The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, May 27, 1920, Image 1

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VOLUME 5. NO. 22 CLOSING OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF WINDER The public schools of Winder have closed for the summer after a successful term and teachers are taking a needed rest. The graduating class of twenty young ladies and young mgu was one of the largest and strongest classes, ever turned out from this •school. Miss Gertrude Rogers won first honor and Mr. Arthur .Maxwell second honor. Superintendent J. I’. Cash lias been elected by the board for an other year and most of the teach ers secured. LEADS WINDER WITH FIRST VEGETABL DINNER. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Potts are ear ly gardners and this year lead Winder with the first‘regular veg etable dinner, all grown in their garden. They had, Monday for dinner, new beans, beets, Knglish peas and Irish potatoes. NEW MAIL CARRIER. Mr. T. D. Hodges has received the appointment as rural mail ear rim’ on ront“ No. 5, and will lake charge of this route on dune Ist. He succeeds Mr. M. C. Herrin, who has been holding this route since it was established and who recently resigned. Mr. Hodges is well qualified and will make a faithful servant of the government. A WORTHY APPOINTMENT TO WEST POINT MILITA RY ACADEMY. Mr. Boyd Q. . son of Mi. and Mrs. K. C. Baggett, of our city has received an appointment to the West Point military academy New York state, and will report there on July Ist. Me is a promising young man, 19 years old, and is to he eongrai ulated for being one of the suc cessful young' men of the state so fortunate as to get an appointment This is a great opportunity for a young man and one for w hich lie and his parents and friends should feel proud. PHYSICIANS HAVE MADE SOME CHANGES IN FEES. On aecounut of the high cost of living, we understand the physi cians have made the following minimum prices for professional services: Obstetrics $20.00 and mileage. Dressing SI.OO. Office consultation SI.OO. Dislocation and fractures minimum, $5.00. Day visits in town $2.00. Night visits in town $:}.()0. Day visits out of town $2 for first mile and 50 cents each additional mile. Night visits out of town $2.00 for first mile and SI.OO per mile for each additional mile. Stop cases $2.00; all other services advanced in proportion. LESTER PRICKETT DIES NEAR COMMERCE. Mr. U. L. l’rickett died near- Commerce last week after an ill ness of several months. Lester Priekett was a citizen of Winder for six months of the later part of l!M8, being operator in the Times office. The entire force of the office learned of his death with much re gret and sadness. He was reared near Commerce and leaves a wife and two children and was only thirty years of age. CAPT. J. B. RICHARDS, FOR MER CITIZEN OF WINDER, DIES IN ATLANTA. (’apt. J. B. Richards, 81 years old, a confederate veteran, died suddenly in Atlanta yesterday morning. He went to Atlanta from Win der about twelve or thirteen years ago and had since that date been a citizen of that city. He had many friends here who will learn of ills death with sad ness. THE BARROW TIMES CHAUTAUQUA BEGINS HERE TONIGHT The ('ommunity Chautauqua be gins in Winder tonight and closes next Monday night. The sale of tickets will close withtoday and every citizen who lias not already puurchased sea son tickets should do so and he ready to enjoy the high-class at tractions to he given our people. Von will never regret the small amount of $2.75 a season ticket will cost you. Buy a season ticket today and he ready to take it all in. PREACHES MESON COM MENT SERMON. Rev. W. H. Faust will by spe cial request preach the commence ment sermon for Meson Acadeemy at Lexington, (la., Jcne (>, at 11 :0() A. M. This is one of the oldest endow ed High schools in the state and the Winder pastor was a student ihere a quarter of a century ago. It will be a rare pleasure for the preacher of the day to mingle a gain with the friends of former years on this occasion. ON VISIT FROM TEXAS. Mr. Charlie Glenn and wife, of Maddor. Tex., Mr. Webb Beas el ton, and Mr. Sylvanus McDonald of Pendergrass, spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Appleby. Mr. Glenn is a brother-in-law of Mr. Appleby and was one of tip? splendid citizens of .Jackson coun ty before moving to Texas, nearly thirty years ago. The Times is proud to know lie has prospered in his adopted state and is recognized as a splendid citizen there and as good man as when a Georgian. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn are on a short visit to this section with near relatives and friends. - HARDWICK ANNOUNCES FOR GOVERNOR Thomas W. Hardwick lias an nounced his candidacy for Gover nor of Georgia. It had been predicted for some weeks that he would enter the race and his announcement, there fore. caused little surprise to those who study the political situation. With three candidates already in the field, seeking gubernational honors, there will be lively times in Georgia for the next few r months. PENTECOST NEWS Mrs. H. L. Ray and daughter, Robbie and Delrie, spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Prick ett. Miss Loncile Miller was the guuest of Miss Nonna Hardigree Saturday night and Sunday. Misses Addie B. and Louise Bow man were the guests of Miss Lois Couch Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wall and baby, and Messrs. Charles Ilardi gree and Willie Lee Priekett spent the week-end with Mr. and Mi’s. J. C. Hardigree at Montreal. Miss Nelle Scgars, of Winder, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Coody Scgars Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lyle and lit tle son were the week-end guests of Mrs. H. A. Hardigree and fam ily. Mrs. Ann a Hammond spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. nd Airs. ■J. A. J. McDonld Misses (trace Priekett, A iola Hardigree, Lucile Miller and ; Messrs. Charlie Ferguson and Ray Priekett spent Sunday afternoon in Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Gtiy Priekett and daughter, Mary Neelle. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hay nie Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gordon Pentecost spent Monday night with Mr. Alvala Ray, of Statham. Mr. Jno. Carrington, Jr., was in Gainesville last week attending the Methodist District conference. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BARROW COUNTY WILDER. BARROW COUNTY, A.. THURSDAY. MAY 27. 1920 GOVERNOR DORSEY WILL ADDRESS CITIZENS OF BARROW, SATURDAY Barrow county will have as her guest on next Saturday, May 29, Governor Hugh M. Dorsey, who will deliver an address at 3 p. m. at the Barrow county court house in Winder, on the subject, of the Georgia Cotton Bank and Trust Corporation, its plans and organ ization, and what it will mean to the people of this state. While Governor Dorsey has had the organization of a great cotton hank like this in his mind for sev lyears, it was launched only a few months ago at a meeting at the State Capitol at which 190 repre sentative Georgians were present, who after hearing the plan of or ganization subscribed $375,000.00 of the stock and authorized the Governor to take charge and push the subscription and organization. Widespread interest lias grown up in all parts of the state until today the subscription and pledges ap proximate a million dollars. The Governor lias made a number of speeches in the interest of the bank in different parts of the state and has always met with a cordial reception and strong support for his plan. The plan or organization of this bank has the endorsement of the Governor* of the Federal Reserve Bank, and prominent farmers, bankers, and warehousemen in all parts of the state. It is hoped that a large and rep resentative gathering will hear the Governor next Saturday at 3 o’clock. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF SOUTH EASTERN COLLEGE A GREAT EVENT The commencement exercises of the Southeastern Christian college of Auburn, Ga., have just closed This has been the most success ful year of this institution and the closing exercises were the best ev er witnessed for the college. This institution is doing a great work and should have the encour agement of every citizen of Bar row county. •' It is the only college in our coun ty and every man and woman should he broad and liberal enough to feel a pride in its suc cess and help to make it a success. President, Jno. H. Wood has been an untiring worker for the college and deserves much credit for the work accomplished. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER. The surprise birthday dinner given recently to Mr. Eli Crow by his children was an event of much pleasure to Air. and Mrs. Crow, their children and others present. Air. and Mrs. J. B. Brewer, of Bogart, were among the number who enjoyed this happy occasion. Air. Crow is one of the splendid citizens of his community and of Barrow county and his friends wish for him many more birthdays with all of his children together with him. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Services for Sunday. Sunday school at 10:30. Preaching 11:30; “Den and Lions. ’ ’ B. Y. P. U. 7:30. Preaching 8:30; “Spiritual Sleep.” We need you. How about it? W. 11. FAUST, Pastor. A BILL TO BE INTRODUCED, Notice is hereby given that a hill will be introduced at the approach ing session of the legislature of Georgia, of which the following be the caption: ' “An act to establish for the county of Barrow, a board of com missioners of Roads and Revenues, to prescribe the powers and duties of said board; to fix the terms of such officers; to provide that be fore such act shall become effect ive it shall be ratified by the peo ple in an election, and for other purposes.' ’ 4-t BOARD OF HEALTH BEHIND RED CROSS IN CLEAN UP DAY. We, the Board of Health hearti ly endorse the work being done by the chairman and nurse of the Red Cross Chapter, and stand ready to eo-operate with the move in every way possible. The health of our people should come first and every step we ad vance along the road to better health means happier people. We are square behind the or ganization and invite the help of all the good people of Barrow county. Friday, dune 4th, has been set for our city. You will he expected to thor oughly clean up on or before that day. Giving special care to base ments, stables, hog pens, chicken yards, etc. The city will have ex tra help on that day to clean up streets and to haul your trash. DR. RANDOLPH, Chairman Board of Health. AUBURN HIGH SCHOOL CLOSES SUCCESSFULLY. Auburn High School closed with a good entertainment. The exer cises did credit to both teachers and pupils. The teachers have purchased “Our Wonder World” of ten vol umes, for the new library. The Auburn High School is getting up. ATTENDING GEORGIA BAR ASSOCIATION. Messrs. W. H. Quarter-man, R. H. Kimball, and Richard D. Rus sell, Jr., left Wednesday afternoon for Savannah to attend the Geor gia Bar Association. Several noted lawyers from oth er states are to address the asso ciation and the above gentlemen are expecting a pleasant and profit able stay of several days in Savan nah. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill Hosch were the guests of the former’s parents Sunday, Mr and Mrs R. A. Hosch, of Hoschton. NORTH CAROLINIANS VISIT RELATIVES IN WINDER. Revs. J. A. Sanders,of Kinston, N. C., and J. T. Sanders, of Golds boro, N. C., were here for a short while first of the week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Austin. They are both ministers of the Christian church and doing a fine work in their state. They are closely related to Mrs. Austin and when ever opportuni ty permits them while in Georgia to do so they always stop over in Winder for a short visit. LODGE NOTICE. Regular meeting of Winder Chapter No. 84, Royal Arch Ma sons, will lie held at the lodge room on Friday evening, May 28. Work and refreshments. All qualified Companions envit ed to meet with us. Candidates for degrees, will present them selves promptly at 8:30 o’clock. W. A. BRADLEY, H. P. MR. J. B. PARHAM LOSES HIS FATHER. Mr. Joe B. Parham, of our city, was called to the bedside of his father last Saturday at Chatta nooga. He was stricken with pneuumo nia and died last Sunday night. Mr. Parham reached there in time to be with him a few hours before he died. METHODIST DISTRICT CON FERENCE IN GAINESVILLE The Methodist district confer ence was held in Gainesville last week. The Winder church was repre sented by Dr. 11. P. Quillian, John W. Carrington, and. W. Kilgore and M i’S. W. (\ Horton. They report a large attendance and an interesting meeting. The reports from all various pastors were very encouraging. They al so speak of three very fine sermons from Rev. W.S. Robinson, of .Mon roe, Dr. S. K. Wasson, of Atlanta, and Dr. J. A. Harmon, of Macon. Mr. W. C. Horton was re-elect ed district lay-leader. The lav delegates elected to the annual conference which meets in Atlan ta, were ; W. If. Smith. John 1 lose 1 1 Hon. John \. Holder, Col. Oran Roberts. Dr. 11. P. Quillian, Rev. Ik A. Caldwell. Col. 12. (). Dobbs, and Miss Mollie Craven, The al ternates elected were; Mrs. W. C. Horton and Rev. L. B. Jones, dr. The next District conference goes to Buford. MR R. G. STEWART CELE BRATES 76 BIRTHDAY. On May 22nd, Mr. Ik G. Slew art, better known as “I'nele Bob” celebrated his seventy-sixth birth day at bis home, a few miles out from Winder. Twenty or move of his relatives gathered there to enjoy the day with him and the pleasant occas ion will ever be remembered. When the noon hour arrived a table was set with all of the good things and never was there a more sumptuous dinner for such an oc casion. His good wife knew just how to prepare a meal of this charac ter for their friends and for her devoted confederate husband. Among those present were his son, R. E. Stewart and family, of Hoschton, his sister, Mrs. Clem Armstead, Mr. and Mrs. James Harwell, Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Harwell, Mrs. Little, his wife’s mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Har dy and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mobley and Mr. Jess Rooks. When the day was ending and time for all to take their departure with one accord they left wishing hoping and trusting the Lord would spare him many more as de lightful birthdays and that they all might meet with him at all of them. COUNTY LINE. Mrs. C\ D. Bailey was the guest of Mrs. Preston Banks Saturday Mr. Jesse Sims and family at tended the singing at Hbenezer Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur House had as her guests Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Belle Murphy, Lorene Hardy, and Eunice House. Messrs. Pyron Jackson. Luther Carlyle, of Greshamville, was in our burg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Murphy and daughter, Bernice, spent Saturday evening in Hoschton. Mr. G. W. Hardy was the guest Sunday afternoon of Mr. J. I>. At taway. Mr. an dMrs. F.eunice Mote were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Murphy. Mrs. Josephine Porter spent Monday night with her sister, Airs. Maiy Puckett. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tronic spent Sunday afternoon with Air. and Mrs. A. D. and J. M. Murphy. On last Thursday morning at Rev. S. P. Higgins, occurred the marriage of Miss Ollie Mac Hall and Mr. Lester Williams, both of near Oreshamville, (la. After tak ing dinner with one of Miss Hall s friends, the young couple motored to her father's, Mr. Dave Hall.. Misses Clara Cooper and Willie Mae Oreeson were the guests Sun day afternoon of Alisses Jewel and Lottie Dostcr. Miss Dorothy Hills spent last week-end in Atlanta with home folks. Mr. Ralph Moon spent last Sun day with his parents near Hoscli ton. *1.50 IN ADVANCE A HAPPY REUNION OF LARGE FAMILY The home of Mr. and Mrs. (!. WL Giles, of near Auburn, was a scene of great rejoicing on last Sunday when their children took them by surprise and all gathered there for the day. Knowing the fondness of their mother to have a table loaded with food, the children had prepared delicious lunches and brought with them. The occasion of this reunion was the fifty-fourth birthday of Mrs. (tiles, who is the mother of twelve children. After dinner they gathered iir the spacious living room and had a musical program by the Edison and the children related their favorite childhood pranks with such vividness one could not doubt bill that they were living over these days again. The chain was broken Sunday by the absence of Mr. and Mrs. and. <). Giles ami family, of Barnes ville. ami Miss Lorena (tiles, who is attending (Jordon commence ment. Those present were; Mr. W. IF. Hutchins. Mr. and Mrs. 12. T. Mont gonierv and family, of Lawrenee, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Giles, Mr. an I Mrs. Ilomer Little. Ernest, Herbert, and Addie Lou (tiles. The reunion proved such a happy event that it was decided to make il an annual occasion for this splendid family. MINISTER'S CONFERENCE. The Appalacliee Baptist Minis ter’s (‘onference is to meet in Win der First Baptist church Wednes day, dupe 2. 1920. Let all the preachers ami church workers in reach be on hand t© help and enjoy. Program. 10.00 A. M. Example of an Ex pository Sermon, J. A. Bell. 10:30. A. M. The Baptist Posi tion, John Mell. 11 .30 A. M. Sermon, John P. Pursue. J Free Dinner. 1:30 P. M. Fountry Church Evangelism, L. A. Henderson. 2:00 P. M. Present Day S. £. Needs. W.,L. Culberson. 2:30 P. M. The Inter-Church World Movement, and. W. Lynch, D. D. W S. WALKER. Chairman, * T. C. BUCHANAN, Secretary. STATHAM Mrs. Fannie Welborn is spend ing e few days wiih her sister, Mr* R. (Willingham. Miss Mary Wofford, ot Good Hope, is the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. T. J. Wofford. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hale, Misses Mary and Mozelle Perry and Mo del le Hale attended the commence ment 1 Auburn the past week. Miss Margaret Griffeth spent. Sunday afternoon with Airs. A. J- Sims, of Winder. Mr. Olis L. Hale is at home front Athens Business college attending commencement. Mrs. Charlie Jackson, of Atlan ta. is spending this week with her motl < r. Mrs?. Hattie Lowe. Miss AYillie Alae Moore, of Mad ison, is the guuest of Misses Pearlc and Lillian Lanier. Mr. Johnny Treadwell and Miss Modelle Hale visited friends in Good Hope Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Adams at- tended commencement at A. & M. college Saturday night. Afrs. Brinsfield and children, ot Bethlehem, were the guests of Mrs. J. C. llaynie Sunday. - Afiss Alary Lowe, of Good Hope, is spending a few days with Miss Modelle Hale. Afiss Naomi Sims, of Winder, is the guest of Misses Mery and Alozelle Perry. , AH. W 7. D. Nash spent a part or last week with his daughter, Mrs. J D. Kesler, of Clarkesville. Mr. and Airs. Edgar Lowe, of Watkinsville, are the guests of their parents this week, Messrs. Herschel Lowe, Johnny Treadwell, Alyron Wright and Alisa Ruth Nash were the dinner guests of Aliss Modelle Ilale Sun day. 1