The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, April 10, 1919, Image 7

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Danger Every Day Knowing the Truth, Will You Heed It? If 70,000 men out of the first million examined under the draft act in Geor gia had a venereal disease, it is time for every woman and child in the state to know what syphilis and gonorrhoea is. If the above proposition holds good as to the entire population there are 203,000 cases of syphilis and gon orrhoea distributed among the people. They meet you on the street, they sit beside you in the theater; they eat from the same dishes and drink from the same glasses at the cafes and restaurants that you do eat and drink from. They turn the same door knob, they try on the same gloves that you do. They handle the fruit and vege tables that you place on your dining table for your family to eat. The time has come for your family doctor to get down off of his roost of false modesty and foolishness and tell you that the matter or pus from a syphilitic or gonorrhoeal sore carries the poison and that when it is placed on a cracked lip or scratched hand you are very liable to contract the disease. Your family physician ought to go far ther and tell you that in spite of treat ment the poison of syphilis and gonor rhoea may be retained in the human body and produce paralysis or insanity in old age and that a child born to a mother or father whofis infected with a venereal disease if born alive will in more than 80 per cent of the cases be blind, deformed or mentally deficient. These are the diseases of the father that are bequeathed to the third and fourth generations. They are the can cers that are eating into the physical, mental and moral life of our nation. They are the skeletons that hang in the closets of our most palatial homes as well as the shanties and hovels of our poor. When you ask him: If your family physician does not tell you how to pro tect your wife and your children from such disease, he has neglected to per form tho highest and most noble duty of his profession. If your family phy sician does not file a complete and ac curate birth certificate for every child within 10 days after it is born, 'if he does not repoit every communicable disease, if he does not carefully and completely fill out each death certif icate, he has failed to furnish the local and state health officers with the necessary data upon which is based the prevention of all diseases. It is said that 30 per cent of all blindness is due to gonorhoea, but without complete birth segistration no one can tell; for it is into the eyes of the infant that the gonoirhcea! matter is placed and carelessly preventive measures are neglected that produce this blindness. If the death certificates are examined, few certificates show syphilis as the cause of death, due to the fact that the physician tried to hide the real cause or was grossly ignorant of the real cause of death. Many certificates show senile demential, locomotor ataxia, pa resis and blood poisoning when such deaths are in truth due to syphilis. The time has come in Georgia when the people must demand of the health officers protection against communica ble diseases and of the physicians com plete and accurate birth and death registration and the public notification of all preventable disease. VENEREAL DISEASE IS NOT A NECESSARY EVIL IF Men and women would refrain from wrong-doing; Everyone infected remained under treatment until cured; Those infected took care of them selves and thought of the wel fare of others; THEN the great menace to the people of this country COULD BE STAMPED OUT ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? CLEAN UP With the demobilization o f prac tically four million men who have not alone been drilled in the use of arms and modern warfare, but who have been told time after time that clean living was the right life of a soldier, that sanitation around the camp pays and will pay around the home. That most of our ills are due to our own disobedience of recognized health laws, and that regular hours, proper food, as well as clean sexual life and thought would conserve our strength and give vigor to our every day life. They have been taught in the camp what they should have known from their fathers before they were called to the colors. They have been made better men, cleaner men than when they answered the call of our country. The truth is that five-sixths of venereal diseases were brought to the camps from the home towns and near-by cities, and only one-sixth of the total infection of the men has occurred since their en listment. Can we say that we have cleaned up our home communities ready for the home coming? Is it likely that demob ilization will mean in your commun ity demoralization? Have you gotten rid of questionable characters? Have you put out of existence all places of disrepute in your vicinity? Have you yet places where men and women of questionable character congregate? Don't you think it is time to clean up? OFFICERS OF LAW CAPTURE WHISKEY, WAGON AND MULES. Ninety gallons of corn whiskey, a pair of mules, a two-horse wag onand two men all were taken in custody by Constable W. M. Tol bert and Chief M. H. Bailey last Wednesday. The wagon passed through Jef ferson that day early in the after lion. There was nothing suspi cious looking about the wagon and team. It was an ordinary two iorse covered wagon, drawn by wo very unpretentious looking Baalams. The team moved along hrougli Jefferson just as go oth :r teams. Soon after passing thru liformation reached Constable W. M. Tolbert that the wagon carried a large quantity of liquor. A warrant was sworn out and plac ed in his hands for the arrest of the parties in the wagon. lie, Chief -U. 11. Bailey and Mr. Nat Tolbert went in Mr. Tolbert’s car, and followed after the team. It was overtaken on the Athens Riv er Road, about seven miles from Jefferson. The car drove up in front of the team, which halted. There were two men in the wagon and the wagon and contents ta ken in charge by the officers of the aw. Constable Tolbert and son brought the men and part of the whiskey to Jefferson, placed the men in jail and stored the liquor in the same place. Chief Bailey took charge of the wagon, team, and the residue of the liquor. Constable Tolbert and son went back in the car, met Chief Bailey, aid came back to Jefferson, stor ed the remainder of the liquor, aid locked up the team and wag on When the young men were ar •ested, the officers found the liq lor carefully covered over with Irish potatoes. It is said the young men had a contract with a nan who had agreed to give them SIOBO for ninety gallons of liquor, or a price of sl2 per gallon. The young men who had charge >f the liquor were aged about lineteen and twenty-two years. They lost, however, not only the iquo'r, but the mules, wagon and potatoes, which will be sold, one bird of the proceeds of which will go to the officers making the arrest, and two-thirds to the coun y, one-half of which is subject to nsolvent cost of officers of the 'Ci'i’t. The young men, Howard Mc \fee and Frank West, have giv ;n bond for their appearance at •ity court. —Jackson Herald. The Real Test. “Don’t conclude that a man Is a pa tent mortal because you’ve watched llm sitting on a log fishing,” said the nilk toast philosopher. “Watch him vbile lie’s waiting for his supper.” Take the Short Route. When you talk, observes an educa tor, whether in conversation or In meeting, use short words, of which there are more than there are of long ones, and to'ke the most direct road to your meaning. Your meaning’s the same. LIVER DIDN’T ACT DIGESTjON WAS SAD Says €5 year OM Kentucky Lady, Who Tells How She Waa Relieved After a Few Dosea of Black-Draught Meador* villa, Ky.—Mrs. Cynthia Higginbotham, of this town, say*: "At my age, which la 65, the liver does not act so well as when young. A few years ago, my stomach was all out of fix. I waa constipated, my liver didn’t act My digestion was bad, and It took so little to upset me. My ap petite was gone. I was very weak... I decided I would give Black- Draught a thorough trial as I knew It was highly recommended for this trouble. I began taking It. I felt better after a few doses. My appetite Improved and I became stronger. My Dowels acted naturally and the least trouble was soon righted with a few LITHONIA SCHOOL BURNED ..TO ASHES; SUSPECT FIREBUG. Lithonia, Ga., April 3—Fire, believed to be of incendiary ori gin, reduced Lithonia Institute at this place to ashes tonight. The flames were discovered about 8 o’clock and all efforts to save the building were unavailing. It was erected in 1895 and was valued at approximately SIO,OOO, about half of which was eovered with insur ance. School will reopen Monday morning in one of the public build iiigs of the town, and a movement to float bonds for the erection of another building will he started immediately. Australia’s Artesian Basin. The basin of Australia measures 560,000 square miles In ex tent, and is said to he the largest known in the world, comprising 87(5,- 300 square miles in Queensland, 90.000 !n South Australia, 53,000 in New South Wales and 20,000 in the northern ter ritory. Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes: “From the time I en tered into womanhood ... I looked with dread from one month to the next. I suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was a misery. 1 would think 1 could not endure the pain any longer, and I gradually got worse. . . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . . 1 decided to TAKE CftRDUI The Womans Tonic “ I took four bottles,” Mrs. Jones goes on to say, “and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthfully say that 1 have not a pain. . . “ It has now been two years since I took Cardui, and I am still in good health. . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who is a sufferer from any female trouble.” If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or if you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up y ourrun-down system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped her. We believe it will help you. All Druggists J. 68 doses of Black-Draught 1 ' Seventy year* of successful tree has made Thedford’s Black-Draught a standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, at times, need the help that Black-Draught can give In cleansing the system and re lieving the troubles that come from constipation. Indigestion, lazy liver, etc. You cannot keep well unless your stomach, liver and bowels are In good working order. Keep them, that way. Try Black-Draught. It acts promptly, gently and In a natural way. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh tomorrow. Price 25c. a package—One cent A dose All druggists. J. 69 'IEGRO EXHIBITS HOG WEIGHING 800 POUNDS. Waycross, Ga., April 3—(Spe cial. One of the largest hogs that has ever ben raised in this sec tion of the state is now on exhi bition at one of the meat markets of the city and was raised by Ike Lane, a negro who lives on a farm just outside the city limits. The hog was three years old and weigh ed 800 pounds, dressed. The price paid was 20 cents per pound. This fanner, although a negro, is making money on his farm and for several years past he has one or more of these giant hogs to sell each year. lie uses the big hone Poland Berkshire crossed. True Principle of Humanity. Liberty, equality —bad principles 1 The only true principle for humanity is justice, anil justice towards the fee ble becomes necessarily protection or kindness. —Amid. DUEL HKD WES U SICK Acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver and you lose a day’s work. There’s no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating cal omel when a few cents buys .a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone —a perfect, substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start vour liver just as surely as calomel, but it. doesn’t make you. sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feci weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, slug gishness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist savs if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you. MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan on FARM or CITY PROPER TY at low rate of interest. Applicants wanted for BONDS, LIFE, ACCI DENT, HEALTH, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, TORNADO and OTHER LINES of INSUR ANCE. ' \Ce represent only HIGH-CLASS OLD LINE LEGAL RESERVE and TARIFF COMPANIES. For further particulars call on I. E. JACKSON Manager Insurance and Trust Department North Georgia Trust and Banking Company WINDER, Phone 82 GEORGIA Striving After Strength. We think that we shall win truth by striving after strength, Instead of knowing that we shall gain strength lust in the degree that we become true. —Phillips Brooks. How to Get Rich. “The methods of practicing economy are very simple,” wrote Dr. Samuel Smiles, nn authority on the subject. “Spend less than you earn. That Is the first rule. A portion should al ways be set aside for the future.” Take That Extra Forty Winks- The sage observation that “It's nice to get up In the morning, but It’s nicer to lie in bed” is no longer a shameful confession of laziness. The British ministry of munitions investigating the health and efficiency of its workers found that too-eorly rising is harmful Y BACKACHE! t j When your growing girl approaches the 7 more mature age and complains of back- I ache, periodical headaches and other pains, / she needs helpful advice from f her parents. Help her at this critical time in her life ‘’lfttTrebrcH usinn Dk MILES’ by relieving her ot periodical headaches, ANTI-PAIN PILLS to, s ome backaches. etc., with DR MILES ANTl ‘wweafrZ * PAIN PILLS- the wonderful little tab them For nervous headache lets that foi more than 30 years nave arui monthly pams they have relieved women, men and children ot never fatten ♦ iX nKiTi?nrr> inKiK'c misery ana Darn. MR Stock ju. Mu ‘ DR MILES’ ANTI PAIN PILLS are ——perfectly harmless—they contain no dangerous habit forming drug, but \\| A Ml afforo prompt: relief from Headache. V 1 j 1 111 I Backache. Neuralgia, and all pain. \ Din i ii!Ll 11 Your druggis* can teli you ot the merits ot i® Ii Him I these wonderful pills -Ask nim about :hem— -1 * 1 II / they cost only a few cents a box. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS At 6 Per Cent. Interest I make farm loans for five years’ time in amounts from 1500.00 to |IOO,OOO. I have an office on the third floor of the Winder National Bank Building, and am in my Winder office on Friday of each week. S. G. Brown, Atty. Lawreneeville, Ga.