The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, September 25, 1919, Image 12

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SEEKING GRAPES, BOY DIES IN FALL FROM TOP OF TREE. Nes*on Seay, 9 years old. the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Seay, fell I'roin the top of at roe at Nor cross. Ins home, Sunday afternoon and was almost instantly killed. The youngster, it is stated, had climbed a tall tree full oi wild grapes, and suddenly missed his step or hold and in falling fell clear, seriously hurting or break ing his spine and head. The body was brought to the chapel of Greenberg & Bond. The funeral will bo held Tuesday from old Mo mt I’izgah church. FATHER KILLS SON, MISTAK ING BOY FOR A BURGLAR. Vow Orleans. September 21. John Bussell, wholesale produce dealer, shot his son. John Bussell,' Jr., to death with a pistol, mistak ing him for a burglar trying to enter the house just before day break here today. Young Bussell, who was going in for fishing tack le. stumbled into bis father’s arms after being shot and died a few minutes later. CLASSIFIED ADS. I nrle Sam bought 4M.000 Coles llul IMast Heaters for Y. M. < A. I hit and llarrackes in France be en use they saved 2. r to HO per cent Fuel Mill; and uhats good for Uncle Sam is good for you. It you need a Heater see or Telephone us. Woodruff I hardware < ’o. John Deere hiding Plows does better work and cost less Wood ruff lla rdware < ’o. If you could find a place where you could buy coal at 33 per cent off wouldn’t you do it ? If you use a Foies Hot IMast Heater you have found Hie place so get the Heater Woodruff Hardware Fo. Het a Syrocustt Slat Mol board original invents of Shit Mol hoards all others are imitations Woodruff I lardw are ('o. JUST RECEIVED a solid FAR LOAD of GALVANIZED ROOF l\<i, best quality. Smitli Hard ware Company. . . WANTED. Wanted to rent a two horse crop. •>i , d and -Ith, with good duel ing and out buildings. If I can get suited on standing rent, would consider. Apply to L. .1. Henry, I’>uford, <la. Route 2. Have you seen that now \YIDK TKACk. WIDK I’.uDV TIIOKN 1111,L W.UiON- Its a beauty and better Ilian it looks. Sold by Sniitli Hardware Company. Wo are fortunate in being able to offer our trade, the original Coles Hot Hlast Heating Special ties our supply is limited see tis at onoo. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Who likos to get out of bed and build a tire on a eold morning? If you have a Coles Hot blast you don’t have to do it ; get one by all means. Woodrffiuff Hardware Cos. Keeping Warm in Finland. In many ways tin* Finns nre a very queer people. It Is during the terrible cold months that the Finns revel In the mighty ovens ttint till one corner of every kitchen and often loom up large and vastly Impressive In the oth er rooms of a Finn home ns well. The tops of these monster stoves are per fectly flat, and steps lead up on one side. When tile weather becomes bit terly coin and Weak, the entire Finnish family w ill take quilts and pillows and, mounting to the top of the hig heat er, spread down their bedding and aleep very comfortably and contented ly on the hard hot bricks until morn ing.—N’evla O. Winter, in Christian UerabL About Advice. The worst thins about advice, ob serves a writer, Is thut those who are qualified to give It never do. and tboae who insist upon serving you with a fob, ivveii-course table d'hote roeal of It, always prove to be the worst a t chefs. ! APPALACHEE GOES TO MARS HILL. The M4th session of the Appala chee Association was one of the best in the entire history of the body. All the reports showed pro gress in every phase ot f hurch work and life. Every chureb was represented and the crowds overfilled the house at Ebernezer. The hospility of the people was unsurpassed. Each moment prov ed inspiring interesting and enter taining to the delegates and visi- tors. The entire day of Thursday was given over to the discussion of the 75 Million Campaign by such speakers as Mrs. \Y . M. llol senbeok of \\ indcr, Mrs. Kate ( . Wakefield of Atlanta. I lon. A. It. Mobley of Monroe, Dr. John I). Moll of Athens, Bev. W. If. Faust of Winder. I>r. \V. 11. Major of Atlanta, Bev. W. B. Deal of Halt well, I)r. F. < \ Met onnell of At lanta. lion. Josiab Blasingame of Jer sey, was unamiously elected mod erator and Bev. W. 11. Faust Clerk. Bev. Virgil < 'ofield of Monroe, is to preach the next Introduction Sermon. Bev. AY. S. W alker of Monroe, the Missionary Sermon. The historic old church of "Mars Hill was chosen as next meeting place in Sept. 1920. The Association agreed to raise $144,000.00 in the 75 Million Drive appointed as follows among the ('ljurches: A loony Mt. $3,000, Annie Mary 1.8(H). Bethel 2.000, Bethlehem 500 Bold Springs 5,000. Braswell 1.000 Center Hill 5.000, Ebenezer 1.000. Harmony 2,500, Monroe 05,000, Mt. Creek 2,500. Walker Chapel 500, Winder 11. 2.000. Winder f. 155,000, BetlmLara 5,000. Bogart 1,000. Fdwards Chapel 500, Free mans Creek 2.200, High Shoals 1,000. Mars Hill 2.000, Watkins Mill 5,000, Bishop 500. Rev. W. 11. Faust is organizer and the oppressive leader in this campaign. In next week’s issue will He a full page ad giving the essential facts in tlie campaign. These aggressive churches will easily go over the top if each Bap tist will do his or her part. GERMANS WILL DOUBLE RAILROAD TRAFFIC RATES. With the American Forces in Germany, September 22. —German railway officials are preparing for an increase in transportation rates throughout Germany. Owing to a scarcity of coal and the lack of rolling stock, much of which has been turned over to tbe allies, ac cording to the terms of peace. German railway administration officials believe that an increase of 100 percent in the railroad rates will he necessary. ALL PLANTS RUN AT BIR MINGHAM. (By Associated Press.) Birmingham, Ala., September 22.—Little effect of the steel workers strike was noted in the Birmingham district when the day shifts reported for work this morning. Every plant in this district was running at full Blest and at plants of the Tennessee Coal Iron and Railroad Company in Knsley more men reported for work than were needed to till the shifts, it was stated. Comparatively few men wolked out under the strike order, the number being far under the esti mate of union leaders. Labor or ganizations attributed tbe small response to tlte net that tomorrow is pay day at two large plants in the litislev district and that two others pay Thursday, Coal miners of tlie district re mained at work, obeying orders from national headquarters. THE BARROW TIMES WINDER, GEORGIA. A NEWTON COUNTY GENTLE MAN NOW DEAN OF THE LIBERAL ARTS OF EMORY UNIVER SITY. (By an Emory Student.) .. In response to the call occa sioned by the resignation of Doc tor Edgar H. Johnson as Dean of the School of Liberal Arts of Emory University at the first of this year, Doctor Howard W Odum, who lias been at the bead of the Department of Sociology and Rural Education at the Uni versity of (ieorgia for the past few years, assumed the Deansbip on the moving of the College to Emory University, near Atlanta, and opening of the summer ses- sion. A Biblical Saying goes that “a prophet is not without honor, save in his own country.” The stu dents of Emory believe they have found an exception to the rule in the modern day acceptance of the term, for Doctor Odum is a New ton County man, having spent his youth and young manhood in the vicinity of Oford arid Emory Col lege. It would he difficult to find a more interesting academic career than that of Doctor Odum. In 1904 he graduated from Emory with the degree of Bachelor of Arts; in 1906 he was awarded his master’s degree at the University of Mississippi; in 1909 a Doctor of Philosophy at Clark University, Worcester, Mass., specializing in Educational Psychology. One year later, 1910, he secured another “Pli.D.” at Columbia in Econo mics and Sociology. The future of this institution is assured. A germ of greatness has been in this school for years, but never before were the prospects so promising as today. The oppor tunity is at hand. The Foundation is strong and it is a surety that no storms can destroy what has been accomplished. All possible confi dence is placed in Doctor Odum for great things, and with tlie co operation that Emory men always give, Emroy University is bound to accomplish her goal. It was with delight and pleas ure that the Students welcomed Doctor Odum. At the same time having viewed the resignation of Doctor Johnson with a greatful spirit, he having assumed the lea dership of another and recent De partment of tlie University, The School of Economics and Business Administrat ion. HOOSIER —the Kitchen Cabinet that saves miles of steps —if we can show you how. the Hoosier will save many steps each day, and —if we can prove that yourkitch en work can be done in less time with a Hoosier to help. —will you devote a few minutes to a personal investigation of this kitchen cabinet? —then come and see the Hoosier demonstrated. We guarantee that an early visit will be well worth while. , W. T. ROBINSON Telephone 146 Eskimo* Play Football. Football Ist n favorite nTutiaeraeol with Eskimos of all n-ges. The foot ball la a small round ball made of seal skin and stlifted with reindeer tiatr- In Labrador, as In Greenland, It ta whipped over the Ice with a thong loop lttactefl to a wooden twniUe. It can be caught inafce air and returned with terrific fores by meaua of this laetni nenC BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE 7-Ronm dwelling equipped with Electric Lights, City Water and ►Sewerage. This dwelling is practically new and is on large corner lot that runs all the way across block. This is a real bargain for someone a1 $3,750.00 Terms. 7-Room dwelling, 4-room tenant house, Bam and other outbuildings on corner lot containing three acres. Good Fruit and shade trees. This lot is in good residence section and can be bought at the price of $4,750.00 Farming lands in Barrow and Jackson Counties ranging in price from $75.00 an acre up. Land in other parts of the state at $lO.OO an acre and upward. 5- Bungalow practically new with City Lights and Water, Barn and Garage on nice lot on Midland Avenue. Price only $2,000.00 2 4-Room Cottages on corner lot of two acres on Candler Street at $4,500.00 Easy Terms. 6- dwelling in good repair, equipped with City Lights and Water, on Large corner lot with enough space for another residence. 'ln desirable location. Price $3,500.00 We have for sale a number of desirable vacant lots in various parts of the City. Money to Loan on Real Estate, at Low rate of Interest on long Time. %> See us before you buy. I. E. JACKSON & COMPANY REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE WINDER, GEORGIA AUTO OWNERS READ! One of the greatest factors in popularizing tlie motor ear has been the vast improvement in automobile tires In the olden days the tire question was about the biggest bugaboo that disturbed the motorist ’s peace of mind If lie started on a journey lie was indeed fortunate if lie ever finished it. i1 is troubles were a fertile field for the comic supplements and many jokes were cracked at bis expense. All this is changed today. Tires are indefinitely more dependable now. But although tires are being built with a much higher factor of safety and depen dability than ever before, and much greater mileage built into them at the fac tory, thousands of motorists are constantly discarding tires that have failed to reach their three score and ten.through no fault of the tires. Millions of miles that were built into the tires failed of attainment last year through lack of the simplest repairs that could easily have been made by the motorist, himself. jr So a national tire conservation movement lias been inaugurated with the ob pect of showing motorists everywhere methods of tire care that will add many miles to the performance of their tires. Carrying out this idea. The Tire Service Station of Winder Ga.. has ar ranged to have a tire expert from The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Cos., assist in the observance of Tire Conservation Day on Sept. 30th. “There is no question that motorists of Winder and vicinity can get more miles from their tires.” says Mr. Camp. So we have secured this expert to come to our place to demonstrate the simple methods of tire care that will add wonderfully to tire mileage. We have not asked him to make a stock demon stration speech, but have arranged for him to give individual attention to ev ery" motorist that has a tire problem to be worked out. “Me will show just how tires are made, from the crude rubber to the lu ished tire, and will have tires with him illustrating every kind of tire wear that motorists experience. Methods of combatting each one of these particu lar kinds of tire trouble will be fully explained. “\Ye feel that our local motorists are entitled to know how they can avoid the disappointment that comes from putting away tires that have not attained their full mileage, and we are expecting that Tire Conservation Day at our place will result in an increase of thousands of miles of tire performance.” THE TIRE SERVICE STATION ROBT. A. CAMP, Proprietor Winder, Georgia THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25