The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 27, 1919, Image 7

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SOLDIERS AT AUBURN, GA WELCOME TO RETURNED Return Soldier and Sailor Avel corne aU Auburn. On Saturday niglit, *Nov. 81 h 1919 the girls of the Truth Seeker Sunday School Class of the M. E. Church, of Au burn, gav<e a beautiful reception to the eighteen members of its class who answered the call to the colors during the recent war. The was arranged in the church, which was beautifully de corated for the occasion with Hags and autumn leaves bedecking the walls and potted flowers and rugs making the auditorium, which for the mos part was bear of its seats, present a very homelike apperance The teacher, Mrs. Parrish, wave one of her helpful talks as a wel come the substance of which is as follows: Many a noble Soul has been con fronted with tbe choice of death or ignorny. We are glad to have among us tonight those who we believe would choose death as tbe less of tbe two evils. Onr brave soldiers who died re cently only did what those we-wel eonie here tonigh would have done if hey had had a chance “Give us liberty or give us death,” was no boastbut it came from the very depth of their hearts. What have done, said to us: If humanity can be honest and noble and free, it is worth while to live, otherwise existance would become a burden and a curse ' It is the higher life alone that can justify the pains and struggles of existance in this ■world! we saw you go away from us boys, our hearts were burdened and we w ere bowed down with sorrow. We w ere forced to rely on that one who was acquainted with grief, and when comfort came, how our hearts filled with joy and pride that you entertained a thought of others, a feeling of un selfishness. a spirit akin to that manifested on Calvary. How we missed you, and how we prayed that God would make you strong to overcome temptation. As much as we hoped that none of those blue stars would turn to Gold, much more did we hope, that much more did Ave hope, that whatever came to you, would live out what someone has called the gospel of the new world. “BE YE MEN.’’ Yes we prayed that you might be strong courageous and true. Since in Gods wisdom you have been permitted to come back to us, our hearts are glad and our souls rejoice at every evidence that our prayers have been answ ered. We are glad to see you prove in the cause for which you so bra vely offered yourselves by show- interest in the welfare of your own community. We know that on the morals, on the spirit ual standing of each community depends the welfare of our nation. Yes we welcome you here tonight just as we vrelcome you to every thing that makes for the better ment of this Community and ex tends its influence throughout the whole world. There is something thrilling to have fellowship in a faith that not only removes mountains, but brid ges, oceans and puts a girdle of brotherhood around the globe. In every church in America where hangs the service flag with its stars of blue and gold eloquent tokens of the magnificant res ponse of American youth to the call of the colors, should hang an other flag distinguished not by staffs but by crosses, identifying the soldiers out on the battleline for the Swordless Prince. Soldier boys, you who are re presented by those stars, should we hang such a flag here would you each one be represented by tlbe cross! Are you living Christ, by day in this community? That the world may be won for him? The beloved Captain has commissioned the finest youth in all the land to be of that white company and only such can be a true soldier of his country. After the address of welcome a number of contests and games Avere enjoyed between frequent visits to the sumptuous Punch bowl after which delicious fruit salid and Avaffers were served and the class Avas favored by a few brief remarks by Tom Ethridge thankin h'f! od for the soldiers and sailors return and the home people for their loyalty and the class for its kindness. This is a good Sunday School Class, has done much work through its organized efforts for the community and for the church nad now has in its treasury some tAventy dollars for improvements for the church. THE NEED FOR BETTER FARMING SYSTEMS. The most real and vital problem before farmers just at this time is to work out a safe and sane sys tem of farming; one that will in clude crops to enrich instead of wear out our land; one that will include plenty of good livestock to consume the surplus products and the leguminous crops that must be grown to enrich the land and to make manure to still further en rich the land—a system of farm ing that will grow the necessary corn, oats, wheat, rye, sugar cane vegetables, fruits of all kinds, hogs, mules, horses, cattle, sheep and other livestock for home use and to sell at a profitable price. The growing of cotton impover ishes the soil, and the attempt to keep up the fertility of the soil by the use of commercial fertilizer must give way to anew system of farming. In this new system of farming, we will practice a rota tion of crops including leguminous crops, such as cowpeas, soy beans, peanuts, and lespedeza, and the crops grown will be largely fed to good livestock, the manure care fully saved and applied to the soil, and the necessary commercial fer tilizer judiciously applied. The too exclusive culture of cotton has exhausted the humus or the life-giving principle in our soils; the washing and leaching of our clean cotton fields have gone on to such an extent that millions of acres of the best land.will not yield profitable crops of cotton, grain or grasses. The too exclusive culture of cotton establishes the credit system. As long as we rais ed corn, oats, wheat, rice, sugar cane, potatoes, fruits and vegeta bles, had good pastures and hay meadow s, raised plenty of poultry hogs, sheep, goats, mules, horses, cattle, and other livestock, there was no necessity for the credit system.—The Progressive Farmer. W. T. RANDOLPH. Physician and Surgeon Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga., Phones: office 303 Res. 311 All Calls answered promptly Medici n e Furnished. KELLEY, KELLEY & SDVIS. Attorneys at Law Winder, Ga. Office over City Pharmacy. GET SLOAN’S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it in to get quick, comfort ing relief Once you’ve tried it on that stiff joint, sore mascle, sciatic pain, rheu matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. Won’t stain the skin, leaves no, muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. . A large bottle means economy. Your own or an/ other druggist has it. Get it today. 35c. 70c. $1.40. v Sloan's Liniment Keep it handy TOE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPER TY. GEORGIA—BARROW COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of Barrow County granted on the '2oth day of November, 1919, Avill he sold be fore the court house door of said county, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in December, 1919, within the legal hours of sale, the following personal property of the estate of 0. 1). Austin, deceased, to-Avit : One mule, medium size, dark bay color, about 7 years old. Terms of sale cash. Mrs. O. D. Austin. Administra trix Estate of 0. D. Austin, De ceased. Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman’s tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: ‘‘l had a general breaking-down of my health. 1 was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, .. . and the pains were very severe. A friend told me I had tried every thing else, why not Cardui ? ... I did. and soon saw it was helping me . . . After 12 bottles, 1 am strong and well." TAKE The Woman’s Tonic Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women who suffered—it should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how if helped her. Try Cardui. AO Druggists !.T Croup Threatens Quick relief of baby's croup often forestall* a serious situation when this dreaded disease comes in the late hours of night. WILL POT 3LUH me CLOTHES I Mothers should keep e Jar of Brame’c Vaponen* th* Salve convenient. Whets Croup threatens, tin* delightful salve rubbed well Into baby’a throat, chest and under the arms, will relieve the chokinr break congestion. and promote restful sleep. Takes fiace of nauseating drugs. Used extensively by phy sicians in combating croup, colds, pneu monia. esc. in children as well as crown-ops all drag stores or sent Brame Drug L Wilkesboro, H. C. TENNESSEE LADYJUN-DOWN And Hurt In Side Of Her Heed. Is Bene fited By Hie Use of ZIRON Iron Tonic. After severe illness, overwork, worry, grief, accidents, etc., the greatest need of the weakened system is a tonic that gives quick, dependable strength. In such cases, try Ziron Iron Tonic. Ziron is a pleasant medicine, having the strengthening etfects of iron with other valuable building ingredients. Read what Mrs. Emma Manus, of Las cassas, Tenn., says about it: “I was weak and run-down, not able to do my work. My trouble was all in the side of my head. 1 heard of Ziron and got a bottle, and I am glad to say it has done me more good than anything. Ziron is a splendid tonic.” Try Ziron. It may be jiisi the medi cine you need. Ziron contains no habit forming drugs. It is a safe, reliable tonic, good for children, men and women. Sold by druggists on a money-back guarantee. Your, Blood Needs “ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY COLD! “That’s Dr. King’s New Dis covery for fifty years a cold-breaker” NOTHING but sustained quality and unfailing effectiveness can arouse such enthusiasm. Noth ing but sure relief from stubborn old colds and onrushing new ones, grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Dr. King's NeAv Discovery the nationally popular and standard remedy it is today. Fifty years old and always reliable. Good for the whole family. A bottle In the medicine cabinet means a short lived cold or cough. 60c. and $1.20 All druggists. Give it a trial. Regular Bowels Is Health Bowels that move spasmodically— free one day and stubborn the next should be healthfully regulated by I>r King's New Life Pills. In tills waj you keep the impurities of waste mat ter from circulating through the sys tem by cleansing the bowels thorough ly and promoting the proper flow ol bile. Mild, comfortable, yet always relia ble, Dr. King's New Life Pills work with precision without the coustipatior results of violent purgatives. 25c. at usual at all druggists. j VI fl lp) \x K'jt \ m If tf j //// look akat’s here— I I | BLUDWINE!” II 1 rl I in 1 I With what eager anticipation each trainftil cf oougbboys would ciowd | 1 to the windows and how they all enjoyed the refreshing coclnes.u the i lvigorating p<-pof deliciou3 Trainload after trainload —thousands and thousands of soldiers- have voiced their appreciation of the faithful, untiring service of the Athens Red Cross Canteen Committee and the drink which was served to them. In fact, the Committee reports: "Many different drinks have been served to our soldiers, but no drink has proved so satisfactory as the delightful punch made from the Bludwine syrup. They enjoyed it greatly." ■ You, too, will enjoy this tempting drink. You will like it because it is'made from grains and fruits —because it’s pure and wholesome and healthfully nutritious. Try Bludwine todays “It makes you glad you’re thirsty." ; ' ■ The liiiuhcine formula it mcnetl, protected and guaranteed by Bludwine Company, Athens, Ga. Telephone your grocer for a case today Winder Bludwine Bottling Works, Winder, Ga. PUBLIC SALE In Ben Smith’s District, near Bill Perry Old Home Place. I Will Sell Next Wednesday, Dec. 3rd to the highest bidder on my farm in Ben Smith's district near the Bill Per ry old home-place, the following ar ticles and live stock: 2 mules, 1 heifer, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 buggy, farm tools of all kinds, set of blacksmith tools, 300 or 400 bundles of fodder, and 1 Ford automobile. Sale will begin at 10:30 A. M. Attend this sale and get some bargains. Wiley W. Patrick SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF KVr 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has enabled suffering humanity to withstand attacks of kidney. liVer, bladder and stomach troubles and all diseases connected with the urinary organs and to build up ond restore to health organs weakened hy disease. These most important organs must be watched, because they filter anti purify the blood; unl-ss they do their work *ou are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach troo tle, pains In the loins and lower ab domen. gravel, difficulty when urinat ing. rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago all warn you of trouble with your kid neys GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th sules are the remedy you need. Take three or four every day. The healing oil soaks into the cells and lining of the kidneys and drives out the poisons. New life and hoialth will surely follow. When your normal vigor has been re stored continue treatment for a while to keep yourself ia coalition and pre vent n rot urn of the disease. Uon't wait until you are Incapable of fighting. Sturt taking Gf)LD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today Your drug grist will < heerfully refund your money if you are not satisfied with results. Hut be sure to get the orig inal Import ed GOLD MEDAL and accept no sub stitutes. In three sizes. Healed pack ages At all drug stores * A'