The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, June 19, 1919, Image 3

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SNAP SHOTS. (By Kev. \V. H. Faust.) . Many a guv Lorbaris blushes these days as he sees how some of the fair sex hoverizes in the mat ter of wearing apparel. When a woman has to shave in order to wear certain dresses, it is a sign that some father or brother ought to tell her the limit has been f-^bhed. We may have heard the last word about the League of Nations, but one thing sure and that is we have not heard the last word from the w omen of our country. The drunkard and the profiteer are stilt in favor of the liquor trafic, but all other classes are ab solutely opposed to it. The averse man never differs from his neighbor save in those -points from which big neighbor differs from him. It would he well for the gentle men who to further their own ends, are trying to tie up all reli gious denominations, to remember that you can tie a dog and eats tail together and fling them over a clothes line, hut what will you have? Ninety? no. When good Methodist and Bap tist who contributed their money to the V. M. C. A. now see it being used to promote dances in the \ . M. C. A. it cuts to the quick. Some men and some organizations just don’t seem to know what sensible people are liable to think. The School Board of Louisville, Ky., says, “The children have a natural inclination to dance and therefore its should be cultivated, some people are simple enuf to Nbi* ultivate any natural inclina tion, and then what do you leave? Any democracy that succeeds must if necessity he, a democracy based upon intelligence annd con secrated common sense. Demo cracy in the hands of an intelli gent nad righteous people is an uncomfortable blessing, while au tocracy grows like tank weeks, while ignorance and thriftlessness have prepared a fertile soil. Various authors are suggesting what will fill the empty pews. Two tilings will do it; the old time gos pel rightly preached, and a real converted membership whose lives are consecrated to the service of Cod. * A fellow who will pay his Rail road fare to Atlanta and go to Brand Opera and then knock a Chautauqua for his home town, would buy coco-cola with the nickel from the eyes of his dead friend. Some editor has offered $5 for a preacher who will 'tackle the coco-cola proposition. Wish he would send this scribe a check. Plenty of would-be candidates for governor, or at least we would |Xdge so from the candidate hand shakes received from the big men of the day over the state. WHICH ROAD? Mere you stand at the parting of the ways; some road you are to take; and as you stand here, consider and know how it is that you intend to live. < 'an y no had habits, no c- •erupting association*, no enmites and strifes into a New Year. Leave these behind, and let the dead past bury its dead; leave tliepi behind and thank God that you are able to leave them. —Eph- laifn Peabody. • Using Common Sense. Wisdom consists not in an abun dance of smartness, but mostly in a sane use of what little sense we are fortunate enough to possess. * Strange Street Names. what is the quaintest street name you know of in London, past or pres ent? It would probably be hard, re lates the London Chronicle, to beat Shalligonaked street, which, according to the late Sir Laurence Gomme’s evi dence before the local records com mittee, appears as the name of a street In Wapping in a sewers rate book for K 748. In those days the naming of a trebt was not in the hands of a sedate public authority, hence the oddity of some of these old names* _ __ . BANKHEAD HIGHWAY NEWS. Birmingham, Ala., June 12, Since the third annual meeting of the BANKHEAD NATIONAL HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION at Mineral Wells, April 18th and 19th, a great impetus was given in arousing interest in building the BANKHEAD NATIONAL HIGH WAY. Many counties are voting bonds and securing Federal ap propriations to build their Hnk of the Highway. Most encouraging reports are being received at headquarters, where various coun ties desire to straighten out their links, erect new signs and build their part of the Highway, in ac cordance with the plans and speci fications of the United States Gov ernment, and the BANKHEAD PAT H FINDING COM MISSION. Mr. J. A. Rountree, Sec’y of the BANKHEAD NATIONAL HIGH WAY ASSOCIATION has been officially notified that Dallas coun ty, Texas carried a bond issue of $6,500,000 May 24th by a two thirds vote. Forty miles of the BANKHEAD NATIONAL HIGH WAY through Dallas County is to be built from the funds derived from this bond issue. The road is to he 20 feet wide and of con crete. Secretary Rountree is also in re ceipt of a telegram from Miroeo pia County, Arizona, stating that last week the people of that coun ty voted $4,000,000 worth of bonds that they would build 130 miles of the BANKHEAD NATIONAL HIGHWAY in that county of con crete, standard specification road. The Board of Revenue of Jeffer All during the trying years of war, when quality materials were hard to get, we guaranteed our customers satisfaction in each purchase made at our store. Under present conditions we are prepared even better to protect your interests in your hardware needs. We want your business \Ye will give you uniform satisfaction for it. WE GUARANTEE YOU YOUR MONEYS' WORTH Woodruff Hardware Cos. . .s.- Winder, Georgia. CONFIDENCE AND CREDIT Of equal importance to the earning and sav ing of money is its wise expenditure. The discerning individual aims to get one hundred per cent efficiency out of every dol lar 4ie spends. This is most effectively accomplished through consistent use of a Checking Ac count. Let us explain how this method not only sys tematizes finances hut creates prestige and develops credit. WINDER NATIONAL BANK WINDER, GA. The only National Bank in this vicinity. son County, Alabama announces that bids will be open in the next 30 days for the purpose of build ing the BANKHEAD NATIONAL HIGHWAY across Jefferson coun ty of concrete and asphalt. A contract has been let for building the T.AXKIIKAI) NA TIONAL HIGHWAY from Heflin Alabama to Calhoun County, Ala bama line and a contract is pend ing for the building of the road Horn Heflin, Alabama to Talapoo sa, Georgia. Contractors are al ready at work building the BANKHEAD NATIONAL HIGH WAY from Bremen, Georgia to the Carroll County, Ga., hit be low icmple. Ga. Similar reports are being received by Secrei.w Rountree from nearly every state along tlie route from Washington to El Paso, Texas. It is Del: ved that within the next twelve limiths the BANKHEAD NA TIONAL HIGHWAY will have been built and marked the entire mute. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM FARM LANDS. At 6 Per Cent Interest I make farm loans for five years’ time in amounts from $500.00 to SIOO,OOO. I have an office on the third floor of tin* Winder National Bank Building, and am in mV Winder office on Friday of each week. S. G. BROWN, Attorney. Lawrenceville, Georgia. \ Slamming the Lounger. Many a man’s standing would bo bettor if he didn’t spend so much time sitti”'" —T>rston IN PEACE AS IN WAR WE SERVE YOU BEST DEPUTY GRAND MASTER TO ADDRESS MASONS. Rev. Bass. Recovering from lhm Gas Attack, Will dis cuss \ it a 1 Problems. lion. Wm. (i. Hastings, Wor shipful .Master of Gate City Lodge No. 2, E. & A. M. located in Atlan ta. announces that on el tine 24th an address will be given in his lodge by the Rev. Chas. L. Bass, who has just recently returned from France, and who is now act ing Grand Master of Georgia in the absence of Grand Master Tra vis, who is en route to London to attend the World Peace .Jubilee of Masons Gate City Lodge will con vene at 6 o’clock the evening of .Tune 24th, and the master mason’s degree will lie conferred in full form on a large class exemplifying the uniform work as adopted by the Georgia Grand Lodge. At the conclusion of the degree. Dr. Bass will address the gather ing on the vital problems that con front masons today. It is antici pated that his talk will prove highly instructive and enjoyable, for ho is a noted orator and will speak from first hand information in Europe where lie served_ during the war. It was while engaged in Welfare work at the front that he was gassed and scut back to the States to recover. It is anticipated that lie will consider some of the anti-masonic influences that have been felt in high circles and give "the craft of the benefit his know ledge and experience in combating what masons believe to he deep rooted evil. There is no better known mason in the state than Charlie Bass. For years he was a North Georgia cir cuit rider, and made thousands of friends in that part of the state through his acts of mercy. Imme diately prior to his war service, he was engaged by one of the railroads in welfare work among its employees, and in that service he endeared himself to all with whom he came in contact. He is MONEY TO LOAN \ Money to loan on FARM or CITY PROPER TY at low rate of interest. Applicants wanted for BONDS, LIFE, ACCI DENT, HEALTH, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, TORNADO and OTHER LINES of INSUR ANCE. ft We represent only HIGH-CLASS OLD LINE LEGAL RESERVE and TARIFF COMPANIES. • - For further particulars call on I. E. JACKSON Manager Insurance and Trust Department % North Georgia Trust and Banking Company # WINDER, Phone 82 GEORGIA known as an unusually gifted ora tor, a‘preacher who will not com promise with evil, a big hearted, up-standing, two-fisted man’s man "'ho knows no fear and seeks no favor. It is anticipated that a large number of local masons will welcome this opportunity to hear TORNADO INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago. and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US anl lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to ihs peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith THE UNIVERSAL CAR Rerneber that when you bring your Ford car to us for mechanical attention that you get the genuine Ford service—materials, experienced workmen and Ford factory prices. Your Ford is too useful, too valuable to take chances with poor mechanics, with equally poor quality materials. Bring it to us and save both time and money. \Ve are authorized Ford dealers, t rusted by the Ford Motor Company to look after the wants of Ford owners—that’s the assur ance we offer. AYe are getting a few Ford cars and first come first to receive delivery. FLANIGAN & FLANIGAN WINDER, GEORGIA. Dr. Bass. Gate City Lodge is hope ful of a large attendance. The Times gives a notice of this for the benefit of many of its readers who are masons, thinking that some of them might wish to attend this meeting and the ad dress of Rev. Clias. L. Bass.