The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, September 25, 1919, Image 9

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VOLUME 4, NO. SUITS In all the new materials, serges, tricotines, velours, tinseltones, Duvet de Lane, fur trimmed and plain tail ored. Can fit the small woman and up to a three hundred pound lady. Prices $19.75 up to SIOO Dresses Come and feast on the new attractive models, made in all the new mate rials—satin, georgette, tric otine, serges, tricotettes, pauletts. Comes in black, new brown beaver, navy taupe. Save 25 per cent on your fall dress. Prices $14.95 up to $75. Coats Its wonderful how the man ufacturers originate so many dif ferent attractive styles; no two alike; belted models, self trimmed, beautiful choaker, fur collars in all the new materials—Du Vet DeLane, silvertone, tinseltone, peach bloom, chameleon and all that’s new. Prices from sl4 75 up J. T. STRANGE COMPANY THE BARROW TIMES WAISTS One lot fifty Georgette Waists Some plain, tailored, and embroidered; all sizes; beautiful. Choice $3.95. Extra sizes up to 52 in Georgette and Crepe de Chine. WINDER. BARROW COUNTY. GA.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1019 STRANGES’ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY Millinery ' Our Millinery showing was a great success. The unusual throngs of ladies looked, bought and we heard so many expressions of how beautiful were th bonnets. Every day brings new creations. Come back often. Furs Fashion has decreed Furs. Our Fur sale has been wonder ful—far greater than we expect ed. Georgette Fox, Taupe Fox, Hudson Seal, Russian Wolf, French Coney, black Lynx. Buy now and save 25 to 33 per cent when the season is on. Prices SIB.OO, $28.75, $35.75, $46.50, $62.50, $68.50, $112.50, $125.00, $175.00. Coatees SSO, $ /5. and up. PETTY SKIRTS The next thing after the purchase of your suit is a Petty Skirt. Just received 100 beautiful Seco top satin and taffeta flounce--a really at tractive garment to go at $2.98. Better models up to SlO and S 12.50. *1.50 IN' ADVANCE &... HIV