The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 13, 1919, Image 8

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Thousands Are Trading With Us, Are You? If Not, Why Not? Our trade for the past few weeks especially, has been wonderful—people from fifty miles away, come to our store and bought, merchandise we are showing at such a wonderful low price it would not sur prise you. for tlie many new customers we are getting this season. MEN’S SUITS .s'>o.oo Men’s Suits for $39.75 $40.00 Men’s for $32.50 $30.00 Men’s Suits for $22.50 $25.00 Men’s Suits for $16.75 Knee Suits In wonderful styles; nil-wool goods. Sizes !t to 20, at $5.00, $7.50, SIO.OO and;nre actually worth iron) SI.OO to $3.50 more. Overcoats $40.0 Overcoats at $29.75 $20.00 Overcoats at $22.50 $27.00 Overcoats n1 $14.95 WINDER, GEORGIA I r Jfv* Xu %<J+rhf 4a^A BEEFaSIGOOD AFIF*. I' 2AUWJ Every Imhlv luis Iwul so imicli turkcv Hint ;i rcluni to a NU'H I {OAST OK GEEK will really In* welcomed. We have some heel' tliit) was I'INK STOCK in the hist plaee ami has been hanging lons* enough lo he DKlih lors. Le us send you a mast or a TENDER STKaK to-day. It you’re not our customer we ran make you one it' you will hut <;IYK l S A TRIAL * >KDER. WATSON GLOVER & CO Wiuder, Georgia. CHANDLERS Mi ;tih 1 .Mis .1 II Sells ami M>• ami Mis. II .1 Kennedy spent the • lav with Mr. ami Mrs. .hilm Mob- Icy Sunday. MisN Lillie I handler I'rom A.\ M. College. spent Saturday night and Sunday with home-folks. Mr. and Mrs. A. It Kennedy and ehildren spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. II R Kennedy Sun day Miss Lillie Kennedy spent s,-e. urday iiigld with Miss Annie L>< i Sells. Several front around here at tended the show at \Vi •I* - last week. Mr and M rs. (A I tree >p*uit the day with his father and moth er Sunday*. Miss Dcstua Sells sjK*ut Satur day niif I t with Misses Annie ami Sal lie Kennedy. Come to our store and make your dollar £o as far as $1.50 elsewhere. Miss Zella Rutledge spent Sun day with Miss Alice Rutledge. Messrs. II .1 Kennedy and G. G. IVppers motored to Athens Satur day. Mr. Ro\ ('handler tilled his re gular appointment Sunday after noon. Mrs. Tom Sells was called to the 1M side of her daughter. Mrs. Willie Rutledge, of Winder last w eek. There will lie a box supper at this school house Friday night. November 21st. 11119. Every body are iuviled. FOR SALE MULES. FARM IMPLEMENTS, CORN AND FODDER. Georgia, Harrow County. I\v virtue of authority of an or der of the Court of Ordinary of said county, I will sell to the high est bidder at public outcry for cash, on Nov. ‘22ml ltd!*, at ten o’clock a. m.. on the farm of the late l'. L. Davis, where and. \Y. Ho gan now resides (near \Y. It. Pat rick s home place) in lieu Smiths District. the following property belonging to he estate of said If. Davis: One hlaek mare mule, ahout si\ yeais old and one bay mare mule ahout seven years old. earh weighing ahout 1000 pounds: I Deering mowing machine and J r.. ke. I stalk cutter, I two horse v>. _'on. I two-horse No. LI Oliver plow, and one-horse Oliver plow, and May mini plow stocks. I scythe cradle I Acme harrow, about tiOO bundles of fielder about 7"> bush els of corn, three sets plow gear. 1 Joe harrow 1 spring tooth cul tivator. I guano distributor. I cot ton planter and (f t : et I'arm tools too tedious to mention. This Nov *fh. 1541 f* J A h ' i jg. tat* < E. I>ave l><---w-d. In Everyday Lf It U whl in mum >umx 'ln tig* *.-t -*/%. WE ARE ACTUALLY SELLING! LADIES DEPARTMENT $22.50 I’lush Coats at $14.75 $45.00 Silk Plush Coats at $29.75 $35.00 Cloth (’oats at $24.75 $50.00 Cloth Coats at $37.50 $25.00 Coat Suits $17.50 $35.00 Coat Suits $24.25 $50.00 Coat Suits $37.50 Dresses! Dresses! In Serges and Silks at $7.50, SIO.OO. $14.75 and up. They are worth almost double our price. "The Clothier" BETHLEHEM. Mrs. Lucy lledingfield is spend ing sometime here with her many friends and relativ os. Mrs. W. ('. Yearwood has been cpiite sick for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Harris, of Wrightsville, are here to spend a month with the former’s mother. Mr. Albert Harrison, a former Uethlchem hoy. died in Atlanta last Saturday and w as buried here Sunday. Mr. Harrison was a bro ther of our townsman. Mr. Will Harrison, and had many friends ami relatives to mourn his depart ure. Little Howard Lancaster has re covered from an attack of Dypli t heria. Several from here enjoyed the circus at Athens last Saturday. Mr. Jrhy Hill, of Winder, is spending several days with his parents, on account of sickness. Lev. and Mrs. J. \V. Itriusfield left for Atlanta Tuesday to attend the North <!a. (‘onferenee. which began there "Wednesday. Mrs. Weymon I*. Harrison has been indisposed this week. Mr. ('uster Ross. spent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. Ilavden M i role. h’ev. and Mrs. A. J. (loss, of Monroe, accompanied Miss Hattie Kimball here Tuesday to attend * V Ihe funeral of her brother. •Misses Hertlia and Leila I’oole, of Winder, were attractive week end guests of Miss Lena Hill. Mr Lee Radford visited our Sunday Schools Sunday in the in terest ot the illiteracy movement. Mcsdames Nowell, of Atlanta, and Daniel, of Winder, were guests of Mrs. L. s Harris last w eek. Mrs. Ruby Anderson and little daughter, of Abbeville. S. f\, have I'veu visiting her mother near here Julia ami Lois I tag gelt are among our sick list this week. THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA LOCALS Mrs. C. S Williams Gives Spend the-Day Party. (•n Wednesday. Mrs. Williams entertained several friends at a Kpend-the-Day Party at her home mi Woodlawn Avenue. The morn ing hours were whiled away at sewing. After the six course lunch eon. Hie party of friends enjoyed music and games. Those enjoying this happy occasion were: Mrs. Mac I’otts, Mrs. C. O. Maddox. Mrs. J. I*. Williams, mrs. Roy Jackson. Mrs. W. O. Gerry and or. C. S. Williams. Messrs ,1. J. Nunnally, .1. A. Mobley and Prof. Reed, of Mon roe, coming as the four minute speakers at the Gaptist ('hurcli in 7f> Million Dollar Drive. Mrs. W. L. daekson and Miss Mary Lamar Jackson have return ed from a short visit to Monroe. Miss Keunetle Woodruff, of G. N. and I. (’. spent the past week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (I. \V. Woodruff. Mr. I. If. Jackson. Mrs. J. M. Jackson. Misses (Irace Jackson and l’earl Saunders spent Friday in Atlanta. Mrs. J. 11. Wood spent Thurs day in Atlanta. Mr. ('urt Saunders visited in (iainesville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Camp are attending the North <ia. Con/er enee in Atlanta this week, and while there will be the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. \\ . 11. Toole. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Camp and Miss (ra Lee Camp spent Satur day in Athens and attended the big eireus there. Mrs. A. II O’.N'eai will leave Friday, for her home in Decatur*, after spending several days here uii h Mi s. L. S. Radiord. Mr. J V Williams is spending the vv eek in Lihonia. Mr. W. T. Robinson attended the Methodist Conference in At lanta Wednesday. DRY GOODS flood Heavy Sheeting 19c AAA Heavy Sheeting 24c 30c Outing 22 1 /<c Host 35c Outing 25c 35c Riverside Cheeks 25c 40e Hickory Shirting 25c $1.50 Wool Serge 98c $3.00 All-Wool Serge $2.25 $2.50 Silks .$1.95 Millinery! Millinery! Wonderful Hats at $5.00, $7.50, and SIO.OO. They will cost you double elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Maddox had as their dinner guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fortson and Mrs. Oglesby. Mr. and Airs. Newman Braswell and daughter, of Logansville, spent Sunday with Airs. Georgia Harris and Miss Sadie Harris. Airs. Dora King and Miss Rita King have returned from Griffin. Hog killing time will soon he here and there will he thousands of fine ones slaughtered in Geor gia. It is to he hoped this will solve Iho high price of meat. The coal strike has been called off and the country at large feels better. Had it continued conditions would have become very serious. It begins to look and feel today as if we would have some colder weather at last. .Messrs, and E. and Robert Car rington spent Tuesday in Atlanta. 1 The Vapor f Treatment l <’(/ Pneumonia “*~**" i j / M others who know the anguish - j IP' - - . y 0 f waiting helplessly through N ’ \ 7' age-long hours for the physician J j / who may not irr ein time will hard j j ty fail to keep on har.dabottle of this effective croup remedy. Vapo mentha is a certain preventive and specific fur colds, croup, intluen?*, grippe, pneumonia and other respiratory ailments. V' WILL NOT STAIN THE CLDTHES (. h is applied externally to the chest, throat and noa t-il> ami i ■ cpiH k!v absorbe I through the pores of the T. >*— si- u. Its lira.i: . vapor rise and are inhaled directly •■H" to tiro infected nienibran?- . A double-action remedy, N"' it l; doubly certain to produce satisfactory result*. jgV'. It hr. tin laracteristic that distinguishes it from 1 * oTTlhl other olves, it w'il not stain die clothe,. Buy a aft; C•- Q- rjfi! bottle <.f Vrspotiientha TODAY. It ian invaluable Sj &n yvi t' protect: •:> in imign ant price. " j cam. , •- n All Drug and General Store*. i*MUMO*l.\ SAI V* Iflln --Blj V' ur ‘ IC * iCT ca: '* su Pply y <ni order from BRAME DRUG CO., N. Wilke.boro, N. C. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13th WINDER. GEORGIA Keeping Warm in Finland. In many ways the Finns are 8 very queer people. It Is during the terriblo colil months that the Films revel in the mighty ovens that fill one corner of every kitchen and often loom up large ami vastly impressive in the oth er moms of a Finn home as well. The tops of these monster stoves are per fectly flat, and steps lead up on one side. When the weather becomes bit terly ooM and bleak, the entire Finnish family will take quilts and pillows and, mounting to the top of the big heat er, spread down their bedding and sleep very comfortably and contented ly on the hard hot bricks until morn ing.—Nevia 0. Winter, in Christian ELerahl. Mad* For Eaoh Otfcar. "Sob, I fear you are not In a potd- Son to marry just now.” "Rut I can't wait We were made for each oth ir." “There will have to. be a llttla Money made, too, my hoy." True and False Freedom. There are two freedoms—the falsi* where a man is free to do what ha Jtkes; the true, where a man is free to do what lie ought.—Charles Kings*