The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, May 08, 1919, Image 5

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Social and Personal News Miss Gertrude Young Hostess to Her Sewing Club. Miss Gertrude Young entertain ed her club on Tuesday afternoon at, the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young, on Center .street. The members of the sewing club are all good friends and in the Third grade at school. They have a sewing bag filled with dainty llvork and exchange their ideas with each other. Gertrude was assisted in receiv ing by her mother, and after sew ing and conversation, sandwiches and fruit punch were served. The members of this club are. Misses Mary Etta Faust, AlaryLa mar Jackson, Hellen Graddick, Thelma Barber, Blanche Smith, Virginia Cooper, Gertrude Young, and their teacher, Miss Fay Wil kinson. Young- Matrons Federated Club Hold Business Meeting. On Monday afternoon, the reg lar monthly meeting of the Young Matron’s Federated Club met at the home of Mrs. J. S. Hargrove. The meeting was opened by the president of the club, Mrs. Mac Potts. Avery tine report w a s given by the Secretary fetarv, Mrs. A\. Bradley, and a letter was read from Airs. Hugh Willet, of Atlanta, thanking the club for the liberal donation they had sent for the Tallulah Falls' school. Mrs. Clyde Williamson, chairman of the sandwich commit tee gave a splendid report. Dur ing the month of April the mem bers of the club made sandwiches iand sold them through the kind ness of the City Drug Store and Winder Soda Cos., and made fifty five dollars and fifty-seven cents. The proceeds were to go towards buying receptacles and fly traps for the business section of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Jackson are on a visit to their children in Atlanta, Air. and Airs. Charley Jackson and Mr. and Airs. E. C. McDonald. Miss Floy Strickland, who has been in Atlanta for some time, is at home again. Mr. and Mrs. P. R- Smith and Aliss Blanche Smith, of Talbotton, were the week-end guests of rel- 1 atives here last week. T lie many friends of Mr. Smith will be glad to know that lie is improving in health. Aliss Alary Shields is spending several days a t Farmington with her aunt, Mrs. R. S. D. Lanier. Mr. and Airs. Mac Potts enter tained Revs. AY. H. Faust, J. AY. Ham, and Air. Lyons Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Bush were host and hostess to the ministers of the town and Dr. I lain and Mr. Lyons. Dr. <\ 11. Almond spent Sun day in Atlanta. Mr. Erast us Smith spent Sun day t Watkinsville with relatives Mr. C. 0. Niblack spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. Guy Kilgore was a visitor to the Gate City Sunday. Miss Roena Sliedd, who has just finished a course in book-keeping and stenography, has accepted a position here with Messrs. Jm>. Al. Williams X: < 'n., cotton buyers. Mr. h. V. llrtmibnlow. of Talmo, was in Winder Saturday. Messrs. Tom Little, Frank "Wright and llix, of Commerce, were here Monday. Mr. K. C. Foster, of Atlanta, formerly of Winder, is at the Roy iil Barber Shop. 11is many friends will he glad to know of him being hack in Winder. Mr. and Airs. John Alillsaps, of Atlana, spent Sunday here with their mother, Airs. Callie Alillsaps. Mrs. K. V. Snipes spent Friday in Atlanta. Col. T. J. Shackelford, of Ath ens, was in Winder Monday. Mr. W. Tom Brown, of Bethle hem, was in Winder last Saturday Miss Annette Quillian spent last week with her sister, Mrs. B. E. Thrasher, Jr., at Watkinsville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Quillian, of Commerce, were the week-end guests of Dr. and Airs. Quillian. Dr. and Air. Quillian were in Gainesville Alonday. Col. S. R. Jolly, of Homer, Ga., was in Winder Sunday. Col. Jol ly has just received bis discharge from Naval service and the people of Banks county are glad to see him in bis law work again. Aliss Pauline Camp lias been quite sick for several days. Mrs. Claud Mayne is confined to her bed this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Hill bad as their dinner guest Saturday, Rev. R. E. Aloss, Rev. J. 11. Wood, Mrs. J. 11. Wood and Master Crozier Wood. Mr. and Mrs. O. AI. Jackson have returned from a week’s vis it to Atlanta. Mrs. Clarence Holshouser left Saturday for a weeks visit to her parents in Atlanta. Air. and Airs. Harry Lewis Aloore have returned from their wedding trip and are at home to their friends in the Bondurant apartments. Rev. J. If. Wood, president of Christian college, has invited Rev. R. W. Wallace, of Valdosta, to de liver the baccalaureate address at the college May 19th. T)r. and Mrs. C. S. Williams en tertained Revs. W. 11. Faust, J. W. Ham, R. E. Moss, J. H. Mash burn, and Mr. Lyon at a six o’clock dinner on Monday even ing. Mr. Guy Jackson spent Sunday in Gainesville. Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Parks and daughter, Alice Francis, and Mrs. Whit Parks of Parks Mill, spent a few days here last week with .Mrs. Alice Dunn. Mrs. J. L. Jackson is spending several days in Atlanta this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brooksher, Messrs. Gene, Raymond and Bob bin, Mrs. Vernon Moore and daughter, Evelyn, of Dahlonega, and ('apt. and Mrs. Miles Wiley and daughter of Atlanta came here Sunday to meet ('apt. Paul Brooksher, who has been in France for more than a year. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Maffett and son were out of town visitors Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Durst and family, of Commerce, spent Sun day here with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young. Mrs. F. W. Bondurant receiv ed a message Thursday that her brother-in-law, Mr. J. A. Bondu rant, of Atlanta, was dead. Mrs. Bondurant attended the funeral in Atlanta Friday. Mrs. Krnory Harris and chil bren, of Bethlehem, are visiting Mrs. M. J. Perry for several days. Mrs. 11. H. Kdwards was a week end guest of her sister, Mrs. Foster Hawthorne, of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Flanigan are spending the week-end in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kilpat rick. Mr. .June .Jaekson, Jr., spent Sunday in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fortson. The beautiful bungalow of Mr. and Mrs. Nortin Hill on Center St. will be completed by June Ist. AUBURN LOCALS. Airs. John H. Wages and Aliss Delplia Wages spent Saturday in Winder shopping. Mr. T. C. Flanigan spent last Monday in Atlanta. Misses Inez Cooper and Bertie Perkle, and Airs. Robinson, of Winder, spent last Friday after noon with Mrs. John Wages. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ross spent last Sunday in St at ham. *■ Mr. George Boss, of Carl, is spending some time with her daughter, Airs. Cliff Kilgore. Air. and Airs. Jim Wall spent Wednesday in Lawrenoeville. Airs. Jim Kilgore spent Friday night with her daughter, Airs. Jim Wall. Little Thurmond Hale, who has been spending some time with his aunt, Airs. E. L. Ross, has return ed to his home in Statham. Aliss Alay Harrison spent Tues day in Winder. Air. and Airs. W. A. Carroll, Air. Edwards, Airs. J. AI. Carroll and Airs. Ed Ross spent last Wednes day at Park’s Mill. Airs. Alary Parks spent last Tuesday afternoon with AH's. J. 11. Wages. Air. and Airs. John Wood spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. Tom Wood. Air. J. E. Anderson and Air. Vafter Cane motored up to Law renceville Saturday. Capt. Dr. H. D. Coffee lias re turned from France. Dr. Coffee will receive a warm welcome from his many friends here who will re joice to see him again siie. Air. and Airs. Clifford Kilgore announce the birth of a hoy who will he called George, Jr. BETHLEHEM LOCALS. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Brinsfleld and children returned Friday from a delightful week’s visit with their parents in Atlanta. Mr. Earl J. Harris came up from Wrightsville last Thursday to return home with his wife who has been an attractive visitor here for the past month. Mr. Har ris is one of the leading agents for the New York Life Insurance Cos., Savannah branch. He has com pleted the quota in the spring con test, and leaves this week for At lantic Beach for a few days trip, given him by the company. Several from here have attend ed the reviv'd services at the Win der First Baptist church. Mr. David Holloway, formerly with the U. S. navy, stationed at Charleston, S. C., has resumed his journey to Oaklahoma, after vis iting relatives here for a week, (’apt. and Mrs. E. R. Harris are spending several days here a nd ut Jersey, before leaving for Pan ama, the 20th Mr. Isaac Treadwell, formerly of this community but now a res ident of Greene county, is visit ing in the homes of Mesdames Sallie and Amanda Jane Tre ad well, Mr. R. L. Manning and other relatives and friends. Uncle Isaac is 86 years old and regards this as his last visit home, but considering his present health and cheerful disposition, we look for him again. Messrs. P. L. Wiggins a nd E. R. Harris accompanied by Vivian Harris went to Wrightsville Satur day, returning Sunday. John Adams is visiting his grand-mother at Gratis. Harrison—Sims. A pretty, hut simple wedding of Sunday afternoon was that of Miss Kuby Harrison to Mr. Kalpb Sims, which occurred at the lioiye of the bride’s p"rents, Mr. and Mrs. Hull Harrison near here. Kev. .1, W. I’.rinsfield performed the ceremony in his usual impres sive manner. Mr. Frnest Sims and Mrs. Loy Hendrix were the only attendants A reception was tendered the bri dal party and a few friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Sims, parents of the groom, where they will reside. This popular young couple have many friends who wish them a h p ppy voyage through life. FOR EBENEZER AND AUBURN The B. Y. P. U. of the Hoschton Baptist church will render a dem onstrative program for Ebenezer Baptist church on the Third Sun day evening in May, at 3:30 o’clock eastern time. This Union will stop back with the Auburn Baptist church on the same even ing at 7:30 and demonstrate the work to the people of Auburn. This the opportunity for the churches of each community to see something of the work of the Union. And in as much as we are so much interested in this work we want to insist that the Baptist churches in reach of the above named churches take advantage of this opportunity. And we fur ther announce to pastors or church workers that we are stand The Winder Dry Goods Store Victory Sale of Silks Two Days ONLY Two Days Monday and Tuesday the 12th and 13th QUALITY VARIETY PRICE Three points wherein the Silk Sale will have great attractiveness QUALITY - Is right up at the top _ t VARIETY - Choice is very extensive PRICE - Just a glance down the list will tell the story $2.00 Chiffon Taffeta, all 4M colors $2.25 Plaid and Stripe Silk 1 *7Q Serge M S $3.00 Satin-Patria, one of the >4_Q $2.25 Cortecelli No. 1535 Satin, all i QQ $2.50 40-inch figured Silk "% OQ $1.25 36-inch Silk Shantung, all Oft Yard-Wide Silk Poplin, make good QQ dresses Zr Forty inch Georgette, all "I *7Q $2.50 Wash Satin, White and "I QQ Beautiful Silk Gingham, yard QC'i wide J $2.50 Crepe Meteor, not much 1.89 Beautiful Pussy-Willow Taffeta, very 1.98 $1.50 Crepe Silk Shirtings, -i A $1.25 Moonbeam Silks, all jQ A big assortment of Fancy Silks, all colors and figures, $1.25 and M SI.OO quality, choice •• v These Prices Are Cash Only Remember the Dates Monday and Tuesday, the 12th and 13th The Winder Dry Goods Store 104 Broad St. Winder, Ga. ing ready and more than willing to help you in an organization if you have none in your church and desire one. We will come by invi- tation and render a program for you that you may first see and consider the matter before organ izing. Our aim is a Union in every church in the Mulberry Associa tion, but he assured we are not going to put it on you unless you are willing to take care of it. If we may help you, call on us. A. T. GRIZZLE, Pastor. The Ordinary’s court Monday transacted a lot of business. Mrs. M. and. fJrift’eth left Friday for Rome, Ga., where she will he the guest of friends for several days. LEGAL ADS. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL STOCK. Georgia-—Barrow County. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Kathleen Smith & G. W. Smith as ad ministrators of Homer C. Smith, deceas ed, having applied to me by petition for leave to si'll certain 100 shares of Capital stock of the North Georgia Tel ephone \ Telegraph Cos., property of the estate of said deceased, and that an order was made thereon at the May term 1! *1 * * for citation, and that citation issue, all the heirs at law and creditors of the said Homer C. Smith, deceased, will take notice that 1 will puss upon said application at the June term 1019, of the court of Ordinary of Barrow county, and unless cause is shown to the contrary at said time, said leavo will be granted. This the day of May, 11. G. HILL, Ordinary. Aliss Maude Mobley, of Social Circle, is the attractive guest of .Miss Icie Smith.