The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, October 09, 1919, Image 2

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GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS BARROW COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, SEPTEMBER TERM, 1919 To the lion. Andrew J. Cobb, Judge of the Superior Court of Harrow County. We, tlie <irand Jury chosen and sworn for the September Term of 1919 of Har row Superior Court, beg leave to submit the following report: Through 1 lie Committees ap pointed, the public buildings, court house, jail and the convict camp have been examined. The committee make the following re port. The court was found very well kept and in view of the fact that the County has voted bonds for the erection of anew court house, we have no recommenda tions to make further than we would suggest to the Ordinary that he try to make the* building as comfortable its possible for the winter session of court, and it necessary install extra heaters. Through the proper eomiuit tee the convict camp and jail were inspected and found to be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. We recommend that the following three gentlemen, Mr. •! JI. House, Air. 11. T. Flanigan and Mr. John \V. Kilgore act as a committee in the selection of an Auditor to au dit the county books. We further recommend that after the books have audited that the auditors re port shall be published in both the Winder News papers—namely The Winder News and The Har row Times. The expense of audit ing books and publishing same to be paid hv the County. We recommend that all jurors and court bailifs lie paid $3.00 per day also that the foreman and clerk of the grand jury he paid SI.OO per day extra for their ser vices We recommend that Mr. J. <>. Uarthone, be appointed Jus tice of Peace and Notary Public of District No. 1740 to fill the va- oaney caused l>y the resignation of Mr. I’. K. ('hesser, wliich be eomes effective Dec. Ist 1919. We recommend and insist that the bridges at Josh Smith’s be re built ms soon ns possible. We re commend to our Ordinary lion. H. <l. Mill that the appoint an adisory committee consisting of three good business men to advise with him during and through the per iod of time required to build the County Court House and that this committee advise with him in re ference to the construction of the public roads of the county. The business devolving on the Ordi nary during the construction of the court house and the enlarged plan of road construction and ex penditures will he heavy and ex acting. and we believe an advi sory committee would be helpful. We recommend that the members of this committee he paid the sum of one hundred dollars, each’ for .their services. We suggest that the following three gentlemen, A. A. Camp. R. L. Carithers, and T. A. Maynard, he appointed on said committee. The Grand Jury desires simply to suggest to the Ordinary and his committee that building materials are high and the prices of labor are high, and it may he that there are no indications that there will be any reaction in these matters for some time to come, but if the Ordinary ami his committee, af ter investigation are reasonably convinced that labor aid build ing material may he cheaper with in a year, and that if any eonsi- derable saving might be made by postponing the building of the court bouse for another year we bel ieve the citixens of Barrow County would approve postpon ing the building of the court house for such a length of time, of course vu will have to have a comfortable place in which to hold court, and this will have to be taken into eonsidcrath r We especially insist that the law regarding those driving ears on the public highway in an intox icated state, and the law regarding speeding be more strictly enforc ed than has heretofore been the custom. We wish to endorse the efficient work which our sheriff is doing in trying to suppress crime. We find that be is doing all in ltis power to enforse the law, and we ieel that he should have the sympathy and support of all law abiding citizens of our county. We recom mend that the law with reference to boys and girls under the age prescribed by law, driving ears on the streets and the highway, ignoring this law endangers the lives of the public and should be put to an end. We insist that this law be enforced. We speak out against the whiskey traffic of every descrip tion against those who make as well as those who sell and drink. We further recommend that all disorder such as taking in his own hands the right to execute judge ment on any criminal or set of criminals without proper process of law, shall he termed an enemy to good order and a criminal and is responsible to (!od and to men for bis crime. We earnestly insist on the good people of the county to co-operate with the officers of the law in suppressing all sorts of crime practiced on the part of a few. Some classes have no respect fol ia w or order and their chief aim is to destroy that which means much to civilation and good order. May the time soon come when those who have no regard for law and good order, he characterized as unfit and unworthy characters to our state and nation, and that they be held as an enemy to the commonwealth of the American Republic. e , . ** • We wish to express our sincere appreciation to his Honor Judge Andrew J. Cobb for the kindness shown us by a body and for the able charge delivered at the be ginning of court. We also wish to express our appreciation to our Soldiene ral and our sheriff who have been so very courteous to us as a body. We also thank our Bailiff Mr. J. W. til rod for bis faithful service to the Grand Jury. Mr. R. I). Mc- Donald rendered excellent ser vice as door keeper, we wish to thank him for bis service. We recommend that these pre sentments be published in The Winder News and The Barrow Times, and that each be paid ten dollars for publishing same. Re pents from Barrow County Tax Collector and Tax Receiver, and Ordinary are hereto attached. We as a body wish to express our appreciation of the efficient work done by our foreman, Mr. W E. Moore and for the service rendered by our Clerk, Mr. J. W. Kilgore. W. H. Moore, Foreman. J. W. Kilgore, Clerk. JURORS: W. E. Moore, J. W. Kilgore, T. C. Fulbright, 11. X. Perkins, H. T. ■ Flanigan, E. V. Ilardigree, J. A. | Johnson, J. P. Kiev, J. X. Thomas, John W. Bell, J. P. Boyd, W. H. Thomas, R. I). McDonald, J. A. Smith, \Y. Pope Harrison, J. K. Harris, (!. R. MeKlhannon, J. 11. House, C. A. Hutchins, S. P. Smith, J. 11. Beddingfield, \V. M. Maxey, and Clyde Williamson. We. the committee appointed by the present Grand Jury for the purpose of inspecting the jail do hereby submit the following report: We found the jail in good condition and commend our efli cient sheriff for keeping the jail in clean condition. We desire to thank our sheriff Mr. 11. O. Camp tor his many kindnesses shown us during this session of court. Committee. W Pope Harrison, J* A. Robinson, R. D. McDonald Committee appointed to employ THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. auditors to audit county books: H. T. Flanigan. Joe H. House, -J. W. Kilgore. Committee to inspect chain gang: Clyde Williamson. C. A. Hutchins. Sani P. Smith. Committee, to inspect jail : W. Pope Harrison. R. I). McDonald, J. A. Robinson. Committee to inspect Court House: Jl. T. Flanigan. W. M. Maxey, J. P. Kiev. Y'our committee appointed to inspect the court house report that the building is very well kept and in view of the fact that the county has voted bonds for the erection of anew court house we have no recommendations to make further than we would sug gest to the Ordinary that be try to make the building as comfor table as possible for the winter session of court and install extra heaters if necessary H. T. Flanigan, J. P. Kiev. W. M. Maxey. AN e the under signed were ap pointed by Hon. (irand Jury to in vestigate the conditions of the Chain gang of Barrow County and after making investigation, we found same sanitary and in good conditions in every respect, so far as we could see. Clyde Williamson, C. A. Hutchins, S. P’ Smith. Tax Collector's Report. 1 herewith submit a report of the State and County taxes as appears from Digest of Receiver for 1919. State Tax including polls * $19,175.25 County Tax 58,531.35 Total $77,706.60 (’olleeted to date for state 114.47 Collected to date for County 337.13 Total $451.60 Special taxes collected for 1919 $1,574.50 Respectfully submitted Sept. 23rd 1919. A. M. Williams, Tax Collector. Barrow County, (la. GEORGIA, BARROW COUNTY: TO TilK HON. (IRANI) JURY OF BARROW COUNTY, SUPER IOR COURT. Tax Receiver’s Report. 1, as Tax Receiver’ of Barrow County, (la., beg leave to submit the following report: The total lax returns for all ihe militia Dis- tricts of the county shows of real anil personal property returned for the purpose of Taxation for the year 1919. Total of $3,344,649.00 This increase over the year 1918, of 358,474.00 The total of all professional taxes for the year 1919 are shown to ,)C 270.00 1 his is the same as last year. 1 lie total of polls returned for the year 1919 is 2,182.00 I his is increase over the returnes <>t nine poll taxes over the year 1919. Signed J. A. Still, T. R. T<' THE IK>NORABLE GRAND JURORS OF BARROW COUN TY SEPT. 1919 Ordinary’s Report. I hog to submit the following statements of receipts and dis bursements made by me since March term 1919. Receipts: Balance on hand last report .... : $22,204.50 Checks out standing 503.77 Balance in bank 22,708.27 A. M. Williams 3,678.12 c. X. Bagwell Clerk 764.05 H (J. Hill Ordinary 3,296.61 Total $30,447.05 Disbursements: Chain-Gang. . Med. and Med. attention ...91.72 Stock Feed 22.143.96 Black Smith 242.71 Supplies and Equipments .303.86 Tools and Machinery ....5,065.31 Total $11,737.60 Roads and Bridges. Humber $2,412.86 Material 5,061.95 Free Labor . ; .1.294.11 Other Objects 1,957.59 Total $10,726.51 General Expense Freight $848.01 Other Objects 3.126.05 Paupers 63.39 Total $4,073.45 Superior Court: Jail Fees $258.31 Jury Fees 1.649.30 Sheriff Fees 366.05 AA'itness and mileage 84.64 Court House 954.85 Total $3,313.15 Interest Paid 232.14 Balenee on hand 364.20 Total $30,447.05 i hecks out standing ....... .38.73 Hank Balance $402.93 ASSETS OF BARROW COUNTY GEORGIA: SEPT. Ist 1919. Court House Lot $20,000.00 Pour Acres of land in city of Winder 600.00 Barrow County Jail Building 17,000.00 23 mules 6.000.00 8 two horse wagons 700.00 1 one horse wagon 50.00 Two convict cages 1,150.00 1 Cook Car 175.00 s Wheelers $50.00 eaeli 400.00 3 small road machines 450.(X) 4 large road machines . . .2,879.60 1 Buggy .\ 125.00 1 two ton truck 2,900.00 1 caterpillar tractor 4,750.00 Uiain gang Bedding and Equip ment etc., 500.00 Tools 300.00 Court House Furniture and Fix tures 2,000.00 Total $60,049.60 LIABILITIES. OUT STANDING BILLS PAY ABLE. Note, H. N. Rainey $7,500.00 Note, Mrs. Lucy Bird J ! arri s 2,500.00 Note. Miss Bettie Harris .4,029.00 Note, J. E. Anderson ....2,500.00 Note, J. E. Anderson 500.00 Note, Miss Desma Elder ...100.00 Note, North Georgia Trust and Banking Company 30,000.00 Note, North Georgia Trust and Banking Company 3,000.00 Total $50,129.00 H. G. Hill, Ordinary. BARROW SUPERIOR COURT SEPTEMBER TERM 1919 It is ordered that the foregoing general presentments be entered upon the minutes of this Court and published as recommended. This Oct. Ist 1919. Andrew J. Cobh. Judge S. C. W. C W. O. Dean, Sol. Gen. Fewer Sea Eagles Seen. That the monarch of the air. the sea eagle, has disappeared from Caith ness. as well as from the Orkneys and Shetlands, Is a well-authenticated fact The sea eagle is not very uncommon in the Pest Highlands, and still builds Its nest on various hills abutting on the cliffy coast. The .sites of the nests are on the edge of some large and well stocked sheep farms. The birds have always bet n accused of killing lambs, as well as hares and winged game, but the charge would be difficult to sub stantiate. Red Heads Have the Advantage. Many physicians of note are respon sible for the assertion that the red headed are more resistant to disease than less fiery-haired persons, and Sir Arbutlinot Lane expresses the view that “a disease becomes less virulent lu type when it gains entrance into the body of a red-head than vVhen it at tacks a person with hair of a more modest color." Ideals That Uplift. We cannot revere anything lofty without ourselves becoming exalted; we cannot revere anything holy with out ourselves becoming purer. The character of our homage determines ur characters. —J. H. Jowett, D. D. GIRLS WANTED One hundred gifls wanted to make Overalls. Highest wages paid. Steady work. Apply SUPT. BELL OVERALL CO., Winder, Ga. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, LOANS We Sell Farm and city property improved and unimproved. Life, Fire, Accident, Tornado and other Lines of Insur ance. Loan Money on Real Estate on Easy Terms. Let us sell you a horn. AVe will loan you money to pay for it. and will be glad to Insure you against loss of time caused Ty Accident or Disease, against loss or damage by Fire, and Insure your Life, which strengthens your Credit as well as protects your family while you are doing so. I. E. JACKSON & COMPANY Phone 171 WINDER, GEORGIA. i One DozenSecondHanded, Slightly Used FORDS For sale at Bell Home in edge of Winder on Bankhead Highway. W. F. Bell & Son ATTENTION BUYERS 10-room house with electric lights, city water; bath rooms up staris and down; corner lot; good barn; close in; fine for residence or for a boarding house, $4,500.00. 4-room house and large lot in Russel!; small barn, go ing for $1,150.00. 6 room house and corner lot on New’ Street, city water and barn selling for $2250. Two story 9 room dwelling, barn, out buildings, pasture, good orchard, some timber and 20 acres good land 1-2 mile of Winder on S. A. L. Rv. selling for SSOOO. Several flue vacant lots for sale at low prices. Nice 5-room house on Broad street, close in, in Statham $2,000.00. Good 6-room dwelling, barn, pasture with running wa ter and 20 acres of good land in town of Statham going at $6,250.00. FARM LANDS Fine farm of 91 acres adjoining city of Winder, public road running through it ;two good homes and outbuild ings; fine pasture, good bottoms, and offered for quick sale at $140.00 per acre. 151 acres with two settlements, fine timber and good land on Bankhead Highway between Winder and Athens going at $175.00 per acre. 330 acres in Hancock comity. 4 miles of a Railroad town, with 3 tenant houses, 6-horse farm 0pen,250000 feet of saw timber and quanity of fine hard wood timber, 80 acres of bottom land, loam soil with fine red clay subsoil, at $30.00 per acre. 173 acres of strong red land, well limbered, two tenant houses, on good highway, fine grade of land, SIO,OOO. 785 acres in Hancock county, 1 .1-2 miles of Linton, 10 horse farm open strong black land, very fertile, some of it growing a bale to the acre this year, 6 room home, 7 tenant houses of 3 and 4 rooms, large 11 stall barn of or iginal forest timber, gin house, gin, corn mill, 30 h. p. en gine and holer, 3 miles of hog wire fencing, over a mil ion feet of saw tmber, a large part original forest, 75 acres of line botton land, an excellent combination stock and agriculture farm and selling for the low pree ol $30.00 per acre. See me for Lands, Lots anil Loans:: W. H. QUARTERMAN, Atiy. Winder, Georgia THURSDAY, OCTOBER