The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, July 10, 1919, Image 2

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SUGGESTIONS FOR JULY. Enjoy the long evenings. Be sure to attend tlie farmers’ institute meeting. Clean out all the flues the very •first rainy day. Remember the typhoid fly and keep it away from baby’s food. Be sure to have a good stock of jar rubbers ready for uic. Wash the hands and milk ves sels especially well this hot weath er. Bncourage the children to find toads and put them in the garden. Now is the time to fill every jar and can with something good for nest winter. Jut the oil stove on the cool porch, but protect it from breeze and draft. Avoid all soda fountains where everything is not scrupulously clean. If a bottle of catsup ferments, keep it for cleansing the brass. If sonny’s new shoes rub his heel, paste on a piece of adhesive tape and let the shoe rub that in stead. Bat many salads and much milk: cut down on meat and fried foods. Avoid mosquitoes. P ur a spoon ful of kerosene on all standing wa ter, such as that in rain barrels. Protect your birds from cats if youn would help your husband to keep the crops free from insects. A woman who has a sense of the dignity of home-making is the one most likely to he successful. Keep the ha hies from dust and crowds that infantile paralysis may not revive its deadly work this year.' Do not let down on keeping ac counts heeauuse the weather is hot. Review them instead; there in lies their value. When guests come, give them of the sweetness of your mind in stead of the elaborateness >f your pantry. Simple food is best. To avoid danger froyi burning matches, have little dishes of sand handy. hTe burning match may he thrust into the sand. If the range is dirty, wipe it with kerosene; rub it well to re move all dirt, and thereafter use a wet elotli instead oi move black ing. Ribbons are very pretty for cor set covers, but narrow white tape is less trouble. Stitch it at the back so that it remains in place when laundered. If your feet ache take off shoes and stockings every few hours, slap the feet for a few minutes with a wet elotli, wipe dry and put on fresh stockings and shoes. *• Encourage the men and chil dren to help you hurry through dinner dishes and then all have a fifteen-minute nap. You will all more than gain the lost time. Wash the blankets this month, using the first cloudy but windy day that comes. Hang out those that do not need washing so that any moth eggs may be shaken loose. A shower bath is a joy forever. If you have running water and a handy man, one can be installed for a few dollars. Two minutes un der the spray each morning, on rising, will keep one tit. It is a tonic, an inspiration. It is a great comfort to have fresh underclothes next to the skin every day. Knitted union suits make this'possible, for they can be rinsed out in a bowl of water, hung in the hot sun to purify, and worn without ironing. Take the furniture out into the bright sunshine and dust it. Use a light willow whip for the uphol stered chairs, a cloth slightly dam pened with oil or wax for tlx* wooden ones and a brush for those that are of reed. If the milk is but slightly sour and therefore only a small amount of soda required, say one-fourth tea spoon to the eup of milk—use baking powder for the additional leavening. In this case use one level teaspoon of baking powder to the cup of flour instead of two. I saw a clever device for cool ing milk the other day. It was a sunken box under a shady tree in a running brook. The box was set so that the neck of the cans came just above the surface. I heard of a similar device, set where the overflow from the concrete-lined spring ran through it.— Progres sive Farmer. WILLIAM H. BISHOP DIES AT HOME HERE AFTER LONG ILLNESS. William Henry Bishop died at 8 o’clock last night at his home on Hall street.. Mr. Bishop was 77 years old anil had been ill at his home for a long time. He is well known in Athens and lias numer ous friends here who regret that he has been called from their midst and who sympathize deeply with the family in their bereave ment. .Mr. Bishop is survived by his wife, three sons, 11. <Joe and K. E. Bishop; two brothers, T. J. and A. C, Bishop and one sister, Miss Em Bishop. The funeral services w ill he held this afternoon at 5:30 o’clock at the Christian church. Rev. S. R. Brubb will conduct the services. The following will act as pall bearers: E. R., 11. .M., B. TANARUS., and A. C. Bishop, .Jr., and T. L. and C. Elder. The above notice of the death of Mr. W. H. Bishop is taken from th<‘ Athens Herald of July fitli. Mr. Bishop and wife lived in Winder about fifteen years ago. lie was a good man and citizen and life long friend of the editor of The Barrow Times. “EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL” From the smallest bulb to the largest motor, at lowest possi ble prices. “Quality” House Wiring. Page C. Gregory Electrical Contractor. Phone 864 or 40 SPRINGDALE FARM Duplex Freestone Springs One mile of city limits of Winder; fine two-horse farm, abundance of saw timber, cord wood. All ot place not in cultivation. Wired in pasture; tine bottoms on dredged creek. Spring alone worth SI,OOO. If interested in a paying investment, see DR. SAXON WINDER, GEORGIA HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 1 have a good 7-room house and lot 1 "ill sell at a bargain or swap for a farm. It is located in best section of Winder and fronts east. See me at once as it will ho on the market but a few days. JUNE H. WOOD STATE OF GEORGIA. Barrow County. To The Superior Court of said County: The Barrow County Drug Com pany brings this its petition to the (’ourt and shows the following facts: — l— January 4, 1913, an order was issued by the Superior < 'ourt of Jackson County incorporating the -J. T. Wages Drug Company for a period of twenty years from that date, at that time the juris diction of said matter being in i Jackson County. On November 22, 1915, an order issued from the Superior Court of Barrow County changing the name of said corporation to that of “Barrow County Drug Com pany,’’ and said drug com pany has since operated under said amended charter. Petitioner desires to surrender its charter and franchise to the .State and be dissolved as a corpo ration, and files herewith a certifi ed abstract of the meeting of the stockholders of The Barrow Coun ty Drug Cos. authorizing tlie said surrender, said • meeting having been called for that purpose and at said meeting more than two thirds, and in fact all of said stockholders being present: Petitioner further shows that such dissolution may be allowed without injustice to any stock holder, or any person having claims or demands of any charac ter against said corporation. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that the Court shall sign a decree accepting the surrender of the charter of the Harrow County Drug Company, and dissolving the said corporation according to law. HARROW COUNTY DRUG CO. By S. T. Ross, President. GEORGIA, HARROW county. Read and considered. Let peti tion he filed in the Clerk’s office of Harrow County. Hot a copy of the petitioji and this order be published once a week for four weeks in the Harrow Times. Let all parlies interested show cause be fore me, if any they have, at the court house in Winder, Ga. on the 18th day of July, 1919; at 10 a. rn. why the prayers of petitioner should not be granted. ANDREW J. COBB. Judge Superior Court Barrow County, Georgia. VON HINDENBURG SAYS HE IS TO BLAME FOR CONDUCT OF WAR. Field Marshal and Former Chan cellor Hollweg Both are Eager to- Take War.. Responsibility From Shoulders of Former Kai ser. London, July s.—Field Marshal Von I linden burg, former chief of the German staff, declares that he is responsible for acts of the Ger man main headquarters since Au gust 1916, and also the proclama tions of former Emperor William concerning the waging of war fare. He asks President Ebert of Germany to inform the allies to this effect, according to a Copen hagen dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph (’ompany. The field marshal arrived in Hanover on Friday, the dispatch states, and telepraphed the follow ing message to President Ebert: “The signing of the peace treaty gives me occasion for de claring that I am responsible for the decisions and acts of main headquarters since August 29, 1916, and also that all proclama tions and orders of his majesty, the emperor and king, concerning the waging of warfare were issued upon niv advice and upon ray res ponsibilitl. I beg you, therefore, to inform the German people and the allied governments of this declara tion.” . Dr. Theobald Von Bethman-Hol loweg former German Chancellor, who held office at the beginning of the war, recently made a simi lar declaration. MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan on FARM or CITY PROPER TY at low rate of interest. Applicants wanted for BONDS, LIFE, ACCI DENT, HEALTH, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, TORNADO and OTHER LINES of INSUR ANCE. We represent only HIGH-CLASS OLD LINE LEGALJtRESERVE and TARIFF COMPANIES. For further particulars call on I. E. JACKSON Manager Insurance and Trust Department ¥ North Georgia Trust and a Banking Company WINDER, Phone 82 GEORGIA Old Famlfiar Discovery. Every now and theD there comes a substitute for gasoline, amply filling the place of the old discoveries of per* petua! motion. —New York Sun. BUY A BUSH CAR. Four Cylinder, horse power motor for $1175. Six Cylinder, 40-horse power, 5-passenger, $1375. For designs and description call on Fred J. Fuller, or write the Bush Company, Bush Temple, North Clark stret, and Chicago Ave. Chicago, 111. Just say I am in the market for an automobile and wish designs and prices. My territory is unlimited. A 90 days guarantee against defects and w orkmanship. Terms SIOO down, balance, sight draft with bill of lading. FRED J. FULLER, Agent. Bethlehem, Georgia. FINE FARM FOR SALE % 1 will sell my farm of 96 acres just outside of the in corporate limits of Winder. It has two good dwellings, fine bam and pasture. \ Best grade of land and in fine state of cultivation. Will make bale of cotton to the acre. 17 acres very best bottom land. A great bargain if you want a close-in home. If you u r ant farm from 21 acres to 300 acres, see me at the Wood place, 3 miles West of Winder. m W. J. MOON Judging by Appearance. Don’t judge by appearance. The man who looks like a hank president may be a farmer who has rots of business e/it* l K "r)tß. —Exchange.