The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, March 25, 1920, Image 1

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VOU’ME 5, NO. i: BARROW COUNTY COURT , IN SESSION THIS WEEK The spring term of barrow conn ty Superior court began Monday morning. On ucount of the illness of Judge Cobb with influenza.-bulge Render Terrell, of <Jreenville, Ha., is pre siding. Monday a number of divorce eases were disposed of and most of the civil eases were continued by request of attorneys. Wednesday morning the crimi nal docket was taken up and the ease of Marian Wheeler, charged ■with the killing'of Sam Wood, in Cain’s district, several months ago consumed the whole of Wednes day. The jury went out about 6:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon and remained all night. As we go to press the jury is still out. Judge Terrell made many friends here who will remember him with much pleasure. Rev. W. ii. Faust is foreman of the grand jury and W. C. Horton, clerk. This body is composed of a splendid body of representative men who will look closely after the county’s interest and moral welfare. PROSPERITY IN SOUTH GREATER THAN EVER. Atlanta. March 19.--Front a standpoint of general prosperity history will probably, never record a more remarkable year than 1919. so far as the south is concerned, but from the present outlook 1920 is going to run it a close second, in the opinion of Atlanta business men and bankers. They declare it is not over-stat ing the fact to say that the south is. hi beter condition than ever be fore. and their opinion is that the south will show a remarkable bus iness record for 1920. R. iV. Benin, Jr., well known in vestment banker, who is a close student of business conditions, de clared today that from financial centers showed an ann ually prosperous condition partic ularly in sections of the south, lie shows that the south will get a high price for every thing she sells and pay low juices for everything she buys, which from an economic standpoint will certainly be a most ideal situation. The monthly report of the At lanta banks shows that bank de posits continue to grow, the de mand for loans and investments is picking up right along, that col lections are unusually good for this season of the year and that real estate is booming. PREACHER S CONFERENCE. The Appalachee Baptist Minis ter’s Conference is to meet at Bo gart. Ha., Wednesday, April 7th. 1920. at 10 a. m. Program. 10:00 How T build sermons with an outline; H. H. Jennings. 10:30 The Ideal Evangelist, D. W. Key. 11:00 Baptists Through Other Eyes. Rev. R, E. Moss. .11:30 Sermon, Rev. B. S. Bailey. Lunch Hour. Afternoon Session. 1 ;30 The Baptists and Interde nominational work, John D. Mell. 2:00 What Is Wrong With Our Clinch Music? A. J. (loss. 2 ;30 The count ry preacher and teacher. \Y. M. Foile. 3:00 Funerals, W. S. Walker. A big crowd and fine things are expected at Bogart on April 7th. Let ALL the preachers in Appala chee and surrounding Association come. And let hint that heareth isav. come!” and bless and be blest. D. W. KEY, Moderator, T. C. BUCHANAN, Clerk. TOR TAX RECEIVER JACKSON CO. I am : candidate in the coming pri mary of Jackson county for Tax Re reiver and will sincerely appreciate the vote of thosi* readers of the Times who live in my comity. Respectfully, EMORY S. LORD. THE BARROW TIMES DEATH OF MRS. J. H. FULCHER -Mrs. J. 11. Fulcher died at her home over on the Mulberry river last Sunday night after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Fulcher was one of tlie good old women of her community who was very much loved and respect ed by all who knew her. She was 72 years old and she and her husband, Mr. -las. 11. Ful cher, liad been married for 57 years. She was a faithful member of the Methodist church and lived a life in keeping with her profession. Mrs. Fulcher was buried Tues day at old Pentecost cemetery in < 'handler’s district. DEBATE. Winder vs. Commerce. All hail the champions of our colors—Rubye Woodruff', Woodfin Hill. Edith House, Alton Young. We are indeed proud of debat ers who so bravely attacked Com merce last Friday night on this subject: “Shall County School Superintendents be elected by the Board of Education.’’ The affirm atives of both Winder and Com merce won. leaving the question of who goes to the district meet still unsolved. This question will be settled tomorrow in Athens in University Chapel. We have no fear for victory for two reasons, First, honesty and justice are our policies, and they are always vic torious: second, with Misses Edith House, Rubye Woodruff, Messrs. Woodfin Hill, and Alton Young, championing a question.who could win over them? At a critical moment the lights misteriously went out, when they again come on we found Alton Young’s debate missing, but Edith House, knowing the motto of Com merce; win at any price, if not, hook then by crook; kept her de bate in the firm gigs of her hand. NOTICE TO ALL VOTERS AND ALL CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY OFFICES. At a meeting of the Barrow County Democratic Executive Committee called for the purpose, on March 22. 1920, the following action was taken by the committee lolative to the coming County pri mary to be held on April 20th: On motion it was decided that April Ist, midnight, the registra tion lists will close for this prima ry election. That all candidates for county office in order for their name to appear on the official ballot of this election must pay to the secreta ry of the Committee before mid night, April Ist, 1920, their en trance fee, which was fixed by the committee as follows: For Ordinary $20.00 For Clerk Superior Court $20.00 For Sheriff $20.00 For Tax Collector- $15.00 For Tax Receiver SIO.OO For County School Supt. SIO.OO For Treasurer $ 5.00 For Coroner $ 2.50 W. H. Quarterman, Acting Clmr. J. C. Pratt, Secretary. DEATH NEAR STATHAM. Mr. Burton Casper died at his home near Statham last Tuesday night, after an illness from influ enza and other troubles of two weeks. Mr. Casper was a good citizen and clever man, and all of bis long life of more than 70 years had been spent in this county. He was a brother of Mr. Jas. W. Casper, of near Winder and had many relatives in different parts of Barrow. Miss Dorothy Hill, of Atlanta, has accepted a position with the Bell Manufacturing Cos., as book keeper. WINDER, HARROW COUNTY, G.V.. THURSDAY, MARCH 2.V U2O HON. JOHN N. HOLDER VISITS WINDER Hon. Jim. X. Holder, speaker of the house, in the Georgia legisla ture. and a candidate for gover nor. was a visitor to Winder last Monday, shaking hands with his many friends in this county. lie is making a canvass of the state and is just back from South •leorgia. lie is very much encouraged ov er the outlook and feels assured of Ids election in the state primary. MB; ■ HON. CLIFFOR D WALKER, Candidate for Governor. MRS. REUBIN SMITH PASSES AWAY. Mrs. Reubiii Smith, one of the good old women living between Winder and Bethlehem, passed away Tuesday night at her home after an illness of several months. She was 70 years old and was the daughter of the late Walter Sims, of Bethlehem, and sister of Mr." Charley Sims of that town. She was also the mother of Mrs. J. L. Whitley, of Winder. She was also a sister of Mr. Wil Hen drix and Mrs. Callie Hosch of Beth lehem. Besides Mrs. Witley, she leaves jthe following c/hildrleyi; Messrs Lewis, Calvin, and Emory Smith, Mrs. Lula Austin, Mrs. Daisy Aus tin, Mrs. Sam Chandler, Mrs. Hat tie Austin and Miss Etta Smith. Her remains were laid to rest at ißethabara cemetery! Wednesday Rev. J. W. Brinsfield conducting the services. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. R. E. Moss Minister. Sunday school 10:30.; Claud Mayne, Superintendent. Morning worship; 11:30. Lord’s Supper and Sermon. Evening worship 8:00. Song Ser vice and Sermon. M orning subject: “The Vital Question.” Evening subject: “The World ii. is. ’ ’ A cordial invitation to every one Our conference, last Friday, conducted by Bro. A. R. Moore, our S. E. regional superintendent, was a splendid success; and the supper by the ladies was one of their besl Our “Each One Win Die campaign is having fine results. Every church member should if possible be present next Sunday. Our prayer meeting Wednesday night was one of our best with a fine attendance. Huy Cook's Improved Ditching and Terracing Machines. Hce R. H. NOW ELL, Winder, Ga. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY CELEBRATES BIRTH DAY Mr. R. L. Lord, of Winder, spent last Sunday over at Jefferson with his father. Rev. -I. W. Lord, who celebrated his eightieth birthday Sunday. Most of his children and grand* children were present and it a happy <> asi n. Mr. Lord None of the old and! respected citizens of Jackson eornj ty and of late lias been quite fee ble. 'I he 4 imes wishes for him a restoration to health and several more years of usefulness. LODGE NOTICE. Regular meeting Winder Chap ter, Royal Arch Masons, No. 84, will be held Friday evening, Mar. 26th. Work and Refreshments. All qualified companions invit ed to attend. W. A. BRADLEY, H. P. REV. JNO. H. WOOD AT TUSCALOOSA ALA. TODAY. Rev. Jfio. 11. Wood who spent several days recently in St. Louis attending a national meeting of I educators was called to Tuscaloosa j Alabama today to attend a meet ing of the same kind at the Uni versity of that state. On his return he will attend a conference of national educators at Indianapolis, Indiana. His advice in these national ed ucational conventions and confer ences is considered valuable and he is recognized a leader along this line of work. FORMER BARROW COUNTY WOMAN DIES IN ALABAMA. Mr. Arch Perry returned Wed nesday from Winfield, Ala., where he went last week to see a sister, Mrs. Lucinda Dillard who was se riously ill. He reached there Saturday night and found her in a hopeless con dition with pneumonia. She lived until Sunday afternoon when death relieved her of her suffering and her spirit was welcomed to the home above. Mrs. Dillard was reared in this county but moved to Alabama with her husband about 25 years ago. She was 70 year old and had a large family connection in this section of the state. WANTED: T want to buy two pigs nix or eight weeks old of some good breed u* right prices MTIB. I.t’LA 'A. CAIN, Auburn, Gt*. PERSONAL MENTION Judge Hawthorne, of Auburn, spent yesterday in Winder. Col. J. A. Perry , of Atlanta, was in Winder last Saturday on legal business. Miss Ha I lie Pai rick was the guest of her parents at Monroe last week-end. Mr. I-;. I). ('ook, one of the good citizens and prosperous farmers of ('handler’s district was in Winder last Saturday. Col. Paul Dnnnhoo, of Atlanta, was in Winder Saturday on busi ness. Mrs. -I. V. Edwards is spending I he week in Atlanta. Prof. Cash and ('iss ('harlot! AlcCants will accompany Alton Young and Edith House, Winder’s two efficient representatives,where they debate against Commerce for the Annual District debate of the year. This second decision prom ises to he a very close one and will he held in (lirls High School build ing at Athens Wednesday even ing. Mr. A. B. (’illuming, who is sn perintending the building of our new court house, is having Mrs. Cummings and his son, Air. Sidney (Twinning to spend a while with him from Savannah. Mr. Jasper Thompson, the big farmer, merchant and business man of Thompson’s store, was in Winder a portion of Tuesday, lie has .just recently returned from Florida where he spent' several months on his orange farm and reports a delightful time in the land of flowers, lisli and fun. Air. and Mrs. -J. 11. Mayo, of our city, announce the birth of a fine boy, weighing 1 I pounds. This big hoy who some day may be gov ernor of the great state which gave him birth, will be known as Charles Harris Mayo. Mr. -I. Clovis Saxon, one of the prominent fanners of Oconee county, visited his brother, l)r. Saxon, a feu days the latter part of lsnt week. Air. Saxon has made a big success as a farmer and busi ness man and is one of the strong men of his section. Mr. and Mrs. II any Kilpatrick, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Mr. R. Ij. Oaritheis and Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Flanigan. Mr. and Mis. -liaison Jackson j had as their guests for the week end Mr. and Mrs. Charley -lack son, and son, Mr. (). M. Jackson. | Mrs. J. VV. (llenn ami children, of Atlanta, spent several days re- i cently with Mr. and Mrs. -I. T. Walden. Dr. Ilinman, one of the leading dentists of Atlanta, was called to •Fcfferson in consolidation with Dr. i Smith there and Dr. C. S. Williams of our city. While here Dr. Ilin man was the guest of I)r. and Mrs. <B. Williams. Mrs. Emory Harris and son, Jack, of Bethlehem, spent Satur day here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Henry and children, of Macon, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jackson, while here will attend the Pirkle-Jaekson wedding on Saturday, March 27th. Mrs. W. 0. Ferry, Messrs. W. C. Ross, W. L. Mayne, A. A. Thomas, and Ralph Smith went to Atlanta today for the purpose of selecting an orphan at the Southeastern Christian Orphanage in Atlanta which the Loyal (luards ('lass ex pect. to support. Miss Kathleen Wilson, of Short er college, is the guest of her par ents , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Mr. Luther Lanier, of Atlanta, was here this week attending court. Mesdaines W. H. Quarterman, (i. A. Johns, and W. L. Jackson spent Saturday in Athens. Miss (Jypsy Beddingfleld is slow ly improving from measles. Mr Arch Perry was called to Alabama this week to the bed side of his sister, who is critically ' ill. $1.50 IN ADVANCE REMEMBER THE U. OF C. GLEE CLUB MONDAY NIGHT Winder will have the pleasure ov\t Monday night of hearing the M aiuloli n and (J lee (’Juh of the Uni. versify, composed of 45 of Geor gia ’s bright young men. They have won a reputation of over the state, having crowed houses fit Atlanta, Augusta, Ma con, \ al< losta and other cities. Winde r is the smallest city they have ever visited and we should feel complimented and give them the largest audience ever seen in t be school auditorium. ! his will he the best and biggest, entertainment ever witnessed here uml no one should miss it for miles a round. NO COURT NEXT WEEK. Judge Terrell cannot preside next week and Judge Cobb still being ill, there will be no court next week. The jurors and witnesses will all lie excused after this week I rout further service at this term of court. Mr. \N • A. Harper, of Ktatham, is attending court part of this week. Mr. J ('. Tucker, of near Rut ledge, ha., spent yesterday in Win dor visiting friends and relatives. I le was reared in and around Win der but is now one of the prosper ous fanners of Morgan county. Mr. ( ’laud Pat at, of Atlanta, was hero lasi Friday at the funer al of his uuele, Mr. Tom Couch. Mrs. <’. S. Williams and son, Lewis llarper. are spending sev eral days in Atlanta. Miss Mabel Jackson has been ill for several days. Mr. J. M. Hmoksher is spending 1 1 he week in Dablonega. Miss < ’lyde Daniel left Monday for Savannah after spending a. week here with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Smit li. Miss Mabel Jackson was able to resume her school work on Mon day after an absence of several days on acount of a severe attack of tonsil it is. The Junior Class of the High School entertained the Senior at a six o’clock dinner in the domestic science department Saturday ev ening. The domestic science department entertained the Commerce debat ers. judges, Misses Edith House, Christine Clayton, Essie Stevens, Inez Suddath, Margmite Ivey, Charlotte McCants, Messrs. Filing ton, Hodges and Alton Young at a luncheon last Friday evening. Prof. L. U. Fitts spent the week end in College Park with Mrs. Fitts. Col. M. I). Irwin, of Lawrencc ville, w as the guest of Mr. S. P. Smith on Monday. Miss Ruby Pitts has been con fined to her room for several days on account of illness. Mr. W 0. McMullan, of Fiber ton, spent Sunday in our city. Miss Ida Kilgore will spend Sat urday in Athens. Mrs. W. It. McCants spent Mon day and Tuesday of the past week in Atlanta with her daughter, Miss Nell. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Blasin game, Mrs. E. V. Snipes, Thelma, Sara and Harold Barber motored to Athens Monday to see Mrs. Rob Barber wlm is improving after a ; serious operation at St. Mary’s hospital, to the delight of her num erous friends. Mr. Lamar Smith, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with luh home-folks His brother, Shannon, returned with him to attend the Southern Business College. Mrs. Emma McCleskey, of At lanta, was here Thursday for the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jennie Duke.