The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, March 27, 1919, Image 3

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Natural. ’Jever notice that when a girl is pretty men expect her to be silly 7 And then she goes and acts up to ex pectations.—Memphis Commercial Ap peal. Safe and Sound. The best way to succeed in ►his world is to mind youi own business. The next best v’>:y is to mind your em ployer’s busir esr s though it wero your own. To Clean Lamp Glasses. When cleaning lamp glasses hold them over the stcnm from a teakettle, ttien rub them with a dry newspaper W ded up into a wad, and lastly, with soft cloth, and they will be all that -can be desired. Great Fertilizer Field. Government experts are investigat ing the recently discovered bone depos its of the PribilofC islands, believed to 5e the world’s greatest supply of fer tilizer of that kind. Importance of the Foilover. Not all can be leaders; some must follow, notes a w-'.ter It mey be that you are emlner..? qualified tv foi’ow the leadership of someone. If so, fol low gracefully. The follower Is none the less honorable, nore the less Im portant, none tho less admired. Climbed Greater Ararat. James Bryce, former British am bassador to the United States, climbed Greater Ararat In September, 1576, making the ascent alone. The Rus sian governor had supplied him with an escort, but they were still 5,000 feet short of the summit when, overcome with superstitious fear, they refused to go on. Mr. Bryce described the sum mit as a little plain of snow, silent and desolate, with a bright green sky above, and the view as stern und mo notonous. Knew All About It. Inspector in Elementary Naval Class, Boston, U. S. A. —Now, will one of you young gentlemen tell me what a binnacle is? Freshwater Student, From Chicago, 17. S. A. —A binnacle is a little shell fish that attaches itself to a ship be tow the water line. —Christian Science Monitor. # Cleaning Gilt Frames. Gilt frames may be cleaned by wash ing tho-i with a small sponge moist ened with oil of turpentine, the sponge being only sufficient wet to take off the marks. The gilding should not be wiped off, but left to dry without wip ing. Varnishing with the best copal varnish is advised for gilt frames, as they can then be washed off carefully With a sponge. As Balzac Depicted Man. Balzac’s object in writing the num erous volumes that succeeded each other with an astounding regularity was to depict man as he presented hmiself to his view, and, in fact, in his works he brings to life again the history of the generation to which he belongs, describing his contemporaries, In particular the humble bourgeois of the middle class, with a most striking exactness. Jellies Make Good Drink. With la grippe and feverish colds, cooling drinks are in demand. Chilled fruit juices are always acceptable, whether it is the juice of raw fruits, such as lemons, limes, oranges or grape fruit or the cooled liquids around cooked dried fruit or preserves Mix with water, sweeten slightly, and put in a teaspoonful of shaved Ice. Tart jellies make a refreshing drink, especially currant jelly. A nourishing drink is made by mixing the water off boiled rice with orange juice or cur rant jelly and water. Lemonade is made tas*' with a dash of nutmeg. Concrete Amusements. To cultivate a spirit of restfulness, and a larger vision, Is the aim or should be of those who would prevent delinquency. Concrete amusements are desirable, says a writer, but they do not make up for Instilling the hab it of leisurely friendships, that are equally appreciated by the boy in his adolescence, or the man who has be come a fine citizen through tlielr in fluence. Merits of Wooden Barre 1 Obvious. A barrel can be rolled. This is its greatest merit, says Popular Science Monthly. Every other shape of con tainer which weighs over a hundred pounds when filled, must be lifted bod ily and carried on a hand truck or by hoisting machinery. One man can un load a carload of sugar—2oo barrels of It —in less than an hour. Don’t you wish it were at your door? No other container can be handled at this rate, ven by two men working at top speed. Etiquette of Fish Feast In the Samoan islands, when a fish feast Is held, the piece de resistance must be divided up In accordance with a rigid and unvarying etiquette. The heads are assigned to the tribal ora tors, who are of the high nobility. The flesh just behind the gills Is set apart for guests whom the host of the occa sion desires to honor. The pectoral flns (a particular delicacy) go to the king. The cuts across the spine Just abafi the pectorals (the very parts we should think most desirable) are dis tributed among the common people. For the chiefs the tall and belly parts are reserved. Clasified Ads. For Seed Irish Potatoes, 11. I). Lewallen, near Seaboard Depot. 3-t Two second-hand Fords andfoursecond hand automobiles to close out quick. WOODRUFF HDW. CO Fords and automobiles at WOOODRUFF HDW. CO. John Deere Plows turn red land where all others fail, with less draught. WOODRUFF HDW. CO. Light your house with Edison’s Mazda lamps. WOODRUFF HDW. CO. See J. E. Callahan befrore buying a Gantt Planter and Distributor. For Plow Points, see J. E. CALLAHAN. The famous old Gantt distributors are just $lO each at J. E. Callahan’s. A Riding Cultivator that gives satisfaction and saves the farmer Money—Sold by Smith Hardware Company. We have a good stock of Cole and Gantt Cotton Planters. Smith Hardware Cos. Cole and Seay Guano Distribu tors are the best. Sold by Smith Hwd. Cos. Genuine Clark Cuttaway Har rows. Sold by Smith Hardware Company. Just received a shipment of Goodyear Automobile Casings. Smith Hardware Company. Remember Garden Seeds in bulk at Smith Hardware Cos. Buy an old time Wide Track Milburn wagon now while you can get it. Smith Hardware Cos. Storage Bateries for your car carried in stock by Smith Hwd. Cos. Paints! Paints! Paints! for the house and porch; the inside boor, furniture, walls, the buggy, wagon, the automobile, etc., at Smith Hardware Cos. Buy a Planet Jr., Garden Plow sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Michelin Tires and Red Tubes. They give satisfaction. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Best Drag Harrows and Fowler Cultivators sold by Smith Hard ware Cos. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Question of Price. “Yeu say there’s a price on her lead?” “I should say so. That hat tbe’s got on must have cost .540.” Labor Disputes in China. Labor disputes are often settled in China by a chamber of commerce, and after the award has been made all the parties take part in a feast paid for by the side which won the decision. Military Service Paths. Every man in the United States army takes the federal oath at the time of his enlistment. Members of the National Guard take what is known ns the dual oath, which covers both state and federal service. Cure for Hiccoughs. To stop hiccoughs, give the patient a teaspoonful of granulated sugar and vinegar. If this does not afford relief at ouce. repeat the dose. Forming a Bad Habit. nc- who allows himself to get Into the habit of explaining away his fail ires will soon find himself trying to explain away other peoples’ successes. With the Farmer. Money may make the mare go, but what interests the average farmer more Than that is the fact that he must keep the mare going to make money.— Exchange. Rattlesnake’s Rattle. The rattle of the rattlesnake is de veloped from the single conical scale or epidermal spine, which in most snakes forms the internal tegument ef the tail. The bone on which the root of the rattle rests consists of the last caudal vertebra and is covered with a skin which is the beginning of the rattle in young rattlesnakes. ** . - Doing One’s Best. There need be no comparison In the ways of duty, if each does simply the best that occasion allows him. Our part may be watching from far off, declares a writer, waiting in days of suspense and anxiety; even that part can be done well or may be shirked. And the moment in which we have done our best will appear, as we look back at it like a mountain peak on which the sun is shining, though at the time it seemed only the sad corner of a lim ited and feeble life. SOUTHERN AVIATOR DIGS FROM PRISON AND SWIMS RHINE Calls “Y" Work In German Prisor. Camp “Life Saver,” While Con fined At Villingen. New York, Feb. ... —Lieutenant George Puryear, of Memphis, Tenn., an aviator, was one of a trio of hardy American adventurers who were suc cessful in a wild dash for liberty from the Villingen prison camp on October 6. Sixteen men made the attempt, but only Puryear, Lieutenant Harold Willis of Boston, and Naval Lieuten ant Isaacs of Portsmouth, Va., got away. Word has just been received at Y. M. C. A. headquarters here con cerning their almost hopeless esca pade. The men brought back remarkable accounts of Y. M. C. A. work even at Villingen. “The ‘Y’ sent us books of all kinds and even sporting goods,” said Lieut. Puryear. “We played basketball and volley ball incessantly—our space was too small for baseball and football. I tell you, those games were life savers to us, and they kept us in fair physi cal condition.” It Is reported that Puryear and his comrades slipped out of the camp through a tunnel under the wire. All but the three named were headed off before they reached the river Rhine, but the intrepid trio swam the river— a terrible feat in itself —and made their way kito Holland. MONEY SENT HOME BEFOREJIG BATTLE Doughboys “Cleaned Pockets’’ for Home Folks, When Return From Fight Was Uncertain. Y. M. C. A. Has Delivered Millions of Dollars For Amex. Paris, Feb. ... —The steady unsel fishness of the American soldier, shown by the way he “cleaned his pockets’ of money before going into action, to be sent home if he didn’t come back, is told by W. J. Baker of Portchester, N. Y., who served eleven months as a Y. M. C. A. worker with the 26th Division. His particular charge was the third battalion of the 103rd infantry. He joined that unit on the St. Mihiel front, went with them to Chateau Thierry, and later was in the famous St. Mihiel clean-up and the drive before Verdun. “It was just before that action be gan,” said Baker, “that I saw the finest example of the characteristic unselfish ness of the boys. They ‘cleaned their pockets’ for the folks at home. They knew they were going up against the real thing, and they wanted all their money to go home in case they never came back. In all, I was entrusted with 8,000,000 francs upwards of $1,500,000 before that attack. We handled such funds through the regu lar Y. M. C. A. service established for sending money from soldiers to rela tives in America.” Baker lived with* his battalion, and saw lively times, as the “Yankee Division,” as it was called, was kept on the fighting front almoßt continu ously. Red Triangle Man Tells Of Serving At Chateau Thierry The Y. M. C. A. has been criticized because it was said that it had no one at the fighting in the region of Cha teau Thierry. The other day, Ernest C. Bardwell, a New York man, came back from France, broken in health because of his strenuous work in that region. Mr. Bardwell was one of a party of Y. M. C. A. men who entered Cha teau Thierry village with supplies at 10 o’clock on the morning of July 22 and worked all day and far into the night serving the boys who were beat ing back the German counter-attacks. The last German prisoners, he said, were taken out of Chateau Thierry at 8:30 o’clock on the same morning. THE Y. M. C. A. IN FAR EAST The work of the Y. M C. A. in Mace donia is rapidly extending over the newly-opened areas, and in the present state of flux heavy responsibilities de volve upon C. W. Bates, the secretary In charge at Salonica. Centres have been opened in Serbia at Vranja, Nish, Monastlr and other towns, and in the capital city, Belgrade, the Y. M. C. A. is now established in a good building. Percival Whitley, son ol the deputy speaker of the English House of Commons, is developing the Association’s work in Northern Bul garia, while on Turkish soil Mr. How ard Bradley has planted the Red Triangle in Constantinople itself. Cook IV akv Good Start *T see you hn/e anew cock." “You are right.” “Is she experienced?” "I surmise so. She started the first day by coming late, *.?& then asking ter ib* afternoon off.” Atcit Tulphur. Sulphur Is one of the older' * nown elements; the ancient Assyrian al chemists regarded It as the principle of combustion and termed it “brim stone,” meaning literally burning stone. Birds of Nebraska. Although -100 different species oi '•rrts have their home in Nebraska, ii s said that no more than 200 are t ie found in any one locality. I Wage War on the Rat. The rats keep 150,<X)p farmers oo .•upied feeding them, and the other workers needed to repair rat damage lumber bO.OOO. Red Heads Have the Advantage. Many physicians oi note are respon sible for the assertion that the red headed are more resistant to disease than less fiery-haired persons, and Sir Arbuthnot Lane expresses the view that “a disease becomes less virulent In type when It gains entrance into the body of a red-head than when it at tacks a person with hair of a more modest color.” A Great Victo-y "Self-mastery is gained by little vic tories at a time, and every new vic tory gives us fresh strength for great er victories in the future.”—Exchange. Pointed Statement. "Now, If you have that In your mind,” said a professor who had just explained a theory to his students, “you have it all iu a nutshell !” Ideals That Uplift. We cannot revere anything lofty without ourselves becoming exalted; we cannot revere anything holy with out ourselves becoming purer. The character of our homage determines our characters. —J. 11. Jowett, D. D. Cold Snaps Specs' Frames. Never leave glasses or spectacles with shell or celluloid frames near a window in cold weather, and never wear them out of doors when the tem perature is low. For rims of this sort contract with cold much more than the glass contracts so they are very likely to break. Telegraphing. In overhead telegraph systems, un der practical conditions, It Is found that about 400 miles is the greatest length of aerial wire that can he op erated by means of double current Rey- Morse apparatus. The highest per missible voltage In use is 120 MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan on FARM or CITY PROPER TY at low rate of interest. Applicants wanted for BONDS, LIFE, ACCI DENT, HEALTH, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, TORNADO and OTHER LINES of INSUR ANCE. We represent only HIGH-CLASS OLD LINE LEGAL RESERVE and TARIFF COMPANIES. For further particulars call on I. E. JACKSON Manager Insurance and Trust Department North Georgia Trust and Banking Company WINDER, Phone 82 GEORGIA STATEMENT OF THE CODITION OF NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. Located at \\ inder, Ga., at the close of business March 14th, 1919 RESOURCES Time Loans $403,584.98 Overdrafts, secured ... 2,431.57 Overdrafts, unsecured 2,338.85 Bonds and Stocks owned by the bank. 74,258.44 Banking; House 1,707.00 Furniture and Fix turnes 9,843.69 Other Real Estate.... 14,131.13 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State 33,241.43 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States 17,788.90 Currency $ 9,029.00 Gold .. .. 451.00 Silver, Nickels, etc 2,967.23 K ash Items .. 6,706.08 Advances on Cot ton 125.475.99 144,629.30 Accounts Receivable (Insurance Depart ment) 6,359.33 War Savings Stamps.. 866.47 Total $711,181.09 Before me came J. E. Patman, cashier, of North Georgia Trust & Banking Go., who being duly sworn, says that the above and fore going statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by t*>e books of file in sit’d bank. • J. E. PATMAN. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 25th day of March, 1919. GEO. N. BAGWELL, C. S. C. Barrow County, Ga. Daily Thought. Nothing will evor be attempted If all possible objections must be first overcome.—Doctor Johnson. Old Familiar Discovery. Every now and then there comes n substitute for gasoline, amply filling the place of the old discoveries of per petual motion. —New York Sun. LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less ( 'urrent Expenses, In terest and Taxes Paid 7.582.85 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State 7.844.82 Due Unpaid Dividends 148.00 Individual Deposits subject to check 348,558.75 Savings Deposits 19,930.74 1 ime Certificates 86,330.87 Cashier’s Checks 1,315.59 Due to Clearing House 602.09 Notes and Bills Redis counted 65,367.38 Bills Payable, includ ing Time Certificates representing borrow ed money 63,500.00 Total $711,181.09 Optimistic Idea. Nothing is so uncertain as the minds of the rabble. Seems Rather Conservative. We lire frank to say that we would hardly accuse the Pittsburgher, who sued his wife for divorce after she had left him 40 times, of being overly precipitous --Morior Star.