The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, April 01, 1920, Image 1

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VOU'ME NO, 1 1 FiNE FARM CHANGES HANDS Mi-ssrs. .J. \V. and Vasco Nepal's l*©ught tiiis week from -Mr. Huy IT. Kilgore. tlio Edd Sparks farm out on tin.* Jefferson road, just 1 mill* from tin* incorporate limits of Winder. Mr. Kilgore bought Hiis farm last summei' from Mr. Sparks. Messrs, and. W. and Vasco Segars paid in tlio neighborhood of sl7-> per acre for tiiis farm of approxi mately 100 acres. This is one of the very valuable farms of Harrow county. FIRST METHODIST. Sunday school 10:20 a. m., W. T. Robinson. Superintendent. Preaching 11 MO a. m. and 8 p. m. We an il 1 begin a series of revi val services the Second Sunday in April. Rev. L. W Collins, of .Jef ferson. will fill the pulpit, doing the preaching, and Mr. Ralph Po terfield who was with us last year, v ill have charge of the music. Bro. Collins come to us highly recom mended as possessing extraordi nary ability as an evangelist. Our fellow-townsman, Mr. W. <\ Mor ion. regards him as a very gifted preacher, as lie was one of his most valued, and active helpers during the centenary drive. and. H. MASIIBIEX. Pastor. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our thanks and gratitude to our neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during the long illness and death of our dear mother. Mrs /Mary Smith. Gratefully yours. L. W.. Calvin and Emory Smith Miss Ktta Smith, Mrs. J. L. Whitley, Mrs. S. X. < handler. Mvs. J. A. Austin. M rs. K. I*. Austin, Afrs. J. (). Austin, ATrs. Sam ( 'lack. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Services for Sunday. Sunday school 10:110. Bleaching 11 :-30: “The Endan gered Inheritance. ” Junior and Senior B. A'. P. I T . 7 p. m. Preaching 8 p. m.; “Unturned hikes. ■’ A special quartette led hv Bro. S. * ’. Potts will sing at the Easter service. ttome. W. 11. FAUST; Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH R. E. Moss, Minister. Easter services for the day as follows : Sunrise service of prayer and song at 6;30 in the early morning. This will last only 40 minutes and promises to he a great service. Much interest is already manifest ("orne, every one. Sunday school at usual hour JO:30. Minister, superintendent and teachers wish to see 250 pres ent. Morning worship 11 :30. Lord’s supper and sermon. Evening worship 8 o’clock. East er songs and sermon. Special Easter music at Imth services. Morning subject: “Life Tri umphant.’’ Evening subject:“Easter Voices. You are cordially invited to all these meetings. Don’t forget the Friday afternoon meeting of tlie Woman’s Missionary Society at ;] o’clock. The Tuesday afternoon meeting was one of the best. Remember the “each one win one” campaign. Easter Sunday will he full of the spirit of Christ. THE BARROW TIMES TEACHERS CLUB DELIGHT FULLY ENTERTAINED A pretty bunco party of Friday afternoon was that which Miss Charlotte f.VTcCaiits when mem hers of her eluh and several additional guests enjoyed her hospitalitv at her home on \orl h (’andler st reet. Ev<*ry feature of the party was freighted with pleasant incidents t'cautiful daffodils /employed jin the pretty Moral scheme of the dec orations of the rooms, score cards, and of the refreshments were ar tistically carried out. The guests of tin* hostess were; Misses Mary Lou Cargill,Kathyrne Henry. Christine Clayton, Essie Stevens. Inez Sudilath. Marguerite |lvey, l'cie Smith, Mabel Jackson, Allenc Kilgore. Kubye Pitts, Pau line Camp. Marie llerrin.Mesdames W. B. Met 'ants. Sidney Maughon. and Prof. Hodges. Highest score was made by Miss Mary Lou Cargill but Miss Marie Herrin drew for the score which was a lovely yellow basket containing home made candy. MR. THOS RUTLEDGE UNDER GOES OPERATION. Mr. Thus. Rutledge, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Rutledge, of Win der. was forced to undergo an op eration last Thursday at Athens for appendicitis. We arc glad to state he is rap idly recovering and will soon be restored to health and strength. TRIPLETS BORN TO MR. AND MRS H. L. HILL. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hill, of Anderson. S. (A, had horn to them last Sunday one little girl and two little boys. The little girl infant died but the two little hoys and their moth er are doing nicely. Mrs. Hill is the daughter of Mr. B. F. Maffett, of our city, and was reared in Winder and lived here until her marriage. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to thank the many kind friends who have during our sick ness of four weeks and in the death of our little boy, have been so kind, so helpful and sympathet ic to us. Your kindness can never he forgotten. Sincerely, W. I'. Thompson and Family. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish 1n thank our neighbors and friends for their deeds of kind ness and words of sympathy dim ing the sickness and death ol our dear wife and mother. We espe cially than i)rs. Ross and Almond for their efficient ser vice. We also thank Rich and Edd Havnie for Ihc touching funeral service. May Cod bless them one and all. Words cannot, express tlie deep love and high esteem we have for this wife and mother. .1. H. Fulcher, K. L. Fulcher, .1. L. Fulcher, Mrs. C. J. Healan, Mrs. R. B. Finch. BETHABARA BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching at Defhabara, Oconee j county. Saturday 11 a. m.: “Iron Land Steel.’’ Sunday 3 p. m.; “The Costly Journey.” Sunday school at usual hour. < 'ome. W. 11. FAUST, Pastor. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY MINOKK. BAKKOW' COUNTY, G.V., TIU’USIIAY, APRIL I. I !>2ft MR. J. 0. HARDIGREE SELLS FARM Mr. J. <). Ilardigrte, of Winder, who owned one of the finest farms of 200 acres in tiiis section of Ceor gia, surprised his friends last Sat urday by selling it to Air. Pat Rog ers for the sum of .$50,000. Mr. Rogers sold it again Mon day to Mr. Fleming Thompson for a nice profit. This is a beautiful farm lying just outside the incorporate lim its of Winder, on the Bankhead Highway, and a very valuuable piece of property. W. P. THOMPSON LOSES LITTLE BOY. Mr. W. I*. Thompson, of Bethle hem, district, present coroner of the comity, had the sad misfor tune to lose his 16 months old ba by boy Tuesday morning, lie was buried at Bethlehem Wednesday. Mr. Thompson lias had a hard time for the past four weeks, he and all of his family being down with influenza and Tuesday was the first day during this four weeks lie has been able to got out. DEATH NEAR CEDAR HILL. Mr. Thomas Maynard and old gentleman 73 years old who had been away from tiiis county for a number of years died at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. Ed wards, near Nazareth church Mon day morning. He was on a visit to his daught er when he took ill several weeks ago and finally departed for an eternal home. lie was a good old man and was reared in this section. Ilis remains were laid to rest at Betlmbara cemetery Tuesday. CORONER THOMPSON MAKES EXPLANATION. I desire to explain to the voters of Barrow county that I have been providentially hindered from see ing them to talk over my candida cy for re-election as coroner. 1 have been confined to my room most, all of the time since March sth, and have been on acount of sickness of myself and other mem bers of my family unable to go out among the people. 1 am just get ting out from my sick room and will probably be too weak to can vas for some time. However, T take this method of calling the at tention of the voters to my candi dacy and 1 assure each and every one that I will appreciate the sup port of the voters and an endorse ment o fmy official acts. 1 have held tlie office for one term and it is usual to give one an endorse ment <ind if my services have been satisfactory I will thank you for an endorsement. Hoping to see you as soon as my ■ physical condition and the condi tion of my family will permit and assuring you of my appreciation of your support., I am. Respect fully. W. I’. THOMPSON. Mr. Edd Haynie was in Winder Tuesday. He reports Mr. J. A. J. McDonald in very feeble health, but able to be up most of the time. Miss Lottie Hutchins, of Auburn was the guest of Miss Essie Mae Maughon on Sunday. Miss Louise Bailey, of Jefferson, was the week-end guest of her cousin. .Mrs. S. E. Smith. Miss Marie Herrin was the week end guest of Mrs. Harold Herrin at Pendergrass. DESERVED TRIBUTE TO CLERK G. N. BAGWELL bast Friday after court had ad journed and Clerk Heo. X. Bag well had distributed script remun erating the grand jurors for their week’s service, the foreman in a very appropriate touching speech thanked Mr. Bagwell for his help ful services and voiced the unani mous opinion of the other twenty two jurors in the genuine sorrow that t-anie to them as well as to the county in the severance of the pleasant, relations that had exist ed during the years since the new county lia<l been created and the official clerk had served. .Mr. Bagwell always on the job replied in a very fervent speech of thanks and at the close there was scarcely a dry eye in the crowd. I ban Ceo. X. Bagwell the coun ty never had a better loved clerk and it is with genuine regret that he is given up in this official capac ity. The jury hut expressed the feel ings of all our citizens in their touching way. it was a well de served tribute to a worthy official who during his entire administra tion has given such satisfaction. VICTORY LOCALS Mr. Johnny Carter was the guest oi .Messrs. Julian and Ralph Simp son Sunday. We are glad to note Miss Rosa Mae McDougal has taken up her school, at Sharon again. Mr. T. A. Deaton has purchased anew Ford. Mr. Bud Parks and granddaugh ter. .Miss Pauline, spent Saturday night at Auburn. We rejoice to know that Rev. I). <\ Simpson is out again after being confined to his room with “Hu” for several days. Prof. E. W. Bel! and several other good singers will he at I'n ionOove Sunday afternoon. Mesdames Annie Carter and Ber tie Carter were the guests of Mis'. Myrtle Sailors Friday afternoon. Mr. John Blankenship is very low at this writing. Mr. Ralph Simpson is improv ing nicely after a painful broken leg. Mrs. Mae Blankenship and Miss Lena Blankenship, of (iainesville, were called to the bedside of their father who is very ill. Miss Lou Ella Carter was the guest of Miss Ermine Simpson Monday. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL. To the People of llic Western Circuit: I make this announcement for re election to the office of Solicitor Gen eral, feeling that if I have made a satisfactory public official, the will be willing to give l me an indorse-, merit. Shortly after my election the in come derived from the office to which 1 lad been elected was reduced bv legislation to approximately half it was paying when I was elected, and at a time when a dollar had less than half its former purchasing 'nine. I will appreciate the support of all the people of the circuit, mid prom ise to the public the same vigorous, faithful and corteous discharge of tho duties of the office that I have eitdcax ored to render during the present term. Respectfully, \f. O. DEAN. Mr. jaml Mrs. Urover Mosely announce the birth ot a little daughter, Nancy Anna Mosely. which occurred on March 30th, tit their home on Athens street. Tbc friends of Mrs. Jim. 11. Mash burn will regret to learn she has been confined to her room tor the past week or more suffering with rheumatism. I Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hofortli of Oainesville, and Mr. Perry Hill, of X. <ieoriria Agricultural college spent Sunday with their parents. Judge and Mrs. II H. Hill HON. Y. A. DANIEL DIES IN ATHENS 1 lon. A . A. I >n ll iel died at his home in Athens last Saturday night alter an illness about two years, most of which time lie was con fiend to bis home. Mr. Dnuii I was a citizen, of Win det lor about litteen years before going to Athens a few years ago. ! le was a native of Madison Cos., and his was one of the strong ami iniluentinl families of that countv. Mr. Daniel represented Madison in t lie house of representatives and also in the state senate and he had a broiler that was Ordinary of the county for many years. ll** was a man of strong convic tions and always loyal and true to his friends. 1 here were many ot us here in Winder who learned of his dealli with much regret and sorrow. Besides his wife. .Mr. Daniel, leaves four children. Dr. J. C. Dan iel, and Mrs. J. \|. L. Thurmond, of f'datham, Mrs. Ed Bishop and Miss <Ha I >aniel. of Athens. The Itineral and burial services took place in Athens last Monday afternoon, being conducted by Rev. \\ 11. Faust of this place. Tlie beaut it ill floral offerings ev idenced tlu* love, respect and high esteem in w hich he was held by those who knew him best. TO THE CITIZENS OF BAR ROW COUNTY. Winder, < Ja„ Route 1. Mareli 30. 1!>20. As close friends and neighbors of Mr. Midler Me Elroy, who is ;i candidate for Tax Receiver of our county, we wish to make the fol lowing statement of facts: We do not make this statement for the purpose of sympathy, hut to counteract the impression some entertain, who do not know Mr. Me Elroy, and that is, that he is a stout man physically, with nothing to prevent him from manual labor. The truth of the matter is, that lie has suffered for years with an. incurable leg, brought on from a severe attack of typhoid fever, which disqualifies him from hard labor and utterly. prevents him from manual labor. Anyone seeing the terrible con dition of this limb would wonder how lie gets about at all. We also know that if it were not for this unavoidable condition that lie would not offer for office under any circumstances, although well qualified to fill any county position Wo simply do this to.justify Mr. Me Elroy and set him right with those not knowing his real condi tion and further know ing him to he worthy and competent in every respect, the confidence and sup port of our people. Very respectfully, W. E. Elder. \V. F. Prielief. 11. U. Farruth, J. M. Wood. M. L. Wil liamson, J. Ij. Ilardigree, T. H. I lardig ree. R. S. Elder. Press I lar digree, M. B. < friffeth, II S. El der, J. L. Lavender. Henry Edgar, J. 11. Edgar. P>. M. Edgar. H W. Kilgore. M. A. Phillips. <4. S. Mc- Donald, J. W Holliday. I). B. Mil ler. I). I). Jones, U R. Wills, R. I<. Manning, E. I> Treadwell. John W: Bell, 11. L. Treadwell. ('. Tread well. .1. 11. Jones, Jr.. 11. -I Pente cost, \Y. A. (‘ronic, .1. F. Smith, X. I). Meadow. <’ F. Flanigan. Hr. T. L. Holcombe. I) T. Hammond. T. M. Sims, S. M drizzle, W. J. Jones. T X. Kwddatb. T. K. Wil banks, Howard Esco. R. W. Ilay nie, W. L. House. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR To the Voter* of Burrow Ccmnfy: In .spoof full v Mtiunimcc myself ;i can ilidntc for County Surveyor, subject to the action of th*• qualiticd voters at the upproaihing primary election. Your sole and influence will ho appreciated. 1,. A. HOI HE. T * “ Mrs. Mary Burson and Miss Ar levia Burson spent lust week with Mrs. Memory Stineheomb, of Oreensboro. 51.30 IN ADVANCE V LOCAL NEWS Misses Ida Kilgore and Sadie Harris spent the week-end with friends in Atlanta. Misses Alice King and Wilma Appleby were ill Atlanta Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Jackson and baby,of Monroe,are the guests of M is. J. M. Aiken. The teachers of tlie Junior de partment of the Christian church entertained their pupils ala can dy pulling on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Jane Roberts, of Washing ton. I). C., is the guest of Mrs. Janies W . Summerour on Athens si reet. Misses Rosa Mae Westbrooks and Mae Oiitz spent the week-end in Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. W B. Mathews were among Winder people in Athens Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Daniel and Miss Emile Daniel attended the funer al of Mr. Young Daniel in Athens Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sims spent several days in Athens last week. Miss Inez Cooper was the guest of friends in Athens Sunday. Mrs. Dixie MeKibhcn. of Atlan ta. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. T. Strange and Mrs. Edd Starr. Rev. John 11. Wodd is spending this week in Imlianapolis. Miss Bertha Lee returned Sun day to her home in Atlanta after jattending the Pirkle—.Jackson wedding here Saturday. Col. Joe Quillian spent several days this week with relatives ill Madison. Mrs. Robt. (’amp and Mrs. E. V. Snipes and Mrs. J J Wilson spent Saturday in Athens with Mrs. Kathleen Smith. Miss Cleo Bush was the guest of friends in Atlanta last week. Mrs. Howard Rogers lias return ed from a month’s visit to her par ents in Montezuma. Mrs. M. J. (Iriffeth spent several days in Atlanta hist week. Mr. A. I). MeCurry was in At lanta Thursday on business. Mr. Xim Mnffett spent Thurs day in Atlanta. Mr. find Mrs. Linton Westbrooks are spi tiding some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Westbrooks. Mrs. Mae Potts has its her guest her sister, Miss Sara Louise Fur lon, of Jackson. Mr. i’>. B. Jackson was in Atlan ta Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rogers are in Atlanta this week .where Mrs. Rogers went for a slight opera tion. Mrs. W. J. Herrin and daught er. Miss Marie, spent Thursday in Atlanta shopping. Miss Lois McMath has returned to her homV in Americas, after spending some time here as the guest of Mrs. Bob Pirkle and Mrs. fieo. Turpin. Mrs Mae Potts, Mrs. S. C. Potts Miss Sara Louise Furlovv and Mr. W. (’. Potts spent Saturday in Athens, the guests of Mrs. T. M. Philpot. Dr. and Mrs. Hibson Nowell, *f Atlanta, are spending a few day* here with relatives. I Mrs. li. A. Cook has been co fined to her room for several days. EASTER PHOTOGRAPH. In the place of an Easter card; your photograph. Both are seasonable, but a pho tograph is a permanent reminder of you. There is a photographer in Win der and an early appointment means time for carful work, good picture and satisfaction. WINDER STUDIO. In Dr. W. L. DeLaperriere Bldg.