The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, September 11, 1919, Image 8

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CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER TERM. 1919. BARROW SUPERIOR COURT Monday, September 22nd, 1919 No. 12 No. 241 . .1 No. 317 No. 407 No. 459 No. 472 No. 522 No. 2*4 Leila Henry Arnold vs Kemp Arnold, Alimony. No. 341 .Mrs. Elmer Baxter Bray vs Thomas Biav, Divorce. No. 473 llrs. Dessa Sturdivant v AV. Sturdivant, Divorce, Juj. cte. No. 452 Hilda Estelle Hamilton vs Angelo Hamilton, Divorce. No. 4*4 <)1 lie E. Blankinsliip vs Albert A. Blankinsliip, Divorce. No. 487 Fannie Daniel, Gol. vs Free! Daniel, Col. Divorce. No. 503 Samantha Partain vs Ber ry W. Partain, Divorce, Alimony etc. No. 509 Wilson Bros. & Summon vs K. 1). <’bailee.?, Suit on Note. Default. No. 519 Mrs. Bessie .M. Edwards vs H. E. Edwards, Divorce. No. 520 Winder Nal’l. I’k. vs <l. B. Hoseh, Col. ot al. Suit on note. Default. No. 521 The Winder Mlg. Cos. vs Sims iV Sims, Suit on Aeot. De fault. No. 393 T. C. .Miller vs J. I*. Cash, Suit on note. - " No. 139 N. J. Demos vs '/. F. Jack son, Bail Trover. No. 394 Krey Packing Cos. vs A. L. Maleorn, Suit on Aeet. No. 399 L. F. Sell vs T. L. <fc J. R. Wills, Pelts. A. K. Wofford, ('lai mant. 462 Lay k Craliam \s C. S. Altoway, Suit on Note, Default. D. L. Hale vs If. O. Camp, Sheriff. Tuesday, September 23rd, 1919. No. 1 lit .1. L. Lanier vs T. A. .May nard. Damage for Breach of Con iraet. No. 297 A. fluff & Son vs A. L. iMaleoni, Suit on Note. No. 324 McClure Clothing Mfg. Cos. vs A. L. Malc°m, Suit on Notes No. 49(1 Bowman, Moore Hat Cos. vs A. L. Malcom, Suit on Aeet. No. 496 (*. S. Millsaps, as Adinr. Nancy O’Shields vs Mrs. Sallie Bley. et al No. 511 The State vs Will Sturdi vant, Due Mule, Buggy and Har ness. No. 512 The State vs J. K. Turn bull, One 5 Passenger Ford Auto mobile. No. 513 The State vs Cal Poster, <>ne Keo l ’ar. No. 514 The State vs M. E. Rog ers, One Buiek Car. Wednesday, September 24th, 1919 No. 146 Thus. F. Quillian vs W. W. Parks. R. C. Parks, Damages. No. 149 Daugherty McKay Cos. vs \V. K. Young, Suit on Aeet. No. 272 A. J. Wages vs J. R. White. Suit on Note. No. 281 D. L. Hale vs J. Roy White. Attachment and Deelara t ion. No. 352 A. J. Wages vs J. Roy White, Affidavit. Bond and At tachment. Thursday, September 25th, 1919 No. 29 .1 T. Peyton vs R. Hewitt, Damages. No. 159 Dave Harris vs B. A. Smith, Damages. No. ISI ,F. D. Phillips, by (J. 0. Phillips vs K. Hewitt, Damages. No. 234 Cult Refining Cos. vs ,J. W. millsaps (larage, J. \V. Millsaps et al. No. 33s John Magness vs H. L. Bentley, Damages. No. 372 W. H. Toole vs John M. Williams vv Cos., et al. Suit on Con t raet. No. 39*5 A. I'. Si. Pasteur vs L K. Herrin. Suit on Note. No. 4(is John S. ('rat't vs Lee .1. Oliver. Equitable Petition, ! i. tie No. 41 f> (’itv of Winder vs H. T. A I*. A. Flanigan. Suit in Equity. Friday, September 26th, 1919. No. 222 Ludden & Hates vs The Planters Warehouse et al. Com plaint for Cotton. No. 425 Mrs. Vella Mae Smithy vs City of Winder and Ua. Kv. & Power Cos. \o. 427 W. and. Peppers vs Good man Chapman, Certiorari, Tra verse. No. -149 .lane Moore Col. vs Eu (rt-ne Hunter. Col. Laborer's Lien. Monday, September 29th, 1919. Criminal Docket will he called and remain in order until all cases ready for trial have been disposed Any civil eases on this calendar not previously disposed of will be called in order after the criminal cases have been disposed of as oc casion may permit. Wednesday, October Ist, 1919. No. 299 L. F. Sell vs ’Hie Winder Dolton Mills, Tims. A. Maynard. No. 300 Daniel •!. McDaniel vs The Barrow County Cotton .Mills. Damages. No. 141 L. F. Sell vs W. M. Ste w art. Suit on Note. No. 384 Zaek Sikes vs T. 3. Sikes, Suit Administratorship of E. JI. Sikes. No. 395 Brantley <k Doby vs \V. M. C. Treadwell, Suit on Aeet. No. 4:17 Z. F. Jackson vs R. L. lingers. Suit on < knit met. No. 450 (W. Parke?', Admr. vs G. 11. Dalton et al. No. 470 Ill's, M. A. Wright vs Zion Bell, Distress Warrant. No. 4*7 Harris Bros, vs Zion Bell, Appeal. Thursday, October 2nd, 1919. No. 380 <!. A. McDaniel vs Luther Clack, Distress Warrant. No. 387 The .1, C. Leslie Milling Cos. vs Henson Bros. & Fullbright et al. No. 432 A. Blakeley vs Will Hen derson, Equitable Petition. Vo. 4(( John K. Flanigan vs Gall oway Nowell et al. Equilable Pe tition. No. 471 Mary Ann Tims vs Wil liam Sturdivant, Damages. Friday, October 3rd, 1919. No. 475 S. V. Pirkle vs Mrs. M. M. Puckett. Trover. No. 47(i T. G. Flanigan vs John A. Skelton, Land Partition. No. 494 Knoxville Glove Mfg. < 'o. vs Henson Bros. & Fill bright Go. No. 498 E. S. & E V. Harris vs W. 11. McDaniel and Mrs. Rehekali Mc I kuiiel. Appearance Docket Will Be < 'ailed October, Ist, 1919. Motion Docket will be called as occasion may permit during term. The foregoing is approved as the calendar of Barrow Superior Men pay only for cures People suffering from blood poison, catarrh, skin, liver, kidney (Ur bladder and chronic diseases, eczema, nervous debility, exhaus f lien, weakness of the lungs, heart and nerves should write me for L W free advice question chart and book describing their condition. R riles and rectal diseases, such as fistula, fissure, stricture or I C, varicose veins, which cause loss of vitality, nervousness and gen rw W 1 debility, cored or no pay. Out of town people, visiting the \ J JC •* city in need of treatment, consult me at once. Many eases cured In one or two visits. Consultation free and confidential. Twenty 1 . \ years successful experience. Hours 10 u. in. to 7p. in. Sundays ,* I 10 to 1 only. <WnF7 - IR. it, MORRIS, Specialist Corner Teachtree and Walton Streets Atlanta, Ga. Best Beverage y? /Contains organic minerals wfcc- Y and ot^er act > ve principles | li/Lf from wheat, oats, lemons, orang jj| es, grapes, mint and ginger— out your diet, and will give genuine pleasure. Telephone your grocer for a case tooay* Winder Bludwine Bottling Works, Winder, Ga. Court for the September Term, 1!)!!). Let it be published as is pro vided by law. This 9th day of September 1919. Andrew J. Cobh, Judge Super ior <'uni ts, Western t ireiiit. ROLLER TOP DESK FOR SALE Nice Holler top office desk for sale at a bargain. If you need a good one practically new'. See or write K. A. Hill, Winder, Ga., BETHLEHEM. .Misses Irene Hill, Bertha and Leila Poole, and Ethelene Bentley of Winder, were the week-end guests of Miss Lena Hill. Mr. Albert Mobley, of Monroe, was here last week and d°sed a trade with the farmer’s uni°n, who have purchase tithe gin at this place, formerly owned by the Monroe Oil and Fertilizer Cos. Little .Miss Floy lfaekett has been sick for the past week. Mr. Desus Treadwell left Satur day for New Orleans, where he will attend a Cotton Convention this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Whitehead had ihe former’s br°thei* and family with them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Langford are spending some time at Craw ford. f - J°hn llill, of Montezuma, was mingling with friends and re latives here Monday. Mesclames Worsham and Flani gan vet timed to their home in Birmingham, Ala., this week, af ter a visit of several week’s to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. Dr. R. P. Adams lias purchasli ed a handsome touring car. Mr. and Mrs. John Charles are visiting in Piedm°nt, S. C., Messrs. Z. N. Hendrix and E. S. Harris were in Gainesville Tues day. Ernest Ridgeway is quite sick this week. .Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Jenkins, of Monroe, were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leslie’s guests t'or this week were, Mrs. E. J. Ham, of Woodville, Mr. L. P. Leslie, of Brunswick and Mrs. Gussie E/.elle, of Woodville. Millinery! Millinery! Just arrived a lovely line of ladies’ and chil dren’s Ready-to-Wear, Hats, also a beautiful line of hand-made Hats at attractive prices. LADIES’ SKIRTS We have also a line of ladies’ Skirts, prices QO QQ QIA ranging from s __ 01 U You should see our SIO.OO Skirts. Ladies’ Crepe de Chine and Oeorget.e Waists |2.98 tO $6.25 Georgette beaded and embroidered, hemstich ed, tucked; smart models with or without collars. Round Vor square necks. LACES, LACES, LACES. Towel 5e to 75c. CROCKERY We will sell you a set of Cups and Saucers for $1.90 per set; Plates at same price. Ginghams 20c a yard. HERRIN’S 10c CENT STORE will be headquarters for all holiday goods this season. Have just purchased a full line of all kind toys, dolls, toilet articles, etc. HERIN’SIOc STORE GRANITE HOTEL BUILDING THE JOHN DEERE WAGON Runs light; runs a long time and holds up big loads. Only a few more of them on hand in the wide gauge. The next will be four-inches narrower track and bodies. Get one of the regular width be fore they are all gone. WOODRUFF HARDWARE CO. WINDER, - GEORGIA.