The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, October 16, 1919, Image 5

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Social and Personal News Morgan-Yearwood. 4-Miss Pearl Morgan and Air. Emory Yearwood were united in marriage last week and are at Home to their friends. Rev. AV. 11. Faust performed the ceremony. Holloway-Fuller. Miss Cleo Holloway and Mr. Vtainum Fuller, both of this coun ty, were married last Sunday. Rev Chandler officiated in the presence of the immediate families of the bride and groom and a few of their special friends. I Tarply-Moseley. .Miss Lumie Tarpley, of Lavv renceville, and Mr. (Irover .Mose ley. also of Lawreneeville, came over to take in ttie Fair here last Friday, while in Winder, they decided it would be a splendid town in which to bring their love affairs to the attention of the or dinary. - . When a license was secured, Judge A. J. Lyle of near AVinder united the happy couple in mar riage. Mrs. John L. Harris is ill at her home ori Wright street. Col. J. A. Perry of Atlanta, spent Friday here. Miss Kathleen Wilson a student at Shorter College, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Miss Doris Jones, of Christian College, spent the week-end at Thorne. Mr. Dwight Camp, of Rome, spent the week-end here, lie is a splendid young man and a loyal member of the-Young Men’s Class at the Christian Church. , Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Goforth and Misses Ruth and Annie Co fort h, of Cainesville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Green Hill last week. Mr. Robt. Burson of Monroe, spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Mary Burson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mi 11 saps of Atlanta, spent the week-end with relatives. Mrs. J. C. Phillips, of Monroe, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Jackson. Miss Hattie Patrick, spent the week-end at her home in Monroe. Miss Ola Daniel of Athens, spent several days .with Airs. Min nei Daniel recently. Misses Thelma Woodruff and Bert Pirkle will leave this evening for a few days visit to friends in Atlanta. Mrs. W. A. Brooks accompanied her sister. Miss Fannie Slocum, to her home in Edwards. Miss., Sun day, where she will visit for sev eral weeks. Mrs. Bessie Edwards was the guest of her sister in Atlanta re cently. Mr. and Airs. W. H. Shank left Tuesday for their home in Roa noke. Va.. after spending two weeks’ here with relatives. Mr. W. B. Mathews has return ed from Hot Springs, where he spent several weeks. Mrs. Lewis Sams and children of Madison, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mayne. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Benton and ■Mrs. A. P. Carrington spent Sun day in Commerce. M rs. L. M. Mayne and Mrs. Arch Perry are visiting their sis ter in Monroe. Mrs. W. L. Jackson is confined to he- bed. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Maddox spent Sunday in Jefferson. Mr. Carter Daniel, of Athens, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. It. J. Smith. Airs. Green Graham is quite sick at her home on broad street. Miss Opal Johnson, of Cedar Town, spent the week-end with her class mate, Miss Sadie Harris. Dr. and .Airs. Hibson Nowell, of Atlanta, spent several days here this week with relatives. Mrs. Robt. Arnold and baby are on an extended visit to her parents in Milledgeville. .Airs. 11. T. Flanigan spent Mon day in Atlanta. Airs. B, A. Julian and son. left for their home in Athens Monday after spending several days here with relatives. Miss Polly Johns, of Social Cir cle, spent several days here with Col. and Airs. (J. A. Johns lasi week. Col. J. C. Pratt spent the week end with his parents in Lawrence ville. Air. and Afrs. Ben Cheatham and Ben Jr., Air. and Afrs. An drews. of Abbeville, were the guests of Air. and Afrs. AYill Sheafs Saturday. t. BETHLEHEM. Afrs. Venable and daughter, Aliss Alattie Amenable, of Jefferson, were recent guests of Airs. C. L. Sims. Little Miss Flandie Ifackett re turned last week from a pleasant visit to relatives in Monroe. Mr. G. A. Dunnagan spent a few days in Gainesville last week. Mrs. A!. J. Perry has returned to Lancaster, S. C.. after a visit to her cousin, Afrs. W. C. Yearwood. Air. Jimmie Thompson has ac cepted a position with the Winder Dry Goods Cos. Mr. Tom Black from Texas, is visiting his sister. Airs. Sallie Garner. Air. Black is an old vete ran and_attended the reunion in Atlanta. Air. AVilliam Afanning, nephew* of Mr. R. L. and .Miss Julia Man ning. spent Sunday here. Afr. Manning is attending University of Ga. Mr. Pat Darby, of Vidalia, is on a visit to relatives here. Mrs. C.T. Mathews and Revie, Dr. and Mi's. Harold motored to Camp Cordon Sunday to see Mrs. Mathew s grandson, who lias just returned from France. The many friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones, of Monroe, rejoice to know that his son. who left home last week was found in Atlanta, and is now back home. Three weddings securred last week uniting some of our popular young people. Mr. Lumpkin Austin was mar ried last Wednesday to Miss Sta tham, of oreshamville. They have returned from a wedding trip and are at home for the present with the groom’s parents. Last Saturday afternoon, Miss Annie Belle Haynie was married to Mr. Roy Greeson. Rev. J. C. Harbin officiating. Dr. 1). W. Key, of Monroe, will preach at the Bethlehem Baptist Church next Sunday afternoon, Oct. Ifith at three o’clock. Members and friends are cor dially invited to hear this gifted man. '"Mr. and Airs. Troup Smith, of Tolbert, were with relatives here last week. I Miss Esther Harrison and Mr. Calvin Ethridge were married at Law renceville last week. They will reside at Carl, the groom’s home. Airs. Sunie Sparks of THlanta, spent last week-end with home folks here. Dr. and Mrs. Stincheomb of Pendergrass, spent Friday here with friends and relatives. Miss Annie Lou and Johnie CrofT Porter of Pendergrass, visit ed their sisters. Jlrs. J. H. Baird and Miss Ola Porter for several days last week. i THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. CARTER HILL. Rev. L. O. Still of Florida, at tended the funeral and burial of his step-sister, Airs. Luther Sharp ton, at the Diner Cemetery near here Sunday afternoon Oct. sth. Afr. and Airs. B. Al. Leach and daughters Misses Afvrtis and Mar jorie, of .Mansfield, and Mr. G. C. Leach of Covington, attended the burial of Airs.-Luther Sharptou of AVinder, who was buried near here Sunday afternoon Oet. sth. Our community was well repre sented at the AVinder Fair last week. Air. G. AV. Fuller won Ist prize for best agricultural display. Airs. G. A\ Fuller and daughter, Airs. K. A'. AlcDaniel won Ist and 2nd best display of canned goods Airs. Fuller won various other on a bed spread a patch work quilt aid other things. .Messrs. Roy liinesley and Henry Fuller visited friends in Newton County and attended 1 lie Fair in Covington Thursday after noon. Friends hereof Afr. and Afrs. R. L. Rogers of AVinder, have receiv ed cards inviting them to a recep tion at their home in Winder in honor of their son, Air. Howard Rogers and wife who will return from their wedding trip Friday afternoon. Air. and Airs. G. AV. Fuller, Air. and Afrs. J. L. Greeson and Messrs F. J. and Henry Fuller spent Sun day and Afonclay in Atlanta, as sisting in arranging a Barrow County Agricultural Exhibit at the Southeastern Fair. Last Tuesday Sheriff Sam Hay of Covington, wired a message to Sheriff Camp of Barrow County, for Messrs. •). X. and AV. J. Cole of this county telling them that their relative Afr. Wesley Leach of Newton County, was dead. Air. Leach, who was a confederate ve teran, lost an arm and received other wounds during the war be tween the States. He was also a relative of Mrs. F. J. Fuller of this community. Mr. and Mrs. W. AL Dillard were guests of relatives and at tended the Fair in AVinder Satur day afternoon. BARN BURNED. Last Friday night about 10 o’clock. Sheriff Camp was notified that a man by name of Parker had burned the barn on Widow Dalton’s place, as lie was seen running away after the bar n had caught fire. The Sheriff and his Deputy was soon on the track. After several hours chase Parker finally succeeded in catching a Southern train at Flowery Branch. Sheriff notified the police department of Atlanta, and 'lie was arrested as soon as lie de trained in the city. He is now in the Barrow County Jail. MULES FOR SALE. We received a car load of Mules Wednesday, Oct. 15th, and will he on sale at our stables in Sta tham. (In. Prices reasonable. Cajl in and see them before buying elsewhere.— Burson & Thurmond, Statham, Ga. STILL CAPTURED NEAR WINDER. A large still was captured near Winder this week by Sheriff Camp which had been in operatoion, hut when captured the parties run ning it had fled to parts unknown. The Sheriff brought it to Win der and cut it to pieces and its further usefulness in its particu lar line of work is over. SEABOARD CHANGE OF SCH EDULE. Train .Vo. fi from Atlanta will reach here at 2:35 p. m., and Vo. 5 from Vorfolk at 3 p. m. This change in schedule will take effect Oct. 19th. A Bargain In PLUSH COATS When we say a bargain, we mean it. We have succeeded in closing out with a large manu facturer on fifty high class stylish Plush Coats. They come in plain makes and trimmed with ex pensive Fur cellars and cuffs, others are also trimmed with Furs on the bottom. There is not one in the lot worth less than $45.00, some are worth as much as $65.00. You can have your choice now while they last at $ 29-'S Now this is a real pick up. A stylish garment at 50 cents on the dollar. If interested, see us at once. “The Clothier ” WINDER, GEORGIA PENTECOST. Little Miss Annie J. Pentecost, of Lawrence ville, was the week end guest of Miss \\ iida Pente cost. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Lyle and lit tle son, spent Saturday night with Mrs. H. A. Hardigree. Miss Prulia Sims who has been very ill is improving, and will soon be able to resume her studies at The State Normal. Mr. Laurie Williamson spent Saturday night with Mr. Colum bus < ’handler. Mrs. R. M. Hardigree left Fri day for an extended visit to rela tives in Atlanta and Columbus. Airs. Anna Hammond and dau ghter, Miss Pearlie, were the guests of Mrs. Will Clack Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Wall and baby spent the week-end with her mother, Airs. If. A. Hardigree. Rev. J. AV. Brinsfield will fill his last appointment here Sunday, with an all day service. Everyone cordially invited. Beech Creek Lodge 121. T. 0. O. F. enjoyed a most delightful oys ter supper Saturday night. J. f{. Shipman is a first class stair-builder, carpenter and cabi net builder, fitting glass and re pairs on building. Call Mr. Wil liams, at Winder Lumber < o. For Sale—l mule 7 years old, weight about 900 pounds. Price reasonable. See me at my home 1 mile from J. N. Thompson on Winder road. —J. W T . Davis. BUICK SIX FOR SALE. hv S. F. Pirkle. One 1918 Buick six, seven pas senger looks and runs like new, four new tires. A bargain. For in formation see .WINDER MOBILE COMPANY. CHRISTIAN CHURCH R. E. Moss, Minister. Sunday School 10:30. Claude Mayne, Supt. Morning Worship, 11;5G. Even ing Worship 7 :30. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed nesday evening 7 :30. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH .* Second Baptist Church series ■of meetings will begin the 3rd Sunday in (tctobei. Rev. G. W. Wallace from Gils ville, Ga.. will preach. Everybody cordially invited to attend and help make The meeting a great success. a u/r WE. • ij A . 1 • v ,r *i '■ 1 (,>-• *4. ENCOURAGE, HEIR THE | YOUNG MAN :-l % THERE is no time in the life of a man when he is more susceptible to training, to discipline, than dur ing boyhood days. Many a successful business man of today owes his success in arge measure to proper training as a boy. Don’t you think your hoy’s future is worth the starting of a large measure to proper training as a hoy. A bank roR AJ -+ TH£ P£OPl £ ■ % i ■ mLji j |\ JIjKL JL ■ WINDER, t GEORGIA; ' -■ • ~ —— l I——l THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 STATHAM BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching Sunday afternoon at, 3 p. ru. by liev. W. H. Faust, sub ject, “Our Part In Saving The World.” All members and friends are in vited to come out and worship with us. t ' , CEDAR CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching at 11 a. rn. Saturday by Rev. W. 11. Faust. Sunday afternoon at 3 p. in. Col. J. C. Pratt, S. F. Maughon and .John M. Williams will speak on the 75 Million Campaign. All members are urged to attend both services. S am ACCumT j J Hh, r* /// |f|*<**r Zfiurr.y i # /