The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, April 03, 1919, Image 1

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VOLUME 4. NO. 13 WALTON COUNTY LADY GIVES BIRTH TO FOUR I One Boy and Three Girls Arrive at Home of Mr. and Mrs. Milligan, Walnut Grove Walnut Grove, are the proud par ents of four children which were born to them Wednesday night. The arrivals consist of three girls and one boy, weighing respect ively four and one quarter, five and five and a half pounds, all of whom are living and doing well Information comes to The Trib une Thursday morning that the children are perfect specimens, and that the mother is getting on well. Air. and Airs. Alilligan live on the place of Air. John Thompson, west of Walnut Grove, and are a highly esteemed young couple. They already had two children, and the v : sit of the stork Wednes day night gave them six. Ah-s. Alilligan was attended by Dr. C. Al. Spraybery, of Walnut •Grove.—Walton Tribune. A GROWING FAMILY. Ah. aid Airs. Bert Alanders, of near Carl, are rejoicing over the in their home of a brand ™w little girl which increases their family to eight girls and 3 boys, or a total of eleven children. , VISITORS. TO THE FOUR BABIES. t Air. and Mrs. J. W. Bennett and Mr. and Airs. Brown of this city, wvnt over to Walnut Grove last Sunday to see the four children born last week to Air. and Airs. Dee Milligan. Air. Bennett in forms The Times that these four babaies were all well developed and could make music just the same as one baby. He further stated that hundreds of pei’sons had been to see them and that when they started back home, they left thirty-seven cars at the house with visitors. MR. H. E. HAYNIE UNDER GOES PAINFUL OPERATION. Air. H. E. Haynie, of Winder, ■underwent a painful operation in Atlanta, hy having a cataract cut off of his left eye. As soon as he revives from this he will have to go through the same ordeal by having one cut off of the right eye. The friends of Mr. Haynie deep ly sypathize with him, and all of them trust that he may come thru these two operations successful ly- WINDER BOY PROMOTED. Mr. Clarence Philips, who for some time lias been the highly ef ficient operator for the Western Union here, was recently promot ed to a higher position with the same company in Atlanta. Mr. Philips, although very young, has made a phenominal re cord, beginning here as a messen- and in a short while, and without any training from a •school of telegraphy soon master ed the art, and is today recogniz ed as an operator of unusual abili ty for his age and experience. He is the son of Mr. Q. C. Phil ips, of our city, and is popular jfth all his acquaintances. We for him continued success in his chosen field and extend our very best wishes. THE BARROW TIMES YCUNG MAN Dill AT AUBURN 1 The deatli of Francis J. Segars last week at Auburn* Ga., was a great sorrow to his parents, Air. and Mrs. John Segars as it was to his many relatives and friends. He was just reaching young manhood, having attained his eiglithteenth - year, and was the oldest child of Air. and Airs. Se gars. He had been ill for sever al months from the effects of in fluenza and an operation was deemed necessary. After tlie oper ation had been thought a success ful one and he was able to leave the hospital in Atlanta, he was brought home, but on Wednesday of last week his end came. His remains were laid to rest at the old Segars cemetery a few miles out from Winder last Thurs day, where many sorrowing friends and loved ones met to pay their last tribute of love and re spect. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FARMERS BANK. The stockholders of the Far mers Bank held their first annual meeting on last Tuesday since the increase of its capital stock from $25,000.00 to $50,000.00. A divi dend 6f eight per cent was paid the stock-holders after placing a substantial amount to undivided profits account. This bank has had a healthy rowtli from its beginning, and un der the present efficient officers is continuing to grow. All of the present officers of the hank were re-elected for another year as follows: Mr. G. If. Kilgore president; John A. Thompson and John L. Harris, vice- presidents; Ik J. Smith, cashier; and P. Carl ton Pentecost, assistant cashier. MRS. J. L. LANIER'S MOTHER DIES. Mrs. J. L. Lanier left on the ear ly train Wednesday morning for Summerville, having received the sad news that her mother was dead. Mrs.. Gramlin, the mother of Mrs. Lanier, had many relatives in this and Jackson counties, be ing a decendant of the large fami ly known as the “Camp Sisters.” She was nearing her 80 years at the time of her death. GEORGE WHITLY REACHES NEW YORK. .. Mr. George Whitley, son of Mr. J. L. Whitley,, of our city, noti fied his father yesterday that he had landed safely, in New York from France. The many friends here, of George, will be rejoiced to welcome him home where he hopes to be in a few weeks. APPALACHEE S. S. CONVEN TION. The Appalachee Suday School Convention composed of dele gates from the twenty-three Sun day Schools of that body, conven ed with Bethabera church last Saturday and Sunday. Large crowds were present and dinner was served on grounds both days. Rev. W. H. Faust was elected president, B. H. Jenkins, of Mon roe, Sec. and Treas., Supt ofCra dle Roll, Mrs. J. E. Prather; Supt. of Home Dept., Hon. A. B. Mob ley ;Supt. of Teachers Training, Prof. J. P. Cosby. The next, session goes to Center Hill church, in Walton county, on second Sunday in July, 1920. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY WINDER, BARROW COUNTY, 0.V., THURSDAY..APRIL 3. 1011* A GOOD FAMILY GOES TO DAHLONEGA Air. and Airs. J. Al. Brooksher left Wednesday for Dahlonega, their former home, where they will again reside. Air. and Airs. Brooksher and family came here a few years ago from Dahlonega and made friends of all our people, and we we all regret more than can be ex pressed to have them return to their old home. They are splen did people and any town or city should he proud of tlicit citizen ship. Air. Brooksher lias large real estate holdings in Dahlonega and felt that his interests there de manded most of his time is why he goes hack. The business of J. M. Brooksher & Sons will still continue here, Air. Carl Brooksher, his son, and and other members of bis family remaining in charge of affairs. This will he good news to their friends, for it means that they have not entirely severed their connection with us, and that Arr. and Airs. Brooksher will he fre quent visitors to Winder. DR. AND MRS. C. S.WILLIAMS ENTERTAIN. On last Thursday, Dr. and Airs. C. S. Williams were hosts and host ess at a lovely dinner, in honor of Airs. William’s mother, Airs. A. L. Harper’s sixty-seventh birth day, and Dr. William’s father, Mr J. AL Williams seventieth birth- The dining room was beautiful with its decoratioins of pink and green. Six large French baskets filled with pink begonias and ap ple blossoms were placed on the table, mantle cabinet and buf fet. In the center of the table were three beautiful cakes, one large one, another not quite so large and still another one; on which were placed sixty-eight pink and green candles and three white one’s, showing the three years difference in Air. William’s and ATrs. Harper’s age.. Little kewpies holding pink and green ribbons were placed at interveals in the dining room. An elegant seven-course dinner was served. This • home never looked more beautiful than on this occassion, and was a very happy day for the guests. Covers were laid for Mrs. A. L. Harper, .of Bogart, Air. and Mrs. J. M. Williams, Air. and Airs. P. A. Nunnally, of Statham, Air. and Mrs. F. G. Harper, of Bogart. Mr. and Airs. M. F. Harper, of Monroe N. C„ Mr. and Airs. J. M. Miller, of Bogart, Messrs. Paul and Ben nie Williams. NEW BUSINESS OPENS. Mr. P. C. Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gregory, of this city, has recently opened an elec tricel shop in the old post office building, carrying a complete line of the best of everything elec trical. Mr. Gregory is specially pre pared to do all kinds of electrical repair work. He is a graduate of Coyne National Trade School, of Chicago, and he has had consid erable experience with the West inghouse people in Pittsburg and the Fulton Electric Cos., of Atlan ta. Although quite a young man, Mr. Gregory is forging rapidly ahead in his business. Read his ads in each issue of The Times. Mrs. \V. T. Hamby, of Carroll ton, is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Ella Whitehead, at her home on Candler street. A PRACTICAL AND SUCCESSFUL FARMER Air. Joe Bradbury, of Jackson county, one of the most success ful farmers you will find in the state, was in Winder Wednesday. The Times editor has known Joe Bradbury since we were small boys and during all the years since that time, have been friends. He is a good farmer because he has always made his supplies at home,and some to spare. This is practical farming and the only kind that proves successful. If Georgia were filled with far mers of his kind we would have the most prosperous and content ed state in the union. WOMAN’S ANNUAL CONFER ENCE AT MIILEDGEVILLE. The Woman’s Annual North Georgia Conference was regularly entertained by citizens of Mil ledgeville and I)r. Park, and G. N. I. C. college student bodies. AYednesday Dr. Parks served dinner in the old Governor’s man sion to t lie conference which con sisted of 240 guests. They were seated in the dining room of man sion and there enjoyed a three course dinner, during which time the president was giving historic al events of olden days and his stonvisits of four generations of Governor Johnson at one time and in that place was where they had the levee’s which commenced at 4 o’clock in the afternoon and last ed all night, which entertainment fcOriwftmed most of the goernor’s salery. Terrell and Atkinson Hall girls invited them for dinner in Atkin son dining room. Thursday at (i o’clock to a four course dinner, red and white be ing color scheme of decoration. Profuse quantities of cut and ar tificial carnations with greenery and haarels of wild flowers and festoons of drapery adorned the large and spacious dining room and center of each table vaces of beautiful cut flowers. During din ner the conference was entertain ed by several musical selections from the Glee Club and Student Body. A LIVE INSURANCE MAN. Air. Paul Bosch, one of the live and hustling insurance men of Winder, went right to work after his return from the army and has already built up a fine busi ness. He never tires hut keeps eternally at it with a determina tion that knows no failure. If he puts as much energy in his efforts to win some fair young lady when reaching the conclus ion that he will do this, he will win out easily and then it will be Mr. and Mrs Hosch. This islia ble to occur any time in the fu ture. BACK HOME FROM CAMP JESUP. Mr. Cupid Potts, who has been stationed at Camp Jesup for the past twelve months, came home last week having received an hon orable discharge. He has been a very busy man during all his ser vice as a soldier, being recog nized as one of the very best phar macists, one of the highly impor tant positions during a war as w r efl as in time of peace. His family and hosts of friends here were rejoiced to welcome him home. Mrs. Dora King left for Grif fin last Sunday for a visit of two weeks with her son, Mr. Harry King. MISS CHARLOTTE Mc- CANTS CHARMS LARGE AUDIENCE The Wesleyan Seniors in ex pression, gave their graduating recital onAlonday evening of last week, which was attended by a large audience. The many friends here of Aliss Charlotte AtcCants will be grati fied to know that in this graduat ing recital she completely charm ed the large and refined audience by her ability on this occasion. The Times copies from last Sun day’s Atlanta Journal in its column of social news of the col leges. the following complimenta ry notice of this bright young Winder lady who is a pupil of Wesleyan college: “Aliss Charlotte ATcCants, of Winder, showed unusual ability by her great poise and sweetness of voice in the emotional reading “Who Giveth This Woman to be Married to This Man?” An orig inal arrangement from “The Mu sic Master,” and in the same way that she held her audience in this reading filled with pathos and emotion, she convulsed her audi ence with laughter from the be ginning to end with the humorous reading “An Elopment hy Night” I. E. JACKSON LEADS. AYe notice from the Weekly Bulletin of the Southern States Life Insurance Cos., that Air. I. E. Jackson, of this city, lead in the production of business for tbe en tire Southern States week before last, and was second for the month of February. * CEDAR CREEK. It was real interesting to pass by the field to see the farmers whistling and singing as they were so busy last week. Mrs. LulaSikes, who has been visiting near Monroe, has return ed home. Our school lias been holding out real well considering this season being working time. As the “flu” is not so scatter ed and the weather is getting bet ter, we wish all the people to take an interest in going to Sun day school. Several families went to the singing at Ebenezer Saturday and Sunday. Aliss Susie Sikes visited Aliss Ella Mae Summerour Saturday afternoon. Aliss Blondine Hardy visited at Jefferson Thursdays Air. Bob Kelly came after her to carry her to a play. Misses Mary Kircus and Grace Moon. Messrs. Albert and Roy Hinesly and Henry Fuller called on Misses Ruth and Susie Sikes Thursday night. Miss Lottie Sikes, daughter of Mrs. Lula Sikes, who is teaching school near Monroe, spent Sun day with home-folks. Several of Mr. and Mrs. John Park’s relatives were their vis itors yesterday. Mr. Jim Griffeth and Mr. Will Autry passed thru our burg Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Tom Hinesly and daught er, Frona, and Mrs. John Hinesly visited Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moon Thursday. Mr. Emory Stewart and sever al relatives motored to Carl Sun day. , Mr. Hubert Daniel, son of Mr. Jim Daniel, is expected home real soon. He has been in an Atlan ta hospital for nearly two months. E 51.50 IN ADVANCE SECOND WEEK OF BAR ROW SUPERIOR COURT Judge Cobh opened the sec ond week of Barow Superior court last Alonday morning, tak ing up the criminal doJket and continuing on it until late Wed iic-dr-y afternoon, wo -n civ- •as again begun. A lot of criminal cases have been disposed of and the court has been kept busy all the week. A number of the visiting attor neys have been present this week, looking after clients and between the court room and the grand ju ry room Solicitor Dean has hen a busy man. Judge Cobb is an ideal judge, being fully conversed with all of the intricacies of the law and having the respect and confidence of the bar and the citizens. The grand jury adjourned Tuesday afternoon to met again today with the intention of fin ishing its work for the term. The court will probably contin ue through Friday, or perhaps Saturday. PENTECOST. Aliss Fannie Dunnahoo spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Marie Haynie. Several from here attended the Baptist Sunday School Conven tion at Bethabara Sunday. Mr. I). I’. Chandler spent Sat urday night with relatives at El bert on. Chester Couch was the guest of lfenry Hardigree Saturday night. Miss Ruth Clack spent the week end with home-folks. Miss Grace Prickett was the guest of Miss Marie Hardigree Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowman spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Adline Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Steed and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Elder, of New Timothy. The young ladies of this place met with Miss Rosa Lee Chan dler Thursday afternoon and or nrganized a sewing club. Mrs. R. M. Hardigree was chosen as president, MisA Wilder Pentecost, vice-president, and Miss Pearlie Hammond secretary and treasur er. After a pleasant hour spent in sewing, cake and hot chocolate was served. The next meeting will he with Miss Edna William son. Mrs. J. M. Wall and Miss Eliz abeth Booth, of Oak Grove, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. 11. A. Hardigree. Mr. Gordon Pentecost is home on a JO day’s furlough. Mr. and Mrs. I). P. Chandler and son, Brunelle, spent Sunday afternoon with and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Williamson. EURtKA ELECTRIC VAC UUM CLEANER I have a few of these Clean ers in stock, and will he glad to demonstrate. These few will be sold at the old price, but the next lot will be about $6.00 higher, ho don’t wait,but ’Phone 364, or 40. PAGE C. GREGORY. Electric Contractor. “Everything Electrical.” Carolyn Aiken was carried to- Atlanta Tuesday by her father and mother to undergo an opera tion for appendicitis. Carolyn is one of {Winder’s sweetest little girls and all of us are earnestly hoping she will soon be restored to health and spared to her family and friends.