The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, August 14, 1919, Image 6

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LEGAL NOTICES Adnuaistrstcrs. Sale, i Hi' ' By v irtue of :<n order of flu court of ordinary of Lir>>>w 1 minty. i.r ■ upon the ui l j• i■ ■‘! o' V\ oriv, adi ■ -i 1 t'liarpton. !*•••*- .-■ • 1 * t< 1 ' - 1 ' */> |o sell the ii ){ rty of the a Hharpton. doc t-:,-ft. for the ]' I’"' ", pay n it debts and .l;-tribui on, fieri will ji,.’ sold before the ' OUrt house io;>r, at public outeiy. !■• ■ !'■ b -• * •' ' the city ol Winder, between the <g‘ hours of' sale, on the ' st Jm - :tV 'O N‘|if. l 'l'.i. a- the prop' rty of the dei eased, the following tic-i-ribcd pro pcrty; \il that trait or parcel of laud lying! ami being in tl"' city of Winder, foun ty of Bin row. stale o! Georg. Begin ning at the Southeastern, corner of Itroud Street and I.aura Street running tlienee Kant along the South side of l.rnad street one liundred (100) feet, Uence South parallel with Laura street one hundred <100) feet, thenee West parallel with Broad street one hundred (100) feet to Laura street, thenee North along Laura street one hundred (100) lent to Broad street, the point of be ginning. Being lots -even (7) and eight (H) in block seventeen (17) of the old .log Tavern, survey and being the same property conveyed by John S .smith, and others to H. E. Sharpton and L O hharpton on .Tan. Nth 1007 and record ed in Book “I ” page IT> of the re lords of Walton County Georgia. Haul property now known as the old opera house building now occupied by Barrow County for a court house Terms one fourth cash. SSOOO Nov Kith, 101! and remainder Jan. Ist, 10-0 with S per tent interest on deferred payments. Also at the same time and place, the following described property will be nold. One six room house and lot in the city of Winder, County of Barrow, state of Georgia, and fully described as follows: fronting on Bush Avenue, Oft feet more or loss and running back a uni form width to May street a distance of 1 .To foot more or loss. On said lot is a two story, >i . room residence now o<- cupieil by Man -o A Morns. Term -one fourth cash and balance Nov. loth, I HO. W O. Berry, Administrator. Georgia, harrow ( unity Mi-,. Sumii I.'. Thompson anil I'l -ha, 11. Odum, executor.-' of the will of Juiucs < Tlmiui*>on. •i* 1 ■ i ~ Im v ir ifi plicntion to mo for leavo to hell the in ml* or ilii‘ said .fame* O. Thompson, used, th's i- therefore to e'te all parties at intere. 1 to show- cnn.-e before me on the first Monday in Hcpteniber, i;HP, why the application should not lie grunted. Thi< the 4th day of August, HMD. H. (’• Hill, Ordinary. (!. A. Johns, Winder, Ga., Attorney for executors. Georgia, Barrow County. Mr. D. if Lord having applied to mo for permanent letters of Administration li|M>ii the estate of Mrs. Meggie Lord, late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all parties, creditors and kin, that I will pass upon this application the (irst Monday in September, HUP. Witness my official hand and signature on this the 4th, day of Auguust. 1' 1 H. (■. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia. Borrow County. (. \v. Sn 11- ax ihe a rtrator ol the estate of M is. M K. Smith, In tv of t-aid comity, deeeusetl, having applied to me for h ive b> sell lands belong "K t„ the estate ot Mrs. M I Smith, in Oglethor e County. This o to cite ail parties t interest to show cause on the tirst Monday in September, Idl'd, why the npplieution should not he granted. This August 4th. li'Hl. H. G. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia, Barrow County . (i. \S McDonald and Ben Wall Ad Miinistratorn of estate of 1 is' Wall, used, late of Ihe said county ot Barrow, having made application to mo far leave to sell the lands of the said T. N. Wall, deceased, this is therefore to cite all parties at interest to show cause before me on the first Monday in September. Idl'd, why the application should not be granted. This the 4th, dav of August, 1910. H. G. Hill. Ordinary. (i. A. Johns, Winder, Ga.. Attorney for administrators. - ... f.eorgin. Harrow County. . ! lohn V Tho.nns having applied t< the On!■ unrv by tuition asking that M r< m a Wall, as administrator of the estate Of ■' B. Wall deceased, late ,f said County, he required to make a deed to a trad of land described in ft I I 11 o ttacKed to Hiud doea to a 1' 1 • . • certain bond for title attached to Mid petition and marked exhibit A, * sunn* being situated in Barrow County (teorgia. in persuaine of a bond to b\ sunl .1. H. Wall, mh.s 1,1,. ,i„ u . to I’ I ’a tat. and tra list err ~and bv said I'atal losuid John \ 'lhoin as. alleging that he has fully met his Obligations m said bond. This is to notify M ' ' ’ Denim "all. Hmlese "all dohn I Wall heirs at law ot said and. B. "alb deceased, to be and appear at the Bept ember Te- , f'fd of .he Court ot Or dinary of Barrow County, and show cause, if any they have or can why said administnitoi should not be re quired to make -aid deed as prayed fo. i, v id John \ Thot as, petitioner. 'H. 0 Hill. Ordinary ot Barrow Coun tv. Forr.Miig a 3*d Htiilt He who allows himself to get tnt® ihe liabit of explaining swsy his fall* will soon find himself trying to •xplMln away other peoples' successes. Needs Grow. Moat of its who haven i any. 4 ’ , '"* v In •mr pious way that alt we w. ■ > fm- la to he independent, "but we notice, a#.s t lie Ohio State Journal, that nw him),i hh anyone begins t got a few dol lars ahead he discover* that ge needs lota more Independence tbau U# thought he did. GASIFIED ADS. Cot t* Mogul Wagon now while they last. < lid style regular width, next, will be more. Wood t uff Hardware Gm puny. See •< nr lino of hinders t<. ;s I res through wood or iron and beeps oi I ' ling ’> nod. WoodruH (Lmiware < 'ompany. Mowers and Rales tint eut-t u hen < tl ers fail. \'Voodruft • hard ware < ompany. W! ite < >a 1 Cotton I’iel it.g bas kets all sizes. Woodruff Hardware < lotapany. A few more wide track and body, -John Deere Wagons on 1 arid next will be narrower, (let one be fore they are all gone. Woodruff Uardware < lornpany. Regular Mason and K Z Seal Fruit Jars all sizes and special squares and shapes for the Girls Canning (Hub. Woodruff Hard ware • 'ompany. ( et the guaranteed tool its bores faster at and easier, and lasts longer. WoorulT Hardware Company. We rent and recharge Automo bile Storage Batteries. Smith I ware < 'o. A cur load of nails, barbed wire i, fid wire fencing at Smith I.aid ware Cos. Certaintet-dl prepared and best ' kilvai-ized Rot ting. Sold by ’Smitl 'Hardware Cos. ( The best Automobile Paint, Var i G < < id , < ii - > IdMiy t>i i*% i iardwat e (k>. I- ut it c ■Paint, V'it rnislt. Cloor paints and lina mels Sold by Smith i iiirdware ('o. Do yoi: wont pretty, soft colored washable plastered walls? Paint them with Pee Gee Plat Koatt. Sold by St <ith Hardware Cos. Just received a large shipment of Ice Cream Freezers at old prices. Buy now. Smith Hardware Cos. Special Reduced Price on Ford Si t Michelin Tires at Smitl Hard ware ('o. We are in position to sell a tew Dodge Rrotl ers 3-4 Ton Business ('ms Place an order now. Smith i hardware (k>. Exide, the king of till Automo bile Stoi age Batteries. Sold by Smitl Hardware Cos. You get only the I Hist. Lubricat ing Oils and (Leases at Smith llardwate (’o. Mastic, 100-Pet Pure, the best of all House Paints. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Special i-at gain Kot Cash —one second hand Dodge I‘rothers tour ing Car at $1*50.00 at Srnitl Hard ware Cos. Just received a shipment of Number 2 and Number 3 Packer’s Tip Cans Smith Hardware Cos. Genuine Chattanooga Syrup Milts and Syrup Pans Sold by .Smith Hardware Cos. (i. M. C. Tl e World’s Standard Truck. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Plj t j ' ordei > 1 i alb 4 *2O Titan Tract r at the new re duced pt it e to insure getting one this fall. Sold by Smitl I ardware :co. I Mic.helin Tin s < Tubes, te> satisfy. Sold only by Smitl Hard ware Cos. Mil burn Wagons have advanced 5 per cent. We are still selling them at a special reduced price to make room for another car load. They are wide track and bodies. Save money by buying now. Smith Hardware Cos. Don’t wait too long to buy an Kdison “the Plumogtapl with a S()U |.” They will he -evurae ti> fall. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. ~\Ve have on hand pure white and gold china dishes. Buy early to insure getting it. Smith. Hard ware Cos. We have a large stock of glass top and mason fruit jars. Also Jelly t ilasses and Rubbers. Our praces are right. Smith Hardware Cos. Waited —A good Christian borne to live on farm. I am an pdu jrated farmer and a single man, am a perfect temperate man.—J. M. Nellison. Winder, Ga. THREE FARMS IN GREEN COUNTY FOR SALE I have three of the cheapest farms in Green County for sale. All three of these farms are well improved and briefly described as follows: One farm contains 220 acres of good grade of land, four good houses, three good barns, two ex tra large barns. The main bouse is an 8-room bungalow, good pas ture. plenty of water, plenty of saw timber. This farm is one and one half miles from Greshamville. Price $75.00 per acre. Another farm adjoining the above . containing 200 acres with three bouses and one extra large barn, with plenty of water and timber. Price $40.00 per acre. The other farm is in Gresham ville, and contains 40 acres. 1 his is good land and will make a bale of cotton to the acre. Has a six room house and one five room house. Both houses are painted and plastured. good barns and pasture with some wood. Prices t iuht. write or call on T. R. Flani g ;n. R. F. D. Route 4. Madison, (.a., APPEAL TO SERVICE The Insane and Blind Are Calling You, Won’t You Help? Institutions of our State are appeal ing to the law makers for more money Schools are asking, various depart ments are begging, hog cholera, cat tle, tick and all the animal ills are neing heard. The Asylum for the Insane is crowded and needs more fundH The Academy for the Blind has urgent demand for more cash to continue its work. They s’ uld have It. God kuows the Insane and the Blind should and must have the best, of care and medical attention. They need all they can get, and need it badly. But, did you ever stop to think why we have the insane, why they had to be sent to the asylum and the Academy for the Blind ! You have heard of the man who worked diligently trying to stop the leak in the spigot while the contents of the barrel poured out the bunghole. That is about like the way the matter stands. We are doing our best for our afflicted, but bless your life, we have done precious little to prevent the condition Listen' 1,047 are in our insane asylum because of brain syphilis, and brain structure Is only one of the vital organs this little germ attacks. No. bless you. he does not stop with the brain but the liver, kidney, heart and blood vessels Is his fertile field TUs 1 047 at Milledgeville is costing tun tax payers of Georgia over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars per year for maintenance. We have 37 unfortunate children at the Academy for the Blind fhrougß no fault of their own The lightt of God's sunshine forever cut out The beauties of nature and art forever de nied them by Gonorrhea How in finitely better to prevent thlß th “ “ teach them. The ravages of these diseases makes one sick To T ner~ tor who can read the signs, the Vener eal diseases are as plain a., the nose i on your face, and yet what has been done for prevention The present legislature is being ask ed to make a special appropriation to help tight this battle in conjunction with the federal government Are you in favor of it? The federal gov ernment will put up dollar for dollai for this tight, a fight for thei innocent girls. for your daughters. and your nieghbors, for your gu era. ion. for the innocent baby to be born Are you on this aide. This ravage of the innocents taunt cease The hundreds of babies lha are prematurely born cry out to you for protection against dyp ' m you fellow citlwns eollat under UU banner’ Will you help to fight this fight* Will you’ K f,. dollars from Georgia will help Bvery dollar we put up grown <*• >“ r: ™ It* There D no time to be lost rue law making body will soon adjourn We hare over 300.800 in our Stuto who has one or both of these diseases, Wont you come and enlist r are tn favor of this cauae, say ><>•**** teep quiet. Don't be passive, he ac tive __ In Everyday Life. It Is well to remember that excel) * ent things are rare. Frightful Dream. Titlle Ol incur says th“ riasnn she n quitting her ptvsent hoarding house s because she dreamed last night she ,vms married to a cannibal, and when die waioKl up a horri 1 little bug was •atlug on her.—Dallas Naves. Phrenological. An odd reminder, says the Tndepend enr. of the days when phrenology was popular as a means of “reading char acter," with a sly dig at the tendency of Its professors to give complimentary e-rp! a nations of the “bumps," Is fouad In a letter from Elizabeth Barrett Browning advertised for sale in a Lon don bookseller’s catalogue. It reads in part: “Do you believe la phrenol ogy? Did you ever consult a phreno logical oracle? anil did It answer, ‘My sou. thou art invincible?' ’* Health About Gone Many thousand* of woman inhering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V. Spell. ofHayne, N.C, “Icould not stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly.” she says. ‘‘As my suf fering was so great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. --- had us get Cardui. . 1 began I Improving, and it cured me. ! know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my l nerves and health were | about gone.” ' TAKE CMDUI The Woman's Tonic She writes furtftenr *1 am in splendid health . .. can do my work. 1 feel I owe it to Cardui, for I wag in dreadful condition.” If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffet from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine, Think what it means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardui a trial. All Druggists jn CALLED HER FAMILY T3 HER BEDSIDE Six Years Ago, Thinking She Might Die, Says Texas Lady, But Now She Is a Well, Strung Woman and Praises Cardui For Her Recovery. Roys* City, Ter. —Mrs. Mary Kll man, of this place, says; “After the birth of my little girl.,.my side com menced to hurt me. I had to ga back to bed. We called the doctor. He treated me...but I got no better. I got worse and worse until the misery waa unbearable...l was In bed for three months and suffered such agony that I was just drawn up In a knot... I told my husband if he would get me a bottle of Cardui I would try 1t... I commenced taking It, however, that evening l called nay family about me... for I knew I could not last many days unless I had a change for EXECUTORS’ SALE of the Jackson Hutchins Land The Jackson Hutchins land of 200 acres will lie sold at the Court House door in Winder Barrow County Georgia to the highest bidder on Saturday, August 23rd. The farm is on the Bankhead Highway, five miles of Winder and right at Carl, on seaboard railroad. This is the very best grade of land, lies well and is divided into three of the most desirable homes in the county. Tlte home tract with splendid residence contains 116 1-2 acres. Tract No. 2, with good improvements contains 41 1-4 acres. Tract No. 3, with good improvements contains 42 1-4 acres. All three lots have good wells of water, houses and barns and suffi cient timber and running water. All three tracts run to railroad and front on Bankhead Highway, and'are sold for division among the heirs in accordance with the will of Jackson Hutchins. One fourth cash on day of sale and the remainder on Dec. 24. 1919. Plat of land as per survey of W. T. Appleby can be seen at any time bv calling)on executors, who will also show the land to those wishing to look over it. W. T. HUTCHINS, W. M. MAXEY, Executors. _Tjf-. uluiu' o * t \ dk J jfco aff- ijoar -round soft drink TV first mans drink was water and sriin. Bevo is ihe highest rotinomont of the natural drink of primitive man— the accepted drink ot modern America a beverage with real food value. A healthy and substantial drink at* the soda fountain,or with lunch at the • restaurant, a comfort waiting for vou in the ice-box at home. So/d - Fmmthos sappttod kf sr**r. Jrutftsf and doo/00. Viators arr inrtfod to our p/mnC^ ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS Henson Bros. 4 Fulbright,* Distributors WINDEK, GA. 3-L the better. That was six year* ago ind I am still here and am a weH strong woman, and I owe my life to Cardui. I bad only taken half tha bottle when 1 began to foer better. The misery In my side got less... 1 continued right on taking tha Cardnl until I had taken three bottles and ® did not need any more for I was well and never felt better In my life... I baro never bad any trouble from that day to this." Do you suffer from headache, back* ache, pains In sides, or other discom forts, each month? Or do you feet weak, nervous and fagged-out? If so, give Cardui, tke woman’s tonic, • trtaL J. 71