The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, July 17, 1919, Image 7

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STATE OF GEORGIA. Barrow County. To The Superior Court of said County: The Bariow County Drug Com pany brings this its petition to the Court and shows the following facts: — l— January 4, 1913, an order was issued by the Superior Court of Jackson County incorporating the J. T. Wages Drug Company for a period of twenty years from that date, at that time the juris diction of said matter being in Jackson County. —2— On November 22, 1915, an order issued from the Superior Court of Barrow County changing the name of said corporation to that of “Barrow County Drug Com pany," and said drug com pany has since operated under said amended charter. —3— Petitioner desires to surrender its charter and franchise to the State and be dissolved as a corpo ration, and files herewith a certifi ed abstract of the meeting of the stockholders of The Barrow Conn- Ay Drug Cos. authorizing the said surrender, said meeting having been called for that purpose and at said meeting more than two thirds, and in fact all of said stockholders being present: —4— Petitioner further shows that such dissolution may be allowed without injustice to any stock holder, or any person having claims or demands of any charac ter against said corporation. W HEREFORD, Petitioner prays that the Court shall sign a decree accepting the surrender of the charter of the Barrow County Drug Company, and dissolving the said corporation according to law. BARROW COUNTY DRUG CO. Bv S. T. Ross, President. GEORGIA, BARRQW county. Read and considered. Bet peti tion be filed in the Clerk’s office qi Barrow County. Let a copy of the petition and this order be published once a week for four weeks in the Barrow Times. Let all parties interested show cause be fore me, if any they have, at the court house in Winder, Ga. on the 18th day of July, 1919; at 10 a. m. why the prayers of petitioner should not be granted. ANDREW J. COBB. Judge Superior Court Barrow County, Georgia. Georgia, Barrow County. To the Honorable Henry B. Strange, Secretary of State, At lanta, Georgia. The petition of the North Geor gia Trust and Banking Company shows the following facts: Ist. That it was duly incorporated by the Honorable Secretary of I State of the State of Georgia on the 22nd day of April 1915. 2nd. The character of the said corpo ration is a general banking corpo ration. 3rd. The capital stock of said corpo ration is ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, divided into one thousand shares of the value of one hundred dollars each. 4th. Petitioner shows that it desires an amendment to its original char ter authorizing an increase in its capital stock from ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS to TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, and by virtue of a resolution of Board of Directors a meeting of its stockholders was called to assemble at its hanking house in llie City of Winder and State of Georgia on the 16th day t f June 1919 for the purpose of determining the question of an in crease in its capital stock. Ten, days notice was given to each stockholder as provided by law. sth. Petitioner shows that in pur suan<*'5 uan<*' of such call a majority in .mount of the entire capital stock of said corporation was represent^ ed at said meeting and by a un animous vote passed a resolution to increase the capital stock from One Hundred Thousand Dollars to TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. A certified abstract from the minutes of the board of directors, showing that the appli cation for the proposed amend ment has been authorized by the unanimous vote and by the vote of a majority in amount of the entire capital stock at a meeting of the stockholders called for the pur pose, by resolution of the board of directors, notice of which meeting was mailed to each stockholder, or, in case of death, to his legal representative of heirs at law, ad dressed to his last known res idence, at least ten days previous to the day of said meeting, is here to attached as provided by law. 6 th. A fee of $25.00 accompanies this application for amendment. 7th. An affidavit made and signed in due form of law by the President of said corporation is attached to this petition, showing that it has been published once a week for four weeks in the newspaper in which is published the Sheriff’s sales of the county in which the principal office of said corporation is located, is attached hereto. Wherefore petitioner prays that an amendment be granted to its original charter providing for an increase of its capital stock to TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. NORTH GEORGIA TRUST AND BANKING COMPANY. Lewis C. Russell, Petrs. At torney. EXAMINATION NOTICE. The next 1919 Teacher’s Exam ination will he held on Friday and Saturday, August 1 and 2, 1919. The reading course for renewals for this year is as follows: Primary and General Elementary. 1. Manual for Georgia Teachers. 2. Woofter’s Teaching in Rural Schools. 3. Bennett’s School Efficiency. 1. Manual for Georgia Teachers. High School and Supervisory. 2. Hollister’s High School and Class Management. 3. Strayer and Norsworthy’s How to Teach. The Manual is free, the others can be secured through the South ern School Book Depository, At lanta. The Reading Course exam ination will be held on the first day. W. M. Holsenbeck, County School Superintendent. HAIL INSURANCE. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company will insure your grow ing cotton, corn and other crops against loss and damage caused by hail at a small cost. F. W. Bondurant & Cos. INDIGESTION LOSS OF_APPETITE And Slilb TreoMis Kilpri ky Zlrra Ires Toole, Says Alihniu. "I get e bottle of Zlron", writes Marshall Rherdaa, of Enfaula, Ala., “and took It for Indigestion, nervous ness, loss of appetite and similar trou bles. It helped me very much. My mother-in-law suffered with the same troubles, so I gave her a dose or two of Zlron, and she says It helped her greatly. I will always keep a bottle of Zlron in the house and will speak a good word for It whenever I have the opportunity." Zlron Is anew combination of Iron, with the hypophosphltes of lime and soda, and other valuable tonic ingre dients, which have been found to build up the enemlc, weak, worn-out system. Zlron puts iron Into your blood when you need It If you are pale, weak, nervous, depressed, have no appetite, it is probably a sign that your blood needs Iron. Take Zlron. Your druggist sells It, on a guaran tee. See him about it. ZN6 \bur Blood Needs An Underwater Swimmer. A beaver can swim 200 yards un der water without once coming to the surface and can remain under water from five to ten minutes. HISTORIC COUNTIES PASSED THROUGH ON MARYLAND TRIP. W. H. Faust. Every person who takes a trip these days is sufficiently curious to want to know what Counties he passes through, because there is ro much difference in roads, people, customs and products of Counties. In going from Washington, D. C., and returning one travels many important Counties, start ing in Maryland we first reach Montgomery County just out on the Potomac river; such farms, cattle, corn, wheat and hay one sees in few other counties in the muon, Ruskville is the Capitol. Next the traveller comes to Frederick County wnn Fredrick city as site, here on the B. and O. R. R. in this -important city is formed large canneries, brick works, planing mills, leather fac tories and tobacco farms. Fredrick has been made conspicu ous by Whittier as the scene of the Barbora Frictcliie exploit. Frances Scott, kev author of our national anthem is hurried here, and near by is the first Methodist Church ever organized in America in 1764. Thence we travelled through Washington County with its fine cattle and great farms where the wheat was being harvested. Hay erstorm is the Capitol. Here are found the great manufacturing plants where cigars, watches, fer tilizer, bicycles, spoke." r or wagons are made. It was a great supply station during the civil war. Here two is located Kee-Mar College for women. Thence on the Alleghany Coun ty with Cumberland as Capitol. Great apple orchards and beauti ful farms and rich coal and iron mines are found in abundance. Then we crossed over into Gar rett County in the extreme west ern part of the state, potatoes, grain, hay cotton and coal are the principal products and Oakland a fine summer resort is the County Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman’s tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: “1 had a general breaking-down of my health. 1 was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. 1 had such a weakness and dizziness, .. . and the pains were very severe. A friend told me 1 had tried every ■ting else, why not Cardui ?... 1 did, and soon saw it was helping me ... After 12 bottles, 1 am strong and well." TAKE CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women who suffered —it should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists j. site. Traveling the route we travelled over going we reached Martins Bay, West Virginia, the seat of Berkeley County; it is a progres sive city in a fine forming section and much civil war history was enacted in and around this section. Our return route carried us up the worlds famous and too beauti ful to be described, Shenandoah Valley, lying between the tower ing mountains in pristine beauty and grandeur. Fredrick has the first Virginia County with Winchester the site, here occurred Gen. Sheridans fam ous ride to Cedar Creek where he snatched victory from defeat. At Woodstock, the seat of Shen andoah County we spent the first night on our return trip. It is lo cated on the Great Valley Turn pike. All toll gates have been cut out and this is one of the finest sketches of road. Page County contains the fam ous Luray Caverns whose beauties are too gorgeous and grand to even attempt to describe Luray City is the site. Rickingbam County with its corn, cattle and good roads and Harrisonburg Capitol was then passed through. Thence on thru Augusta County to Staunton famous for its schools and also the birth place of Wilson and Mr. McCormick who invented the great harvesting machine. Reckbridge is a great county, Lexington a great city its site, here is located Washington, Lee University and the world renoun ed Virginia Military Institute. Here are buried in the chapel two of the Confederate Chieftains and immortal leaders Stonewall Jack son and Robert E. Lee. Then a peculiar named county in a great cattle and hay section, Bourletant with Buchanon as site. Roanoke Countv came next with Salem as site; thence across the backbone of the highest moun tains I ever saw, we crossed into Franklin County. Roekymount as site over awfully steep and rough roads and georgeous and suberb scenery too. Henry County with Martinsville the Capitol, there we spent the night in the home town of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart and Patrick Henry. Again we travelled into north Carolina over delightful roads thru Rockingham County to Reid ville the site. This was on the great 4th of .July and a magniti cient parade was on and patrio tism at its light. From there we went to Greens boro and returned from there out going route back into Barrow County, Ga. One County Somerset wasjvisit ed in Pennsylvania. Few more in teresting things can engage the attention then the really great Counties with their great people p tf/io aHf-uoar-round soft drink Popular demand— ~ built Bevos &*eat plant— iPjSffp tho most perfect industrial equipment in the world. ifawyll Scientifically lighted and vcntilated.and provided fßrj |§JU with every Humanitarian device possible for the Ml protection of the health and safety of its thousands IgWipf of employes. Electrically operated. 9* Capacity 2 million bottles daily. T*i*‘ .... zfgx: comprising this great and beauti ful and wealthy southland of ours. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that thir ty days after the publication here of, application will be made to the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, to amend the Charter of the City of Winder By the passage of and Act entitled as follows: An Act to amend an Act Incor porating the City yf Winder, Ap roved August 4th, 1917, to dele gate to said City of Winder the power and authority to extend its water mains and electric wires beyond its corporate limits and to sell water and electric current without the'limits of said City, un der such provisions and regula tions as the Mayor and Council of said City may see fit to establish, and for other purposes. J. 11. Maynard, Mayor, J. R. Arnold, ('lerk. TWO FINE MILK COWS. 1 have two fine milk cows for sale that are just in. These are sure enough milkers and if you want one of this kind see me.—ll. 11. McDonald, Route 4. Winder, Ga., Men pay only for cures People suffering from blood poison, catarrh, skin, liver, kidney bladder and chronic diseases, eczema, nervous debility, exbaus r tlon, weakness of the lungs, heart and nerves should write me for I W free advice question chart and hook describing their condition. riles and rectal diseases, such as fistula, fissure, stricture or 17 , |Sf varicose veins, which cause loss of vitality, nervousness and gen \ V rJ t-ral debility, cured or no pay. Out of town people, visiting the yT~ I * dty in need of treatment, consult me at once. Many cases cured V iu one or two visits. Consultation free and confidential. Twenty y \ years successful experience. Hours 10 a. in. to 7p. m. Sundays M 10 to 1 only. 4W7 V® dr. A. B. MORRIS, Specialist Corner Peachtree and Walton Streets Atlanta, Ga. CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE Six Tears Ago, Thinking She Might Die, Says Texas Lady, But Now She la a Well, Strong Woman and Praises Cardui For Her Recovery. Roys* City, Tex.—Mrs. Mary Kil bu, of this place, says; “After the birth of my little Bide com menced to hurt me. I had to go back to bed. We called the doctor. He treated me...but I got no better. I got worse and worse until the misery was unbearable...l was In bed for three months and suffered such agony that I was just drawn up In a knot... I told my husband If he would get me a bottle of Cardui I would try 1t... I commenced taking It, however, that evening I called my family about me... for I knew I could not last many days unless I had a change for For Real Estate and insurance of all kinds. See 1. R Jackson and company. For Sale—Two Ford Cars at a big bargain. See me at once.—W. J. Moon. TRY II! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL Startß your liver without making you sick and can not salivate. Every druggist in town—your druggist and everybody’s druggist has noticed a great falling-olf in tho sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking its place. “Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson’s Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults,” said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a plcasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or consti pated bowels. It doesn’t gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. ! the better. That was six years ago and I am still here and am a weH strong woman, and I owe my life td Cardui. I had only taken half ths bottle when I began to feel better. The misery In my aide got less... ] continued right on taking the Cardui until I had taken three bottles and X did not need any more for I was well and never felt better In my life... I have never had any trouble from that day to this." Do you suffer from headache, back ache. pains in sides, or other discom forts, each month? Or do you feel weak, nervous and fagged-out? If so, give Cardui, the woman’s tonic, • trial J. 71