The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, May 01, 1919, Image 3

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SNAP SHOTS. (By Rev. W. H. Faust.) Where was Winder and her en thusiastic progressive, up-to-date business men when the Georgia Preserving Cos., put up it’s salting station at Washington, Monroe and other places. Walton county has issued bonds Jackson county is going to do so on May 14th, next; where is Bar row ? Hon. Clifford Walker and Hon. John X. Holder are often spoken of as gubernational timber. No two clever men live in the state; their friends hope they will not decide to pluck the same political plumb. Some lawyers look after the in terest of their clients while most of them keep an eye on the inter est and principle of their clients. When the matter of fact woman learns how to get off a street car, and a good joke, times will be con siderably improved. Dr. D. W. Key, the popular and and well beloved pastor of the First Baptist church, Monroe, has returned from a pleasant visit to Florida. There is no more conse crated and able man' in the pres ent day ministry than Dr. Key. A fellow who reads snap shots stopped the tier on the streets a few days ago and asked him how he managed to get off such sharp things weekly. Read this issue and see a compliment to quite a number of men and matters. A typical grouch is the man who goes to church as cold spirit ually as a frozen potato and posi tively refuses to sing, and then boasts about the good old fash ioned religion that people used to have. A negro drafter was asked by a friend, “Where is you gwine,” ‘I ain’t gwine, he replied, “Dey’s jest sending me.” Around the first of the month all bills are very similar to March weather —always unsettled. A case af hard, hard luck, when invitations by the dozen pile upon the fier to hold meetings and de liver addresses, with big crowds and fine dinner, and they can’t be accepted. It is delightfully refreshing these days to see how splendidly the newspapers deal with Christi anity. Recently the Constitution and Journal had fine editorials upon topics of a spiritual and Christian phrase of work. The world is fast moving C’hristward. The At the CLOTHES I PRICE YOU W&Jgmfl YOU WANT %CLOTHINOj' WANT T° B UY TO PAY. WHEN we recommend “SHIELD BRAND” as the most satisfactory and economical suits your money can buy, we are safe in appealing to your confidence in us, because the maker’s guarantee is behind every garment. Pick out the suit you like. Try it on. Notice the make and fit. The price is right. You must be pleased. ' You will be- pleased. J. M. BROOKSHER & SONS The only place on this mundane sphere where genuine, unalloyed happiness can be found, is in the realm of unselfish service for others. It takes more than an educated preacher and a pipe organ to have a spiritual revival in a cold and lifeless cllureh. When a dozen men can assem ble at a cross roads store and talk politics without arguing, it is a sign that the millinnium is on the way. ATTACKED BY A BULL, CONGRESSMAN MOSS DIES OF HIS INJURIES. Brazil, Ind., April 26.—Ralph W. Moss, representative from the fifth congressional district of In diana for three terms, died today as the result of injuries received Thursday when he was attacked by a bull on his farm at Ashboro, Ind. Mr. Moss’ entire left side was crushed by the animal his heart and lungs injured. Mr. Moss was 57 years old. lie was elected to congress in 1908 on the democratic ticket and was identified with much important legislation, including the farm loan act. In 1913 he went to Eu rope as a member of a commission appointed by President Wilson to study rural credit systems. Easily Understood. The store that is different always does better than the store that is in different. —Louisville Courier-Journal. FEEL MISERABLE FROM THAT COLD? Colds and coughs are quickly relieved by Dr. King’s New Discovery Nobody should feci “perfectly mi3 erable” from a cold, cough or bronchial attack for very long. For it takes only a little while to relieve : t and get back cn the road to recovery when Dr. King’s New Discovery is faithfully used. It soon loosens the phlegm, re* lieves irritation, soothes tne parched, sore throat, brings comfort. Half a century old and more popular today than ever. At all druggists. Make Your Bowels Behave Make them function with gratifying precision. If regulation of _ the diet does not relieve their torpidity Dr. King’s New Life Pills will. They are perfect bowel trainers, cleanse the system surely, comfortably. JOHN DEERE Riding Cultivator Why wash all day and grunt all night with tired, aching limbs, when you can ride and do two men's work, under an umbrella, out of the sun? Made especially for crooked rows and rolling land. Plows both sides of the row at a time. WOODRUFF HARDWARE COMPANY GEORGIA EDITORS TO MONROE JULY 14TH. Dates For the Annual Meeting' Are Fixed by the Committee In Atlanta Saturday. The annual convention of the Georgia Press Association will be held in Monroe July 15 to 16. The editors and their wives will arrive in the afternoon of the 14. and the first meeting will Be held at the court house Monday night, when the.visiting scribes will be officially welcomed to our midst. This meeting will he largely in the nature of a get-together affair, in which the hosts and hostess and public generally will be cordially invited to participate. Plans for the entertainment of the visitors will soon be formulat ed and published. It is desired by all to make them as elaborate and complete as possible and to leave nothing undone that will add to the pleasure of the news paper folk while they are in our midst. The interest, assistance and co-operation of every citizen of Monroe and surrounding coun try is invited toward making this oeoassion second to none in the history of the Association. It is especially desired and re quested that the month of July he left open for the Press Conven tion, that the track be kept clear of all minor affairs and that every body in Monroe combine to make this event the biggest and best thing of the year. Plans for the annual gathering were made at a meeting of the Connnitte, held at the offices of 11. M. Stanley, corresponding secre tary. in Atlanta Saturday. Hon. Paul Harber, of Commerce president of the Association, told those assembled that be looked !for the biggest meeting in the As sociation’s history; that many of the old members who had dropp ed out were coming back and many new ones were coming in. There is only one Press Associa tion in Georgia and included among its membership are a ma jority of the best known daily and weekly editors. Tuesday morning, July 16th, Tuesday afternoon and Wednes dav morning, the 17th. there will be executive sessions of the As sociation, at which only newspa per matters will he discussed. An outing of some sort usually follows the annual meeting, but at the meeting Saturday it was not definitely decided as to where the party would go from Monroe. The committee was divided in sentiment between a trip to Au gusta and the mountains, and the question of schedules, transpor tation and convenience will he the final determining factors. —Wal- ton Tribune. Judging by Appearance. Don’t judge by appearance. The man r?ho looks like a bank president may be a farmer who ha* rots of business with banks. —Exchange. Go and Do It. A man was asked how he accom plished so much in life. “My father taught me,” was the reply, “when 1 had anything to do to go and do It.”— Exchange. STRONG OLD MAN 75 YEARS YOUNG Says ZIRON Iron Tonic Made Him Feel Better, Eat Better and Sleep Better. O. D. Blount, Tarrytown, Ga., writes: “I am seventy-five years old, yet I have been pretty strong until about a year ago. 1 did not feel so well, i had a worn, tired feeling, my body ached and I was nof myself. I would chill easily,—my blood seemed thin, my flesh flabby and skin not clear. 1 didn't rest well and my ap petite was poor. I heard of Ziron. how it was helping others and it seemea to be what 1 needed, too. I soon saw after I began taking it that it was helping me. 1 felt better in every wav. I ate Better. I slept better. I took three bottles and it helped me. I am glad to recommend Ziron.” Ziron is indicated for anemia, pale com plexion. poor blood, general weakness, etc. When your blood needs iron, take Ziron. Remember, if the first bottle don’t benefit, you get your money back. Don’t wait. Begin taking Ziron today. At all druggists. ZN f \bur Blood Needs MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan on FARM or CITY PROPER TY at low rate of interest. i Applicants wanted for BONDS, LIFE, ACCI DENT, HEALTH, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, TORNADO and OTHER LINES of INSUR ANCE. % We represent only HIGH-CLASS OLD LINE LEGAL RESERVE and TARIFF COMPANIES. For further particulars call on I. E. JACKSON Manager Insurance and Trust Department North Georgia Trust and Banking Company *• WINDER, Phone 82 GEORGIA HOME ON FURLOUGH. Ensign R. Chester Moore, of the Norfolk Navy yards spent a few days at home this week on fur lough. lie came to attend the marriage of his sister. Miss Ina Moore and remained over until yesterday. He holds a responsible position and is getting on nicely. He says he enjoys reading The Times eve ry week and the spirit of the pa per in booming all the time Win der and Barraow county. He thinks Winder has a bright future and expects in few years to see it with a population of 10,000. THE UNIVERSAL CAR We are experienced, and know how to give service to the owners of Ford ears. We have the same methods, machinery anti skill that they have in the Ford factory, and we use the same Parts made by the Ford Motor Company. Ford owners are doubly guaran teed by us as to the reliability of our service on Ford cars. Don’t try to do it yourself, bring your car here. Incidentally we are getting a few Ford cars and are able to make fairly good deliveries. Touring Car, $525; Runabout, $500; One Ton Truck Chassis, $550; Coupe, $650; Se dan, $775. .These prices f. o. b. Detroit. 4. A*. r 4i *•** - FLANIGAN & FLANIGAN WINDER, GEORGIA. NOTICE! You are prohibited from harbor ing or hiring Ike Moore and son, Clarence. They are under con tract with me for the year 1919. W. G. BROWN, Auburn, Ga., Route 1. Winder’s streets were crowed last Saturday with visitors from all over the country. The way to have good roads is to issue bonds. Barrow county wants good roads. Winder came out victorious in athletics last Friday at Lawrence ville.