The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, December 18, 1919, Image 2

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Winder High School News EDITORIAL STAFF. <'luiii m.- .-.s: rmru Hcgars, Rcta Ktng. \ .-i.tianti* .luuiors: Liu byr Woodruff, Kdith House. Sophs. Uluunette Benton, Annette McDonald. Freshman-Frances Hubbard, Murguritc Walker. The Freshman < 'lass is l< r -kinf< forward with great gl"'. 1o an ev ent which never tails to delight the hearts of young ami old. This event is nothing less than a < 'hrist mas Tree that they will give Dee ember lift h Miss ile’ii y will spend the Holi days in Summerville. Miss Franees Hubbard will spend the Holidays in ftoyston. Miss Ruth Lambaek will visit iu Klbcrton during the Holidays. Miss Susie Tueker will spend the Holidays in Sparta. Miss Clayton will spend the Holidays at home, in Central S. C. Mr. Fiizs will spend Xmas in Atlanta. Mr. Ellington will spend Xmas in Oxford. Last, night was Xmas and some of. the teachers and seniors hung theij; stockings on the Desk and Santa did come. Miss Henry got a bov runne l • * Russel and she was glad. Miss Dayton got one named Jimmie and she threw him on t.h<‘ floor with many dar! looks, J guess shr must not have been pleased. Ilia Appleby got a box of jewel ry from u kress establishment ami maybe she want wear Victor Set tie’s. Now Mr. Ellington got a pre sent with a hill for 10 cents. Miss Pitts got a trash basket full of ear-rings, hut'she was soriy she did’lit get two baskets. M iss Ivy got a letter from some body and she said O (Ice, but she would not let any body see. Hoyt Moore pulled out a plum and said what a bad boy am I. Reta King got a doctor’s degree and tried to look w iso. Sara Segars thought she would get an invitation to be an inferior decorator and she missed her guess ’cause she got n little rubber ball that would bounce. Willie Mac Eavenson was very excited and wondered what she would get and you would never guess, she got a wedding invita- J.. . . r A SOS'S will make yoa proud of your hair* * r f— ——— 1 1 \\r. pnrtiailar colored people of the f. (V | United States use fj g \^l Nelson’s IV* \£§ \ Hair Dressing i & Jp ],! rot* more than co years NeUon’s has s\ " V f been sold aid recommended by dreg V > r -Jr / stores everywhere. Nelson's makes stub* tW M born, curly hair soft, glossy and easy to N* T'h-/ manage. It is fine for the scalp, relieves , dandruff and makes the hair grow. PFRROL DA'/IS Ui* Important to got the gtnuint N#W. cokwd sirl ofTmp*.,Flo., mow I tkis tc th drag rte*r^ l if no Koir JivtiirJ •nd U*urc to yot the gemuna NELSON S NJl*en’. Nielsen Manufacturing Cos., Inc. s™d u som pW<-*™rK . RICHMOND. VA. “*° u NtLsGHI s. . As D©ada,|pih© Dodo Overy druggist in town —your druggist and everybody’s drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking its place. “Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson’s Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results,” said a prominent local druggist. Take “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Instead 1 Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist- who ■ells it. A large bottle costs blit a lew cents, and if it faiLs to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggish meat and constipation, you have only to ask for your money bock. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, £Mmk to both children and adults. tion from a hoy named Law and she was dissolved in tears. Santa 1* ft Mr. Fitzs a hag of X s to give seniors on solid Heom. Fraser and Author got a pound of butter and ran for bread. Louise House received a sheet from a badly worn Geometry book. Wilba found in her toe a 10c box of Kress rouge. Addie Mae got a attachable fold then everybody had thoir’s but Gertrude Rogers and she pulled out a man by one heel but he wig gled and she dropped him in dis taste and he ran away. That is all and I thank you.—tiara Segars. Ftrn of W. H. S. Who Pays the Bill. Gladys Harris—“ Why is tin* Ocean warmer in some places than others?” Inez. Patch—‘'some places are steam heated.” Mr. l it;-; ”Rulh can you work the next original?” Ruth Chapman—“No sir. 1 just can read it.” Desma Bradherry- “Shall I put a pledge on uiy paper?” Mi-s Henry “Never mind. 1 can toll by your paper you re ceived mi I t ip neither able to give any. ” Mr. Fitz- “Margurite can you jgne a practical example of whete factoring i;t used?” Margin ite Hill—“Di.n’t know, less its in Arithmetic and Alge bra.” Miss Clayton—“ Who’s tablet is this? It has written on it Hu bye, Elis? Edith, Sain, Sam,Sam Autry, Sam Entire ('lass—lt’s lmogene Her *t * ♦ nn s. Miss Henry - “Iloyt, run up the shade.” Hoyt Moore—“l'm a comedian, not a squirrel.” Mr. Cash (in Physics) “Helen, which weights the most a ton of lead or ton of feathers?” Helen Jackson—“ They weigh the same.” Ctlia Shields—“O! they don’t Head is heavier than feathers.” Take spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause in convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead end feel line, full of vigor and ambition. THE HARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. me-Okl 3hoei nakef A Ch t * j sfati flic Irefu'h ofPeCnppok . sfJ‘ >T long ago tlicrc lived lu |j Hu- city of Marseilles an obi |(i > AL- ij shoemaker, loved and hon |j, ; .orod by nil his neighbors, i . • who <-allcd him “Father 14. -XT- Martia.” One Christmas eve Father Martin, who had been reading the story of the three wise mca who brought their gift)- to the infant Jesus, said to himself: “If only tomorrow were the first Christinas day and the Savior were coining to this world tonight bow I would serve and adore him! I know very well what I would give him." He arose and took from a slielf two little shoes. “Here is what I would give him, tny finest work. How pleased his mother would he! But what Htti I fhlnklntr of?” he continued, -trilling. “Does the Savior need my poor shop and my shoes?” F.ut that night Father Martin had a dream. He thought that the voice ■ and Jesus himself said to him: “Martin, you have wished to see me. Watch Ihe street tomorrow from morning im til evening, tor 1 shall pass your way.” When he awoke live next morning. Father Martin, convinced that what he had dreamed would surely take place, hastened to put ills shop In order, lighted his fire, drank his coffee aud then seated himself at the win dow to watch the passersby. The first person he saw was a poor street sweeper, who was trying to warm himself, for it was bitter cold. "Poor man I” said Martin to him self. ‘Tie must bo very cold. Sup pose 1 offer bltn o cup of coffee." He tapped on the window and called to tbe man, who did not have to be urged to accept the steaming coffee. i After watching in vain for an hour Father Martin sow a young woman, miserably clothed, carrying a baby. Hite was so pale and thin that the heart of the poor cobbler was touched, and he called to her. ‘‘You don't look very well,” he said. “I am going to the hospital,” replied the woman. “I hope they will take me in with my child. My husband is at sen, 1 am sick and haven't a cent.” “Poor thing!” said the old man. “You must eat some bread while you are getting warm. No? Well, take a cup of milk for the little one. Come, warm yourself and let me take tho hahv. Why! You haven’t put his shoes on.” “He hasn’t any,” sighed tbe woman. “Wuit a minute. 1 have a pair.” And the old man brought the shoes which he had looked at the evening before and put them on the child's feet. They fitted perfectly. Hour after hour went by, and al though many people passed the win dow the Master did not come. When it grew dark tilt; old man sadly began to prepare his humble supper. “It was a dream," he murmured. “Well, I did hope. Put he has not cotne." After supper he fell asleep in his chair. Suddenly the room seemed full of the i mi" -- & ~ f|p*|(|lj' >; Watched the Passersby. people whom lie had aided during the day, ami each one asked of him in turn: “Have you not seen me?” "But who are you?” cried the shoe maker to all these visions. Then the little child pointed to the Bible on the table, and his rosy linger showed the old man this passage: “Whosoever shall receive one of these little ones receiveth me.” “I was anhungered and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger and ye took me In. . . . Verily I say unto yon, inas much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me." We have on hand 3 new Fird Trucks, with new made tins. First come, first served.—Flanigan &. Flanigan. CEDAR HILL. We are glad to know Mrs. W. T. Hall has recovered from a sev eral days illness. Miss Mattie Lou Adams, who ’ as been the guest of Miss Bessie Abner for the past week has re turned to her home at Buchhead. Mr. Myrt House, visited Mr. W. T. Hall Saturday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hull Cruee were al so their guests. Miss Annie Clark and Mr. Carl Stone were the guests of Miss Annie Mae Stephens Sunday after noon. We regret to lose Mr G. A. Dun ngan, who has moved to his new home in Oconee County. Mr. and Mrs. \V. 11. McDonald have mover to their home near Cedar Hill. Mr. J. W. Moon moved hist Sat urday to his new home in Oconee (bounty. We are planning for a Christ mas tree at Nnzcreth Church. All invited. Mr. F.rnest Parker and wife visited hir m-ar Hoschton, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. John Stewart, of near W in der, had the misfortune to slide into a ditch near Cedar Ilill while out riding Sunday. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Services for Sunday. Sunday School at 10:30. Preaching 11:30, “The Grace of God.” Junior and Senior B. Y. P. U’s, 6:30. Preaching 7:30. “Intercessory Prayer For A World Wide Revi ved. Will your place at church be oc cupied or vacant?—W. If. Faust, Pastor. The old Genuine Beaver Board a W. E. Yount's. Cheaper than Electrical Percolators Make the Finest Christinas Gifts H ' isi_: ji>s I'iHIJS ] Percolators § I © j? Irons ' SSSS | Toastars—Stoves GIRLS WANTED One hundred gifls wanted to make Overalls. Highest wages paid. Steady work. Apply SUPT. BELL OVERALL CO., Winder, Ga. PaV . f & < lYtiKl^hi „ T 7 . . " JV H To help make strong, \ 1 W, s ' thro- „ „ keen, red-blooded Americana \ t iil~ "k JLs*. people there is r. -.thing tn my expert nee \ *h* 1 ally-, Inc!.iCl--:.r which I have found so vattlable ~ ' such iron as as organ:,: ir—,—Vtixated Iron,” says Dr. Jar- Francis Sullivan, formerly physician f Hellenic Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New Vcrlc, and the Westchester County Hospital. NTuxatcd Iron often increases the strength ami endurance of weak, nervous, run-down people in tun weeks’ time. It is now being used by over i Vapor ( J {) ( rreatment jvk /. v ’r f!uenza v }• x / Croup and it / Pneumonia II • ' "* . s / .''o’.i-.e who know the angtri.'h I *U "— . ' ’ , <i v .iting helplessly through 8 \l / long hours for the physician 8 111 T~ who may not arrive in time will haid- 8 J I,' ly k’l to keep f:;t haru .; 1. ttlv cf' this t i'ec’ive croup remedy. Vapo- B /fj mentligfc a certain preventive <tnd sc-scific for colds, croup, influenza, B ' /'/ fcripj.e, j t eumoriut : :a! rc.pi.v.toty sUmcutv. p V. fit -JBWAMESL. .--j® jh\t !i ® t ©I 3--- - h li ,p (W; ® • B WILL NOT STAIN THE CLOTHES [ ’ ' Il e-.i ca'r .!’ •t>tl e < at, throat :,rcl r.o- I {•.! - ’it . -J !!l: i- tile j ores of the § py'X - •: • L fit . t • •-•t- ttihaled o'inrctly fi i iff iv' tat-' .< . ...t A .io.ioit r.ction remedy, S ■M : -’ I’"-' I '. pr-'uvf ..-ttirfactory results. 8 * - ■ : i;-: 1.-.- i ! "tinguiihes it from S otl.c : ' it Vi n • stain the clothes. Boy a I a> r->.Qr ! L ::!e <r \ a 'J' DAY. I: i; rmlnvaluable I Mjs." { protection f r - ir. ■,;/.vcu.t prkc. J , -VVDVwrWvi V | C Oc, sr.-J $1.20 F -tl’es et I 'jjflyjtwiAStiv'j’ I ADm,-? rr.d General Stores. j i l- y- . - {l,. r < • you order from | BRAfrfE DRUG CO., K. Wilbesboro, N. C. S PORTABLE LAMPS, BOUDOIR LAMPS, FLOOR LAMPS, DESK LAMPS, TOY HEATERS, CHAF ING DISHES, FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, BULBS, VACU UM CLEANERS, ACCESSORIES CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING OUTFIT. Page C. Gregory The Eledtrical Contractor 108 Candler Street Next Door to Express Office Phone 202 or 40 THURSDAY, DECEMBER j* th t former (7. S. Senator ar. 1 \7ice-Prcsidcntia! r. <n-inr—, t has. A. Towne; United States Jude G.’ W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washington; (glare Jan Paderewski. Premier of Poland and master pianist; Former U. S. Senator William F..’ Mas-orr, rind others. Ntrxafed Iron is dis pensed by a'.i good druggists everywhere.