The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, October 02, 1919, Image 7

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Used Cars At BARGAINS One Hudson Super Six. One Columbia Six. One Buick Roadster. One Baby Grand Chevrolet. One Four Ninety Chevrolet. One Ford, 1918—plenty Fixtures. One Re-Built Ford. These cars are all in good repairs and are real bar gains. Auto Sales Cos. Jackson Street. Phone 150 7 Reasons for Buying the Sturdy :Mogu||pagons “Strong Where the Strain Come*’* 1. Hickory Axles 2. White Oak Tongues 3. White Oak Hubs 4. Heavily Ironed 5. Oversize Throughout 6. Easy to Pull 7. Hard to Ereak A sturdy, stoutly built wagon made to last a life-time of hard work. If yon do not know the Mogul dealer near you, write us at once. WIDE TRACK WAGONS. Moguls are made in the 60-inch track, the old favorite Southern standard which fits your wagon beds, hay frames , and the track of Southern country , roads. The new standard 56-inch or auto track can also be furnished. WOODRUFF HARDWARE CO. Winder, Ga. Hurrah For The Fair! The People of Barrow and adjoining counties have been mighty good to us and our trade was never better. We thank you all. GIVE US TIME TO WAIT ON-YOU We are as busy as we can be, and we will appreciate your pa tience whenever you come in until we can wait on you. Make our store your head quarters next' week, and buy what you need Yours to please, Griffeth, Autry & Cos. BANK TELLER ADMITS SHOR TAGE OF $35,000 Chattanooga, Tenn., October 1. —Haskel B. Ilarrod, for the past 18 years a trusted teller in the First National bank here, today confessed to a shortage of .$35,000 Confession was made to officers of the bank after national bank examiner D. <’. Borlian and dis covered that such a shortage ex isted and it bad been traced to the window of Mr. Ilarrod. When confronted with the evidence lie admitted that lie had defaulted and the figures given in his writ ten confession checked exactly with the shortage reported by the examiner, it ivas said. Ilarrod lias not been arrested. He is understood to have made some investments that, did not bring the profits expected. Removable Rubber Heel. A rubber heel has been invented that can be slipped over the high beel of a woman’s shoe. THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. MR R. B. DAVIS TAKES OWN LIFE. Mr. R. B. Davis ended bis life Tuesday night about 10 o’clock, by shooting himself at his store near the Seaboard depot. lie shot himself just over the heart with a 44 army pistol, and it is thought he died instantly, according to the position of the body, as it was not found until the next morning. The deceased lias been in a very nervous condition for the past week, and was watched' by bis friends, fearing that lie would sooner or later take his own life, as he made two oilier attempts recently. Mr. Davis was only twenty eight years old and had built up a very profitable grocery business. He leaves a wife and three chil dren.—News-Herald. ERROR IN INITIAL. Tn the page ad this week of the Baptist 75 million campaign, if states at the bottom “contributed by S. C. Pirkle” when it should have been S. F. Pirkle of our city. Mr. \V. and. Bennett bought, a new Dort Automobile this week from the Auto Sales Cos. of 'Win der. Mrs. W. K. Lyle, one of Win der’s good women, who lias been indisposed a good part of the pre sent year has greatly improved in health to the pleasure of he l ' hosts of friends. The friends in this county of Judge and Mrs. O. G. Robinson will regret to learn of the loss of their little seventeen months-old daughter, who died last Thursday at their home in Lawrenceville. Old Familiar Discovery. Every now Dd then there comes a substitute for gusoline, amply filling the place of the old discoveries of per* petnal motion. —New York Son. OLA The Phonegraph of Marvelous Tone cords-plays them with a con- , | tfHj| ception no less rare than dis- |m|. | tone of noted stars of grand j | opera are faithfully reproduc- dr I ed by the Vitanola. The mar- 9 a tial music of famous bands ~ and the softer strains of stringed instsuments, find delightful expression through the medium of this marvelous phonograph. The VITANOLA is a vital force in Harmony- Land, and is now being nationally advertised for for the first time, in order that its “Natural as life,” qualities may be universally enjoyed. TO DEALERS —We invite the co-operaticn of live dealers throughout North Georgia, in meeting the demand for VITANOLA. You are invited to visit our demonstration rooms dur ing the North Georgia Fair Oct. 7t’n to 11th and let us fully explain our liberal dealers propo sition to you. Our booklet— Making A Phonograph Department Pay” contains a wealth of business building ideas, and is fully descriptive of th e VITANOLA line. Write for your copy. LYRIC RECORDS—We are equipped to give you efficient service and co-operation in merchandising' LYRIC RECORDS—the best r ecord line on the market. Prompt deliveries of all popular hits; dealer helps arid practical sales assistance are included in our plans. Write for dealers preposition. C. C. Gregory Cos. Wholesale Distributors for Northeast Georgia Winder, Georgia muEr Kt 1 f/jr Tvv & announcing tbe greatest tnoney-efiving offer ever Ej| which rides like air, and has cut tire costa in two for \ V-Jftwt over 100,000 users. You will get the details of this • jffiir' receive yoara, write fan it. Use the ccopon below. B—— ' m ' m m BLQWOyTS Flnt Coif • last Cost ©oub!*s rirt Fliltea&tt Essenkey—an investment, not an er- The use of Essenkay is a proved* econ* f/ense may be transferred from old omy—lo,ooo to 20,000 nxlee is the raid, worn-out casings to new ones. not the exception. r io# r : Discount during tbJ. limited offer as an advertising introductory proposi tion to (secure 25.U0G extra satisfied users In open territory. Exclusive Essen -3 kay Agencies ex ceedingly profitable for progressive business men in open territory. Write for proposition. The fssenkay Products Company mmmbmn AmwHmm TW Fill** Inii ■■. •*. Tt 4—220 Wee I Saserlor Sl*# Chicaf* MR. A D. COLLINS IMPROVED PCLAN CHINA HOGS Mr. A. D. Collins, of near Sta tharn, is one of the strong advo cates of the best breeds of hogs. He has only the pare improved Pol an China breed and claims they are less expensive and most profitable breed of all the improv ed hogs. He will have some of them on exhibit here during the Fair and we feel sure they are beauties be cause he will have no other kind. 2 ...Freight'; Free During this limited offer. Liberty bonds will be accepted in payment — instead of cash —at their full face value. Get the details. Me • xtras, no red tape Freight Free amounts to a further discount — an advantage never before offered ot Ess on kay. THC CStENKAY PRODUCTS CO , 174-22 G West Superior ®t. # Chiefj 111. Pleas* send me fall aoteilsof your S<*ecjsi lita <’Offer without obligation nod tbe * Story of L*-evoke -j T> Nau* | • I Atidraa | Owl* —Stats | myrrtrn m A Kino of Hunt 7Tr*** (Size) | j His little son, Gus dr., who be longs to the Barrow County Calf Club, will have bis calf at the Fair, and from all reports he will be a winner in the prizes offered. Fine stock are growing in favor and it is hoped our county will become interested along this im portant thing for our prosperity. The Indian Cashew Tree. Besides the nuts used in confection ery the Indian cashew tree yields an Insect-repelliDg gum, a juice that makes indelible Ink. and three kinds of oii. one edible, the others used to tun fishing nets and preserve wood. Q Liberty Bonds COURT THIS WEEK. Judge < ’obi) opened tlie second wook of court Monday morning; and lias kept business moving up to the time vve go to press. Solicitor Dean is prosecuting violators of the law with his ac customed determination to do his whole duty to society and the state. The ease of most interest tried so far this week was that of Jack I McDaniel charged with murder in the killing of Obe Duke, color ed. in this case the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. The grand jury had a lot of business before it but by hard work got through and adjourned Wednesday afternooil. The presentments of this body will he published in next week's issue of the Times. Judge Cobb has cleared the do cket of many cases during this court. There are few judges on the bench that equal Judge Cobb in ablity and in fearlessly per forming the responsible duties that come before him and solicitor Dean meets the approval of all good citizens in his capacity as prosecuting attorney. . j A on your own car. under extra load and hardest road condi tions possible to Im pose upon it. You be the judge. Keeping Warm In Finland. In many ways the Finns ere a very queer people. It is during the terrible cold months that the Finns revel In the mighty ovens that fill one corner of every kitchen and often loom up large and vastly impressive in the oth er rooms of n Finn home ns well. The tops of these monster stoves are per fectly flat, and steps lead up on one tide. When the weather becomes bit terly colo and bionk, the entire Finnish family will take quilts and piWows and, mounting to the top of the hig boat er, spread down their bedding and oleep very comfortably ami contented ly on the hard hot bricks until morn ing.— Ncvia C. Winter, la Christian Herald. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2