The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 06, 1919, Image 7

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DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS WASHINGTON. Census Interpretation of the Word FARM. Washington, November What is a farm? Seems a foolish question to ask, doesn’t it: Almost anyone can tell off-hand just what a farm is and knows one when he sees it. But do you happen to know the interpretation I'ncle Sam places on the word “farm” for census purposes? No? Then read how his Bureau of the Census defines the word : “A farm for census purposes is all the land which is directly fann ed by one person conducting agri cultural operations, either by his own labor or with the assistance of members of his household or hired employees. ’ ’ In further explanation of this definition the Census Bureau points out that the term “agricul tural operations” is used as a gen eral term referring to the work of growing crops, producing other agricultural products and raising domestic animals, poultry or bees. From this definition it will be seen that a farm may consist of a single tract of land or of a num ber of separate and distinct tracts And these several tracts may be held under different tenures as, for instance, when one tract is owned by the farmer and another is rented by him. Thus if a man who owns 100 acres rents an ad- ditional ten acres from someone else and operates both the 100 acres and the ten acres, then his “farm” includes both tracts of land comprising 110 acres. By the same token when a land owner has one or more tenants, renters, croppers or managers?, each different tract, of land oper ated by any tenant, renter, crop per or manager is considered a separate and distinct farm by the Census Bureau. Or, to give an ex- ample, if a man owning 120 acres of land rents 40 acres to a tenant and farms the remaining 80 acres himseli, his iarm is the 80 acres which he operates, not the 120 acres he owns, while the 40 acre tract which he rents to a tenant comprises a separate farm to be reported in the name of the tenant Another question to be deter- mined is how important does an agricultural enterprise have to be in order to secure recognition in the census as a farm? A small ve getable garden or a chicken yard accommodating a few’ busy hens will not be allowed to qualify as a “farm” in the census no matter with what pardonable pride and satisfaction the proprietor may view his agricultural enterprise. But if the garden or chicken yard expands until it covers not less than three acres of ground, or until it requires for its care the continuous services of at least one person, or yields products annual ly to the value of $250 or more, it comes within the census defini- tion of a farm and will he recog nized as such and counted. The agriculture schedule con tains many questions regarding farm values, expenses and live stock as well as the acreage and quantity of crops raised in the year 1919. Census Bureau officials are urging farmers everywhere to prepare for the census enumerator by looking over their books and records so that accurate answers may be furnished'to questions. • In t! is connection the Bureau of the Census emphasizes the fact that information furnished to census takers is absolutely confi dential. made so by Act of Con gress, and that under no circum stances can any - o h information be used as a basis for taxation. “Co-operation between farmers and the census officials next Janu ary is more necessary and vital than ever before.’’ declares Direc tor of the Census Ham L. Rogers “The world war and the part that the farmer played in it and will [contimie to play in the rehibilita tion of Europe serve to make the agriculture section-of the Four teenth Decennial Census the most important in the Nation’s history. Absolute accuracy and complete ness in the census returns is the goal toward which every citizen should strive.” Make Cooking Easy. It is wonderful what a differ ence is made in the work of pre paring meals in by the many mo dern conveniences and superior features of the Great Majestic Range. Go to Smith Hardware Company’s Store while the expert demonstrator from the Majestic factory is there, during the week beginning Monday, November 10th. He will show you why the Majestic saves fuel, bakes per fectly. has long range life without repairs, is easy to keep clean and bright. And lie will give you ab solutely without charge, a full set of fine cooking ware with the Ma jestic Range that you select from among the various Majestic styles and sizes. This is the greatest range offer ever presented to you. Go and he convinced. You will always have plenty of hot water in your kitchen, if you g‘< the New Majestic Range with patented all-copper Hot Water Reservoir. Smith Hardware Com pany are showing this range at a special demonstration conducted by an expert from the Majestic factory, at their store during the week beginning Monday, Novem ber 10th. Without any extra charge whatever, a full set of fine cooking ware will be given to each purchaser of any style or size Ma jestic Range during this demon stration week. Accept This Gift. During the week beginning -Monday, November 30th., Smith Hardware Company will offer a gilt of a full set of fine cooking ware to every housewife who needs anew range, and will buy it now. The range, of course, will he the (treat Majestic. A demon strator will be at our store to show you the many superiorities of this famous range. You get it at the regular price—no advance what ever—and your set of cooking ware is given to you absolutely without charge, if you purchase your Majestic during Demonstra tion Week. Don’t miss this extra ordinary bargain. TOBACCO SPECIALIST APPOINTED IN STATE Will Help Farmre Who Are New at Tobacco Growing. Since the coming of the boll wee vil many Georgia farmers particu larly in the southern portion of the state have turned from cotton to to bacco and large . acreages are being planted in many crops. The head of a tobacco firm at Fitzgerald reports that more than 3,000 acres will be grown in Ben Hill county this year. While tobacco has been grown for a long time in the state in some sec tions it is quite anew crop for other sections. In order that these new to bacco farmers may find the best vari eties for their particular sections and guard against the diseases and pests that bring losses to this crop, the Georgia State College of Agriculture has appointed Lieutenant Edison C. West brook, formerly w ith the State College, as tobacco specialist for the state. Experience has proven that tobacco may be very profitably grown in the stale and it is urged that those farmers who are for the first time planting large acreages in tobacco get in touch with the tobacco specialist of the Slate College. A circular No. 81 has recently been issued and Is now ready for distribu tion. Those who are interested in growing tobacco this year should write at once for this circular. It gives some directions about selecting the seed bod and sewing the seed and oth er matters of interest about caring for and transplanting the plants. Other circulars will be issued from time to time during the season giving directions for the cultivation and care of growing tobacco plants, and later another that will give instructions re garding gathering and curing the to bacco THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. SAY GOVERNMENT WAS DE FRAUDED OF GIGANTIC SUMS AT CAMP SHERMAN. / Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 3.—As tounded by the mass of evidence tending to show that the govern ment had been defrauded of thou sands, if not several millions of dollars, in the construction of Camp Sherman, Congressman Lewis C. McKenzie, of Illinois, chairman of the sub-cor.gressional committee which is investigating the eiunps construction, declared tonight that he would introduce a bill in congress making it treason to defraud the government in time of war. Chairman McKenzie said he was certain, before entering - pen the inquiry, that the government had been defrauded in the construc tion of cantonments, hut that he Special Offer! Handsome Set of Cooking Ware Given to you on this oc casion only, at our store — a beautiful set of substan tial, useful, extra good quality cooking ware-- with your purchase of any style or size Great Majes tic Range! Great Majestic Range Bargain Week November 10th to 15th DURING TBIS BARGAIN WEEK—one week only. We make this extraordinary special value offer to you. Buy your Majestic Range NOW! The price is the same! The regular Great Majestic price. No extra charge whatever for your complete set of tine cooking ware. Yet you could not buy this set of cooking ware anywhere, any time, for less than SIO.OO. And you can not buy at any price a range that is the equal of the Great Majestic its first cost is practically its only cost. Long range life, economy of fuel, durability, and sat isfactory service—make the Majestic the most economi cal of ranges. j < COME TO 0U MAJESTIC RANGE DEMONSTRA TION. The representative of the manufacturer will be here at our store to help us show and explain to you the many Majestic features of superiority. A FEW OF THE REASONS WHY THE MAJESTIC IS THE RANGE FOR YOU. 1. All-copper hot water reservoir; patented shifting lever controls water temperature. 2. Body of Charcoal Iron; resists rust and lasts 3 tunes longer than Steel 3. I .lined with Asbestos Board 1-4 inch thick; pre vents loss of heat and saves fuel. 4. Air-tight oven gill parts riveted together, assures perfect baking. never expected il to reach such gigantic proportions as are indi cated by testimony given before the committee here. Fifty Chicago professional crap shooters obtained positions as plumbers at Camp Sherman and were paid regular plumbers wages of $8.25 per day, though they spent all their time “rolling the bones,” Ben M. Clark, time-keek er at Camp Sherman testified. These crap shooters made a,s much as SIOO per day at their prrofes sion. ('lark said they never work ed at plumbing a day. Fitting Expiring Sentiment*. To Vespasian is attributed as an ex piring sentiment, "An emperor should die standing !'• which seems to have appealed to two sixteenth-century Eng tish bishops—XVoolton, whose last ut terance is recorded as, "A bishop ought to die on his legs," and Sewell, who declared, "A bishop should die preaching” Smith Hardware Cos. Go snd Do It. A man was asked how he accom plished so much in life. “Mv fattier taught me,” was the reply, “when 1 had anything to do to go and do it.” Exchange. -V t SON'S uit l make you proud of your hair” The particular colored people of the // United States use / F A Nelson’s (Yp jH' Hair Dressing 1 jw For more than 20 years Nelson’s has jEdy „ / been sc.d and recommended by drug V s r Storeseverywhere. Nelson’s makes stub- Vk / bom, only hair soft, glossy end easy to C manege. It is fine for the scalp, relieves dandruff end makes the hair grow. FERKOI DAVIS It is important to get the genuine NeWs. . gMefTemp.,, Ft... >, * Tfr 1 * * v *"ement !**•, there is r.o W dimnr* andbesureto get the g*nu.n* NELSON 5 j # j^ NeJscn Manufacturing 00., Inc, sn<i i pKotcppi, . RICHMOND. VA. '* “** NttSOM S. * t ' , r ■£,'■ , Ir^Tr^ 5. Large warming closets; roomy and convenient, with drop doors. (>. No springs on oven door; it is supported with strong, durable stake, and holds any weight placed on it. 7. Unbreakable malleable iron; permits rivet-tight joints; saves fuel and repair expense. 8. First joint of pipe double weight; pipe collar dou ble strength; front of flue at top and bottom of oven covered with indestructible malleable iron—strongest w here others are weakest. 9 Open end ash pan; like shovel, removes ashes eas ily and cleanly. Ash cup catches ashes that otherwise fail on floor. 10. Doors and splasher back beautifully peneled in W bite or Blue Knamel, if desired. 11. Hooking top burnished dark blue, requires no polish. 12. Heavy nickel trimmings; smooth as glass; stay bright, easy to keep clean. THERE ARE MANY OTHER MAJESTIC SUPERIOR ITIES. No other range gives you such value for your money. Sr.' and examine the Majestic critically at our special Bargain Week Demonstration. The more you know about it, the more you will want it. And get your set of Cooking Ware, without charge, bv pii'chasing your Majestic now . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 True Sarcasm. *T play entirely by ear,” said tha imatenr musician, proudly. “Ahem l Bo l perceive.” replied the caustic per son. "Hub it ever occurred to you to rousult an aurlst?”