The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, May 13, 1920, Image 1

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VOLUME 5, NO. 20 * A SAD AND SUDDEN DEATH AT STATHAM One <if tl|4d a|d|su< IjleutIt?at liSj Wpf 9HE>'.P Vi *' l •fionyr hearts was thtn of Airs. Fred Ar nold of, Stidham, last Saturday ■'* • ' - 1 " ' ■ SU** was bf her usual good Ti on I'd on retiring and took’ ill about 11 or 12 o’clock, physicians were iuums diatcly called to her bedside, lint she died in less than ! ; ) minutes. Mrs. Arnold bad been married hardly one month to Mr. bred Arnold of -Statham audit was in deed a happy young couple. She had endeared hcrselt to all the people of that town and bet death brought universal grief and sorrow. Before her marriage she was a Miss ('i onic, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Taylor (’tonic, of Hoschton and most of her life had been spent in Hoschton. The funeral and burial took place at Statliani Xlfinday. where a large concourse of loved ones pm: pus qtIAV pOAVoq spuol.l.l putt brken hearts at the grave of this young bride, still but a gnd m her teens, -a. CITY TAX NOTICE. The City tax hooks, of Winder, are open ;vmi will dose on May,^3l. I)o not neglect or put this mat ter off but conic in and make your ei'tums for the year 19t20. ReniVtuber May 91 is the last day. , Kobt* Arnold City Clerk. GROCERY. MERCHANTS TO CLOSE AT 7 O'CLOCK. We. the’ undersigned grocery merchants of Winder, will after yiav 17, except on Saturday, Hose our clerks and to give us- all a jno- This applies to the long sum mer days.and is for the benefit of our clerks and to give uus all a little retf before jffiftj>t \V It Snpth, A. S. hberhart, Autry-1 louse and Cos., A W. Sum merour. -I. C. Hay and • o. NOTICE! This is to inform the public that I have sold my interest in the City Pharmacy. Winder, to the remain ing members of the firm, Drs. L. W. 1 lodges. S. T. Ross. C. If Al mond, and call he ik-um. ll d fiee at office hours. E. P. SAXON. AT. I). We have a car of Nitrate oJ So d i Place your orders with us now. UNION GIN & WARE IN wsK C( Bethlehem, < -a. NEW DIRECTOR ELECTED At the monthly meeting’of the directors of the Winder National Hank, Tuesday, Hon. I. 1A Dun of Hall county, was elected a di rector to fill a vacancy chi the board. Mr. Duncan is one ot the repre sentatives in the (! corgi a legisla ture from Hall cmmty and one o, its strong citizens, GONE TO FLINT MICHIGAN. W (’. Potts, Albert Williams, P.runell Smith and Fred Pat at left Tuesday morhing for Flint. Midi., to bring back four fine Buick ears for the Winder Mobile ‘ kmipany. Potts Bros., cannot get. then ears fast enough by freight to sup ply the demand and were; forced to*send after these. r I ney will get back to \yinder -latlfr part .ot next week. BURIED AT WALNUT CHURCH Vackson COUNTY. iijfelihtl jandefiff the ytomg man haiurcwlu Jefferson last Friday for of 48 be riff. Barber, of jrfEfe County, was buried at Walnut church cemetary m that tTirmtv -test Saturday afternoon. , t: ■; ll*' \t M; Fergu*m. Winder s Wurtakcr. took charge of the iv after the execution and kept/it until Saturday at > aKUkl**?*? 1 ’ the corpse and get a last ioftk at the dead form of a Tpuogjmp; ■whose crime forced hfav to ea the gallows. THE BARROW TIMES MISS ICIE SMITH TO LEAVE WINDER PUBLIC SCHOOLS The tumj* I(ou*..Xrlrlids fef Miss leieSiiptlj will iCgrcft [yflrn that she wul sevcrlier connection with the Winder Public Schools at tlie close, §i the present term as .my of .our musl ,apd cdicicnf. teachers''for 'several* years. She would have been unani mously elected again by the board bad she so desired, but on account of being offered a position in sev eral other .schools at a much more remunerative salary, she decided to make a change. She lias already bad an offer in another city of $1260 per year of nine months. A much larger sala ry than she would receive to re main here. Miss [cie is one among our best teachers, and has made a reputa tion in her chosen profession of which anyone should feel proud. Tt is a distinct loss to a town or community to lose a young lady possessed of so many noble attri butes of character and the Times regrets exceedingly to know she has severed her connection with our schools and that her influence for good will be lost to our city. SALVATION QUOTA REACHED FIRST DAY. Mr. Jno. W. Carrington, chair man. and Mr. \Y. I-', lluhhard. sec retary of the Salvation drive for this county, assisted by the tine work of the young ladies, raised the quota for Barrow county oil the first day of the drive this week They are to be congratulated for this wonderful success, as well as those who so willingly and liberi aUy contributed to this worthy cause, IN A CRITICAL CONDITION. The friends here of Mr. Leonard Westbrook will be pained to learn of fiis serious condition at thf 1 home of-his father on Stephen St He has been gradually growing worse for some time and there is nqw little hope for his recovery. BARROW COUNTY UNION CHOIR AT OAK GROVE The Barrow County Union Choir will sing at Oak drove next Sun day. Tlris is a line community, you ■will enjoy meeting the people and hearing the good singing. Everybody invited to come and : he with us. Edd lIAYNIE. Pres.. 11. X. SELLERS, Secretary. 01D TIME SINGING. There will be an old time fa sa la, singing at Corinth church, be tween Winder and Bethlehem, next - .Sunday with dinner on 1 lie ground. This is expected to he a great day and all tljo old people as welt as the young are invited to be pre sent and enjoy the occasion. RETURNED TO DAHLONEGA FOR THE SUMMER. Mr. J. M. Brooksher. who is en caged in business here with his sons left Wednesday for Dahlone ga to spend the summer months with Mrs.Brooksher and his young or sons. Mr. Brooksher is a splend'd. gentle man, and while his home is in Dahf lom-gas be spem!s the winter mon ths here and during his absence will 1)0 very indr-V missed by (un people. We w isn he did not like Dahlonega quite so well so that he (•mild reithain lifts* alt tiiFtime. —: * I r .. --—-■ r. i-jt ’ll-*- — LAYING CORNER STONE OF COURT HOUSE NEXT WEDNESDAY. X~ •' The corner stone *lf the new* court house will lav laid by l has, Tj. Bass. Grand Master of the Grand Lodgeof Georgia, on qext Wednesday.-May 19, at 11 o’clock ‘ All of the Masons .of Larrow county are requested to be pres* 'w. M. CHASTAIN, W. M. I OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY WINDER. HARROW COUNTY, 6A.. THURSDAY, MAY l.'t. 120 COMMENCEMENT AT SOUTHEASTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE BEGINS SUNDAY The commencement at Southeast cm College, Auburn, Ha., will be gin Sunday, May 16. at 11:30 a. in., with the commencement ser mon pmitflifytl bp President duo. 11. Wood. A good program has Iheen prepared for each day up to Thursday morning. when the liter ary address will be delivered! by Rev. Alien Wilson, 'of Augusta. Ha , and the diplomas and medals [will be awarded. Everybody is [cordially invited to attend all ot Ihese exercises. THE COMING CHAUTAUQUA. The ehautauqua secured last year will appear with a strong pro gram, begiiuiing May 27th. and dosing Mav*3lst. Wo remember that only a few weeks ago petitions signed by 400 or 500 people were presented to our city authorities asking that no more carnivals he allowed to Come this way. Now that the op portunity is presented for these same people to rally to something worthwhile, we are wondering what kind of support they will give. It is a well established fact that if you are to put down the evil and Iho degrading von must supply the good—this is Hie time and the opportunity. The organization for the ehau tauquu this gfe&v is as follows: .1. P. Cash, Presient. •!. V. lien son, Vice-President. P. C. Pente cost, See. Treasurer. Ticket Committee .!, T. Walden. Chairman, E. A. Strange. Mi-h. Paul Roberts. Mrs. B. B. .Jackson, Mrs. Ralph Smith. .Miss Rose Dillard, Mrs. (luy •lack son. Miss Edith House. Mrs. \Y. M. Holseiibeck. Miss Amiete Quillian, Mrs. '4 W. Griffeth. Will Hill lioseli. L S. Radford. Grounds Committee Ralph Sinilh. Chairman, *i. W. Griffeth, R. L. Woodruff, Raul Au t ry. Advertising Committee •J. N. Summerour. Chairman. C. IT. Cook. Junior Chautauqua Mrs. (J. li. Fortson and Miss Mabel Jackson, Chairmans. Tickets The price of adult season tick ets w ill be $2.50 plus 25b war tax : total $2.75 Junior tickets will be sl.lO ineluding war lax. Single admission in afternoons w ill be 55c; evenings Toe. Thus you usee it is much cheaper to purchase season tickets for the whole ten attractions at $2.75. Buy now before tickets are all sold. MISS DANIEL VISITS BAR ROW COUNTY. MJsk I Beatrice Daniel, superin tendenti of Public Health nursing, of the Southern Red Gross Divis ion. which includes North and South Carolina, l-’orida, Trim., and Winder this week. While here Georgia, spent several days in Miss Daniel visited several sec tions of the county with an idea in view of helping Mrs. Carring ton. who lias agreed to take the task of organizing thoroughly this much needed work. I Few Red Gross workers take | more pains and show as much in jteresras Miss Daniel. She was very", much pleased w ith 11i e work of our somity Chapter, and prom ises to pull for Ila row county and Send h j permanent nurse as soon as optical) be obtained. We im dersfjitfil there is plenty of money in tIR-jtreasury to begin this work, am i believe once it proves its wor m our county, the funds to keep tlie work going can be rais ed w||l| very little effort. Ml jf nd Mrs. 11. P. Davis, of Cohntjpis, on their return from tlieifi lAiney-moon trip to New York Niagra Falls, stopped over. !jMturdav with Air and Mrs. John Carrington. Mr will he remembered by the Winder bovs as Lt. Davis, of the 121 Init.. at c||ii> Wheeler. >l*| I’karl e Kilgore, of Emory. SpClla ill* W Hide! wit BACK FROM THEIR WEDDING TOUR. Mi. and Mrs Clyde Eskridge whose marriage occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sumnierouiym May Ist, have returned from their w ed, ding tour to Washington, New York City. Buffalo. New York, and Niagra. Falls. Mr. Eskridge came from Shelby, N. (’., about eighteen months ago. and lias been connected with Ihe Southern Express Cos. as agent, lie is quite young and ambitious, and lias kept the company’s busi ness in first-class condition, and as an appreciation of bis service, he was presented by the company, with railroad transportation for himself and wife on their wedding tour. Mr. Eskridge is to lie congratu lated on winning one of Winder s sweetest and most charming' young bulies, while it can be said that he has won the confidence and good will of all of the people of Winder. Their many friends are wishing for them a long and happy wed ded life. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. R. E. Mess, Minister. Sunday school 10:40. 1 laud Mayne, superintendent. Morning worship: 11 :->O. Lord s Supper and sermon. Evening worship; 8:00. Song service nd worship. Rev. Jno. 11. Wood will preach the baccalaureate sermon at the Southeastern Christian College, at Auburn, next Sunday morning. A cordial welcome to all who wish to attend. Faculty and students will he glad to receive and greet all visitinu friends. COUNTY LINE LOCALS. Misses Ollio Mae Hall and Carry Elder spent Monday afternoon with Misses Sadie and Alzona Yanderford. Miss Dcsiua Murphy spent a few days last week with her sister, Mis. J. L. Greeson. Miss Aurora Attaway spent Monday and Tuesday in Winder. Mis. Andrew Johnson is ill at this w riting, we hope she will soon he well aga*n. Miss < >ll it- Mae Hail, from near Creshainville, Ha., is visiting rela tives in t his community. Mrs. E. A. Castleberry and eli'ldren of Winder, spent Satur niglit and Sunday with Mr. E. D. Murphy and family. .Mrs. C. A. Hardy and Hula Har dy visted .Mrs. J. G. Attaway Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flanigan 'spent last Monday night with Mr. and Mrs.. Melvin Murphy. Airs. Arthur House visited Mrs. C. 11. Sigmon Saturday P. M. Aliss Ollie .Murphy had as her guest Sunday evening Mr. Arlliur Helton. A large crowd attended the ser vice at Bcthabra Sunday. Air. John S. Craft was critical ly ill several days lasi week hut is up again to the delight and joy of his many friends, Air. James Shoals, who was op erated oil for appendicitis last week in Atlanta is gradually im proving and it is hoped lie will he back in Winder after another t w eek, r t wo. or two. Mr. and Airs. Roy Smilli have re Itui-nedfrorn their wedding tour of two weeks in Florida. They will he at home to their many friends in Winder. Born, to Mr. and Airs. Ralph W. Sims. Bethlehem, on Wednesday, .May 13th, a girl. Cards have been received by friends of Air. and Mrs. T. M. Le onard. Jr., of S. f\, announcing the birth of a daughter on May 9. 1920. who has been given the name of Louise AVilliatnson. Airs. Leonard will be remembered here as Miss Nellie Kilgore, one of our sweetest and most cultured young ladies. MRS. B. T. BRASELTON DIES NEAR HOSCHTON Mrs. B. T. Braselton, of near Auburn died last Friday morning after an illness of only twelve ■hours. She was a good woman and to her death is a great and irrepara ble loss to her devoted husband and nine children as well as to the community in which she lived. Mrs. Braselton was the daughter of M r. (’olundms Maulden of (’host nut Mountain. I bill ('minty. She was buried near her child hood home, the sad rites being de layed until Sunday so that one of her young sons wlm is in the navy could reach here. BAPTIST REVIVAL CLOSES. The evangelist 'c service which I have been in progress at the Bap list church for two weeks . come to a close Sunday night with one 'of the largest congregations ever witnessed in the* city, and many turned away on account of lack of room. Dr. John W. Ham did some mas terly preaching throughout the entire period of two weeks. Captain Spooner led the singing to the edificat'on and delight of the multitudes attending. The service for Women only on Friday, had overall present. The evangelist spoke on “The Trail of the Serpent.” the companion ser vice for men only was held Sunday afternoon when the preacher spoke on “The First Woman Bar ber.” Thirty were added to the church by baptism and letter and hand some purse was presented to Messrs. Ham and Spooner in ap preciation of the splendid work. The baptismal serv’ee was con ducted hv Rev. W. H. Faust Mon day night. Tuesday at 12:40 the following left Winder over S. A. L. Special for the Southern Baptist Conven tion at Washington: Rev. and Mrs. W. 11. Faust. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Walker, Jno. M, Williams, and wife, Essie Lee Williams. Helen Williams, Rev. T. C. Buchanan, Clean Buchanan, Rev. F. S. Wal lace, Rev. W. E. Moore, J. J. Khedd. Mrs. T. W. Unison, W. L. Blasingame, and w'fe, Mrs. Cook W. F. Head. TO MEET AT SOCIAL CIRCLE. The Walton County Singing Convention to which all the music writers, leaders and singers are invited, will be hold at Social Cir cle, in the school auditorium, the 6th Sunday in May. Social Circle is a fine town and a good time is in store for one and all. B. C. Dickenson. Pres. E. A. < aldw ell, Seely. SOLDIER BROUGHT BACK FOR BURIAL FROM FRANCE. Mr. Julius B. Howell, one of our soldier hoy's who died in Franco September Hi. PHS and whose body reached Winder lasi Satur day was buried at Maleom’s cem etery near Bogart, last Sunday morning. He was a native of Oconee coun ty. Mr. C. M. Ferguson had charge of the body and Rev. Jno. 11. Wood of this city conducted iho funeral service. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our sincere t hanks to one and all of our neigh bors, and friends at County Line 1 bat so readily and willingly as sisted us in the sudden and shock ing death of our dear wile and loving mother. We will never forget you all, neither can words express our ap preciation for your thoughtful kindness and acts, also words of sympathy t hat were shown us in our sorrow - and bereavement. May (■od’s blessings he with you all. Respectfully, IV F. B easel ton and Family. Mr. Lloyd Cleveland lias return ed home after several days visit with home-folks in Elberton. Mr. and Mrs. Mae Potts have with them Mrs. T. M. Furlow. Miss Sara Louise Furlow and Mr. War ren Furlow, of Jackson, Oa. $1.50 IN ADVANCE PROGRAM AT SCHOOL AUDITORIUM On Friday evening, May 21, at the school auditorium, begins the commencement program of the W inder schools. There will only be two evenings of commencement one on Friday evening by the special departments and the grad uating exercises on Monday even- ing. The program on Friday by the music and expression Hasses is an unusually attractive one. Besides the interesting musical and ex pression programs, there will be a splendid thrcV act fairy play— “ Prunella. ” The east of characters are: Prunella Margurite Walker Pierrette Runette Benton Prim.. Prude. Privacy, the aunts, Florence Craft, Kattie Louu Ogles by, Carolyn Aiken. Queer, their servants, Elizabeth Graham. Ist Gardner John Henry Kavenson 2nd Gardner Roy Maynard 3rd (iardner John ('ash Street Dancers Annie Hunter Hargrove. Mary Louise Walden,* Pauline Roberts, Hess Harris. Florris Nowell. Helen Williams, Harriette Eugenia DeLa Perriere, Myrtle Summerour, Ruth Love, Emily Miller, Gladys Thomp son, Mary Maynb, Lora Reece Couch, Margurite Summerour, Dorothy Richardson. y Boy Preston ('ash. ‘ Lone—Willie Mae Holloway. There will he no charges; the public is invited, A BUSINESS PREACHER. Regardless of how much truth or lack of truth there may be in the old saying that a good preach er is usually a very poor business man, there are exception to this rule to say the least of it. We have read with unusal in terest the annual report of tlie First Christian Church, o£Athens, under the wise leadership of Rev. Stanley R. Hrubb. We doubt if any bank will ever furnish it’s directors a more complete Or com prehensive financial statement oL it’s affairs than the report by Mr. Grubb of his church. One state ment is particulary which reads as follows: “Four years ago w e were congratulating'' ourselves that under God’s provi dence we had been able to erect our new church home and occupy it ,nit ho we were carrying a debt of more than fifteen thousands dol lars. Most of us have felt that it would take us several years to get from beneath this burden. But to day, we come to the beginning of this year rejoicing that it is a thing of the past.” Few men and congregations have ever demonstrated more clearly that there are not many things impossible where the prop er management and spirit are dis played, than this Mr. Grubb and congregation at Athens. This pastor during the past year preached 114 sermons in Athens, 10 special sermons, con ducted 48 pray meetings, con ducted 18 funerals, 10 weddings, made 520 calls and had the over sight and leadership of raising $24,380.95. The results obtained, by this pastor and his congregation de served special comment, and it is with a great deal of pleasure that we are able to furnish our readers with Ibis inspiring work and com and his clmreh t other pastors mend the success of Air. Grubb and congregation as a good ex ample. Another interesting item in the report herein refered to, this pas tor looks upon his achievement of the past year as only a beginning of the work he hopes to do in the future. His report is closed with the following statements: “As minister of this congrega tion lie. to bring to you tills air for this good year upon which we have already entered —one hun aml fifty added to our membership two hundred and seventy-five en rolled in our Sunday school fam ily worship in every home—one ’hundred who will give a tithe or more for the kingdom by the close of i'*2o. Am you willing to pull and persuade and pray to this end?”