The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, December 11, 1919, Image 5

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Social and Personal News Tea for Miss Thelma Woodruff. On Saturday afternoon a lovely Tea was given for Miss Wo ><!ruff, by .Misnames R. Ij. end Howard. Rogers, at their beautiful home oi Center street. Tlw home never looked prettier than <>n this oooa-: sion. The eolor scheme ol red and green was carried out in the par lor, living room and dining room, lending in a most effective way the Christmas spirit. The lights were softly shaded easting a pret ty glow on the whole scene. Tn Ihe receiving line were: Mesdamcs !{. L. Rogers. Howard R gets, C. \V. WuodrnlT ami Misses Thelma and Ruhv Woodruff and fieri rude Rogers. Mesdames Reha Vonder lrith and IV IV Jackson s* rved ehoeolate and wad rs in the par lor. and seated in the dining room a delightful salad course with acid was served. One hundred friends called during the afternoon. Teachers Entertained. Last Friday evening at six o’clock in the Domestic Science Department of the Winder Public, School, Rev. and Mrs. \\ H. Faust, and Miss Ivy and tiie ninth grade cooking class, were hosts to the teachers composing the Facul ty. Resides the teachers, there were present. Dr. C. IV Almond, Non. If. A. Carithers. Mr. T. W. It arson and Miss Mildred Thrasher. A bountiful six course dinner was served with Turkey as the center, and those present enthusiastically declare that the class led by Miss Ivey is one of the most efficient in the entire school. Mr. and Mrs. Faust have both been intimately connected wi*h and vitally concerned in t rebel’s an'd educational matters, thrs 1 yqprs, having taught themselv's tiu’.y are always deeply int- rested in the schools and teachers. Miss Reunotte W. odrutY is home from <• X I <'. !■ r the wed ding of her sister. Miss Thelma Woodruff. Miss Sadie Harris u ill leave Fri day for Fiber ton to spend the week-end with friends. Miss (iraee Jackson will have as her guest this week-etui. Miss Annie Hill, of H< seliton. Mrs. A. S. Fberbart will enter tain the Missionary Soei-ty oi the Methodist ehureh, next Monday afternoon at 3 oYlo<*V, ad the members art* urged to be present. Miss Minnie O'ive Park, of Shorter College, is lit jx* for th Woodmfi -Fates wed. ’ ine, Mr. Guy Jackson spent Tuesday in Athens. JMrs. Carl Fata? returned home Tuesday, after spending days with Mr. attd Mrs Claude of Atlanta. Mr Robert Farrington spent Sunday with relatives in Atlanta. Don’t forget the linzagr and Oyster supper at the < 'liris'iao church, Thursday, Dec*, lith. Th * bazaar will open at 5 p. m. and th *■ o’clock. ('oiue and buy y ur Christmas pres ids at the ' azitar and eat oyster; to your hearts content. Rain or shine, the bazaar will open and the oysters will b** served. A cordi 1 invitation and a royal welcome to all. Mrs. J. R. Uosch. o f Atlanta was the guest of Mrs. Arch Perry last week. Mrs. P. P. Jennings returned to her home in Powder Springs Mon day. after spending a few days with Mrs. Arch Perry. Mrs. J. H. Lokey and baby are spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. T R. Smith at Talbot tom Mrs. James Purford. of Atlan ta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I L. At Cook. K Mrs. Green Graham left last Pveek for Hot Springs, where she will take treatment for several weeks. WEEK’S CALENDAR. Monday Mrs. Claud Mayne en tertained the Helen H. Muses Di vision of the Missionary Society. Tuesday A Matinee Party was given in lutin r of Miss Thelma ; Woodruff, by M's. A. 1). McCurry and Mrs. S. T. Ross. Tuesday—The regular monthly 'meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of the Christian Church met in the church p&rloi* at 3 o’clock, i Wednesday—Mr. and Mrs. <!. W. Woodruff will entertain the Woodruff-Estes wedding party at a luncheon. Thursday The Ladies of the Christian Church will have a bn za a: in the basement of the church during the afternoon and in the evening an oyster supper. Thursday Evenin' The wed ding of Miss Thelma Woodruff an 1 Mr. Joe Es'es at 1 lit* home of the bride’s parents, on Broad Str et. i Friday— Aliases Ida and Allene Kilgore will be lmstsses at a large recaption at their home on Ste- 1 phens Street, for Mrs. tiny Kil gore. a recent bride. Friday Evening—A reeepriom will be given by Mr. <mu Mis. Wil liam J. Herrin, at their home n Midland Ave.. in honor of Mr. and Airs. Harold Herrin. ; Thursday— Alfa. I*. A. Flanigan 1 ' . . ; and Mm. H. T. Flanigan will hi joint hostesses at a party at the house of Mrs. P. A. Flanigan, in honor of Afiss Mildred Thrasher, a bride elect. Mrs. Georgia Durham has re turned from a-i extended visit to Mrs. James Woodruff, at Eaton tou. Judge (i. A. Johns and Col. .Toe QuilHan wire in Law reneevill M<v- -lay on business. Mr. I. E. Jackson spent Friday in A.tlanta rm' business. Mesdames If. T. Flanigan and G. A. Johns spent Thursday in Athens. Mrs. J. lb Phillips, of Monroe, ts x 1 iondinv a few days with It**" da’ g’lter. Mrs. W. L. Jackson w?*o br>s h rt ou ill. Miss Irene Davis has be**n con fined to her room from Mumps. Mrs. L. M. Mayne is the guest of her brother in Powder Springs, fc’- t ,r o wo ’t s ’ and wII visi' friends in Atlanta before return ing home. Col .1. A. Perry, of Atlanta, spent Thursday here. Tattle Misses Sonic Johns and Mary Lamar J* spent thf week-end in Social Circl-t with Miss Polly Johns. Mr. John Kilgow* and Mates Ida and Allene KU ore and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Viblae.k attended the Kilgore-Coehran wedding in Atlanta last week. Mrs. Th A. Flanigan returned Monday from a two weeks' visit to her sister. Mm J. T. Wages in Macon. Mrs. Kd Redingfield and Miss Bert Pirkle -spent Monday in At hurts*. Dr. and Mrs. K. F. Saxon and Mr. Alh'n Saxon snout Sunday with'their parents at Farmington. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bra. 11 y. Rev. U. K. Moss. Mr. Claud Mayne and Mr. k lb Jackson went down to Athens Sunday afternoon and took part in the special program at the Christian Church Cere. Mr. A Perry spent Monday in Atlanta on basluess. Mr W F. Ho:ton bus been in dlspr se*i for several days. D* A. ians and Mr. Zion Hen drix, of Bethlehem, were in Win der Tuesday. Did you eve * see such a rainy spell and so much of it.. Think a ’itth before ycu answer. We for ~rt othe’* rainy periods when we have another one. There seems to l>e an epidemic of colds in Winder and through* ,jt the THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. REVIVAL SERVICES AT COURT HOUSE. Rev. T. A, Harrison, the Rail road Evangelist, will begin a ser ies of meetings at the Court House tonight at 7 :30. lie is a great Evan elist and his meetings will he undenomination al. Prof. A. R. Watson will he in charge of the music and requests all singers to assist him. Ti e public cordially invited to attend the services and help make it a great meeting for good. + PUBLIC SALE. Mr. G. W. Boss will have a pub lic sale at his home at Carl, next ; Tuesday, of corn, fodder and shop tools and some household articles. Sale begins at 10 o’clock. MR GARLAND SMITH VISIT ING PARENTS. Mr. Garland-Smith, who i-iwith the Western Union Telegraph Cos., is visiting his parents at Buchan rton this week, while away AD - . Bishop, of Athens, is taking his place. If you have money to loan I can place it for you on approved veal estate at good interest rat's, j titles investigated and papers drawn securely.—AV. If. Quart ev- Postmaster W. H. MeCants was quite ill the first of the week. Mr. J. T. Strange is out again aft< r a few days illness. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller and son, of Bogart, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. <’. S. Williams. Misses Floy Strickland and Mary Lou Sugars, of Law renee . illc. spent li st week-end here. Big Auctic n Sale of Gleenwood prone'ity to take place Saturday, Dee. Itffb. IS 19. Ke> f. !’, Jocks n & Coup ay’s Ad this issue. WANTED. well digger. Apply either to John 11. Wend. Jackson House. Winder, or to Dean Jno. V. Thom as, at Auburn, Ha. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. H. K. Moss. Minister. Don’t forget Ladies Aid Bazaar Mid Oyster supper Thursday lith, at five o’clock and seven o’clock. Bazaar opened promptly at five and oysters will be served at seven both in the excellent basement dining room of the ehureh. Com?. A royal welcome awaits you. Don’t forget Sunday School at. 10:30 o’clock. Claud Mayne, Supt.j Christmas joys are being planned; for the young folks and every one. j Don’t forget ehureh services at 11 -.30 and 7 :15 o’clock Lord’s sup-1 p<u* and sermon at the m ruing hour of worship, subject : “The Value of Christian Baptism.” the text will be Ist Peter 3:21. I The ladies will have char e of the night service. Avery attrac tive program lias been planned in the form of a religious pageant. The rain last Sunday night caused the program to be postponed to next Sunday night. Tire tableaux of young ladies and young folks in the colored lights will be a very special feature. Many will be glad to know of the opportun ity to see the pageant and hear the special speeches and songs as few have hud the pleasure of at tending a pagant of such pictures que tableaux, representing so much of the life of India and lauds of the -Fast. Come snd en joy this program in which forty ladies and young people take part. A eordiel invitation is extended to every one and a royal welcome awaits all who come to witness and enjoy this pageant and thus to worship in the house of God. FOR NEXT SUNDAY EVENING Because of the downpour of rain last Sunday evening the pro gram that had been arran ed by the Woman’s Missionary Society * J of the Christian Church will he j rendered on next Sunday evening. Dec. 14lh. This program in the form of a pageant, is given to eele ihrate the Forty-Fifth Anniver sary, of the Society, and so pro poses to set forth in tableau, vers - and song, the forms of work, as > 1 Mrs. Charlie Saunders and Miss Floy Spence, of Eainesville. spent last week with Mrs. Annie .lack son. Mr. and Mrs. A. \. Camp spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Camp spent several days in Atlanta last week. Mrs. Bob Camp left Saturday, for Washington and New York, to he the guest of her parents. Cap tain and Mrs. Charles Roberts. Mr. Nixon Rainey was the guest of friends last week. Misses Ora Lee and Pauline Camp were among those who heard John McCormick in Atlanta last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Morris and Mrs. 11. R. Croger. of Frankfort, Kv.. are visiting Mis. J. M. Mor ris this week. well as the achievements of all these years of service. Music will he rendered through out the program "by a male quart et: AH visitors will be warmly vv* l eomecl. 1 Following is the program as outlined: Song—f'(munition Hymn. Prayer— Led by Pastor, i Introduction— Mrs. J. H. Wood. Spirit of W. B. M.—Mis. J. T. Walden. Tableau: The Spirit of Prayer Mrs. \V. <). Perry. Pioneers- Mesdames Wood, Hurson, Anthony. I First Workers -Mesdames Jack - son, Hodges and Miss Lowe The Ohildrcnof foreign homes The Winder Dry Goods Store We have or.l MID eleven more buying and selling days from n>w u lti! Christmas; How much more buying ha/e you to do? Have you thought it over seriously? The Winder Dry Goods Store \ e are iot going to stop here to en":ii. ;* it* a’ l the g ,<l ‘l Hungs that <ve to offer you-you know H*> wo carry tv ary-thin -to vv i and many other things her ides. On all Men’s and I toys’ Suits ands. Ladies und Misses Suits, Fonts a:d Hets, wo rre • oing t*> nuke s’me very substantial reductions from now until the holidays. Ahu : . (1“ fifteen Ladies and Misses Suits, good style:-, and beautiful rm.teri. ls. to go us long us they last at about one-fourth off. About (40) Lundies and Misses Coats; the newest st.vl < and cloths, to go at prices that will make you smile. All Ladies and Misses Hats at just about half kite regular mk. Bed Blankets We ha\ ’nt many Blankets left, but we are g iug to give you a lit tle rake-off or these anyhow. $6.00 Good Heavy Cotton Blankets, to £0 at $7.50 Pretty Plaid Blankets; mighty gv od, at _$6A $14.00 Wool Blf-nkets, white and solid colors, at $11.60 $20.00 Paid A)l-\Vocl Blankets; r-ee there at $17.50 The mov beautiful assortment of Ladies Getrgette and Crepe de Chine Waists and* that we have ever shown—and you know they make rnigbtv nice Christmas presents. gr.(*eT x. oT-tmenl * Mo v s lies, ! lam He. chiefs, S* x, , rid (ilo*. cLacies and ( h*’<’. -i .md e ■ hie s gel to. and a b utiful line of Silk r b Decs r Hr rrfs. Hand Bags. Statmneiy and many oth er tilings toe* * nmerouH to modioli. And b.e :-.;i :ot hi; we knve r.. 1 >'< rgi tte.-. the little folks. W f l ave lots of IMI Babies fur til of v< u' D !L, large Del’s, nretty D. 11s, ugly -s clean D Us. good Dolls awl then some more dolls. Watch r s --tv r i - l i. w next week and sec all there pretty tkircK. UNDERWkAR. Men’s Ribbed Shirts and Drawers. $1.25 value at 95c $2.50 Union Knits at Women’s $1.26 Shirt* t $1.25 Pants fat • C‘2 50 Unior SC 4 - 1 . t sl.W> ChUdrns’ K 7 Waist Unions 85c to $1.50 YOPRS FOR THE BIGCEST AND BEST CHRISTMAS THAT TOU HAVE EVER HAD. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The North Georgia Trust & Banking Cos. located at Winder, La., at the close of business December 2nd 1919. RESOURCES. Pcmaiui Loans 46,530.00 Time Loans 435,225.tT Overdrafts, seeurril 5,465,99 Overdrafts, unsecured 5,269.67 Bunds mid Stocks on ned by the Hank 257,453.71 Hanking House 1.0(1 Furniture and Fixiuris 11,962.51 Duo from Banks and Bankers in this State 130,818.65 Due front Banks and Bankers in other states 8)3,862.35 Currency $, Gold Silver. Nickels, etc..i4 Cash Items 23014.43 Advances on Cot lon 310.8(11.40 37)4,717.48 Bills of Exchange >0’,.27 War Savings Stu |>s Kf,(i.47 Insurance Pep. Account Ree... .6,359.33 1,340,125.60 STVTF OF GEORGIA Burrow County. Before me came W. F. Hubbard Cashier, of North Ga. Trust & Banking Cos.. v,lm being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of saiil Bank, as shown by the books of tile ill said Bank. W. F. HUBBARD, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Uth day of December, 1010. ALY IF. HILL, N. P. Barrow County, On. Mildred Oldham, Alice Eugene Dunn. Sunie Johns, Cruder \\ ood. The < ’hildrcn of the D-uneland — Nancy m and Mary Louise Walden. Gladys Thompson, M-uy Mayne, Lawson Hill and H rlov Tones Education —Gladys Harris, Ge 11, eva Jones, Wilba Hutchins, Doris Jones, Ruby Craft, Helen .lack son. and Bobbie Maffett. The Fields—lndia - Mrs. Claude Mayne. Chime Mrs. Vella Mae Smith. Japan—Mrs. W. A. B ad ley. Canada Mrs. Mark Sims. ' mci ’can Indians Mrs. l-.ias -Imk Smith, Unit ct 1 Slates M rs. I . *hi non Wid’ams. South America—Aliss Mary THTRSD'Y, DECEMBER Uth LIABILITIES. Capi-al Stock Paid In 200.1MM1.00 Surplus Fund 30.iM10.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses, Interest and Taxes Paid ~0.233.58 Due to Banks ami Bankers in t bis Slate 47,687.24 Due Cut aid Div idends 328.00 Individual Deposits Subject to Cheek 020,717.36 Savings Deposits 22,778044 Time Ccrtitientos 116,501.13 Cashier’s Cheeks 4,78)3.83 ■Reserve For Taxes k etc 4,920.38 U. S. War Loan deposit account 2,070.04 Notes mid Bills Rediscounted ... .none Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates Representing Bor rowed Money none **•“’ “ . 1,340,125.60 Sr.iP It. Medical Department. Missionary .Mrs. \V. (1. Perry, Nics s Al-ss Meadow. Mrs T. .M. F"sl' i‘. Stretcher hearers Henry Brad ley and Lamar Perry. Siek Child —Nancy Walden. Blind Woman —Jennie Smith. Lame Boy—Harlow Jones. Cooperation of Societies Mr. and Mrs. J. R Jones. Unification of Societies —Miss Belle Hardigree, Mrs. Mark Sims, Miss Icie Smith, Mrs. Jim Nichols, Airs. Recce ('oucli, and Miss ILit (tie Patrick. ' Offering. | Doxologv. Benediction.