The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, September 18, 1919, Image 16

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Because he appreciates their confidence and their patronage, and therefore strives to merit their confidence in all his dealings. He is here to stay, here to serve you and the only way to do this is to serve you acceptably. HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES His is one of the big grocery stores of Winder, where you can buy good groceries at rea sonable prices and always find what you want. If you are looking after your own interest, go to TO CITIZENS OF BARROW COUNTY. I ;un suit- you like most every other citizen of I farrow County, wont to do all you can to help develop and boast our county. As you know w hen we develope and boost the Agricultural inter ests of our county we develop and boast each and all other in terests of the county. We are located in the I‘iedmont Section of Georgia and our cli mate. soil, water, and etc., cannot he equalled in hut few places and surpassed by none. Our eounty is small yet we need more people in it in different lines of business. Each new farmer and other business man who comes in to our eounty and locates, as you know is helping to develop, boost, and inlumee the value of our farm lands, other property, and our eounty as a w hole. Kaeli year at the big South eastern Fair held in Atlanta there are prospective farm buyers and other business men who visit this fair and of course the counties that are represented there are the ones that the visitors will seek to investigate first. i do not know of any better wa\ or more oppertune time to boast our eounty than to have a Hood County Agricultural Exhi bit at the Southeastern Fair this tall October Jlth-21st. inclusive. I have been successful in get ting the North tieorgia Fair As sociation to pa\ all the expenses of putting tbe County Exhibit lip and looking: after it during the Southeastern Fair. I think this is a very good and liberal offer our Fair Association is making to help boost and develop our eoun ty. The part we want you an other farmers and other business men to do is help us in getting up the exhibits for the County Exhi- j. N. Summerour Pleases His Customers Why Does He Please Them? hit. We will appreciate it very much if you know of any one that has any good agricultural exhibits of any kind if you will get them to bring same to me during the week of our fair at Fair Grounds. We especially want any and all kind of exhibits of crops that are not commonly grown in this section and of course all kind of Staple ( 'l ops. Trusting that you will co-oper ate heartily with us in our effort to make a No. 1 Agricultural Ex hibit for Harrow County. 1 am. Yours for Service. W. Mill lloseh. County Agricul tural Agent. Carrington & Baggerly to Open Tire Rebuilding Plant. An automobile tire retreading and rebuilding plant with the firm name of Carrington & Bag gerly will be opened in Athens on Saturday of this week and will be ready to handle all work of that kind by Monday. September 22. Mr. Carrington states that they will specialize in emergency calls. The plant will be located on Col- Tire Company and the Emporium Millinery Shop. Mr Carrington is from Winder. <ia.. and is well known in Athens, lie attended the 1 ’diversity sever al years ago. and was connected with newspaper interests here for a while. During the recent war he was a Hist lieutenant in the I2lst infantry of the Dixie Divi sion. Mr. Baggerly is from Atlan ta. and was also a member of the same regiment, holding the rank of second lieutenant. Both were returned from overseas and dis charged a few days ago.— Athens Herald. Mr. Carrington still makes his home in Winder, going over to Athens two or three times each N. week in interest of his business there. J. N. SUMMEROUR WINDER, GEORGIA THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER. GEORGIA. COMMITTEE NAMED. For “R. E. M.” Social At Chris tian Church. Sunday afternoon the general committee for the R. E. M. social • t t of the Christian Church, October Ist, met to name the other stand ing committees, such as program, music, reception, decoration and refreshment committees. Plans for the social were also discussed with a great deal of interest. One of the special features will he a few little surprises. The entire affair will he in three parts. Part 1. De votional. musiea I and literary. Part 11. Presentations. This will he an unusual feature, but full of lively interest. Part 111. Social and re freshments. In this part also there' w ill be several novel features, that no one will fail to enjoy. There will be something to interest all from the youngest to the oldest member, from the “Cradle Roll” to the grand parents. It is earnest ly desired that each boy and girl of the Sunday School plan now to be present. Each member of each organization will be expected. The entire congregation is to turn out that night and enjoy hearing, seeing and meeting one another. The motto will be “Smile and Look Pleasant.” More will be mentioned in this paper next week.—Look for it. WILSON SIGNS MEASURE FOR AMERICAN LEGION. t On Board President Wilson’s Special Train, Hornbrook, Cal., September Hi.— (By the Associat ed Press.) President Wilson today signed an art of congress incor porating the American Legion, an organization of veterans of the world war. Another Auto Device. An electric light that I* switched on to lUuintriHta an automobile step us the door Is opened lots been pa touted by un English Inventor. If Its Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes or Notions We Can Fix You We carry a complete stock of fresh GROCERIES and sell at the closest margin of profits, also DRY GOODS, SHOES and NOTIONS and are always ready to serve you. We appreciate your trade no matter how small it may be. Y ours to serve I A. S. Eberhart Phone 104 Winder, Ga. FURNITURE, ORGANS AND PIANOS •i. N. Summerour also carries a large stock of Fur niture. Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. It you want some special bargains in Beds, Matrices, Springs. Chairs, Rockers. Dressers and Waslistands, he oan save you big, big money. It you doubt this just look over his stock and let him price you the above articles, you will be surprised to know the bargains lie lias to offer you. He also handles second hand cars at figures that will enable you to buy without hurting yourself. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th.