The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 20, 1919, Image 5

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Social and Personal News McKinney-Jackson. Married at the Baptist Pastor iuni Sunday evening, Miss Lola Marguerite Jackson to Air. Elmer 1). McKinney. Kev. W. H. Faust officiating. This popular young couple will he their friends in Abbeville, IS. C. A host of friends and relatives wish them much happiness in their married life. St range-Daniel. Strang e-Kinnebrew. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strange, of Winder, announce the engage ments of their daughters, Mary Alice, to Mr. .Carter W. Daniel, of Alliens, and Louise, to Mr. llulme KirStcbrew, of Athens, the wed dings to be solemnized in January. The above announcement will be of much interest here to tlie many friends of Misses Mary Alice and Louise Strange. They arc charm ing'and accomplished and both graduates of Wesleyan College. Mr. Daniel is a brother of Mrs. R. J. Smith of our city. Reception Given by Mesdames Claud Mayne and Robert Smith. On Friday afternoon, a beauti ful reception was given at t lie home of Mrs. Claud Mayne, by Mrs. Mayne and .Mrs. Robert Smith, honoring Mrs. Erast us Smith. The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Mavne’s never looked pret tier than on this occasion with the Autumn decorations of chrysan themums. ferns, bain ho vines and baskets of flowers. Mrs. H. E. Millikin and Mrs. \Y. (). Ferry received in the Library, where Mrs. L. \V. 1 lodges and Misses Mary Alice Strange and Inez Cooper poured tea. In the re viving line in the living room were Mrs. Mayne, Mrs. Smith and Mgs. Krastus Smith. In a eo/.y cor ner of the hall Misses -Jennie Smith-, and Brace Jackson played the Elli son during the afternoon. Those in the dining room and living room receiving were: Mrs. O. B. Mcßae, Mrs. Mae P*tts. Mrs. Alice Dunn, Misses Teie Smith, Mrs. Paul Brooksher, Mrs. Vella Mae Smith, Mrs. Hawthorne Ware, Mrs. Clyde Williamson, Mrs. Florence Broom, and in the hall Mrs. W. L. Jack son, Misses Thelma Woodruff and Louise Strange served coffee. Dur ing the afternoon one hundred and twenty-five ladies called. Entertains Booklovers. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Alaughon entertained the Booklovers Club last Thursday evening. After the business meeting a very interest ing and instructive program was rendered. At a late hour delicious refreshments were served. The members present were: Misses Mildred Thrasher, Annette - Quillian and Mary Russell, Messrs Carl Brooksher. Charles Appleby, Preston Williams. J C. Pratt, W. 11 Faust. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hol senbeek. SILVER TEA GREAT SUCCESS. The Silver Tea, which was giv en by tlie Parent-Teachers Asso ciation on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. B. Jackson, was a grand success. Over one hundred ladies called during the afternoon, and the grade was fortunate in getting more mothers out to register than any other grade of the school. LOST OVERCOAT. My little boy lost bis overcoat in Winder Monday. It was a black coat with belt around it for a 13 year old boy. The finder will please leave at The Times office and greatly oblige.—J. B. Porter, Hoschton. Ga. Mr. Mays Tucker, of Houston County, is here for a few days visit. ! 1 e informs us he far ieir made i ome cotton, in spite of the rain and boll weevil, and most of them plenty of corn. Judge Hawthorn, of Auburn, spent Tuesday in Winder. Mr. Henry Braselton, of the big firm of Braselton Bros., was here last Saturday. Air. R. C. Ethridge, of Dacula, was in Winder Tuesday and while here left $1.50 to read The Times another year. Dr. Sykes, Messrs. J. M. Ross. Dave Hammond, M. A. Millsap, B. H. Brant, Burton Casper and John Porter were in Winder Tues day attending court, from Statli am. . . . Miss Carmen Anderson, of Au burn, who has been attending the Normal School at Athens, has been forced to remain at home for tlie past few weeks on account of tlie condition of her mother. -Cob Dan Byrd, Editor of The News-Herald, Lawreneeville, was in Winder last Saturday on busi ness. He reports his paper pr osper ing and Lawreneeville on a Inioni. Mr. Clyde Eskridge spent last week-end with his parents at Shel by. N. < Mrs. John Summerour spent one day the latter part of last week in Atlanta. Mr. Howard Bryant, of Athens, was a visitor here last Sunday. Mr. W. E. Roberts, of the firm of Summerour and Sunmierour will move his family here next V’eek. Miss Frances Brooks, a student of Shorter College, is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Airs. W. A. Brooks. Airs. .Mac Potts is the guest of her parents in Jackson for several days. Miss Bosnia Elder, of Shorter College, is a home for the week end. Mr. and Alls. Ahirk Sims, of At- lanta, are spending a few days here with Mrs. Sims’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shields. Miss Kathleen Wilson, a student al Shorter, was the guest of her parents for the week-end. Miss Bert Pirkle has as her guests for several days, Misses Annie Hill, of Kasehton, and Es telle and Lottie Hutchins, of Au burn. Miss Evelyn Radford, a student at Brenau College, is spending a few days at home. Mrs. Vernon Moore and litle daughter, Evelyn, have returned to their home in Atlanta. Mr. Jamie Stanton, of Athens spent Sunday at home. Miss Rosa Rives, one of the effi cient teachers of Cox College, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. <■'. A. Johns and Mrs. J. AY Cfiffeth have returned from ool umbus, where they attended the I Georgia Federated Club Conven tion. Rev. R. E. Moss. Rev. and Mrs. J H. Mood, Mr. ( land Mayne, Mr. and Mrs. AV. O. Perry, Mrs. Alice Dunn and Miss Arlevia Burson are attending Ihe Oeorgia-Alaba- ma Convention at Wesst Point thi week. The Minister of the Christ - ian Church, Rev. S. P. Spiegel, is a former pastor of the Christian Church here. . Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bailey, of Jefferson, spent . Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Erastus Smith. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith and children spent Sunday in Jeffer son, with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dan iel. Mrs. A. L. Copeland, of Macon, spent several days recently with her neiee. Mrs. W. B. MeOants. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Harrison bad as their guests Sunday, Mrs Joe Adams, of Cham bice. Mrs. W. B. Treadwell and Dr. and Mis. Harold and Mrs. ('. T. Mathews, of Bethlehem, and Mr. Earl Park, of Chattanooga. THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. Airs. W. B. Treadwell, of Beth lehem, is spending this week with her neice, Airs. A. T. Harrison. Miss Alary Lou Segars, of Law reneeville, spent the week-end with home-folks. Air. and Airs. Jeff Segars, of Amerieus. are spending wo weeks v >th their parents here. Aliss Willie .Meadow spent last week in Atlanta. Misses Alary Meadow and Ola Thompson spent the week-end in Athens, the guests of relatives and friends. Rev. E. B. Clark, of Cornelia, spent last Sunday in the city the guest of Rev. and Airs. AY. 11. Faust. Mr. and Mrs. Brock and Mes dames Head, of Jefferson, spent a short while in Winder Sunday af ternoon and attended services at the First Baptist Church. Mrs. J. A. Hargrove and little daughters, Miriam and Marcia, of Crawford, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Maughon this week Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Woodruff gave a lovely dinner Tuesday in honor of Airs. J. A. Hargrove, of Crawford. Covers were laid for Airs. Hargrove, Mr. and Mrs. Sid ned .Maughon, Mr. and Mrs. AY. II Jennings and Mr. and Mrs. AYood ruff. Mr. T. A. Deaton, one of the hustlers of Cain’s district was in Winder Tuesday. Alr. Tom Fleeman, one of the clever and prosperous farmers of Cain’s district, was here on busi ness yesterday. Judge J. C. Lovin, of Auburn, route I, was in the city yesterady selling cotton. Remember the big sale of resi lience lots comes off on thr first Tuesday in December. These are the largest and prettiest lols ever offered in Winder to he so close in and so desirable. If you have a friend who wishes to locate here tell him about these lots. There will never he an opportunity like this again. Examine property and he on hand on the first Tuesday. CHRISTIAN CHURCH R. E. Moss. Minister. Sunday School 11:30. Claud Mayne, Supt. There was a good atendance last Sunday. Let’s have 150 present this Sunday for the special program. Morning Worship, 11 :30. Lord’s Supper and Sermon. Evening Wprship, 7:15. Song service and sermon. A cordial invitation to everyone. AVednesday evening service 7:15. Come. Our joint (Jeorgia-Alahama state missionary convention was well attended and full of enthu siasm. Everybody present enjoyed it. PENTECOST. Air. and Mrs. J. C. Hardigree and children, of Alontreal. spent several days with their mother, Mrs. 11. A. Hardigree. Miss Marie llaynie had as her guests Saturday night, Misses Pearlie and Zora Hammond. Misses Edna and Jewel Wil liamson spent Sunday with Miss Rosa Lee (’handler. Miss Jennie Hardigree spent Saturday night with her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Hammond, of Winder, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Chandler nad children spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wil liamson. Mr. Albert Page was the guest of Mr. Charlie Ferguson Sunday. Wanted—2s3 men for railroad service in France. Enlistments for 1 and 3 years. See the Sergeant at Broad and Candler Streets. Will be in your city week of Nov. 15-22 1919. For Sale—Six Cylinder five pas senger “Elcar” brand new. Ow ner leaving town. Apply H. M. Rankin at Bell Overall Cos. ...BiMe Gems... 11. K. Moss . “In the beginning (Jod created Heaven and the Earth.” “And darkness was upon the face of 1 he deep. ’ ’ “Ami <Jo<l said, “Let there be light.” and there was light.” “ And Cod called the light day, and the darkness He called night.” “And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” NEWS NOTES FROM FIRST BAPTIST. Sunday at 11:30 Mr. Claud Eth ridge President of the Atlanta B. Y. P. U. brought a very helpful and inspiring address to the mem bers of the First Baptist Church ron Young Peoples work in the 75 Million Campaign. , At 7:30 the pastor spoke to a full house on “Quiet Seasons of the Soul.” The following delegates will re present the church at Macon, at the State Convention this week. Rev. W. H Faust, AV. L. Blasin game, Alcsdarnes J. P. Williams, John M. Williams. J. K. Callahan, AV. M. Holsenbeck and Rev. AY E. Moore. The minutes of lie recent session of the Appalaehee Association are just out, and show the First Church at Winder to he in the lead of all the Churches of the body. The pastor will speak Sunday at 11:30 on “Echoes From The Ma eon Convention.” 7:30 }). m. “My Church.” A cordial welcome to all to the services. CHANDLERS. Aliss Alma Patrick spent Satur day night and Sunday with Misses Annie and Sallie Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. II H. Kennedy and children spent Sunday with Ah\ and Airs. Albert Kennedy. Mrs. Benue Helton and children were the guests of Mi. and Mrs. J. H. Sells Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Everett. A\ 7 e are sorry to note lhat Mr. J. AV. ('handler is very sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Peppers spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Helton. Miss Vester Loin speul Sun day afternoon with Miss Zillie Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Kennedy and children spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. H. R Kilerease. Miss Desma Sells was the guest of Miss Zillie Chandler Saturday night. Mr. Lucious Helton lias been very sick, Imt is improving some. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Brown and sister, of (Hosier, were the guests of Mr.a nd Mrs. M. A. Brown Sun day. Jollie Kennedy was the guest of Jack Patrick Sunday afternoon. LOST MONET I lost last Saturday p. m., one ten dollar bill and two ones, be tween Smith Mayne Mfg. Cos., and and Winder or in AVinder. Return to H. P. Oliver and get reward. WCHELUf RED INNER TUBES Auto supplies, the largest stoek carried in Winder. Smith Hard ware Cos. REWARD Lost class pin (spelling 1905) between niy home and Winder National Bank. Return to news office or J. B Mayo. W. C. T. U. MEETING. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. I'. will meet al the Christian Church Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Airs. Harry Segars will conduct the meeting. Airs. J. B. Parham, Press Agent. Friday November 21st. MARION DAVIS IN “The Burden of Proof” iimf $ < j j Hpppr •If ! Li ' ' '4H ■ - 13 • ... lb ' - Monday November 24th, Constance Talmadge IN “Romance in Arabelle” ‘ * AL M APGCf^ STRAND THEATRE ANNOUNCING THE Arrival of a car of “NEW DORTS” THE BIGGEST LITTLE CAR IN AMERICA. “NO HILL TOO STEEP, NO SAND TOO DEEP ” Several used cars at gargain prices. Call 150 for demonstration Auto Sales Cos I). L. Nowell J W. Carrington THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20th CANDY PULLING! For the benefit of the Parent- Teacher Association, the Winder High School pupils will give a candy pulling Friday evening at the School Auditorium at 7:3(1. 10c admittance, loads of fun! Everybody invited.