - Courteous - Careful FROM GERMANY. January 9, 1919. Mr. C. L. Sellers, Winder, Ga. Dear Father: Iwill write you again the first time for New Year. Am still getting on O. K., and hope the same for you all. I hope your crop turned out fine. I would like to know where Herschel is so I could write him. We are still over I in Germany. I will be glad when everything is finished so we can come home to the dear old U. S. A., the garden spot of the world. 1 know nothing else to write and will tell you good bye for this time. Your loving son, A. L. Sellers. MRS. T. ROOSEVELT SAILS FOR FRANCE. M is. Theodore Roosevelt,, wid ow of the former president, was among the passengers on the- French liner Lorraine, which sailed from New York. She will visit the grave of her son, Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt, who was killed in an air plane battle over the German lines, and also plans to spend several weeks with her sister. Miss Em ily Carew, who is doign war work in Italy. While in France Mrs. Roosevelt will see her sons, Lieutenant Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt and < ’aptain Kermit Roosevelt. How long she will remain abroad was not announced.