The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 27, 1919, Image 1

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VOLUME 4. NO. 4N Be Sure To Attend Baptist Thanksgiving Dinner CATCHES BIG ‘POSSUM IN HOUSE. Sunday night of last week. Mr. T. J. McElliannon, of near Win der. was aroused from liis slumber <by the violent barking of a small little dog which is a great pet and allowed to stay in the house at night. Mr. McElliannon jumped up and struck a light thinking perhaps, there was a burglar in tliejiouse. doing to an adjoining room to the one he was occupying he was agreeably surprised to find out there was no burglar present but that his little dog had treed a big fat ’possum in the room. He soon made him a prisoner, and is preparing to have one of the finest ’possum dinners on re cord. The ’possum was prowling around that night after somtliing good to eat. and thought he could dud it in Mr. McElhannon’s house so lie discovered a large cut hole in one of the doors and entered the home through this hole. ATTEND THE AUCTION SALE OF RESIDENCE LOTS IN WIN DER NEXT TUESDAY. Remember tbe auction sale of beautiful city lots of tbe J. C. De- LaPerriere property comes off iV*xt Tuesday." are the prettiest and most desirable residence lots ever offer ed for sale in Winder and it will pay you to attend this executor’s sale. There is no risk in buying \\ in der real estate. Sale will begin at 12,-30 p. ni., Tuesday. It will take place on tbe grounds and you will see every lot and the width of it before you make a bid. Tell your friends about this great sale and come yourself. HAS MOVED TO GAINES VILLE. Mr. A. D. Mineey and family moved to heir farm, just outside the incorporate limits of Gaines ville, last Tuesday. Mr. Mineey sold bis farm near Winder in tbe summer and bought the one to which he has just mov ed. He came to this immediate sec tion from Lumpkin County 19 years ago, and was one of our clever citizens and splendid farm ers. He had made many friends in Harrow County all of whom re gretted very much to lose him and family.- The farm he bought near Gain esville. is very desirable and well improved and Mr. Mineey will make it more valuable because he knows how to farm and how to improve land and make it better cverv year. DON T FORGET TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. - Quite a number of readers have come in during the past week to renew their subscriptions to The. Barrow Times. • If you have not done this don’t neglect it any longer. ‘ y You want your county paper and can hardly afford to be with out it. Now is the time to attend to tliifi important matter and we trust you will not forget it. THE BARROW TIMES MARION WHEELER SHOOTS SAM WOOD IN CAIN’S DISTRICT Adiff ieulty occurred between Marion Wheeler and Sam Wood at Carl. Manders’ Store in Cain’s District Tuesday afternoon in which Wheeler shot Wood. Wood did not live long after the shooting. Wheeler gave up, claiming he did the shooting in self defense. MR BRONSONS WORK PLEASED LADY AT WAR RENTON, GA A lady at War rent on, Oa., ship ed some furniture last winter to Mr. F. E. Bronson, of this city, to be upholstered. She was so well pleased that, last week she wrote Mr. Bronson she had some old Mahogony Fur niture she prized very much and wished to send it to him for up bolstering. It is fortunate for Winder that she has a man with few equals in this line of work and that persons with means from over the state have found it out and patronize him. It. is a big advertisement for Winder as well as for Mr. Bronson. HAS MOVED TO BEN HILL, GEORGIA. Mr. W. M. Dillard and family, of Hie Carter Hill neighborhood, left today fors Ben Hill, Ga., 15 miles beyond Atlanta, where they will make their future home. Bill Dillard is a splendid fellow and one of our fine farmers, and his many friends regret very much to loose him as a citizen. SERIOUSLY BURNED AT SAVANNAH. Mr. W. A. Brooks of our ciity, received a telegrarm Tuesday from Mr. Gadsden Phillips, of Savannah, stating that his wife bad been seriously burned and was dying. Mrs. Phillips caught on fire from a gass radiator in her room. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are close relatives of Mr. Brooks and have frequently visited here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. BOGART CHURCH EXCEEDS QUOTA i *" Sunday afternoon at the close of an inspiring service the mem bers of the Bogart Baptist Church exceeded their quota in the 75 Million Campaign. The pastor in taking the offer ing said that all the members were not present, but that enough were there and tugging at the others to go over the top in fine fashion. The team workers will see all those unseen and get a worthy contribution from every member big and little, old and young, rich and poor. The church gave six times as at any previous time in its history. PRINCIPAL OP COUNTY LINE SCHOOL. Miss Hattie Williams, of Colum bia, Kentucky, who ban accepted a position as Principal teacher of Bounty Line School, arrived last Friday and is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Carlyle. Mrs. Carlyle is also a Kentucky lady. WINDER, BARROW COUNTY. GA.. THURSDAY. NOVKMUKR 27. ll*| REV. R. E. MOSS ELECT ED PRESIDENT OF CONVENTION. At the joint convention of the Georgia and Alabama Christian Churches held in West Point, last week, Rev. R. E. Moss, of Winder, was elected president for the en suing year, for Georgia, and Mrs. John 11. Wood was elected presi dent of the Christian Woman’s Board of Mission for Georgia. Those who attended from Win der report this a great convention and one enthusiastic and deter mined to do greater things. The reports from both states were very encouraging and show ed a large increase in membership and contributions to the different organizations of the. church. REVIVAL AT COURT HOUSE Rev. T. N. Harrison, the well known R. R. Engineer Evangelist will conduct a 15 days meeting at the Court House, Winder, Ga., be ginning Monday 7:30 p. m. Dec. the Bth, God is using this man and through him is doing a wonderful work. The music will be in charge of Prof. A. R. Walton, the well known composer, publisher and di rector of Atlanta, Ga., and will be one of the special features of the meeting. Everybody welcome. Come you will enjoy it. DIED IN JAIL. Tom Daniel, colored, an old Winder negro was tried Monday for lunacy and placed in pail. Sheriff Camp went to his cell Tuesday morning to carry him to Milledgeville, and found him dead. STORES WILL CLOSE. Most of the stores in Winder will be closed Thanksgiving day. | This is a day in which all of us should forget the business cares and feel thankful that we are liv ing in a country that i.s thhe best on the clobe. A GRATEFUL THANKSGIVING FOR J. T. STRANGE CO. J. T. Strange Cos. wish to say to all the people, that this Thanks giving i.s one in which they feel very ygrateful, because they in common with all of you have so much for which to be thankfuL The soldier boys are all back home, the country Ls settling down and our people are prosperous. They are thankful that, the far mers have made good crops and have reeeiveda price for their cot ton that will enable them to enjoy the comforts and pleasures of life and feel they have been rewarded for their labor. They are thankful that all class es are prosperous and have made money. They are thankful for living in this great country, among good people and prosperous and pro gressive citizens. They ure thankful for tlie gene rous patronage they have received and the apprciation shown them for their efforts to supply their needs and satisfy them in their purchases. They will close their large de partment store for Thanksgiving with grateful hearts for all the blessings of the past year and wishing a bright and happy fu ture for one and all of you. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY ENFORCE THE AUTOMO BILE LAWS FOR ALL VIOLATORS. It is a violation of the state laws to allow a child under 1b years of age to drive an Automobile and this law should be enforced. But there are other violations of Hie lew concerning Automobiles that should be as strictly enforc ed as 1 he former violation. Persons who race on the streets and turn corner’s running 40 miles an hour are as dangerous or more so than the boys and girls under lb Those running cars intoxicat ed on the streets and public high ways are greater violators than the young drivers and a stop should be put to it. The time has come when the safety of our citizens demands a more vigilant looking after all of tiiese violators and a strict enfor cement of the law. MR. A 0. CROZIER VISITS SISTER. Mr. Alfied Crozier, of New York City, visited his sister, Mis. John 11. Wood last Saturday and Sun day. It was a happy meeting as they had not seen each other for 14 years. Mr. Crozier is one of New Y/’k ’a prominent business men and also a man of considerable lit erary attainments, being tlie auth or of several books. He was on his way to Florida, and stopped here to spend the above time with his sister. BRAKES INTO L. F SELL’S STORE. A negro broke into the store of Mr. L. !•’. Sell, over in Jackson Coitnty. last Saturday night. He was caught Monday by Sher iff Camp, of this county, and poli ceman <l. G. Sikes, of Winder, in a barn on the Dalton farm in Per. teeost District. Policeman Sikes built the barn in which tbe negro was found 17 years ago. EACK FROM CHARLESTON Mr. W. C. Horton spent part of last week in Charleston, S. <’., looking after tbe big Overall Plant, just established in that city. President Horton i.s enthusi astic over the outlook of this plan! which is now moving on nicely with several hundred contented young ladies turning out daily hundreds of Overalls LAST ONE BACK -i — Mr. H. H. Attaway, of Cos. 8., was discharged last Saturday and is at home. He was the last one of this com pany to get, back and received a warm welcome by his old comrades and friends. Mr. Attaway is looking well and hearty and is proud to be home once more and out of service. IN PHILADELPHIA Messrs. George Thompson and Brisco Williams are in Philadel phia this week buying their stock of hardware and building mater ial for the new building and lum ber business they will open up in a short while. FORMER CITIZEN OF WINDER ILL The friends in and around Win der. of.M r. Dee Morris, will learn with much sorrow that he is very low at his home in Atlanta and not expected to live many days. Mr. Morris is an old confederate soldier and native of Jackson Gounty, but before, moving to At lanta had resided in Winder for a number of years. GEORGIA W. C. T. U. PLANS ORGANIZING ALL CHRISTIAN WOMEN OF STATE. At the recent State Convention at Monroe, among other import ant work outlined for the coming year was the unfolding of a defi nite plan to organize all the Chris tian women of Georgia into this one big Christian inter-denomina tional organization. The plan com bines the work of the Churches and the Woman’s Christian Tem perance Union into one aim and purpose and demands personal work on the part of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union mem bers in all the churches through out the state for the betterment of Church conditions and the streng thening of the work of the W. (\ T. U. Every Christian woman in the state will be invited personally to join this “Mighty Army” for Righteousness and combine her prayers and efforts in this organi zation which embraces women of every race and creed in the world. This brings into working force the Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and all foreign Nations in be world and bands all together for one great aim and purpose for the ad vancement of God’s Kingdom arid the happiness and welfare of hu manitv. The Slogan of tbe organization for this movement its “Like a Mighty Army Moves the Church 1 of God,” and tbe Army idea is carried out in that the women who will have special charge of the work in the State, Counties and Cities will be known as “Cap tains.” The woman in charge of the State Work will he termed “Chief of Staff,” those in charge of Counties “Head Captains,’ those in charge of Cities or Towns “Captains,” and all assistants “Lieutenants. ” Mrs. W. (Cotton of Columbus has been appointed to take charge ot Hie State Work and Mrs. \V. ( Horton in this County will he Head Captain. At a very early date the local plans will be completed and “Cap tains” for the various Churches will be named and actual work in our town will begin, and it is hop ed that with the united efforts of all W. <'. T. I', women, the great aim and purpose of this great movement will be successfully ac complished. It is hoped that every I 1 'hristian woman in our commun ity "ill do her part in this great work. GOES TO PRESS ON WEDNES DAY On account of Thursday being Thanksgiving day we are mailing out The Times on Wednesday this week so as to give our printers and force the privilege of celebrat ing Thursday. Dr.VV.L. DeLaperriere spent the week-end with bis wife, who is at the. borne of her father, Mr. Stan ton. 51.50 IN ADVANCE BONDED STORAGE WARE HOUSE. -r s In last weeks issue of our two county papers l had an article about building a Storage Ware house here, and calling a meeting to be held in the court house Fri day afternoon, Noverber 28th at two thirty o’clock. Each of our pa pers made a mistake as to the date our meeting is to he held and E am writing this to correct the er ror Monday Noverber 24t,h, T was visited by a representative of the Bureau of Markets, United States Department of Agriculture, Wash ington I). ( ’., in answer to a letter from me to the Bureau of Mar kets about the warehouse we are planning to build. This reprcseit ative and may be one or two other good men on this subject may be with us at our meeting Friday. Let each farmer and all other business men of our county and our neighboring counties that would like to have a real storage warehouse in which to store their cotton and other stapie products, he present at this meeting. Do not forget the DATE, Friday afternoon, November 28th, TIME, two thirty o’clock, PLACE, Court house. Yours for service, W. lIILL HOSCH, County Ag ricultural Agent. STINCHCOMBE HERRIN. A beautiful wedding took place in Pendergrass Wednesday after noon when Miss Annie Stinch combe, of that town, and Mr. Har old Herrin, of Winder, were unit ed in marriage. Rev. John 11. Mashburn, of this city, performed the ceremony, making them one for life. Mrs. Oscar Sumnicrour played tbe wed ding march and Miss Annette !<iuillian sang. “I Love Thee Truly.” 1 This young couple start out in lile with a blight future and with a hosts of warm friends who wish lor them success and happiness. The bride is one of Pendergrass* charming an attractive young la dies and tbe groom one of Win der’s popular young men with an ambition to accomplish something in life. He is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Herrin, of our city. Immediately after the marriage they left for Memphis, Tenn., and other points and on their return l will he at home to their friends. MRS. DAVE THOMAS BETTER. The friends of Mrs. Dave Thom as. will rejoice to learn she is much hotter and considered out of dan ger. It was thought Monday morning she could not live but a few hours. IN SOUTH GEORGIA. Mi*. <i. W. Smith and Dr. Saxon spent a few days this week near Montezuma, on Mr. Smith’s fine farm. This is one of the best farms in South Georgia, containing 2100 acres. FOR SALE. I pair of Mules in good condi tion. For cash or will trade for cotton. See I. K. Jackson and Cos. We have some hot blast, heaters we carried over, we are offering at special prices. Smith Hardware Cos