The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, April 03, 1919, Image 8

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<:> -nsn **;' Cw iJP i-Vi . *>• • ■ .So**-<**■. CA*mv' , -’J **• A—-,* -,-r, I * * ' J* ‘ " V' :—f Revival Services -At Christian Church Begin Next Sunday, April 6 All churches and ev erybody in Winder and Barrow County are cor dially invited. We are ex pecting a great meeting. Come. Every night at 8 o’clock, old time. Preach ing by Rev. R. E. Moss, the present minister, for merly of Nashville, Tenn. LEND AT INTEREST OR PAY MORE TAXES WE MUST CHOOSE We Cheered For Peace And Now We Must Pay For It, In One Way 'Or The Other The Victory Loan campaign Is close at hand. It is only a short time before we who threw our hats into the air and cheered on that November day when the armistice was signed will be call ed upon to prove that we are as ready to lend as to cheer. A soldier returning from France to ►his home city, remarked to a citizen who met him with a hand-shake: ‘ This welcome and flowers are all very nice. But how about a Job?” Uncle Sam can well say to his peo ple: ‘That cheering for peace was tine. But how about paying the bills for bringing it about?” The war bills must be paid. Any body can see that. There are two ways to pay them. One is to borrow the money from the people. The other is to tax it out of the people. 0:r war taxes —most of them on luxuries—are heavy enougli now . But unless the Victory Loan is liberally (subscribed they will seem small be sides the taxes to come. Uncle sam had rather Bell securities than put on new taxes. He must do one or the other. It’s up to the publlic. "FAIR AND SQUARE." The individual quota system, recog nized everywhere as the "Fair and Square" plan, is to be used in a large proportion of tlie Sixth Federal Re serve district in the approaching Vic tory Loan campaign. Under this plan, a definite quota based on property and income is as signed every resident of the county, and he is asked to invest that sum in the Victory Loan. It is intended in this way to see that every man bears his share of the load and knows his neighbor down the road also is carry ing his share, instead of penalizing the more patriotic who are willing to take on an extra load to put their counties over the top. Paraguay Cattle Land-,. Paraguay contains some of the best cattle lands in the world, although these resources have not yet been ad equately developed. The republic now contains about 4,000,000 head of cattle. Dr. (Jeo. W. Morrow, of Mich igan, delivered a splendid lecture at the First Baptist church here ast night, to a large audieticee. lie spoke intlie interest of nation al prohibition. The l’. S. flag offered for the school grade having the largest pereetage present, was won by the second grade. Aa to Our Looks. “Improved photography,” rem irked the man on the ear, “has given us the lulstnken notion that we are bet ter looking than our ancestors.” Take the Short Route. When you talk, observes an educa tor, whether in conversation or In meeting, use short words, of which there are more than there are of long ones, and t*e the most direct road to your meaning. Your meaning's the same. The Real Test. “Don’t conclude that a man Is a pa dent mortal beenuse you’ve watched lim sitting on a log fishing,” said the nllk toast philosopher. “Watch him vhlle he's waiting for his 6upper.” Telephone 102—that's Bennett's Market We offer you the following prices on good meats: Beef Steak aa per pound OuC Beef Roast ap per pound _ZiDC Stew Meat aa per pound ZrUC Mixed Sausage aa per pound _)UC Pork Sausage ir per pound )DC E. S. BENNETT Market and Groceries Telephone No. 102 Clasified Ads. Buy Screen Doors, Screen Wire and AVindows from Smith Hard ware Cos. SUIT Tilt: FLY OCT—Buy Schreen Doors, Seren Wire and Windows from Smith Hardware Cos. EX IDE. “TUB (IIA NT OF ALL STORAGE BATT FRIES. Sold hy Smith Hardware Cos. EXIDE STORAGE BATTERY for all makes automobiles. Sold by Smit li I lardware < 'o. STORAOi: BATT ERIIES Rtb CHARGED by Smith Hardware Cos. Ditcher’s Rubber Boots at $4 Wooaruffff Hardware Cos. Second band Fords and auto mobiles. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Save 50 cents SI.OO at Wood ruff Hardware Cos., on Rubber Boots. Well, those Mogul and John Deere Wagons are selling some, get one before they are gone and all are reduced in width. Wood ruff Hardware Cos. CHRYSANTHEMUMS FOR SALE. All ladies who wish Sandal Chrysanthemums can get them now from me ready to transplant at 25 cents per dozen. J. M. Mor ris, Winder, Ga. MILK COW FOR SALE. One youn Jersey milk cow, with young calf, for sale. Fine milker. Or will swap for one coming in later.. N. T. Summerour, Win der, Ga. FOR SALE. A limited amount of Mexican can White Rose Cotton Seed for )1 anting purposes. J. E. PENTECOST. Nltro-Starch PossibMities. Nltro-stnreh, more compact than rl allied nitro-cellulose or gr,n-cof!<> seems to promise great efficiency blasting explosive. Authentic Bronte Relic. An inreresting relic of Chnrlotte Bronte, the novelist, lias been presented to the museum at Haworth, England It Is a traveling trunk used by Char lotte Bronte. Inside is a label giving the maker’s name and address in Brus sels, and there is little doubt the trunk accompanied Charlotte on her Jour neys between Monsieur Ileger’s Pen slonnnt in the Rue d’lsabelle in that city, and her home at the Haworth rectory. IN FACING THE SPRING SUIT QUESTION The best that can be said about any Men’s clothes and the least that can be I j said about J. L. Saul’s clothes is that you jfe/ k will get out of them all you put in them. /Q\ Clothes that combine charm, character, /A, l u { comfort, quality—these are Saul’s clothes, ATa . \ made by Schloss Bros., Baltimore, Md. ill \ v,i SAUL’S SPRING SUITS ’UJ gf possess the distinction of being clothes t, \\ f which you can wear and enjoy 1 v lAj J. L. SAUL'S WINDER, GA. %§ s Free Pamphlets explaining the government’s cam paign against venereal diseases and presenting the true facts of sex in a wholesome manner will be sent to any address free. SET A. For young men. SET B. For the general public. SET C. For boys. SET D. For parents of chil dren. SET E. For girls and young women. SET F. For educators. Write to the GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Atlanta, Georgia. Keeps Well Beats Get Well The average young man receives no accurate information about sexual mat ters. He gets distorted ideas from ignorant associates, medical museums, quack doctors, and through his own experience. Sexual knowledge is not usually obtained in the home or school. The street, the gang, and low amuse ments are the teachers —often at loss of health, money, self-respect, and business success. You can avoid such needless sacrifice. Literature will be gladly furnished you by the Georgia State Board of Health, Atlanta. Another Auto Device. An electric light that is switched on to Illuminate an automobile step as the door is opened has been patented by an English inventor. Striving After Strength. We think that we shall win truth by striving after strength, instead of knowing that we shall gain strength lust in the degree that we become true. —Phillips Brooks. To sit down with the paper by a good light is real home comfort. Good light is just another way of saying National MAZDA lamps. Just tell us what size and style— we have them all. P. C. GREGORY Winder, Ga* • i KBt tO XiWar •to ■j s ** o * v r Tho all-yoar-round 50ft drink . Leadship,onc9 established, is strengthened and confirmed by its followers and imitators Bevo’s leadership is proclaimed by the largest rear tfoard that ever followed a leader. Sold everywhere’'Families supplied by grocer, and dealer."’'Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our plant. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS. i-l i p Henson Bros. & Fulbright, gwr** distributors WINDER, GA. |K*eM Oldest Fn in the World. A museum in Cairo, Egypt, has the oldest fan in the world, this dating from the seventeenth century B. C. JbutcJhr ACL'ysi- WE NEVER FOOL ] A Maybe you expeet to be fooled on the first day of April and would enjoy the fun, but you don’t want to be fooled, even on that day, in the meat you buy. GOOD MEAT EVERY DAY is what we say, Yoiv’ll find it true too. CARRIINGTON BROS. ’Phone 80.