The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, March 06, 1919, Image 5

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Social •-•and Personal News YOUNG MATRONS FED ERATED CLUB ENTER TAINED BY MRS. DUNN One of the prettiest and most enjoyable affairs of the past week was the party given by Mrs. Alice Dunn to her club and a few other friends at the home of Mrs. W. L. Jackson on Center street. The living room and dining room , where the games were played were adorned with quantities of white and yellow jonquils, filling bowls and vases. Music was en joyed throughout the afternoon and another feature of the after noon's entertainment was the shower of going-away gifts to Mrs. Walter Jackson prior to her leaving this week for Hampton Springs, Fla., where she expects to spend several weeks. After the games a delightful salad course with tea was served. Those present on this happy oc casion were Mesdames W. L. Jackson, Clyde Williamson, Mac Potts, 0. M. Jackson, W. A. Brad ley, J. L. Jackson. 11. T. Flanigan, G. A. Johns, J. W. Griffeth, John Hargrove, H. E. Millikin, W. O. Perry, E. F. Saxon, A. I). Mc- Curry, W. H. Quarterman, 11. E. Edwards, F. C. Graddick, J. M. Griffeth, Misses Fay Williamson and Sara Louise Furlow. MRS. WILSON ENTERTAIN YOUNG MATRONS. Mrs. J. J. Wilson entertained tin* young matron’s Club last Thursday afternoon at a beau tiful party at her home on Ath ens street. The rooms where the games were played were jrm-v ' attractively *vith tall cut glass vases of love ly pink carnations. The punch bowl was placed in the recep tion hall on a table adorned with a profusion of rich john quills and ferns, and was pre sided ove by Miss Kathleen Wil son, daintily attired in a lovely roefe of pink taffeta and tulK with silver lace. Bonbon dish es filled with pink mints were placed on the card tables. At the conclusion of the games the guests were invited into the dining room where a lovely luncheon was served. The luncheon table having for its central decoration a lovely punch basketfilled with pink carnations, the handle of which was tied with a graceful bow ot lavender tulle. The plans of tin? guests were marked with dainty place cards hand-painted in pink and lav ender. Mis. Wilson received her guests wearing a lovely dress of pink beaded georgette crepe. Covers were laid for Mesdam es Ralph Smith, L. W. Hodges, p. A. Flanigan, Roy Jackson, George Fortson, W. D. McKin . ney, G. C. Mosely, J. M. Aiken, W E. V. Snipes, H. A. Carrithers, Jr., H. M. Rankin, R. H. Kim* bell, Reba VonDerleith, Lee DeLaperriere, B. B. Jackson, Robert Camp. Mr. Shannon Smith, who has been spending a week here with his father, left for Dahlonega Monday. Miss Meador O’Farrell, our popular Domestic Science teacher, spent the week-end at her home In Athens. Miss Sara Louise Furlow, of Jackson, Ga., who has been spend ing several weeks with her sister, Mrs Mac Potts, is spending this week in Athens with Miss Ilortelle Hood. , „ , Mr. Porter Davis and Mr. Blake Smith, of Atlanta, are spending the week-end here with relatives. Mesdames. R. L. Rodgers, M. J. Griffeth, C. M. Ferguson, and Miss Pearl Saunders, and Miss Gertrude Rodgers formed a congenial party motoring to Athens Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Horton and Mrs. Paul Roberts and children spent Saturday in Athens. You sue what you get and ge^ • what you pay for at Oliver’s * Brady System Gasoline Dis penser. Also the best Oils. Prof. Marshall was in Athens Sunday. Mrs. W. 11. Quarterman spent Friday in Atlanta. Mr. Carter Daniel, of Athens, was here Sunday. Mrs. T. W. Holshouser is confin ed to her room this week. Airs. G. A. Johns spent Saturday in Athens. Aliss Alice King spent Saturday in Atlanta. Mr. Frank Jackson, of Athens, was in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Matthews spent Friday in Atlanta. Mrs. 11. T. Flanigan spent Mon day in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jackson left this week for Florida. Aliss Berta Meadow is out again after a severe ease of Influenza. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Snipes spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. Hiram Sharpton has been quite sick but is improving. Miss Mary Russell has returned from a visit to relatives in Mariet ta. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Potts spent Sunday in Athens with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hood. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Baugh are sympathizing with them in the loss of their baby. Mr. Fritz Potts has been at Camp Jesup for several days, the guest of his brother, Dr. W. C. Potts. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Morgan and Mrs. W. A. Brooks spent Friday in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young and daughter, Gertrude, spent Saturday in Athens. Misses Ida and Nellie Kilgore spent the week-end with relatives in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Nunally of Statham .spent Sunday with Dr. and Airs. C. S. Williams. Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Pink Williams were visitors to Dacula recently*. Mrs. M. J. Perry and Mrs. H. G. Till are spending the week-end with Mrs. Will Camp at Campton. The many friends of Mr. H. D. Jackson regret to learn of his ser ious illness at his home on Candler Street. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross, of Stat ham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Custer Ross at their home on Broad St. Master Joseph Perry left Mon day for the Piedmont Sanitarium, where he will be for several weeks for treatment. The many friends of Mrs. Haw thorne Ware will be glad to know she is slowly improving. She was carried to Hogansville Saturday and will be there for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Perry had as their dinner guest Sunday Messrs. Hosea Williams, Nim Maf fett, Ernest H. Hodges and Brady Hill. Rev. W. H. Faust dined with Dr. and Mrs. Sikes of Statham last Saturday and spent a very pleasant day with these royal hosts. Rev. J. H. Mashburn was in Atlanta laast Friday on busi ness and attending Peace Con ferenc . Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mayne have returned from Hampton Springs, Fla., where Mr. Mayne has greatly improved in health. Miss Manetta Bullock of Athens, is the very attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williams and Dr. and Mrs. S. T. Ross. Mrs. Carl McDonald and children have returned to their home in At lanta after spending the weex-end with .Air. and Mrs. Judson Jackson. Miss Kathleen Wilson is spend ing several days this week in Ath ens the guest of Miss Lurine Hood. Col. and Mrs. J. A. Perry, Mrs. F. M. Coreal and Mrs. W. 0. Per ry spent Friday in Athens. Mrs. Walter McElroy lias been seriously ill at her home out in the country for several days. Her youngest son is also quite ill. Miss Mildred Appleby, of Pen dergrass, spent the week-end here with relatives. Miss Nita Gains is in the milli nery department of the J. T. Strange Cos. Rev. M. Shed and family are all still ill with Influenza and none able to wait on the others. Air. James F. Burson, one of the splendid citizens of County Line was in the city Tuesday. Dr. L. C. Allen, of Hoschton, was in the city a short while Tues day enroute to Atlanta. CHANDLER'S ACADEMY. The singing at the home of Miss Vesta Lovin Sunday afternoon was enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kennedy. Mr. Cleve Tucker and family, from Greene county, spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Charlie Brown. Mr. Bill Davis is wearing a broad smile on his face. It’s a fine girl. Mr. and Mrs. William Chandler and children are getting along flue with the mumps. Miss Essie Hilton’s birthday dinner last Friday was greatly en joyed by her friends. The “flu” in this community has about died out. Mr. Grady Hilton arrived home from France about two weeks ago, safe and sound. "We are glad to know that little Myree Chandler is well again. Mr. Dewey Lovin could not till his regular appointment last Sun day on account of bad weather. If its Buggy you want, sec* Lee J. Oliver, corner Candler and Jackson Sts. Strange’s Spring Showing /iifi'Jll® Millinery, Ready to-Wear \ffl W Friday and Saturday vJJ JK March 7-8 Examine our line and you’ll quickly convince yourself that for rich styles, substantial materials and beautiful tailoring, we are in the lead. Be sure to call on us Friday and Saturday. J. T. Strange Cos. Department Store TAX- NOTICE. Second Round. For the year 11)19, for the purpose of taking your State and County Tax Returns 1 will be at the following places: Chandler’s Court Ground, Mar. 17, from 1) to 11 a. m. Johnson's School House, Mar. 17, from 12 to 1 p. in. Oak Grove School Mar. 17, from 2 to 3 p. in. Miles Hunter Gin House. Mar. 17. from 4 to 5 p. m. Wright Store, Mar. 18, from 9 to 10 a. m. Statham, Mar. 18, from 11 to 3 p. m. D. D. June's Store, Mar. IS. from 1 to 5 p. m. Bethlehem, Mar. 19, from !) to 12 a. m. Reeve’s Mill, Mar. 19, from 1 to 2 p. m. Maddox School House, Mar. 19, from 3 to 5 p. m. Carl, Mar. 20, from 9 to 12 a. in. i ... ..Auburn, Mar. 20, from 1 u 4 p. m. Thompson Mill, Mar. 21,fron 9 to 10 a. in. Gailie's Court Ground, Mar. 21, from 11 to 12 a. m. County Line, Mar. 21, from 1 to 3 p. m. • Mulberry, Mar. 21, from 4 to 5 p. m. Will be at the Court House every Saturday and also all of court week for tin* purpose of taking your State and Count// Tax. Returns. J. A. STILL,; Tax Receiver of Barrow Cos. We have just received a ship ment of Buggies contracted for last year. See Lee J. Oliver. A little girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fee Hardi gree this morning. A Car Load of JOHN DEERE WAGONS , W THAO* MARK or QUALITY - > Wide track and wide body. The last to be had as January Ist, all wag on factories reduced the gage on track 6 inches and the bodies 6 inches. Get one of the old style, wide track and wide bodies before they are gone. Woodruff Hdw. Company Winder, Georgia