The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 06, 1919, Image 1

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VOIJ MK t, SO. I." ANOTHER SPECIAL TERM OF BARROW SUPERI OR COURT The jury Inst week in the ease of Mrs. Klin Drown. charged with murder made a mistrial. and Judge t’oltb called another special term for Nov. IS. for another trial of this ease. The jury was out for one night and nearly a day on the above trial but could not agree on a ver dict. The ease of Miss Jailie Wildei charged with murder will in all probability come lip at this special term. VISITS OLD HOME Mr. L. iJackson. <■ \!ma. (la., visited his old home here where be was reared, las; w >d< Mr. .lackson loft this county for Bacon roiinty, B years ago and is a great believer in South Georgia and tin' "Teat onnovluni ties offered there to men w ho wish to farm and make money. Ills section of the state is a fine 'counirv and is not dependent on cotton for a money crop. It lias many advantages over many see- Mion and is a healthy section, line farming lands and they are still selling at reasonable prices. Alma, the comity Seat, is one of the splendid and growing towns of South l Lorgia. and Mr. laek son. considers his county one of the best for investment and for a home. SOME VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS TO BE SOLD EARLY IN DECEMBER. Seme \aiuahle and very desir able residence lots in the city of Winder will he placed on the mar ket early in December. This is the Dr. -I. <DeLaPer riere property to he sold to the highest bidder by the administra tors. There are 3(> lots, and all of these are large lots, elevated and one.of the prettiest sections in Winder for homes. It will lie advertised next week and a pint given showing size of Jots and date of sale, this will he a fine opportunity for you to get you a pretty lot. a large lot and m*e that will he ideal for a home. such opportunity will never be offered you again for close-in ideal lots like these and you should not forget this sale. NOTICE 100 pictures of baby's under 3 years of age made at Knight’s Studio in two week’s, besides grown people and children. Come and yon lie next. RUN OVER BY AUTOMOBILE. Air. (>. Ah Jackson was walking [yesterday morning at the corner sif Athens and Jackson streets, j Aviien he was run over by an au- Jtnmobile and badly hurt. One of hi> ankle’s w as dislocated ihiid he also received painful bruises, iof which will no doubt Ironftue hint to his room for sever |al days. Rev. J. 11. Mash burn is spending [a few days in Klberton this week. Messrs'. -I Al. Ross. ,1. M li. Tlmrimmd. Stark Hunter, Charley it iSiiihers and several others were in Winder Tuesday attending Isheriff’s sale. THE BARROW TIMES SOLDIERS AND SAILORS CELEBRATION Free for All Open Picnic in Honor of the Soldier nd Sailor Boys of Barrow November 11th. hTe lltli of November has been set apart as a legal holiday and in a number of counties in Georgia preparations arty already under way to celebrate the day in honor of the returning soldier and sailor boys who gave their services to Lucie Sam in the world war. The 11th is the anniversary' of the singing of the armistice with Germany' and the people of Har row county have decided to make the day a gala one in honor of the boys who went from tins county. No celebration in their honor has yet been held ami the people feel that'it is fitting that something be done to show the boys that their services were appreciated. About two weeks ago a post of the American Legion of Honor was organized at Winder, and it is the desire of the membership that every soldier and sailor who went to the war from Barrow county' or who was in any branch of the sendee from Harrow in scribe his name upon the rolls of the American Legion. The local post is named in hon or ot the first Barrow bounty sol dier w lm lost his life in the World war—John Rich Pentecost. The primary object of the celebration on the part of the hoys is to get all of the soldiers amt sailors to gether, and the primary' object of the citizens who tune interested themselves in the gathering is t< show the hoys a good time. bn that day the ladies are in vited to bring well-filled baskets and meet the bovs at the fair grounds, where the American Le gion w ill serve brim,su irk stew. Two of the most prominent men of the ntion have been invited to address the gathering on the occa sion. and should they fail to ac cept the invitation by reason of press of oftieiat business, 1 lie com mittee appointed to provide speakers will secure wcll-equiped substitutes. I The celebration is o he open to the public and every body in Bar row county is invited and urged to attend. In other words il is to he agree-for all open picnic in honor of the boys with the hoys setting ’em up to briinswiek stew. Don’t forget the date, and come to the celebration and speaking, November 11th. THE EAILEY PROPERTY BOUGHT BY D 0. CAR RINGTON The Bailey properly on Athens | street consisting of dwelling and storehouse, has been bought by Alr. I). O. ('nrriiigton. This property' fronts the school building and is valuable real es tate. I lie demand for AA’inder home.*?’ and business properly is strong and values continue to go up. The man who waits to buy will have to pay more than it is bring ing now . HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS COMMISSION Mr. John AA’. Harrington, who went into the army as a Seargeant and continued to he promoted up to Ist Lieutenant, received his commission today as Captain of reserves. Captain Carrington made a good soldier in every position and this is a merited promotion for him. WINDI It. lUIiKOW cm MY. <■>.. MUHSPAY. NOXRMIMU , liJ I <1 HERE FROM WASHINGTON CITY Miss Willie Mae Sheals came home from Washington last week to be at the burial of her grand father. Mr. -I. N Sheats. She holds a line position with tin* gov ernment and left Monday for Washington City to resume her work. Miss Willie Mae is one of Win dei \s popular young Indies who is .very much missed by her many friends, and ali of them are Imp ing she will tire of Ihe Capital and soon return to Winder to re main permanently. JUDGE W E. CANDLER SUP ERVISOR OF CENSUS FOR NINTH DISTRICT IN WIN DER. Judge \Y. K Candler, of I‘lairs ville, Ga., supervisor of census foi lin' ninth district of Georgia, spent Monday night in Winder and part of Tuesday. lie is now closing out the ap pointments of enumerators for the different counties of his district and was in Winder for the pur pose of finishing up the enumera tors for Harrow ('ounty. Judge Candler is one of the strong men of Northeast Georgia, and you will find few men to mea sure up with him as an all-round clever gentleman in everything that goes to make a real gentle man. The Times Editor is glad to number him among his warm friends, having known him for a number of vears. - * TO MEMEERS OF THE UNION BAPTIST CHURCH In the laud of far away t’liina there are being held greal grove prayer me>tings for the Baptist To .Million t 'ampaigu. Will you not attend the prayer meetings that are being held at our church each Sunday evening at 7 o'clock and pray with us for the Divine Spirit of Hod to move mighfly upon men and women and help us all see the great need of giving to help send the Hospel to those who are dicing without if. When we stand before the | judgement seat of Christ and see jtho many who will he there speech ; less as dead men. it will he won jderful joy if we can say we had 'a part in warming them of such a i time, hut w hat if we have had no | part in it Lee Roberts. THANKS TO ONE AND ALL. __ I feel very grateful to the voters |of Winder for their support and | confidence. It will be my earnest desire to look after the interest of every citizen, as your councilman, and also after tin* welfare of our city. Yours 1 ruly. R. D. MOHR Ik — LAND SALES TUESDAY. The indiv ided one half interest in the Bowman land near Russell, containing fit) acres was sold at public outcry at the courthouse last I’nesday and brought s|s‘J per acre. • Also a (,0 acre tract belonging to the estate ot (K. Davis. Iving in Ben Smith district brought * 105.011 Lauds in Barrow bounty al ways bring a god price and will j continue to increase in value. See John s. Craft for the best I Sewing Machine made. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY SELLS BALE OF COTTON AND SEED FOR $305 Mr. 11. M Miller, one of Har row County's good farmers, sold one bale of rollon and the seed from it last Monday for sdor>.ol. lie does not plant much cotton, and this year only had live acres, lie lias had ginned from this five acres I 7.’>'2 pounds if lint w hich at ihe present price will bring him o\cr S7OO outside of the seed. Tin seed will amount to about S7O or a total for both of $770. The five acres has produced this year SCH per acre. Few things will beat this and the man who farms is the independant man if lie farms like Mr. Miller, lie al ways makes more of other crops than he needs. MR. GUS BLACK VISITS OLD HOME FROM TEXAS Gus Hlai-k. an old Jackson (‘ounty boy over on Mulberry riv er visited his old home and rela tives a few days last week and first oft hix. lie wax the guest of Mr. J. I!. Johnson during part of his visit. (itis left here w hen about IS years old and has been a citizen of Texas since then which has been over JO years. lie is one of tin- prosperous busi ness men of his adopted state . (Ins I’duck is a line fellow, a son of Mr. George Hlaek. wlm died in Texas a few years ago, and his friends back here rejoice in his siieees- C. W E M MEETING. The Christian Woman’s Board of Missions will meet at the home of .Miss Arlevia Btirson on Ath ens si., with .Miss Bin-son and Airs. J. 11. Wood, on Tuesday al lernoon. Nov. i Ith. at 3:30 o’clock Not only the members of the So ciety are cordially invited to he present at this meeting, hut all the ladies of tlie church. An interesting program will he gi veil. Ihisiness Session. Subject. “Due Oriental Neigh bors.” Song. No. 31(i, “Jesus.” Bible Lesson. “We would see.” • lohu I” fJO 2<i. Airs, (’laud Moyne. Dm* Chinese .Mission Miss Jen nie Smith. Our Japanese Mission Airs. AY. A. Bradley'. Sue San, A Japanese Story Airs. J. II Wood. MR HARDY HOSCH DIES AF TER BRIEF ILLNESS Mr. Hardy lloseli, one of the splendid citizens of Bethlehem District, this county, died last Sunday. after an illness of ten days. lie returned from the fair in At lanta not feeling well and con tinued to rou worse until his death. Mr. llosrli was the son of Mrs. I'allio lloseh. who survives him. I and a nephew of Mr. < 'liarlie Sims, of I Jet lilehcm. lie leaves his wife and two chil dren and a large number of rela tives and friends to mourn his loss. Miss Montine Robinson, the at tractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'V. 'l'. Robinson, spent last week e and w itli her parents. Mr. / I’. Jackson lias returned from Atlanta, considcrbly improv ed and his friends are hoping lie v.ill now he restored to health again. DEATH OF HERSCHEL C. DANIEL Mr. Ilersehcl ('. Daniel, second son of Mr. J. A. Daniel, died at Carl yesterday morning, after an illness of over thirteen months. lie was district manager for the International Harvester Cos., with headquarters at Way-cross, when that dreadful disease, tuberculo sis. forced him to go to the moun tains of North Carolina for sever al months, lie then came to t'arl, to he near his father and mother, but continued to grow worse un til the summons came yesterday that wafted his soul to a brighter world beyond. Ilersehcl Daniel was a fine busi ness man with a bright future be fore him when st rieken. lie was considered one of their most valuable men by the great eo. lie represented, that his salary was paid iij* to his dentil every mold h of t lie t hirtecu lie had been nimble to work. lie was d(i years old and leaves his wife and Iwo children. Ills remains were laid to rest at Midway cemetery near t'arl. this morning, liev. J. 11. Mashburn conducting flic funeral and burial services. EPOCHAL DAY AT BETH ABARA Sunday was a red letter day at Bel linhara. Pastor and members were on the moiuifnin tops At the close of a masterly ad dress by Dr. Rufus \Y Weaver, President of Alerccr l’diversity in a few moments more than a thou sand dollars beyond the quoin was subscribed and not more than half the membership was reached. Aft era bountiful lunch, one of the largest audiences in the his tory of the church reassembled and licanl a number of snappy, thrilling, inspiring talks by Ben S. Thompson, of Madison. Dr. Weaver, of Macon, Airs. Parker, of Athens. A. B. I’ohley, of Mon roe. Airs. W. Al. Ilolsenbeck. of Winder. Rev. W R Deal, of Mart well. \\'. II Nunally. of .Monroe. This great old rliureh was once pastored by Dr. C. A. Nimall.v, a President of Alerccr and at the close of the days sermon agreed to endow .Memorial Scholarship, which will enable it to perpetually keep a young man at Mercer. Rev. W. II Faust., the Pastor, feels Iliat the church will practi cally double its quota before the close of 11n* i ‘ampaign. LOYAL GUARDS CLASS The Young Men’s Sunday School class of the Christian Church, held one of the most en thusiastic monthly business meet ing during the year, on Monday evening, in their class room. Some definite fall plans were dis cussed and a social planed for In a short time. Every Young man who is not attending S. S. anywhere is cor dially invited to join this class of seventy-five splendid men. One of the largest and most en thusiastic young mens classes in the state. Mr. and Mrs. •!. L. Lanier re turned from Mississippi last week, from a visit to his brother. While out there Mr. Lanier bought a fine home and farm and is consid ering going there sometime in the future. 51 ..-O IN \ HVANCC CITY ELECTION PASSES OFF QUIETLY YESTERDAY Avery ipiicl but interesting ele ction for eouneilmen was held irt Winder Wednesday. Considerable interest was taken in all the con tests. (food men won and good men lost. Mr. I* D. Moore was the sue cess lul condidnte from the first ward, lie has served the city as councilman acceptably and the voters seem to remember his faith fill serv ice in |!M4 and IDlfi. Mr. A V Kavensmi won a rath er remarkable race considering the laet that lie had to face the combined opposition to vieiiiatioii in the ity . lie took a very strong stand as councilman when the question came before tin* council ami it resulted in many of bis friends voting against him who had previously supported him. lie has made an efficient councilman and the voters rewarded him at, t In- polLs yesterday. Mr. M .1 GTill'eth hasn’t serv ed on Ihe council for many years, but will make flu- city an excellent olfieial. He is one of the best and most successful business men in W inder and has many friends here where lie has been identified with the growth n| \\ inder for nearly thirty years. Ihe final court st as fol lows : FIRST WARD. AA II Joinings !)!> l. I). Alnore ISP 11. P. Stanton 75 THIRD WARD •I F. < alialum I7P A A Kaveirson IPS * •■-* m, - COUNCILMAN AT LARGE. •LA I lenson I fr_J Al. 3. (; li If el h | |ls THANKFUL TO THE VOTERS. I desire to thank the voters of Winder lor their endorsement in yesterday s city election and will do my best to merit their confi dence. I have always tried to do my duty as councilman, looking to the best interest of Winder in my every action. Let s all get together and pull together for a bigger and greater Winder and forget past differ ence. I will for one. ami haven o feel ing against any man who exercis ed his right to oppose me. Respect fully, A A’. KAATvNSON. PROGRAM SENIOR B Y. P U. GROUP NO. 2. LEADER MIL DRED THRASHER. ‘ RUTH, THE IMMIGRANT.” President in charge. Song Service—Selections by Miss ()<lie \li lilhantion. Bible Drill Topic: The Church. Mr.( ’. <), M nddo\. Piano Solo Miss Thelma Wood ruff. Scripture Lesson Ruth, he. 1 and Aids 10Prof. Ellington. Prayer. Duet “I’m a Pilgrim.” Mrs. Peddiuglield and Miss Bertie Pic kle. Introduction to lesson by leader. Lesson Story .Miss Ivey. Reading -“The Immigrant.” Miss Dass Remarks by the President. Dismissed by Mrs. ( 0. Mad dox. First Baptist Church. Nov, 9tli, (i :'IO p. m. If you want the best Sewing Ma chine, buy a Singer from John S.. Craft.