The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, April 03, 1919, Image 4

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The Barrow Times Published Every Thursday A. (i. LAMAR, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Copy Six Months 75 One Copy One Yeak ft 1.50 All communication* must be tigned by the writer Entered at second-clasi matter at the pottoflice under Act ot Congress March 3, 1879 Too many people dislike thinking and dread responsibility. o One of the big jobs is trying to reform mankind and few men have been successful in the undertaking. o— If the peach crop is safe after this cold snap, Georgia will be al right through July and August. .. o From the news items coming to us from Lurope it is a hard mat ter to know just what is going to happen over there. - The peace conference is impressed with the necessity of doing something quickly to bring about normal conditions and aie bolding two sessions daily —— Over four thousand millionairs have ben developed, according to estimates compiled from government reports on “waste re-clamation from rag-picking. o— Senator I hike Smith, in an address delivered before the Ad\ei tising Club of Atlanta, prophisied peace in the near future, other marvelous opportunities for expansion in all lines in America await ing uS. Mayor Thompson was re-elected in Chicago for_ another term over Switzer, democrat. Thompson received 257,888 votes and Switzer 240,288. The Baptist Tabernacle of Atlanta, which has a debt of $90,000 against it, will be lifted if possible by a campaign made for this pur pose, in which Dr. Braughton will assist the pastor Dr. Jno. \\. Ham. —o — The price of cotton and unsettled conditions over the entire world have little effect over the sale of tickets in Atlanta for Grand Opera It is not Atlanta people altogether, but it is claimed that out-of-town attendance this year will be greater than ever before. What is the matter with the world? The whole business seems to be out of joint. When it begins to look things are about to be ad justed, trouble breaks out again in some country to make the situa tion more serious. Now it looks as if the Hungarians were about to embrace Bolshevism as well as other countries in Ivuiope. o— — Uncle Sam is calling for 50.000 bachelors lor service in Lurope to take the place of 50,000 married men already over there, and who want to come home. If you are an old bachelor and don’twant some woman to support, you, now is your opportunity to go to the front and let some poor fellow come back to enjoy this blessing. o- In vote on the “little” ballot proposition “shall Chicago be dry territory?” was won by the “wets” without contest by the “drys” In this vote more women were wet than dry and ii they are going to cast their ballots this wav, they will not accomplish much good by being allowed to have their franchise. 76,325 women in Chicago vot ed that the city shall be dry and 124,131 voted that it shall be wet. It seems a lot of their women need reforming. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. \ Services for Sunday. P"” Sunday School at 11 a. m. Preaching at 12 a. m. “God’s Sublime.” Junior and Senior B. Y. P. 17.,I 7 ., 8 p. m. Preaching 1) p. m., “The Chris tian Pilgimage.” This invites you. \V. 11. Faust. Pastor. you you WANT \currHiNpy WANT TO BUY TO PAY. WHEN we recommend “SHIELD BRAND" as the most satisfactory and economical suits your money can buy. we are safe in appealing to your confidence in us, because the maker’s guarantee is behind every garment. Pick out the suit you like. Try it on. Notice the make and fit. The price is right. You must be pleased. You will be pleased. J. M. BROOKSHER &SONS BETHABARA BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching at Bethabara Bap tist church, Oconee county, Satur day 11:00 a. m. “At Ease In Zi on.” Sunday 3:00 p. in., “Sad Pict ures of Human Life.” You are cordially invited. W. H. Faust. VIERRA’S HAWAIIAN SINGERS and PLAYERS fEjjßßs!& '"•' v t .*#* '-wt^m^p’ Site? “A Night In Honolulu” One Night Only The STRAND THEATER Monday, April 7th Admission: Adults, 55c: Children, 30c Including War Tax CHRISTIAN CHURCH. R. E. Moss, Minister. Sunday School 11 o’clock new time. Let’s make special effort to be prompt and have 200 pres net. We can do it. Won’t you come? Church services 12 o’clock new time. Listen for the church bells and you will make no mistake. The night services will be at 9 o’clock new time. This is no lat er, for it is the same as 8 o’clock old time. Our protracted meeting begins next Sunday. We will expect a large audience both morning and night. All the churches and all the people of Winder and Barrow county cordially invited. Services every night at 9 o’clock new time. Subject Sunday night: “An Old Theme in a New Dress.” Other subjects during the week will be “Things Both New and Old”, “The Christ of God, or Who Is Christ?” and “The God of Christ, orWho Is God?” Special music and good sing ing will be a feature of the meet ing. Miss Lena Hamilton spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Put your feet where they belong — They’re just as wise as your head. No use trying to fool them into being comfortable if they haven’t got the right shoes on. It can’t be done. , No need telling you that we’re just as concerned as you could be that the shoes we sell you are going to be right in every way. That means style and size and quality and price. We want you to come back again. THE WIINDER DRY GOODS STORE. BEACON SHOES TAX NOTICE. Third and Last Round. Those who have not made their returns will please meet me at the places that I have advertised and make your returns for the books will close May the Ist. 1 trust that every tax payer in Barrow county will return their proper ty. Chandler’s Court Ground, April 14, from 9to 11 a. in. Johnson School house, April 14, from 12 to 2 p. m. Ook Grove School house, April 14, from 3 to 5 p. m. Miles Hunter Gin House, April 15, from 9 to 11 a. in. Statham, April 15, from 12 to 4 p. m. Wright’s Store, April 15, from 5 to 6 p. m. Bethlehem, April Ib, from 9 to 12 a. m. Chaney’s Store, April 18, from 1 to 3 p. m. Maddox School, April 18, from 4 to 6 p. m. D. I). Jone’s Store, April 21, from 9 to 11 a. m. IL T. Vincent’s Store, April 21, from 12 to 1 p. m. Carl, April 22, from 9 to 12 a. m. Auburn, April 22, from 1 to 4 p. m. Thompson’s Mill, April 23, from 9 to 10 a. m. Cain’s Court Ground April 23, from 11 to 12 a. m. County Line, April 23, from 1 to 3 p. m. Mulberry, April 23, from 4 to 5 p. in. Will be at the court house eve •y Saturday. J. A. STILL. Tax Receiver of Barrow County. Several desirable building lots for sale. Hathaway. FOR SALE CHEAP—PIow stocks steel drag and spring tooth har row. See Hathaway. Shoes and Oxfords Spring, 1919 W Our line of Oxfords in all the best L styles, and in the season’s most pop ular eat^ers ’ * n a collection of the best Styles and sizes for all ages K Women, Children, Men’s and Boys’ Shoes and Oxfords Come in—see the unusually good \ values we are offering. \ Kilgore-Kelly Company “Fitters of Feet” FOR SALE. One 1-ton Truck, will trade for any cheap ear; Ford preferred. 808 PIRKLE. Winder Bottling Georgia. Announcement Beclingfielcl GARAGE I have opened a Garage buiness on Athens street in the building formerly oc cupied by J. R. Jones, Jr., near Woodruff Foundry. You will find me there at any time during work hours. If you want a good job and prompt attention, bring your work to me. Special attention given to Chevro lets. I am equipped to do your work right, and will appreciate your patronage. Bedingfield GARAGE Athens St. Winder, Ga. MILK COWS FOR SALE. Three young milk cows fresh in, for sale at a bargain, or ex change for beef cattle. E. S. HARRIS. Bethlehem, £2a.