The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, August 14, 1919, Image 2

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THE WISDOM CF BECOMING EDUCATED. Education is the process of mak ing the most <>lll of niiman person a|itv. The wisdom of it i .therefore apparent at a glance. It ’ uman life ia worth while at all. it deserves the fullest growth that can he giv <*n to it. If roan is worthy to exist it is reasonable that he should he brought up to the highest possibi lities of existence. We slill put care and labor upon fruits, flowers, vegetables, grains and dumb creatures, 1 at w* mav grow them greater and greater. It is more than euriosity that drives ns 11 us to deal with the inanimate plant and the dumb animal. At the root, of stieli effort lies the convic tion 1 hat we arc entitled to see all lhat adorns this world and that serves dnd pleases man broiiglU to its fullest measure. If this is true with respect to the vegetable and animal kingdom, how iriueli more does it apply to tnan! Society has recognized the wis dom of (du'-ation by the munebr of agencies established 1o prodm*e if and the price it is willing to pay for it. The public school system gives every hoy and girl the op portunity for an education, and not only so, Init in many stales lln attendance at a satisfactory school is made compulsory hy law. Ibis is rigid because il saves children from being robbed <d their main chance in life, helps parents who have careless, indifferent, unman ageable children to keep them ill stfhaol. and it prevents sallow, im mature, and inexperienced hoys and girls from throwing away life’s most golden opportunity. Many thousands of people and many millions of dollars are used annually in the work <T education because we know lhat only an edu cated democracy is sale tor the world. Education is essential to happi ness because i1 gives one under standing and mastery of the lile about him and adapts him to the society of Ids kind. Il teaches hii 1 Ilic range and limits of Ids own lib erty and onv< donees him of the iblerly and rights of others. Il also gives insight into the beauties of the world and the meaning of all jfics. Even if one is to perforin the wo’li usuuJJv described as menial, lie v 'll he able to get a degree of happiness out of it, for real edu cation makes one superior to earthly and material things. Only trained souls can do the tasks nec es.sury to make the world a beauti ful and til plaee in which to live. Kdueation makes science, inven tion, literature, government and art possible. Sometimes it is said that men may lie educated beyond their means, their condition or their place in life, but this is impossible if the education is of the right kind. When our kingdom is a cul tivated mind and a cleansed and disciplined heart, poverty is miti gated. sickness and misfortune are uncomplainingly home. ami. without travel or a large circle of friends, out may draw to himself all the best visions and highest comforts of lime and eternity. If these thoughts arc considered too ideal, we make haste to say that education is more of a neces sity today than ever, and in a little while it alone w ill keen the head of a man above water. The remark is so familiar as to be almost hack neyed. that there are tremendous questions to be settled in ibis great new era of reconstruction and readjustments. \cw starts are being made in nearly all life's cal lings and the race for the goal de mands men u lm have lie. u physi cally, mentally, morally, and reli giously disciplined. Those who venture out into leading or impor tant places in the swift, broad stream of life today without pro per preparation will be like a man ignorant of oar and wave who tries to shoot ihe rapids. Nothing but disaster awaits him. t’lmrch and state can not be guided today nor tn the future hy uneducated or half-educated leaders. These reflections, which we con sider axiomatic, urge uupon par ents and young people, upon cl urch and community leaders, several important things. One of them is the duly of vonng people to attend school, col lege. and. it possible, the univer sity. There will he many tempta tions to lure them into business. Everywhere are open doors and for the immediate moment liberal salaries. But those who go into business today without a good foundation wilJ soon rind themsel ves outstripped, and they will al ways be lied down to small cleri cal positions. Life will become for them a dull routine or daily grind, while they will he the saddest of all spectacles in this world, —ar- rested development. It is possible to educate oneself while engaged in work. There are night schools of real value nearly everyw here and hooks of knowled ge and discipline are ' aecessible. without money and without price, flood lectures abound and enlight ening current literature is always tit hand. But everyone w ho can should go to college. This is the quickest and last way In education. 'fTiere are “self-made men;” we know a number of them and honor them; but we are not told l ow many “self-ruined” men there are in the ranks of those who have trusted tn time and chance instead of laying the foundations of life in broad and careful training. i t all that is written here it has been assumed that no one would think of education apart from re- One Dozen Second Handed, Slightly Used FORDS For sale at Bell Home in edge of Winder on Bankhead Highway. W. F. Bell & Son S N S INSURANCE Your neighbor’s hoaie burned only a lew days or months ago, and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US an) lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home on A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to ibs peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith SPECIAL NEWS FOR ALL l buy and sell anything on top ol the globe. I sell Craphonolas, Singer Sewing Ma chines, Cows. Hogs, and Real Estate that will enable you to make the money to buy what you want. If you have something to trade, 1 am the man lor you to see, lor 1 can tickle you and you ean tickle me. JNO. S. CRAFT ligion. In the highest sense this is impossible. The only true educa tion is Christian education. Tl l at makes the most out of a man, body soul and spirit. To develop a man’s brain power alone and leave the heart to atrophy islo send into the world a dangerous person. There are too many crooks in the world already. The crook is usually a man with a perverted education, lie iias been made “sharp” but left selfish. It is Christian education that is the hope of the world, and surely there can be no Christian educa tion without the doctrines, ideals and influence of the Great Teach er. The previous invitation to true education is found in the words of the Master. “Learn of me.” Boys and girls must he sent to the Christian college if we expect them to remain Christians, to have the Christian feeling and view point of life—in a word to nave a Christian education. To turn away from the Christian college and send our children to a wordly in stitution looks painfully much like denying Christ as the (treat Timeli er and turning to the wisdom of this world for light, culture and mpe.—The Christian Evangelist. Blunders. We lire till given to making mis takes. No one is wise enough to be always right. But the person who makes the same mistake twice has his feet set straight for the goal of fail ure. If you tire called down for mak ing a blunder don’t get mad or dis couraged. .fust make up your mind then and there that you’ll not make it again. Fix it well in your mind; use it as a lesson and an inspiration. It’s a perfectly good one, and ought not to tie employed ns u millstone to hang around your neck. THE EOLL WEEVIL. The scare that went thru the minds of ihe farmers several years ago when the boll weevil made its first appearance is practically a thing of the past. The farmers have long ago learnev* to adapt themselves to the invasion of this pest to such an extent that the gentleman finds it a hard road travel. The diversification of crops, the learning how to raise so many things that is profitable for the fanner besides cotton, has made the weevil a much less factor than lie ever dreamed of being in Ibe cotton section. While many think the weevil will hardly ever reach this section of Georgia. In Ihe event he does however, he is going to run in to one of the wisest bunch of farmers he lias ever come in contract with. The report goes the round that where the weevil has already in vaded they are making more cot -011 than ever before and 11 it* farm-' ■rs are more prosperous. True Principle of Humanity. Liberty, equality—had principles 1 The only true principle for humanity is justice, and justice towards lln- fee bin heroines necessarily protection or kindness. —Aii.ivi. AFTER ILLNESS ZIRON IRON TONIC When Your System Needs Strength, After a Sick Spell, Try Ziron Tour blood must have iron to give your body strength. Lack of Iron makes many people pale, weak and languid. To put iron into your blood, take Ziron Iron Tonic. Especially af ter a severe illness do you need Ziron to bring back appetite and build up weakened vitality. J. E. Clifton, of R. F. D. S, Lyons, Ga., writes: “Last summer I had ty phoid fever and had hemorrhages of the bowels and my health was wretch ed. I seemed to be unable to get my strength back. I had no appetite, I had no energy, I didn’t think I was ever going to get well. My knees were weak, my flesh felt clammy, I was in a pretty bad condition. I heard of Ziron and what a good tonic and strengthener It was, and I sent for It at once. It helped me. I began to Improve and soon fslt much better and stronger.” All druggists sell or can get Ziron for you. Get a bottle today. It la guaranteed. ZN 2 \bur Blood Needs* Flanigan Banking Cos. (Not Incorporated l AUBURN, GEORGIA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $25,000.00 T. C. FLANIGAN, Pres. E. L. ROSS, Cashier - —I) I RECTO RS T. C. FLANIGAN J. E. ANDERSON P. A. FLANIGAN W. C. HORTON H. T. FLANIGAN • We are now open for business and solicit your account, promising our patrons every ac commodation that safety and soundness will warrant. WATCHES We are showing a most complete line of fine, high grade watches this season, and every watch we sell or repair is carefully and skillfully adjusted by our expert watch maker, before it leaves our store. Therefore, we can guar antee you a reliable timekeeper at prices you can afford to pay. We carry Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton, South Bend. Illinois, Howard, fitted in gold and gold filled eases, plain or engine turned, also some beautifully engraved, suitable for all walks of life. E. A. MORGAN, jeweler and Optician JO E. Hunter Street. Atlanta, Ga.. There is economy in a few steps around the corner. TW ■'HAOf M**K O* QUAUTf a H*wr>DMUAmaM) > %'P& Jfcff&feffii e|a lyj/jj : TTTyj : y] 15.1 j r.'t Bfflßr Mf i\ r "** r. THE JOHN DEERE WAGON Runs light; runs a long time and holds up big loads. Only a few more of them on hand in the wide gague. The next will be four-inches narrower track and bodies. Get one of the regular width before they are al! gone. WOODRUFF HARDWARE COMPANY WINDER. GEORGIA