The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, June 05, 1919, Image 3

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TOWN AND CITY FILTH. By Betsey Doolittle Dear Headers:—Have you ever thought about it and noticed how indifferent the people of towns and cities as to how their meals are prepared? There is more dirt and filth eat en by the inhabitants of towns and cities than by any other class of civilized people. To explain this more fully, let me give you some facts you doubt dess have never considered, and TtO per cent of town and city peo ple of the middle, well-to-do and higher classes have never thought about and have never been taught. The dining rooms of the hotels and restaurants are kept as clean and attractive as one would wish, and this leads those who patron ize them to feel and believe that what they eat is clean and pre pared by clean cooks and handled by clean waiters. If you could know and observe the large majority of these cooks and waiters of all nationalities and colors and how little they ■care for cleanliness in preparing your meals and waiting on your table you could not swallow any of it—unless you were born and bred in filth and naturally enjoy it. They do not care whether their hands are clean or not —have ac customed themselves to dirt and tilth and do not regard your ideas and wishes on this important mat ter. Many of these cooks and wait ers are afflicted with loathsome and contagious diseases, but be muse the eatjpg departments pre sent a neat and decent appearance are deceived and never stop observe and find out tlie filth y, u are putting in your stomachs from day to day A it a crusade was ever needed, on any one great evil, one should be started to enforce the cleanli ness of cooks and waiters in ho tels restaurants and private homes and educate the people on its supreme necessity. These letters every week, which are intended to sUw you how dir ty and filthy we tre. may on sidertd of liHle value. They ar? worth much to civilization if the people can he aroused to a sense of their importance. It is your ■duty to help bring this about and help make the vmrid clean in ail things. BUSY DOOLITTLE. Paraguay Cattle Land':. Paraguay contains some ot the best cattle lands in the world, although these resources have not yet been ad equately developed. The republic now contains about 4.000.000 hean of cuttle. Evolution. The processes of evolution have worked for myriads of years to devel op a form of living beauty, until the wanton destructiveness of man inter venes, and an auk, or a dodo, or a pas senger pigeon, Is forever erased from the roll of living things. It is a loss of which the mind cannot bear to think.— Exchange. “ A TOTAL WRECK” SAYS TIENNESSEAN fftio Says Hs Now Feels Fine, Since Taking Ziron Iron Tonic. David Jones, of Forbus, Tenn., •writes: “I got a bottle of Ziron and will say that I never had anything to come in so good a time aa I was think ing of giving ap, I was ao weak, cannot tell you how bad I felt Had stomach trouble, lose of appetite, couldn’t sleep, la fact was a total wreck all over. M I am subject to weak spells In the Spring of the year. After ziron will say I bow feel fine end can do a tine days work. I think ; o have a good wiedJriae. and 1 can •nrsly recommend It to any one who weeds a tonic”. V< Ileal authorttias and text books scree that Iren is nssded to kssp the system in good condition. Investiga tion shows that pale, weak, tired peo pie generally lack the necessary a mount of Iron in their blood. The strength that iron gives may be ob tained by taking Ziron Iron Tonic. Try it. Ask your druggist about bis guarantee on Ziron. ZN 4 Your,Blood Needs ZIIION THE EFFECTS OF TOBACCO ON THE HUMAN SYSTEM There are a great many dangers in the use of tobacco. Tiie nico tine is the greatest danger of all. The greatest quantity of nicotine is in cigarettes. There is nearly as much nicotine in the cigarette paper as in the tobacco itself. Tobacco has a bad effect on the heart. In smoking it makes the heart beat faster and do double work. It has been proven that the heart beats faster while smoking, but about fifteen' minutes after smoking the heart beat is below normal and it calls for another smoke to make it do its proper work. A man or boy who is in ath elitics should not smoke tobacco, because the heart has enough work to do to respond to the will of the atheletics in running and should not be overtaxed by smok ing or chewing. Tobacco tends to make the lungs weak. When a smoker in hales the smoke it goes into the lungs with the other air. There are thousands of delicate tissues and .sacks in the lungs and the strong smoke and nicotine that goes into the lungs burns the tiny tissues and sacks and hardens them. Often times this hardens the lungs so completely that it puts the sacks and tissues up in* the corners of the lungs out of commission. This keeps the lungs from taking in the proper amount of air and therefore often causes tuberculosis. The chewing of tobacco lias a very bad effect upon the digestive organs. One who chews very often expectorates. The salivary glands manufacture just a certain amount of saliva and in chewing tobacco the salivary glands are over worked and they do not have enough saliva to digest the food properly, and undigested food is a bad thing to have in the stomach. Tobacco effects the nerves so that you can tell tobacco users by their shattered nerves. Nerves are practically a telegraph line from the brain to the different parts of the body, and tobacco has more effect upon the human telegraph line than a bad storm has upon real telegraph lines. Tobacco recks the nerves and makes' them so slow to respond to the mind that a tobacco user does not get as quick response from his nerves as one who does not use tobacco. Tobacco has effect on the whole body and a very bad one at that. It is noticed that when a boy be gins using tobacco at an early age •that his growth is stunted and he is ruined for the remainder of his life. He also looks yellow and dark Insure your car in The TRAVELERS Smashed the Fence and the Piazza Then the house owner brought a good-sized claim for damages and the automobilist had to pay. There was also a nice repair bill on the car —both of which the automobilist would have escaped if he had had insur ance. Be wise in time. Telephone today. F. W. BONDURANT CO. GENERAL AGENT WINDER, GEORGIA under the eyes, he is nervous, and is lazy and does not feel like doing anything hut sitting around and sleeping. His wind is affected and he most usually has a weak heart. A boy who smokes cannot expect to do as much in the world as one who doek not. Millitary authorities say that a soldier who smokes is not as accurate in his shooting as one who does not. Many of the large firms will not empty people who use tobacco. This goes to prove that one cannot do as good work and smoke as one who does not use tobacco. The greatest of all the parts of the body is the mind. When any one uses tobacco they are just des troying their only means of think ing. The use of tobacco dullens the mind and makes us think slow. It has been proven in a test be tween a user of tobacco and a non user. that a non-user is more ac curate and swift in adding up figures than the other. The use of tobacco also lessens the moral of one’s character. This is illustrated very good in a car toon called “The Seven Ages of A Smoker.” The first picture shows a young boy about sixteen years of age smoking a eigarrette. The next tiling that happens he is bet ting on races and drinking whis key. The next step towards de struction is where he begins using opium, which if taken in large doses produces death. He then gets the warrant for arrest. The next thing you know he is a mur derer and a fugitive from justice. The sixth scene is where he is in prison for a life sentence. The last pathetic scene in where the coffin is being carried from the jail. If you just stop to think you will see that all of this came from just the smoking of one eigarrette. per haps when the boy took his first smoke he did not think it would hurt him, but he kept on until he was a physical wreck and a dis grace to humanity. NOTICE! By mutual consent the co-part nership doing business under the firm name of Peoples Fuel Cos. was on January the Bth, 1919, disolv ed, E. 4 . Hill and George Thomp son, retiring. J. If. House will con tinue the wood and coal business, and all notes and acounts due the firm is payable to him, and all notes and accounts owed by the firm is payable by J. H. House. PEOPLES FUEL CO. J. IT. House, E. C. Hill, George Thompson. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM FARM LANDS. At 6 Per Cent Interest I make farm loans for five vents' time in amounts from $500.00 to SIOO,OOO. I have an office on the third floor of the Winder National lkmk Building, and am in my Winder office on Friday of each week. S. G. BROWN, Attorney. Lawrenceville, Georgia. YOU ll WßsJjjw,] YOU WANT WANT TO BUY ' TO PAY. WHEN we recommend "SHIELD BRAND” as the most satisfactory and economical suits your money can buy, we are safe in appealing to your confidence in us, because the maker’s guarantee is behind every garment. ■Pick out the suit you like. Try it on. Notice the make and fit. The price is right. You must be pleased.' You_wil}_be- pleased. J. M. BROOKSHER & SONS , . < •; mm, )j p" , ;■' w-ir | 1 ' ; If vou have your painting done, ask the painter to use Certain-teed— he will get it for you. .If you do the painting yourself, you can buy Certain-terd in any size can, and in all popular shades. Lertam-teed faints and V arnish s are made for every exterior and interior surface. Each is specially prepared to give the best and most lasting results for its use. Ask for Certain-teed wherever paints are sold. Certain-teed Products Corporation —Offices and Warehouses in Prinoipal Cities Certain-teed PA 1 NTS & VA R NISHES - —■——————————————-——————— l “ NOTICE. By an order of the County Board of Education, schools hav ing a “ummer term will begin not BUY A BUSH CAR. Four Cylinder, horse power motor for $1175. Six Cylinder, 40-horse power, 5-passenger, $1375. For designs and description call on Fred J. Fuller, or write the Bush Company, Bush Temple, North Clark stret, and Chicago Ave., Chicago, 111. Just say I am in the market for an automobile and wish designs and prices. My territory is unlimited. A9O days guarantee against defects and workmanship. Terms SIOO down, balance, sight draft with bili of lading. FRED J. FULLER, Agent. Bethlehem, Georgia. THE UNIVERSAL CAI* Ford cars are important servants every where. They help the family enjoy life, bring the pleasures and advantages of the town within reach of the farmer and give practical service every day in country and town. They require a minimum of attention; any one can run the Ford and care for it, but it is better to have repairs and replace ments taken care of by those who are famil iar with the work and have tools, the genu ine materials, and skilled men to do the work promptly. We pledge Ford owners the reliable Ford service with real Ford parts and standard Ford prices. FLANIGAN & FLANIGAN WINDER, GEORGIA. later than July 7th. They should* begin on June 30th. The teach er’s examination will be held Au gust Ist and 2nd. 5-2 W. M. Ilolsenbeck, C. S. S. Floors need durable surfaces Beautifully surfaced floors are the foundation of home-charm. Use a floor stain that will not readily scratch white or show heel marks, and that will stand up-long under the constant wear a floor is subject to. Certain-teed means paint efficiency, because each kind of Certain-teed, is especially treated and proportioned to give the highest satisfaction for its purpose. The best materials are obtained; paint experts of long experience are employed to determine the kind and quality desired; and the use of the highest type of machinery insures thorough mixing and uniformity. You can therefore rely upon the good wearing qualities of every Cer tain-teed Paint or Varnish.