The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 20, 1919, Image 13

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LADIES’ CLOAKS AND SUITS If you have not bought your suit or coat yet, A\e ask you in justice to yourself to at tend this sale and see what handsome suits and coats we are selling a? a .s.nTiig of $5.00 to SIO.OO each. Ladies’ $20.00 Coat Suits 4*l/1 H C at £ $14.1 O All Ladies Suits of Scotch material; nicely trimed. £ r l his sale 1 U <1 3 Ladies’ $35.00 Suits, going in this sale 24.50 Ladies’ $45.00 Suits, going in this sale r\ <■ p* s\ at JI.jU Ladies’ long Cloaks, made of good wool, material, positively worth ** $15.00 or your money back; at / 0 Ladies’ $17.50 Broadcloth Coats, going in this sale 1 O *7 r* at IZ./5 Ladies’ $25.00 Coats, going in this sale I l at •; ••• - 19.75 Ladies' $35.00 Cloaks; cloth; satin-lined; going OS* r - S\ at Ladies’ $45.00 cloth and plush Coats, satin-lined with fancy colors OO HT* ' SPORT COATS All $8.50 Sport Coats hoav $4 75 All $6.50 Sport Coats now $3 98 All $5.00 and $6.00 Sport Coats now $2 85 LADIES AND CHILDREN S DRESSES. All our $20.00 and $17.00 now at this sale $14.75 All our $15.00 Dresses now at this sale $12.75 All our $10.50 Dresses now at $6.78 200 Ladies’ Street Dresses in good colors, $2.95 $3.45 Children’s all wool Serge Dresses at $1.98, $2.75, $3.50 and up to $5.00 Sizes 6 to 14 We have 250 Misses Cloaks on hand, in cloth, velvet and fur; prices range from $5.00 to $12.50. We mark them for tills sale at less than tiie cost of their ra w mater ial at $2.75, $3.75, $4.45 and $5.98 Shoes For the Entire Family About 1(M) pairs of assorted children’s Shoes, running in size 1 to 5. 4*l OH •lust the thing for the child that is hard on shoes; at A J[ About 150 pairs assorted children’s Shoes, sizes 6 to 8. Shoes sold here i p as high as $1.75 pair. This sale I I j Children’s heavy every day shoes; just the thing for school; in all O /I sizes. Some stores get $3.50 for them. This sale £ ttj Ladies’ $3.50 every day shoes ri /%g\ at Lot of fine high grade Misses dress shoes; worth $5.50 or your money back. This sale $2.65 and $3.25. Ladies’ line dress shoes, lace, latjest dress styles; ami j A -* Ladies’ Gun Meta Tor Patent Leather or Vici Kid Dress Shoes, all sizes; worth $7.50 at ’ $4 75 Boys’ heavy school shoes, sell the world over at $3.50. This sale $2.45 One lot of men’s dull calf and vici Blutcher; regular $3.50 value, at $2.95 ' W. L. Douglas Shoes in all Leathers, Lace or Button at $4.50, $6.00, $7.00 and up. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Wednesday and Thursday November 19th and 20th First two days we will sell day 30c Outing for 1 lie. 20 YARDS TO A CUSWMER ONLY. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21st and 22nd We will sell 30c Sheeting for I ? S -tic. 20 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER ONLY. MEN'S SUITS Men’s $17.50 Suifs for $12.45. These are a lot of Suits, odd Coats and l’ants matched, that arc all wool and positively worth $15.00 or your AM O A C money back. While they last at *P i Lt * Men's $25.00 Suits for $18.45. Here you will find a collection of good suits as was ever put on the market at $25.00. We arc offering them I O A F load them while they last at 1 O c "Tfey Men’s $35.00 Suits for $24.90. Our $35.00 Suits have bfeen the hit of and surrounding counties for past years. W e are offering them 24.90 EXTRA SPECIAL SCIILOSS BROS. Famous Suits, regular $40.00 or your money back. This sale O A *7 C at i 3 SCI!LOSS BROS. Suits; regular $50.00 value and as good as any 07 CA $50.00 suit on the market. While they last i v MEN'S OVERCOATS Men’s Overcoats made in fancy colors and same with | 1 QA fancy collars; a regular SIB.OO value; this sale XI. •*/ M Men’s Cravenette and Raincoats combined, positively worth $20.00 1 7C or your money back. This sale X “* # About 25 assorted men’s Overcoats in all different styles to fit the most exacting taste of the best dresser as well as the regular business Ol T A man; overcoats well worth $30.00; this salev ul $40.00 Overcoats made by Schloss Bros., Baltimore, specially for young men, handsome patterns and tailoring; OA this sale .. Lt J , § MEN S ODD PANTS. Men’s $3.50 Pants; * 9 CC This sale at £, 03 Men’s all wool Pants, positively worth $5.00. O A £ This sale About 100 pairs of men’s Pants, worth up to $6.00. A 1 |* This sale I. */ Men’s $7.50 dress Pants, a good one; C 7C during this sale at MEN’S ODD COATS The very thing you want for evpryday wear, and to knock about in at prices less than the raw material cost. $3.75. $4.90, $6 45, $7.50. They are worth actually double. BOYS' KNEE SUITS— KNEE PANTS You can save enough on a suit here during this sale to buy youi boy a nice pair of shoes with. Good mixed wool suits, sizes 3 to 8. worth $4.50 or your money back; (t*r| at ; SZ.9U One lot of hoys’ all wool Suits with Knickerbocker pants; just the thing for school wear, and worth up to $7.50. rf* J f* This sale 3 $8.50 Suits, all wool, atj. $5.75 SIO.OO Suits, sizes up to 10 s<4s $12.50 boys’ Suits, sizes 10 to 19. at $9.73 $15.00 boys’ Suits at $11.50 About 250 boys’ Knee Pants, all wool material, worth $2.50; at 3! 45 $2.50 Kuee Pants at SI. 85 $3.50 Knee Pants at $2.35 Prices Mens and. Boys Clothing MILLINERY— 2nd Floor Our stock of ladies’ Hats is complete. We are show ing some of the tastiest hats you ever looked at . They were ranging in price from $4 to $22.50. We reduc ed them to $3.55, $4,85, $5.50, $6.75 and $9.25. Almost 100 Pc. BOYS’ KNEE SUITS We have about 500 of them on hand —more than rve care to carry at this time. We are go ing to sell them at some price— if even a losff has to be taken. Bring your boy and get him two suits for the price of one. J. L. SAUL. MEN S, WOMEN 'S AND CHILDREN S UNDERWEAR. Men s SI.OO Fleeced Underwear at 95c. Men s $1.25 best ribbed l*ndenv ear at 95c. Men’s $2.50 ribbed Union Suits at $1.75. Ladies’ Vests, bleeched or unbleached, 74c. Ladies’ $1.50 heavy ribbed Vests at 95c. Ladies’ $1.75 heavy Union Suits at 95. Ladies’ $2.00 heavy ribbed Union Suits $1.48 Boys and Girls’ heavy ribbed $2.00 Union Suits sizes 4 to 16. at $1.25. W e are shoAving some Avonderful Ladies’ Sweaters, mixed avool, at $2.75 and $3.50. MEN S, WOMEN S AND CHILDREN 'S SWEATERS All wool Sweaters in latest styles, at $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and $9 90. Misses and Children’s Saa eaters at. $125, SI 75, $2.00 and Up. MEN'S SWEATERS SI 00, $1.50, $2.50 and Up. AYe a\ ill save you 50 per cent on Sweaters. DRY GOODS \ From Silks Down to Checks. 30c Sheeting at 19c Best **oc Outings 19c Best 25 l-2c and 30c Ginghams 19c All wool serges, all colors. $1.75 quality $1.24 $2.25 quality Serges at. $1.65 $1.50 Broadcloth in all colors; 56 inches wide at 95c 75c Dress Goods at 48c 50 Bolts of fancy Suitings in plaids and solid colors. 35 and 40c quality, at Pic and . .. .24c A full line of Silk in solid colors, stripes and plaids, at $1.50, $2.25, and $1.50. Which is actually worth 50c yard more. Heavy plaids; suitable to make Dresses or Coat Suits; 75c quality, at 49c $1.50 quality Dress Goods at 98c Counter Bargains 20c gray Hose, men’s and ladies’, Me. SI.OO Kabo Corsets. 75c. $1.75 Kabo Corsets at $1.35. $2.50 Bellgrade Overalls, $1.95. RAINCOATS. 1660 of them at half their value. .Men’s $6.50 Raincoats at $4.95 $15.00 Raincoats at $7.95 Boys and Girls’ $5.00 and $6.00 Raincoats, sizes 6 to 18. at $'J.75 and $3.98 WE HAVE 35 SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES TO WAIT ON YOU Remember Sale Starts Wed., Nov. 19, at 9 A. M. Lasting 10 Days Only Be Sure To Be At The Opening Hour. Many Good Values Await You, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS. 500 pairs good heavy Blankets, sells for $2.50. Sale price while they last $1.45 $4.00 Blankets $2.75 $6.00 Blankets, Large and heavy $3.95 $7.00 Blankets, mixed wool; extra large; colors plain and in plaids at $4.75 J. L. SAUL The Clothier - Winder , Georgia AT THE BARGAIN COUNTER. $20.00 Men’s Corduroy Suits at $14.75. 250 pairs Ladies every day shoes, been carried over. $3 and $4 grades on Special Bargain Counter at $1.95