The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 06, 1919, Image 15

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THE SUPER CIRCUS OF THE UNIVERSE iOSL MONROE Saturday, Oil. November Oil! r, 1 • tk: JOHN ROBINSON S rpcißcus AMERICA'S TIME HONORED, MOST MODERN,PRE-EMINENT AND ENORMOUS AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION The Latest,’ Best’and Greatest of All tiie WORLD’S MATCHLESS SENSATIONS fERFORMERS. SPECIALISTS," ARTISTS AND ATTRACTIONS S LAND AND CLIME 4 Fold fMQPIf 0 ARingUlnbUO Or BTARTLINO ACTS K LIMIT O HUMAN POSSIBILITY 3-co*Tb?ne:e>-3 Menageries ZOO of JUNGLE INFANTS CONGO The BABY HIPPO S— HERDS ACTING — 5 Elephants PAGEANTRY ■ ■ AND ■ ■— ■ SPECTACLE THE FiELD OF THE CLOTH OF 8010 riowluw Free Street Parade a'm. ■ ■ ■■■■■— '■ ' ■" ■■■■■■■Ml " '"■■■■" ■ Doors Open I and 7p. m. ■% Ssuki T RRic i Performances 2 and Bp. m. admitstoalu ADMISSION AMD RCSCRVCO SCATS ON SALE CIRCUS DAY AT This is the original JOHN ROBINSON Circus—the one that nev er divides. Calomel salivates! It’s mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When * calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. Take “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Instead! If you fed bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson’s Livor Tone for a few cents, ■which is a harmless vegetable sub stitute for dangerons calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn t start your liver and straighten you up i#:ttsr and rjuuker than nasty calomel ■> f, •I• r.c r n til. .!• ' .. ■ Ic.vm t Dm: : day thi“>, • Tf V. > s an ex piring seuthrcxt, "An . no; ror .should flit* s•.■ ri'Kn;:!” which r -■ ■ • >jito have 'appealed to two sixteenth-century Eng lish bishops —V.’oolt n, - -vh- ■ ; e b t ut terunce is recorded as, “A bishop ought to rile on his legs,” nni Sewell, ■who declared, “A bishop should die preaching." . ?0 MAN 'llisis AMD Moving Storlen In Burnished Gold Float*, Trlumphal Cars end Animal Equipment, Pulsating with Color Mlraole*, Outdoing in Sumptuous Prodigality ana Regal Magnificence Extraordinary Startling EXHIBITS Trained Native and Ferocious Wild Beasts and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you’ll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; Ire side*, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson’s Diver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full i ambition and ready for Work or play. It is harmie s, pleasant and safe to ■ p to chi’ ren; lacy Dg.k i’. r-a-aguay Cr-ttlr Laodc. Para spin y contains some ot ti-e best rat'e lap '- in il-,.- world, althongh < „ hi ve ti* 11 yet been ml i<>!y ili-vivi'j -n. ’’••.e feytthli-; now is n -;t .0.1 • ■;> heni of cattle, Eve! '"ion. The ticooc! -s ci evolution liav* ivnr! < il fi.r myriads of years to (level oj> i) form of living beauty, until the wanton dcstr.iethu ness of man inter venes, and an auk, < r a dodo, or a pas senger pigeon, is forever erased from the roll of living things. It is a loss of which the mind cannot bear to thinh.—Exchange. THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER. GEORGIA. NOTICE OF LETTING OF CON TRACT TO BUILD BARROW COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Slate of Georgia, County of Barrow. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that bids will he receiv ed by the Ordinary of harrow County, Georgia, at his office in the Court House, at Winder, Geor gia, on and up to the eighteenth day of November, 1919, at the hour of ten o’clock, A. M.. for the construction and erection com plete in detail of a COl RT HOUSE for the said County of Barrow on the lot tit the corner of Broad and Athens Streets, for merly known as the Bush home place, now known as the court house lot iu Winder, Georgia, to have a basement and be two stor ies in height above ground, to con tain offices necessary for all the county officials, including offices for the clerk, tiic ordinary, sheriff, county school superintendent and Board of Education, treasurer, tax-collector, tax receiver; rooms for the grand jury, solicitor gen eral, Judge’s chambers, witnesses, main court room, and such other rooms and chambers as are called foi' in the detailed plans and spe cifications now on file in the office of the Ordinary of Barrow Coun ty, prepared by Jas. J. Baldwin, architect, Anderson, S. 0., which are herein referred to and made a part of this advertisement and in which the proposed court house and all details with reference to it are minutely described and which plans and specifications are open to the inspection of any and all concerned at the Office of the Ordinary and also at the office of the said architect. Said building is to be built of brick, hollow lib* and concrete frame, with limestone trimmings, slate roof and galvanized iron tower in which is to lie placed a suitable clock. All labor and material of every kind is to be furnished by the suc cessful bidder for the complete erection and construction of the said Court House and the con struction of said building is to commence on or before January first. 1920. and the building is to be completed on or before August 31st, 1920. Payments for work and mater ials are to be paid as follows: 85 per cent of the value of the work done and materials used, accord ing to the estimates of the con tractor duly approved by the ar chitect, on the first days of each month commencing with Febru ary first, 1920, and the remaining fifteen per cent due under the con tract is to be retained by the Or dinary and he paid over to the contractors when the said build ing has been fully completed ac cording to the terms of the eon- tract and has been finally accept ed by tlio architect and the Ordi nary of Harrow County. Each bidder is to deposit with his bid a certified check in tlie sum of $1,000.00 payable to the order of li. G. Hill, Ordinary of Barrow County, or his successors in office, as a guarantee of good faith and that he will enter into a contract in terms of the law with the County of Barrow* tli rough its Ordinary in compliance with his bid within thirty days after accep tance of 1 1 is bid and give a good and sufficient bond as is required by law with approved security for the faithful pen's Finance of his contract in the sum of twice the contract price and ,:pon the! to oilt into such a contract and | be retained and c; shed by the said 'Ordinary or hi. suoco.-.sors in oflfi- The contractor shall retain pos ises-i aof ad b res, oi> -i 1)1 c V . 1 1lie said building’ until if is finally completed and accepted and paid for in full. Detailed plans and specifica tions may be procured from the architect by contractors or others desiring them by depositing with H. G. Hill, ordinary, or with the architect, Jas. .1. Baldwin, Ander son. S. <*., the sum of twenty live dollars. Such plans and specifica tions in detail can be found in the office of Ibe Ordinary of Barrow County at Winder. Georgia. The Ordinary reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to re-advertise for other bids. This the 21st day of October, 1919. H. Hill, Ordinary of Barrow County. G. A. Johns. Winder, Ga., Attor ney for Barrow County. •Ics. 1. Baldwin, Architect, Ander son. s - - . C. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS. At 6 Per Cent Interest T make farm loans for five years’ time in amounts from $500.00 to SIOO,OOO. 1 have an office on the 2nd floor °f the Winder National Bank Building, and am in my \Vi n der office on Wednesday and Friday of each week. S. G. BROWN, Attorney. W. T RANDOLPH. Physician and Surgeon Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga., Phones: office 303 Res. 311 All Calls answered promptly Medici n e Furnished. KELLEY, KELLEY & SIMS. Attorneys at Law Winder, Ga. Office over City Pharmacy. Worth-While Quotations. "I eat! II strange that a narrow mind is never deep."—Exchange. An Attractive Home At all times the artistic dwelling "F 'if ’V * £•* _ IF is in demand, whether large or small, J? JHr m iLtr expensive or inexpensive. An at- ff M /l[ i\ ? f|, Ojl¥|Pf| tractive, inexpensive house, however, - -J SU&JP *•6' W JL ff tt* is an exception. QUICKBILT fcunga- combine beauty and economy. thoroughly -rowing the needs of the average renter; is especially j t;r tsrnting purposes. It is well built, cozy, convenient well lighted, well ventilated, attractive both. Inside and out and small but coxy. It is inexpensive in construction, but wi.l bring a good reriO A-house 100 large is as much a drawback as a house too small This one Is just the right siw Bungalows are always in demand OUICKBILT Bungalow No 4:1 is neither , l,*ap nor llah orat* ft is especially designed to make the heat Investment Ircin a rent ‘Standpoint. In erecting l this bungalow you writ SAVE WASTE- AII ,h * , ln;l,cr, “* is already prepared end the large , .. ,sl I < ‘ 1,1 "'Tap I umbel ae thus eliminated E <ry fort of lumber is usod. Tou buy no surplus material T/MF- * ‘' r > I- eo f material has tts ~w [ i ■ K l l ry tilln ’ ti.e n,,,.!, 1 ! numbered md systematized. The instructions to 111. carpenter are eomplct* and the order of erection is simple oi’nsMn rr r’ " l,x,k!nK f, ' r hiaterlal. The lime ordinarily re: luired Jn preliminary cutting md trimming is saved As a iar*o portion of the house is hnilt in panels, just that much time arid * OB l ,s eliminated in construction* LABOR- Wi l h n ' # ' '' ;, ' irv l' r " f *v • p'":inn 1 - t niarjy* <1 ind complete, the wu t building Ilugaltoo • v 00 CKBILT Cr ßn “T , ' liK,lr " l, '' d ' ,ab " r *• 111- en-tion of s IUtCKUILT Bungalow is reiimvd to a minimum and th refnre a : ' A '* ar ftenter of avvrag. s-ved and experience iih two laborers can creel the house In 7 days Tin ur-irii'y house will take almost as many weeks, y MONEY- A 1,1 ■’ " '! mat- • 1 tue rid labor, i: ' " .Xpertsc of erection is rut In hail, hut that is not all Von need no-1 pay a contractor',! to, The , roetVn j, \ -n i,. Vn.i svstem.atlc that any earjs-.itcr of avvr.ige lntol||-. t .me . „ ? Architect's feo , lmil ' ! >•*"•" Vou n.y tin . ninr, * rci I lie complete plans with I wriflo-if ><, * i -.r,u ifter U crX| ;; a'„iv n l ISI 'M Ar,J >, ' t lt * l a >V .‘r-V-tta •II ■ , 1 - ts,.With .1 view to eliminatitifi waste ar.d gaining the - r V l-isuhle eor vi nlenee, cr *,„| ~t, ,h T ot• 'V‘ i X material is further reduced Iv tin fact you I- • -t Vro a tat RSMSSMS SZSStSJt^rih QUICKBILI Bungalow Dept,, / A. C. Tuxbury Lumber Cos., / Charleston, S. C. 1 PL I' / ' ,*: J , ~ ,f i. . ;*.*'•-v- , ■ i- ** vr ■ ■jV&iid ■ 1 \ • ' iSI |^KotAV'. 5! V- >;i ■.■ ' f . - ',l '/ J2'""' .c" V"A', ••• .•** - '-£>/.* ,'. " '••• c /./ v&f . \ \ ’■• -'.A ,-A A, v,;; t \4\ Ai VXiff 4> -\ / -- —i \Vj%J iWTl^'' C ' f V J A - c - TUXEunv LIJMBER CO.. O-i'lcston, 8. C. / v 111 <l M Book, ‘-ftJlCKeit.7 Bunjalow*” S \ Ij j No * C ' r ‘" Amc ‘ M!t, * l| y interest;;! : r , a rodM j \ / *’ I ADDRESS jj GIRLS WANTED One hundred gifls wanted to make Overalls. Highest wages paid. Steady work. Apply SUPT. BELL OVERALL CO., Winder, Ga. Quick&\&£ - BUNGALrOW NO. 4 3 REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, LOANS We Sell Farm and city property improved and unimproved. Life, Fire, Accident, Tornado and other Lines of Insur ance. Loan Money on Real Estate on Easy Terms. Let us sell you a hom. We will loan you money to pay for it, and will be glad to Insure you against loss of time caused by Accident or Disease, against loss or damage by Five, and Insure your Life, which strengthens your Credit as well as protects your family while you are doing so. I. E. JACKSON & COMPANY Phone 171 WINDER, GEORGIA. THE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT - —of the — NORTH GA. TRUST & BANKING COMPANY IS LOCATED TEMPORARILY NEXT TO THE W. L. DELAPERRTERE DENTAL PARLORS. LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS ALL OUR SPECIALTIES. PHONE 82. ,4 Safe, Profitable Investment. One of the U*M inrestments obtalnuble is Attractive, serviceable, rentable hnuue. That is, if the cost f*f the house is not ttKf gnat it in difficult lower the cost '.vithout cheap <r. ng tiie house It is possible, however, with the QUIC r <BILT Bungalow No. 411. lor it ik buiit lor just that purpose. A house acl lot costing $1,500.00 arid renting for an average of $25 per month, is bringing 2o per cent, interest. Taxes, insurance, pairs, etc will reduce It to al)OUt 10 per cent. Can you make • hotter investment? The rent incomes from an attractive OUICKBILT Rurigalt w , t this time of high rents and universal demand for houses, will make It u profitable Investment. BuiJd On Your Uudeve!op / ;(l Lot.- WRITE TODAY for further inferm-ttion and i cepy f.f < \ir attractive Illustrated book. “QUICKCILT Bungalow■' >. C v. It will explain all about v. Ci and many oth *r a'.tra -Mve QtJICKBILT Bungalows It Is rii'.K for the a l:'ng Merely till mit the coupon below and mail It. Better still, if Bungalow No. -1') piens-'S you, teli us the color de sired and instruct us to ship immediately. Popular for its Convenience. Thr- house • > shipp'-d P “ i:*r' Oon, coMple:.* v.lth gJI pec '* ‘.r..- i.j.iler.w: -of or r 'vori;. Si/e, over ail, 12 • t ..nd (hi.; 12-tt x 0.., Hung l oni, 12-1 x i.t-u . a kitchen. 1• :: •* ft.. <l> ~1 •! ill iv, 1 porch, 1-;-ft. x \ '■ 1 coo’nit'j. n l.ui' yoi Xorth ('iroliiu IN no, the V. "... < iu\'-rs,J ' t1...r.,„..;,1y k',-. dried Kmt|l„: lb, end ‘•“•tm: '-.tils built If •!.•; Ih-.i ~ith lm,.v p . to in-uri. ..iMiiih ilu-.i.ilv. litv-re;.’ lie;, sb-mtiri 'nit s ilie 'e -■Mi. lb inch -r re.i r . ’ A ,i r: 1 ''Td-. :• i;- , v .ihi ex ter hr waii*, stained any one of a no. io.t or ‘ j.-j-: 1 - r .\. or ( ■i r f<'/J i t l ' ] / S Mi < m >:■ - ‘ ■> !:•* . i. r: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6