The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, April 17, 1919, Image 10

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City Coal Cos. I have opened up a Coal busi ness that will be known as the City Coal Cos. of Winder. Will he in position to supply all the Coal you need and to fill your orders for winter by June 1. Prompt and courteous atten tion given to all customers, and your orders will be appreciated. % Only High Grade Coal will he handled. See me before buying your supply for winter. GEORGE THOMPSON MANAGER CARTER HILL. Miss ('annua Sims closed her wirier term of school here with a delightful picnic and egg hunt. On Ihe last day of school she pre sented the most efficient scholars of the different grades with nice presents. Mrs. Ida Wages and Mrs. Geo. McDaniel have improved their modei'ii country homes by the ad dition of lighting plants. Mrs. Martha Kooks, who was buried at Nazareth lasi week was the mother of Mrs. .1. M. Austin of this community. Tiie Baroow county convicts have widened and improved the road leading from the Bethle liem and Winder road by Mrs. W. J. Pages and Carter Mill church and school bouse to the Winder and Hold Spring road. The Carter Mill Odd Fellows en joyed an ovseter supper Saturday night. The friends of Mrs. Luther Sharpton, formerly of this com munity, but now of Winder, are glad to know that Mr. Sharpton, who has been with the A. K. F. abroad the past several months, is now stationed at Camp Cordon, and was the guest of relatives in 15arow l ecenlly. \ our recent editorial on the pro. i hit ion (|iicstion was a good one. Apparently there are those who think that dolm Barley Corn is as completely whipped as the Hun. It is my opinion that a great battle has only begun. Those who have fought so persist ently for the prohibition laws have only procured weapons for us. with which we may “carry on Let us hope that those who are willing to take up arms a gainst this evil will he able to go “over the top” in a few years. Surely we, who boast ourselves to he a free nation will not allow cruel tyrant like King Alcohol to rule a great part of our people. GOOD NEWS FOR AUBURN PEOPLE. Rev. J. T. Grizzle, of lloschton, announces his B. V. P. I*, of the Belmont Baptist church will ren der a demonstrative program at the Auburn Baptist church on the Fourth Sunday evening in April at 3:30 o’clock, lie insists that neighboring churches' attend this meeting for information and in spiration. Rev. Grizzle is the all around pastor of lloschton, Zion, Belmont and Chestnut Mountain churches This is the best and the only gronpe of churches formed for the convenience of pastor and people in tlie Mulberry Association. Rev. W. H. Faust, Prof. J. P. Cash, Superintendent Ilolsenbeck and wife, attended the debate at Monroe Tuesday night between the A. & M. college and Conyers. HAPPY SURPRISE. Coming in Tuesday night from a busy days work, seated before tiie lamp light reading the story of one “woman’s way” to an af flicted wife, 1 beard foot-steps up on the front veranda on looking out I heard a familiar voice say this is John Williams. On open ing the door in steps John Will iams and l>ro. 15. E. Patrick, sec retary of the 15oard,of Deacons. Before seating themselves they an nounced that the Board of Dea cons decided to come out and hold their meeting with me tonight without letting me know any thing about it. Before 1 could ar range seats, in steps Bros. W. 11. Faust, J. I>. Williams, J. 10. Cal lahan. Treasurer of the Board, Dr. Spurgeon Williams, Hiram Flan igan and Pink Williams, Jr. Af ter shaking hands with the afflict ed wife the body was called to or der by the chairman and led in prayer by Bro. Faust, and after a most interesting meeting J was delighted to learn that the First Baptist church of Winder, was in line condition,hut with a live pas tor and efficient body of deacons it is not surprising. At the close we were again led in prayer by Bro. J. 15. Williams, then thr chairman announced that they had a little pounding to do, going out to the autoes they re turned with package after pack age. which kept me busy receiving oranges, bananas, fig newtons, can dies and other good things too numerous to mention, which we have enjoyed and feel very grate- fill for their kind remembrance. With good neighbors on every band and kind and thoughtful brethren, it makes life more pleas ant in the midst of affliction. So scatter your flowers while life last. JOHN S. BLAKEY. THE MEETING AT GRAYSON. Rev. J. Fred Eden, state enlist ment secretary, has just written the following letter, which is pub lished in full. The church at Grayson is in hearty accord with this invitation. Dear Brother Walker and Bro. Key. I hope you will put forth big efforts to get all Apalachee pas tors. Your laymen’s organiza tion and executive committeemen to be at Grayson on Friday 25th, also that you will urgently insist committeemen, and leaders of the Mulberry, Lawrenceville, Mulber ry and Pleasant Hill associations being there. 1 want it to be the greatset day in a decade for those four associations, in enlistment, unfolding and laying plans for this year in those associations. I am depending on you to get the pastors, leaders and executive committeemen there. Mathis and ■I. will be there the morning of the 125th. J. FRED LI)LX. Jr. TAX COLLECTOR SUBMITS STATEMENT. At flic request of Tax Collector A. M. Williams we publi 8 h below a re port of hi 8 stewardship for li'18: state tax as per digest, $17,373.87 Tax collected not on digest, 2\ 5.92 Interest, 12.90 Total $17,632.69 Paid state treasurer, $16,135.21 Keeeiver’s commission, 426.54 Collector’s commission, 419.67 Total $16,981.42 Errors on digest, 364.01 Insolvent or uncollected 287.26 T , , $17,632.69 County tax as per digest 44,792.ti1’ Railroad anil Tel. 6J575.40 Tax collected not on digest, ’332.76 Intrest, • 38.87 Total $51,539.65 Paid county treasurer, $48,777.25 Receiver’s commission, 804.52 Collector’s commission, 88.8.49 Errors on digest, 687.61 Insolvent or uncollected, 381.78 Total $51,539.65 Local school tax: Cedar Creek school, 317.34 Liberty school, 65.14 Union school, 85.35 Maddox school, 152.57 Total $620.40 A. M. WILLIAMS, Tax Collector Harrow County. This April 7, 1919. Clasified Ads. Buy Screen Doors, Screen Wire and Windows from Smith Hard ware Cos. SUIT THE FLY OUT—Buy Schreen Doors, Seren Wire and Windows from Smith Hardware Cos. EXIDE, “TIIE GIANT OF ALL STORAGE BATTERIES. Sold by Smith 1 fardware Cos. EX IDE STC )R AG E 15 ATT ER Y for all makes automobiles. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. STORAGE BATTER 11ES HE CHARGED by Smith Hardware Cos. COM E AND SEE—We sell you the best meats, the best in groce ries. Also we serve you the best on our lunch counter. We pay highest market price for country produce. CARRINGTON BROS. MULE OR HORSE If any body wants a fine young mule or horse, come to see.W. J. Moon, at the Wood Home place. W. J. MOON. There is more POWER in THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE anel With Ham in the pulpit, there is something happening every moment that is of vital importance. The music and preaching, as well as fellowship and service, will be of the highest type. The business men are cordially invited. One hour in the day is not too much to ask of our busy citizens. A cordial welcome awaits every citizen of the entire section. SUPREME ALTO OIL. Sold by A. A. THOMAS, Agt. That Hood Gulf Gasoline is de lieious and ref resing to yo.ur“ Car buretor.” A. A. THOMAS, Agt. “JERSEY COW FOR SALE. One Jersey cow will young ealf for sale. If you want a good young milch cow that will come up to your expectations come and look at her. N. T. SIMMONS. Winder, Route No. 3. FOR SALE.—New and second hand automobile. A. P. Gufln. FOR SALE.—2OO feet second hand pipe. A. P. Gufin. 100 galvanized cans for sale, hold about 3 bushels. A. P. Guf fin. FOR SALE.—Out tank, 800 gal lons. A. P. Guffin. FOR RENT.— 2 rooms for light house'keeping. Mrs W A. Ward. Just unloaded a car of Chevro lets. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Two good plow mules cheap. Woodruff Hardware Cos. P>est Refrigerators in town, for sale , all sizes. Woodruff Hard ware Cos. 1 Mules at one-lialf price. Wood ruff Hardware Cos. Ride in the world’s leading car. Woodruff Hardware Cos. blaster, the season of joy, Hope and Better Light! Bring brightness to your home, store or factory by putting STERLING MAZDA lamps in every socket. They are econo mical and preserve sight. Come to our shop or ’phone 364, or 40. P. C. GREGORY Winder, Ga' REV. JOHN’ M*. HAM FIRST METHODIST. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Preaching by the pastor at 12 o’clock. Subject:' “The Life Beyond.” Splendid musical pro gram for the morning service. Young People’s Missionary So ciety will meet at 8:00 p. m. No service at night. J. 11. MASH BURN. FIRST EAPTIST CHURCH. Services for Sunday. Sunday school 11:00 a. m. Preaching 12:00 o’clock, “Pre paring for a Revival.” No evening services on acount of evangelistic meeting at Disci ples church. You are cordially invited. 'W. 11. FAUST, Pastor. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD f We have in sdock the best Plant ers, Distributors, Hyde Cultiva tors, Cutaway Harrows, Drag Harrows, Acme Harrows, and Riding Cultivators. Two days’ work done by one man. Call in and let us show you our line, and you will realize the mer its of same. Woodruff Hdw. Company John W. Ham The popular pastor of the fa mous Tabernacle church will assist Rev. W. H. Faust, pastor of the First Baptist church, in a series of meetings, beginning April 27th. Services daily at 11:00 and 9:00 o’clock. A. A. Lyon, of Atlanta, will as sist in the service of song. Dr. Ham is one of the ablest pastors in the South. His Sunday School is the second largest in the South. Fearless in the presentation of truth, he is a leading crusader for righteousness in one of the South’s greatest churches. Every message will be pungent and vital. CEDAR CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching Saturday 11 :00 a. m. “The Rod In Thine Hand.” Work”, organization of Yu M- U. Mrs. W. M. Holsenbeek, Super intendent of the Apalachee M . M. U., will be present. Every member urged to he present. W. 11. FAUST, Pastor. Mr. and -Mrs. Frank W. House reached home this week from San Francisco, Cal., where he has been stationed since last July in the U. S. army. Their many friends are hoping they will lo cate in Winder and make it their future home.